Thema: Hobbies and sports - HV1

Thema: Hobbies and sports - HV1



Dear pupil,

Welcome back! You are about to start the theme: 'Hobbies and sports'.

How are you going to practise?
You are going to practise your writing, reading, listening and speaking skills.
You will visit websites, play games, do exercises and listen to stories.

What are you going to do?
You are going to read, listen, speak and write about hobbies and sports.
By practising a lot your English will improve!

Need help?
Use the toolbox if you need help. Here you will find (new) words and expressions. You will also find help for grammar and pronunciation.

Have fun!

Need to know (1)

Before starting to work in this theme, check with a classmate how much you know about hobbies ans sports in English already.
To do so work through the exercises in this section. You start with the definitions of 'hobby' and 'sport', by searching them on simple Wikipedia .

Sports-Kim's game
You are going to look at a list of sports.
Together with a partner you are going to try to remember as many as you can! Which group remembers most sports in your class?


  1. Find a classmate to work with.
  2. Make sure you have a timer.
  3. Open the list of sports and have a look at it for exactly one minute.
  4. Together with your partner, write down as many sports as you remember from the list you studied.
  5. Swap lists with another pair. Check each other's answers (are the sports in the list? are they spelled correctly?). Who remembers most sports?

Exercise:What do you need to know?

Need to know (2)

Hobbies – Guessing game
You are going to read about hobbies!
Go to and read the text.
Then, take a hobby in mind.
Your partner asks you yes/no questions to find out what hobby you have in mind. Then you guess the hobby your partner has in mind.

The more unusual the hobby you have in mind is, the more difficult it is for your classmate to guess!

To do

At the end of this theme you:

  • will have listened to people talking about sports and free time;
  • will have read texts about music, rugby, arts and crafts and the Guinness Book of Records;
  • will have written about (your) hobbies and sports;
  • will have talked about (your) hobbies and sports;
  • will have practised vocabulary about hobbies and sports;
  • will have learned and practised the past simple for irregular verbs and prepositions;
  • will have learned more about British sports and British and American bands.

But you don't have to be able to do this right away!
If you take the following steps you'll find out what you need to know!

Work plan

Work plan
There are many exercises in each theme. It is important to know which exercises you have done and which exercises you haven't done. To help you, there is a work plan.
On this work plan you can tick the exercises you've done.

Click here to download the Work plan Hobbies and sports

Ieder thema bestaat uit een groot aantal opdrachten/oefeningen.
Het is belangrijk dat je goed bijhoudt welke opdrachten je gedaan hebt. Om je te helpen hebben we een werkplan gemaakt.
Op dat werkplan kun je bijhouden welke onderdelen je al gedaan hebt.

Download hier het Werk plan Hobbies and Sports



In this part you will practise your listening skills. There are different listenings, but they all have to do with hobbies and sports in some way or another.
There are listenings on:

  • hobbies in general (Melissa's hobbies)
  • sports (Sports)
  • sports (Balls)
  • the history of the marathon (The first marathon)
  • someone who doesn't do much (Lazybones)

By listening to English (and doing many exercises) frequently you will improve your listening skills and your English!

Good luck!


Before you begin, read these tips:

Before you start listening:

  • Read the introduction carefully. This will help you understand what the listening exercise is about.
  • Read the questions. This will help you find the information you are listening for.

While you are listening:

  • Focus. If you miss the first part of the listening exercise, it is very difficult to understand the second part of the listening exercise.
  • If you have heard the answer, fill it in and move on to the next question.
    Don’t wait too long!
  • If you are not sure about the answer, just pick the answer you think is best.
    If you doubt you risk missing the answer on the next question.

Have fun!

Melissa's hobbies (1)

Discuss with a classmate:

  • Do you have hobbies?
  • What do you like to do in your free time?

Now listen to Melissa speaking about her hobbies. Which hobbies does she mention?

Listen to the audio again and make the exercise below.

Zoek woorden die je niet kent op in een woordenboek en schrijf ze in je schrift.

Exercise:Melissa's hobbies

Exercise:Melissa's hobbies

Melissa's hobbies (2)

Now finish these sentences for yourself.
Use the exercise on page 1 if you need help or inspiration:

In my free time, I like to ......
I play ...... ...... a week.
I attend ...... classes every ...... for ......
At the weekend, I ............

