



even proberen


Dear pupil,

This is the third theme. It is about Family and friends.
You are going to learn about family and friends in English by doing various listening, reading, speaking and writing exercises.

Need help?
Use the Toolbox!
You will find words and expressions you can use, grammar explanations and pronunciation exercises.

Good luck!

Zo werkt het!

Zo werkt het
Je bent begonnen aan het thema Family and friends.
Het thema bestaat uit verschillende onderdelen.
In ieder onderdeel vind je teksten, afbeeldingen en video's. 

Je gaat ook zelf aan de slag. 
Op de meeste pagina's staan doe-opdrachten. 
Die opdrachten doe je alleen of met een klasgenoot. 
De antwoorden bespreek je met elkaar of in de klas. 

Er zijn ook oefeningen. 
Zo'n oefening bestaat uit vragen die door de computer worden nagekeken.

Bij 'Xtra'-onderdelen zie je één of meer sterren staan.
Het aantal sterren zegt iets over de moeilijkheid van de opdracht.
Hoe meer sterren, hoe moeilijker de opdracht.

Need to know

How much do you know about famous families?
Do the following exercise to find out.

Toets:Members of the family

To do

To do
In this theme you are going to listen, read, speak and write about family and friends.

You will be speaking about your own family, royal families, other famous families and your relationship with other people.

Ready? Let's go!

Work plan

Work plan
There are many exercises in each theme.
It is important to know which exercises you have done and which exercises you haven't done.
To help you, there is a work plan.
On this work plan you can tick the exercises you've done.

Click here to download the Work plan Family and Friends

Ieder thema bestaat uit een groot aantal opdrachten/oefeningen.
Het is belangrijk dat je goed bijhoudt welke opdrachten je gedaan hebt. Om je te helpen hebben we een werkplan gemaakt.
Op dat werkplan kun je bijhouden welke onderdelen je al gedaan hebt.

Download hier het
Werk plan Family and Friends



In this section you are going to listen to various recordings.
All of them are about family and friends.
Before you start listening, take some time to read the following tips.

Before you start listening:

  • Read the introduction carefully.
    It will help you understand what the listening is about, when you need
    to pay attention to answer your questions.
  • Read the questions carefully.
    It will help you understand when you need to pay attention to answer your questions.
While listening:
  • Focus! It is difficult to understand the whole text if you miss one part of it.
  • Move on to the next question as soon as you find the answer.
    Otherwise, you will miss out on the next question.
  • If you do not know the answer, just pick the one that you think is best and
    move on!

Lottie's dad

Lottie is ten years old.
She lives in England with her father and sister.
She speaks about her father.
Over to you!

  1. Open the link My Dad .
  2. Match the words with the images.
  3. Listen to the story (click on 'text off') and answer the questions.
  4. Ask your teacher if you should do the worksheet.

The royal family

The royal family
Do you know anything about the British Monarchy?
Write down as many members of the British royal family as you can think of in one minute.
Then compare your answers to those of a classmate.
How many members can you think of together?

You are now going to listen to the podcast of the Britisch royal family and do the exercise.

Toets:Royal family

You are going to listen to the audio again.Then answer the questions.

  1. How many 'family words' (e.g. father, mother, uncle, aunt etc.) can you think of? Make a list of ten family related words (with a classmate).
    Have a look at the following link if you need inspiration: .
  2. Now listen to the audio and listen if any of the words of your list were mentioned. Are any of your words mentioned?
  3. Listen to the audio one more time and add more family related words you hear to your list. What's your total?

Do the following exercise about the royal family.

Toets:The royal family

Pick two members of the royal family and let your classmate explain their family relation, preferably using one word of course!

Voorbeeld: Queen Elizabeth II is Sarah Ferguson's ..............................?

Food for thought:
You heard that Anne did not want a title for her children so that they would lead more normal lives. Do you know anyone with a title?
Would you like to have a title? Why/Why not?
Discuss with your partner and think of two reasons to support your ideas.

Ice age

Ice age
Have you ever seen any of the Ice Age films?
Did you like them? Why, why not? Which character(s) do you like most?

You are going to listen to a song from Ice Age 4 about family.
Before you start listening, have a look at the following sentences.
Together they form the chorus.
Try to put them in the right order while listening.
You will have several chances to do so because the chorus is played three times.



Toets:Ice age

Ice age - While listening

Now we're going to listen in more detail. The words hereunder are all in the song. They are in the order of the song. Before listening make sure you know the meaning of the words.

  • family
  • close as close can be
  • we look perfect to me
  • I feel so lucky
  • we come from everywhere
  • the link in our chain

While listening:
Write down words from the text you think are (in any kind of way) connected to these words (make sure you can explain their connection). The more you write down, the better!



Ice age - After listening

After listening:
Compare your notes to those of a classmate. How many words have you got? Have you got similar words? Can you explain the connection? If yes, move on for the next part of the exercise.

Check if the words you wrote down are present in the lyrics (at the bottom of the page) and if your answers make sense. Which group found most words?

Now, using your own notes and the lyrics (if necessary), answer the following question:

Do you think the people singing the song are family? Why or why not?
What words from the text make you think so?

What is the link between family and friends according to you?
Have you got friends that feel like family or the other way around?


We are, we are, not your ordinary fami-mi-ly
But we can all agree that we are, we are, close as close can be
So it don’t matter what it looks like, we look perfect to me
We got every kind of love, I feel so lucky indeed
They can keep on talking it don’t matter to me
‘cause we are, we are, family

We are family   (several times)
So what, we don’t look, we don’t act, we don’t walk, we don’t talk like you do
So what if we hang just to hang
Ain’t no shame
We both do what we want to
‘cause we come from everywhere
Searching for ones to care
Somehow we found it here
We found us a home
We are, we are, not your ordinary fami-mi-ly
But we can all agree that we are, we are, close as close can be
So it don’t matter what it looks like, we look perfect to me
We got every kind of love, I feel so lucky indeed
They can keep on talking it don’t matter to me
‘cause we are, we are family

We are family

OK, so the links in our chain makes us strange
But really they make us stronger
And I wouldn’t replace not a thing
Mother or father …

‘Cause weee
‘cause we come from everywhere
Searching for ones to care
Somehow we found it here
We found us a home

We are, we are, not