Sports (1)

On the next page there is a listening on different sports.
To prepare yourself, match the different sports to the right images.
Do not forget to listen to the pronunciation!

Which sport?
Open the website - Flash.
Can you match the description to the right image?

  • Click on BEGIN GAME.
  • Listen to the description and click on the image that matches the description.
  • Click on CONTINUE to move on to the next description.
  • Listen to all six descriptions.


Sports (2)

Words in context
On this page you are going to try to guess the meaning of difficult words from the listening. To do so:

  1. Read the words. Do you know any of them? Any idea what they mean?
  2. Listen to the audio to listen what context they are in (try to write clues down). Try to guess what the words mean. Listen again if necessary. Discuss your answers with a partner.
  3. Check your dictionary. Were you right?
    Do any of these words have double meanings? Which ones?

Description 1:
  • to invent
  • a player
  • the goal
  • shoot a ball into
  • a hoop
Description 2:
  • round
  • versus
Description 3:
  • fast-paced
  • throwing a ball
  • tough
Description 4:
  • to move
  • quickly
Description 5:
  • to require
  • unless
  • goalie

Balls (1)

Which ball?
Balls are used in many sports! You are now going to listen to an audio in which ball games are described.

Open the website - Flash.
Can you match the description to the right image?

  • Click on BEGIN GAME.
  • Listen to the description and click on the image that matches the description.
  • Click on CONTINUE to move on to the next description.
  • Listen to all six descriptions.

Many words from the listening 'Sports' are used in this audio too!
Have a look at the vocabulary pages from the listening 'Sports' (page 2) if you want to prepare yourself!

Balls (2)

What do the following words / expressions from the audio mean?
Listen to the audio again if necessary.
Discuss with a partner and check your dictionary, if necessary.

  • club
  • tee
  • object
  • hole
  • indoors
  • to propel
  • to hit
  • a stick
  • recreation
  • beach
  • to toss
  • to shoot
  • rim
  • to bounce

The first marathon

How did it all start?
Discuss with a classmate:

  • Do you know how long a marathon is?
  • Do you know anyone who has ever run a marathon?

The first marathon was run 2500 years ago.
Listen to (and read) the following story about the history of the marathon - Flash
and answer the questions.

Look up difficult words in your dictionary.
Write five difficult words and their meanings in your notebook.

Exercise:The first marathon


The song
Some people play many sports and have many hobbies.
Others have more difficulty to do things...

You are going to listen to a song about a boy called 'lazybones'.

Listen to the song and answer the following two questions:

  1. Kun je in drie zinnen samenvatten wat er in het liedje gebeurt met de hoofdpersoon?
  2. Door welke drie mensen wordt hij in het liedje 'lazybones' genoemd?

Now listen to the song again and do the exercise below.
Look the words you do not know up in a dictionary.
Write them down in your notebook.




In this part you will practise your reading skills.
You are going to read texts on:

  • Music
  • Rugby
  • Skateboarding
  • Arts and crafts
  • Records from the Guinness Book of Records

By reading a lot in English (and doing many exercises) you will improve your reading skills and your English!

We wish you pleasant reading!


Before you start reading:
Don’t start reading straight away (=meteen). First look at the title, the image and highlighted words. These can help you understand what the text is about.
Read the introduction and the questions first. They will give you a better idea of the text. With multiple-choice questions, look at the options and try to see what the differences are.

While reading:
It will be very difficult to understand everything you read. If you see a word you do not know, it is very important to ask yourself if this word is important to understand the text. If you understand the text without knowing the word,
there is no need to use a dictionary. If the word is important to understand the text (and / or to answer questions) go ahead and use your dictionary!
Just make sure you don’t use the dictionary all the time because it costs too much time.


How important is music to you?
Read the following text and do the exercise below.

It's National Music Week. Lots of school pupils across the UK are taking part in different music activities.

So how important is music to you? And how musical are you?
Do you play any instruments? Perhaps you have a band?
And even if you don't play anything, do you like going to gigs?
Are you rarely without your headphones listening to your fave music act?
Or maybe you don't have a musical bone in your body?

What does the writer mean with 'Or maybe you don't have a musical bone in your body?'

Answer the questions below with positive or negative.


How does music make YOU feel? Write a comment on the text yourself.
Ask your teacher how to hand it in.




In the Netherlands rugby is not very well known.
In England, on the other hand, it is a very popular sport!

You are going to read more about rugby in the 'Guide to Rugby' on the
BBC website (CBBC) .
On the right side of the page you find the menu of the Guide to Rugby.
Use the whole guide to answer the following questions.



Many people think skateboarding is cool.
Do you? Have you ever tried it?

You are going to read more on skateboarding on the .
Read the text and answer the questions below.
You may have to find information on other pages.

Write difficult words down in your notebook!


Arts and crafts

Discuss with a partner:

  • Do you like doing arts and crafts in your free time?
  • Have you ever made anything you were really proud of?
In this section you are going to have a look at an idea guide from an arts and craft website: .
  • Work together with a partner.
  • Choose something you’d like to make yourself.
  • Read how you do this and explain to your partner.
  • Your partner explains something he or she likes to make to you.

After reading about an arts and crafts-project, think of a project you once made yourself.
  • Make a similar explanation for it, possibly with images.
  • Use the explanations on the arts and crafts website for inspiration.
  • Ask your teacher how to hand it in.

Guinness World Records (1)

Guinness Book of Records
The Guinness Book of Records has all kind of records in it!
Also about sports and hobbies.

On the next pages you will read about some of these records.
For each reading there are some questions you need to answer.
If you want to know more, go to and
have a look!

Read the text about 'The longest marathon playing netball'.
Then answer the questions.

The longest marathon playing netball lasted 61 hours and was achieved by Netball Alberta (Canada) at the South Fish Creek Recreation Complex in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, from 16-19 September 2011.
The final score was Team Rockers 2759 - 1405 Team Rollers


Exercise:Guinness World Records

Guinness World Records (2)

Read about 'The longest skateboard'.
Then answer the questions.

The longest skateboard measured 11.14 m (36 foot 7 inch) long, 2.63 m (8 foot 8 inch) wide and 1.10 m (3 foot 7.5 inch) high.
It was designed and produced by Rob Dyrdek and Joe Ciaglia (both USA) in Los Angeles, California, USA and unveiled on 25 February 2009 on the MTV series 'Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory'.
The wheels are 8 foot 11 inch wide and the deck itself is 5 1/2 inches thick.

Concert below sea level

Is a concert below sea level possible?
Read about it in the following text. Then answer the questions.

The deepest concert was performed by Katie Melua (UK) and her band at 303 m
(994 ft) below sea level, on Statoil's Troll a gas rig, off the coast of Bergen, Norway, on 1 October 2006. Ms Melua performed two 30-minute concerts to an audience of 20 oilrig workers, each of whom had won the ticket to see the performance.


Exercise:Guinness World Records

Exercise:Guinness World Records

Guinness World Records (3)

Weird collections
Some people collect weird things... read about the collection of Niek Vermeulen in the following text and answer the questions.

Niek Vermeulen (Netherlands) has 6,016 airline sickness bags from 1,142 different airlines from more than 160 countries, as of 29 January 2010, which he has accumulated since the 1970s.



Exercise:Guinness World Records



The toolbox is a kind of treasure chest!
In the toolbox you will find:

  • Grammar
  • Words
  • Pronunciation
  • Taaldorp Sport
  • Typing game
  • Fun
  • Reference

You are going to study some grammar items, (new) vocabulary and pronunciation. All of them are important parts of a language and will help you to improve your reading, listening, speaking and writing skills.
There are games to play as well (in 'fun') and there is a reference entry in which you will find useful websites to help you while you are working your way through the theme.

Good luck!

Grammar (1)

To be able to read, listen, speak and write better, you will need to know your grammar!
In this theme you are going to learn about:

  • de past simple: regular verbs (repetition)
  • de past simple: irregular verbs
  • de prepositions

For each grammar item, there is an explanation and there are exercises.
Try to do as many exercises as possible!

Good luck!

Grammar (2)

Weet je het nog: Past simple (verleden tijd) met regelmatige werkwoorden?
Bestudeer uit de kennisbank Engels het onderdeel:

Grammar: Past simple - met regelmatige werkwoorden

Doe nogmaals de volgende oefeningen.

Exercise:Past simple

Exercise:Past simple

Grammar (3)

Bestudeer uit de kennisbank Engels het onderdeel over de past simple met onregelmatige werkwoorden.

Grammar: Past simple - met onregelmatige werkwoorden

Maak nu de volgende oefeningen.

Exercise:Past simple

Exercise:Past simple

Exercise:Past simple

Grammar (4)

Voorzetsels heten in het Engels 'prepositions'.
Bestudeer uit de kennisbank Engels het onderdeel over voorzetsels.

Grammar: Voorzetsels

Maak nu de volgende oefeningen.



Grammar (5)

Je sluit het onderdeel Grammar af met een Grammar test.
Als je het certificaat haalt, ben je klaar voor de volgende stap.

Good luck!

Test:Hobbies and sport: Grammartest

Words (1)

To do all the exercises in the theme 'Hobbies and sports', it is useful you know words and sentences to speak or write about it.

For every theme you can find words and sentences on .
The first time you use WRTS you need an account:

  • Click on: 'Meld je nu meteen aan!'
  • Fill in your e-mail address.
  • Choose a password and fill it in.
  • Fill in your password again at 'Bevestiging'
  • Click on 'Aanmelden'.

Words (2)

If you've already registered at, sign in and start learning words and sentences with WRTS.

  • Go to: and log in.
  • Look at the lists and pick one.
    For this theme there are five lists:
    • Hobbies and Sports A
    • Hobbies and Sports B
    • Hobbies and Sports C
    • Hobbies and Sports: chunks A
    • Hobbies and Sports: chunks B
  • Click on the word: 'Overnemen' behind the list you want to learn.
  • You now see the list, scroll down and click on 'Opslaan'.
  • Click on 'Overhoren'.
  • Choose a way in which you'd like to practise.
    Then click 'Begin overhoring.'
    Practise in different ways.

Good luck!

Words (3)

On this page you will find some links to useful other vocabulary exercises about hobbies and sports.
Click on the links to do the exercises.


Nationalities / countries (where do sports come from?):

Music instruments:


Listen to these images!
At you can practise the pronunciation of some important words in this theme!

  1. Place the cursor over the images.
  2. Listen to and practise the words by saying the words out loud.
  3. Choose the ten most difficult words from each exercise.
  4. Write them down in your exercise book or in a Word file.
  5. Read them aloud to another pupil.
  6. Show your teacher what you have learned!

In this theme you are going to practise the following topics:

Remember: This is American English. The British English pronunciation is sometimes different! Sometimes they even have different words for the same thing!

Taaldorp Sport

Don't forget to pay a visit to the virtual village!
In the gym part you will find various exercises on sports.
They will help you repeat important words in a fun way.
Try to do as many exercises as possible!

Please write down the exercises you've done on your work plan.

Taaldorp: Sports - Flash

Have fun!

Typing game

Typing game

Je gaat een typwedstrijdje spelen.
Je krijgt een aantal woorden/woordcombinaties te zien.
Kijk steeds goed naar de spelling van het woord/de woordcombinatie.
Typ het woord of de woordcombinatie daarna zo snel mogelijk na.
Als je in het totaal 100 letters of meer hebt getypt, stopt het spel.
Hoe hoog is je score?

Klik op de link om het spel te starten:
Typwedstrijd Hobbies and sports - Flash


Here are some fun websites that have to do with hobbies and sports:


If you need more help with grammar or vocabulary while you are studying, have a look at the following websites:



In 'speaking' you will be working on your speaking skills.
First of all you are going to have a look at some useful expressions.
Then you're going to practise a conversation with the help of speech cards and evaluate a conversation of classmates.
Finally, you are going to practise your speaking in some real-life situations.

In these exercises you're going to speak about free time of course.

With every exercise you do, your speaking skills will improve!

Speak up!

Warming Up

Questions / sentences
You start with an exercise to see if you know how to say common sentences about hobbies and sports in Dutch.

Questions / sentences
You will see some questions again. Choose the right answer.

Complete the conversation.
Fill the right words into the right sentences.

Exercise:Warming up

Exercise:Warming up

Exercise:Warming up


Before you start speaking:
First look at the instructions.
Try to think of words and expressions you might need.
Use as many expressions as possible; you can use them if you're lost for words. DON'T write out your conversation or talk completely!
If you do that, it will just be a writing and reading exercise!

While speaking:
Make sure you start a conversation by greeting the other person in a polite way. Look at your partner or at your audience.
Speak calmly and not too quietly.
You can use a note, but make sure there are only a few words on it!
If you don't know a word, you can always explain what you can use it for,
or what it looks like.
Try to keep on talking, even if you don't really know how you should say something.
If you don't understand your partner, you can ask for an explanation, or ask your partner to repeat the question.
End a conversation by saying goodbye.

Clue: if you practise a conversation a second time, it will be much easier!

Speech card

Speech card
Now you are going to have a conversation about hobbies and sports with
a classmate. Find someone to work with and use speech cards A and B. Write down a couple of words to help you during the conversation.
If you need help, go to the 'Words' section in the toolbox or have another look at the warming up.

Persoon A: Speech card - persoon A .
Persoon B: Speech card - persoon B .

Speech card - beoordeling
After practising twice, do the following things:
Find another pair to work with. Act out your conversation.
Let them act out their conversation and write down feedback for them.
Let them do the conversation and write down feedback for them.
Discuss what things were good and what you can do better next time.

Speech card - beoordeling

Have fun!

Speak Up (1)

You now get a chance to practise your speaking in various different situations that are all related to the theme. Try to practise as many as you can!

If you have enough time, use the peer-feedback form: Feedback sheet

Answering questions
Task: You meet someone your age on holiday in England. Ask him/her if he/she has a hobby. Then tell him / her what hobby you have.

Talking about yourself
Task: You have a presentation at school.
Prepare a one minute presentation about your favourite hobby.

Sports day
Task: Your school takes part in an exchange programme with a French school.
The language you speak with the French pupils is English.
Your school has organised a sports day.

Speak Up (2)

Sports day - 2
Task 1: You have been asked to open the sports day in English.
Make sure you welcome everybody.
Tell the pupils what sports are being played (you think of six crazy sports, maybe you can include a typical French sport!).
Mention how many breaks there are and how long they are.
Wish everybody a pleasant day.
Task 2: There are French and Dutch pupils in the different teams. You and a French pupil have a conversation about sports you play regularly, sports you like, sports you watch on tv, typical Dutch and French sports.

Discuss with a partner:
How important is music to you? How musical are you?
Do you play any instruments? Perhaps you have a band?
And even if you don't play anything, do you like going to gigs?
Are you rarely without your headphones listening to your fave music act?
Or maybe you don't have a musical bone in your body?



In this part you are going to improve your writing skills.
You are going to practise writing in general and about hobbies and sports.

If you keep practising, writing will become much easier!

Have a look at the toolbox if you need help.

Good luck!


Tips for writing
Read these tips for writing and keep them in mind while doing the exercises.

  • Try to make a planning of your writing (what do you want to say?
    In what order (=volgorde)?
  • Try to use words and sentences you already know.
  • Use a dictionary if you need to find the correct English word, or if you are unsure about the spelling of a word.
  • If you write you letter on the computer make sure that the spelling checker is on English.
  • Find inspiration on WRTS about words and sentences to use.

Warming Up

Let's see if you know these useful sentences for writing in English!

Maak onderstaand emailbericht compleet.
Vul de woorden onder de tekst op de juiste plaats in.

Exercise:Warming up

Exercise:Warming up


Exchange programme
Your school has organised an exchange programme with an Italian school.
You will sleep at the house of an Italian student in Rome.

  • Write an email to present yourself.
  • Write about yourself, your hobbies and what you like to do in your free time.
  • Propose an activity you want to do in Rome and ask if the exchange student likes this activity.
  • Close your email by saying you really look forward to going to Rome.

use an online dictionary, the words in the section 'Toolbox' or 'Warming up' if you need help!

Write it down (1)

This is the real stuff!
Here are some real-life situations to practise your writing skills.
Practise as many situations as you can!

If you need help, have another look at 'Toolbox' or the 'Tips' section!

Kids zone
Task: You want to go on a summer camp.
At this camp, you can get to know various sports and hobbies.
Before going, you need to apply for a position.
Download the application form and fill it in.
Ask your teacher how to hand it in.

No judo
Task: You do judo and you train three times a week. Your judo teacher is from England and does not speak much Dutch. Next Friday you have a party so you can't go to judo class. You send your teacher a text message in English to tell him you cannot come. Do not forget to tell him why you cannot come and to mention your name.

Write it down (2)

A day out
You are on holiday in England with your family. All of you like outdoor activities. You want to 'go ape'. Have a look at the following website to see what that means. Then write and email to make a reservation for your family. Mention the day, time, and ask if you can pay by creditcard. Open and close your email in an appropriate way.

Interactive story (1)

Project: maak een interactief verhaal
Je gaat een interactief verhaalspel maken over de zoektocht naar een geschikte sport. In het verhaal moeten vijf keuzemomenten voorkomen.
Dat kan bijvoorbeeld zijn of je iemand gaat vragen, of een telefoonboek pakt, of dat je eerst je ouders vraagt of naar een sportzaal toegaat.
De speler moet in het spel moet in zo min mogelijk stappen proberen een geschikte sport te vinden.

Geen idee wat een interactief verhaal is?
Klik dan op deze link .
Je kunt dan een verhaal lezen van een jongetje dat naar de dierentuin is geweest. Hij vertelt wat hij allemaal gezien heeft.
Klik steeds op de linkjes. Waarschijnlijk staan er veel woorden in die je nog niet kent. Dat is geen ramp, want het gaat alleen maar om het voorbeeld.
Als je deze vraag kunt beantwoorden dan snap je het belangrijkste:
Met wie vergelijkt hij de dieren?

Interactive story (2)

Benodigde tijd 4 lesuren:

  • 15 min opstarten.
  • 35 min verhaallijn uitdenken.
  • 50 min verhaal schrijven en foto's, plaatjes enz. zoeken.
  • 50 min scènes en spel maken.
  • 50 minuten toetsing, evaluatie en beoordeling van de gemaakte spellen.


In een groep van vier leerlingen bedenk je samen het verhaal en bedenk je ook welke zinnen je kunt gebruiken.
Je bedenkt ook de regels van het spel en hoe de speler punten verdient en bijhoudt. Ieder lid van de groep is verantwoordelijk voor een bepaald onderdeel, maar iedereen moet elkaar helpen.
In principe wordt veel in tweetallen gedaan, maar vanuit verschillende verantwoordelijkheden.

Interactive story (3)

Dit zijn de hoofdtaken:

  • Voorzitter: is verantwoordelijk voor de planning, houdt afspraken bij, helpt waar nodig.
  • Schrijver: zorgt voor correcte en passende teksten.
  • Ontwerper: verzorgt foto's, plaatjes, eventueel filmpjes of geluiden (teksten kunnen ook ingesproken worden).
  • Spelmaker: zorgt voor de technische uitvoering in PowerPoint.

Het maken van het spel
Dit gebeurt in de volgende stappen:

  • Bedenk het verhaal, de keuzemomenten en de gevolgen die de keuzes hebben in het spel.
  • Werk op een groot vel papier, nog even niet op de computer.
  • Schrijf de zinnen op en maak een verhaal met verschillende verhaallijnen.
  • Verzamel er beeldmateriaal bij en eventueel geluiden.
  • Bekijk de handleiding van Powerpoint . Je moet leren om hyperlinks te maken.
  • Voeg alles samen tot één spel.
  • Laat het spel spelen door anderen.
  • Verbeter het spel op basis van de opmerkingen van andere leerlingen.

Interactive story (4)


  • bekijk eerst het Engelstalige voorbeeld
  • overleg daarna hoe jullie verhaal er uit zal zien.


  • een flapover of notitieblok,
  • een computer,
  • een camera (of je gebruikt foto's, tekeningen en filmpjes van internet),
  • een handleiding over PowerPoint.

Interactive story (5)

Het Storyboard
Het verhaal gaat over het zoeken naar een sport.
Hierbij kun je natuurlijk meerdere keuzes maken:

Keuze 1: welke sport?
Mogelijkheden: Golf of Basketbal
1) Golf: Als je voor golf kiest zie je dat de Golfclubs te duur zijn (foute keuze, dus stap terug)
2) Basketbal: je vraagt een vriend of je zoekt in een telefoonboek

Keuze 2:
Ten eerste, je vraagt je vriend: Hij weet geen club, dus je moet een stap terug.
Je kijkt in het telefoonboek, daarin staan twee softballclubs...
Zo maak je nog meer keuzes, tot je uiteindelijk een club gevonden hebt.
In dit voorbeeld is de volgende keuze het bellen van de ene óf de andere club.
Maar je kunt natuurlijk ook te horen krijgen dat het telefoonboek weg is, of dat de club failliet is... Hier volgt een voorbeeld van een Storyboard met verschillende mogelijkheden.

Interactive story (6)

De presentatie
Als het verhaal klaar is, moet het met behulp van PowerPoint digitaal gemaakt worden. Hiervoor gebruik je de handleiding van PowerPoint (zie pagina 3).
Als je de presentatie af hebt, sla deze dan op als een Powerpoint-voorstelling, zo'n presentatie begint direct te spelen als hij geopend wordt.
Wil je de Powerpoint liever overzetten naar een Flash-bestand, klik dan op deze link van Ispring Solutions en installeer het programma.
Wij hopen dat je veel plezier hebt beleefd aan het samen maken van het interactieve verhaal!

Laten we kort even terugkijken:

  • Wat heb je geleerd bij het maken van het verhaal?
  • Wat vond je van deze manier van leren?
  • Welke moeilijkheden zijn jullie tegengekomen?

Als je het werken aan dit verhaal een cijfer zou moeten geven (1-10) welk cijfer zou dit dan worden?

Life and culture


What do you know about England, the English language and English people?
That's what you're going to learn in 'Life and culture'!
Each theme focuses on a different aspect of England, its language, its inhabitants and its culture.

In this theme you will look at hobbies and sports in Great Britain and other English speaking countries.

Get started!

Sports in Britain

Sports in Britain
Regular exercise is good for body and mind!
Fortunately many people like sporting. In Britain too!
Have a look at the following website to see which sports are popular in Britain:


  • Read the text on the website.
  • Together with a partner write five questions for another pair.
  • Swap questions with another pair and answer each other’s questions.
  • Discuss the answers together.


There are many famous bands.

  • Do you know any of them?
  • Do you have a favourite band?
  • Do you ever go to gigs?
Have a look at the bands. Are they British or American?

Now, choose one of the bands and prepare a presentation about them.
Of course you can include some music!
Explain what you think the song means and if it means anything to you.




In this part you will find some language tasks that combine the different things you learned during this theme. They combine the different skills as well.

Practise as many tasks as possible so when you are in an English speaking country you know exactly what to say!

Memory (1)

Je hebt al heel wat sporten voorbij zien komen.
Samen met een medeleerling ga je in een tweetal een memoryspel maken met deze sporten.

Stap 1 - Opdracht
Jullie kunnen een memory-spel naar keuze maken:

  • Plaatjes en de Engelse namen van jouw favoriete hobby's en sporten.
  • Engelse namen van jouw favoriete hobby's/sporten en de Nederlandse vertaling van die hobby's/sporten.

Zorg dat je voor het maken van het memory-spel minimaal acht setjes verzint!

Memory (2)

Stap 2 - Inloggen
Klik hier om naar de website van te gaan.

  • Kies voor ONDERWIJS.
  • Kies voor Mijn spellen.
  • Log in met het e-mailadres en het wachtwoord dat je van de docent krijgt (Je docent moet eerst een e-mailadres en wachtwoord aanmaken waarmee de hele klas kan werken).
  • Kies in het blokje Mijn spellen voor een nieuw spel maken.
  • Kies memoryspel.
  • Klik op verder.

Stap 3 - Spel details
  • Geef het spel een naam: bijvoorbeeld: My favourite sports. Let op dat een andere leerling niet dezelfde naam gebruikt.
  • Geef een omschrijving van het spel, bijvoorbeeld: Engelse sporten.
  • Kies bij zichtbaarheid voor: voor iedereen zichtbaar.
  • Kies bij sectie: onderwijs.
  • Kies bij categorie: Engels.

Memory (3)

Stap 3 - Spel details (2)

  • Bij Kies een spelformaat kun je kiezen hoe groot het spel moet worden. Denk eraan dat je wel over genoeg mogelijkheden (woorden en/of plaatjes) moet beschikken om het spel te maken.
  • Kies voor 4 x 4. Dat betekent dus acht sporten en de vertaling of de plaatjes.
  • Kies voor unieke afbeeldingen. Daarna kun je met het paarsgewijs invullen van de plaatjes en de teksten beginnen.
  • Kies eerst voor klik om plaatje toe te voegen. En dan op tekst toevoegen.
  • Je kunt nu een woord of aantal woorden invullen en de tekstkleur en de achtergrondkleur bepalen.
  • Als je je tekst getypt hebt en je kleuren hebt bepaald, klik je op tekst toevoegen. Je komt dan terug in je vorige scherm en ziet je resultaat. Zo maak je alle zestien plaatjes.

Memory (4)

Stap 4 - Beoordelen en spelen
Als je alle plaatjes hebt ingevuld, moet je het spel laten goedkeuren door de beheerder van de website: digischool.
Op het opgegeven e-mail adres komt er een bericht binnen of het spel is goedgekeurd of waarom het niet is goedgekeurd (bijvoorbeeld omdat het nog niet helemaal af is).

Als je spel is goedgekeurd, vind je het terug onder , rechts bovenaan op het prikbord vind je memoryspellen online. Klik daarop en je krijgt een scherm te zien met allerlei categorieën spellen. Zoek je spel onder Engels.

Stap 5 - Verder spelen!
Laat als je thuis komt iedereen jullie spel spelen. Het is nu immers voor iedereen toegankelijk!!! Het spel kun je spelen op . Klik onder Applicaties op de button Memory.

Er kan ook per school een account van digischool aangevraagd worden, speciaal voor het maken van spellen.

Free time

You and a partner are now going to interview each other about your favourite pastimes (=dingen die je leuk vindt om te doen in je vrije tijd).
First you interview each other. After the interview you write about the favourite pastimes of your classmates.

  1. Download the interview worksheet.
    Interview your classmate and write his or her answers down.
  2. Now, write about 300 words of the favourite pastimes of your classmate, using the interview worksheet.

Ask your teacher how to hand in the worksheet and your piece of writing!

  • Het arrangement Thema: Hobbies and sports - HV1 is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

    Catharina van Brouwershaven Je moet eerst inloggen om feedback aan de auteur te kunnen geven.
    Laatst gewijzigd
    2016-05-27 13:06:59

    Dit lesmateriaal is gepubliceerd onder de Creative Commons Naamsvermelding-GelijkDelen 3.0 Nederland licentie. Dit houdt in dat je onder de voorwaarde van naamsvermelding en publicatie onder dezelfde licentie vrij bent om:

    • het werk te delen - te kopiëren, te verspreiden en door te geven via elk medium of bestandsformaat
    • het werk te bewerken - te remixen, te veranderen en afgeleide werken te maken
    • voor alle doeleinden, inclusief commerciële doeleinden.

    Meer informatie over de CC Naamsvermelding-GelijkDelen 3.0 Nederland licentie.

    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    In het thema Hobbies and sports leren leerlingen door te luisteren (listening), te lezen (reading), te spreken (speaking) en te schrijven (writing) hoe ze in het Engels over hun hobbies kunnen vertellen.
    HAVO 1; VWO 1;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    Schrijven; Engels; Luisteren; Spreken;
    12 uur en 0 minuten
  • Downloaden

    Het volledige arrangement is in de onderstaande formaten te downloaden.



    Leeromgevingen die gebruik maken van LTI kunnen Wikiwijs arrangementen en toetsen afspelen en resultaten terugkoppelen. Hiervoor moet de leeromgeving wel bij Wikiwijs aangemeld zijn. Wil je gebruik maken van de LTI koppeling? Meld je aan via met het verzoek om een LTI koppeling aan te gaan.

    Maak je al gebruik van LTI? Gebruik dan de onderstaande Launch URL’s.


    Oefeningen en toetsen

    What do you need to know?

    Melissa's hobbies

    Melissa's hobbies


    The first marathon






    Guinness World Records

    Guinness World Records

    Guinness World Records

    Guinness World Records

    Past simple

    Past simple

    Past simple

    Past simple

    Past simple



    Hobbies and sport: Grammartest

    Warming up

    Warming up

    Warming up

    Warming up

    Warming up


    IMSCC package

    Wil je de Launch URL’s niet los kopiëren, maar in één keer downloaden? Download dan de IMSCC package.


    Oefeningen en toetsen van dit arrangement kun je ook downloaden als QTI. Dit bestaat uit een ZIP bestand dat alle informatie bevat over de specifieke oefening of toets; volgorde van de vragen, afbeeldingen, te behalen punten, etc. Omgevingen met een QTI player kunnen QTI afspelen.

    Meer informatie voor ontwikkelaars

    Wikiwijs lesmateriaal kan worden gebruikt in een externe leeromgeving. Er kunnen koppelingen worden gemaakt en het lesmateriaal kan op verschillende manieren worden geëxporteerd. Meer informatie hierover kun je vinden op onze Developers Wiki.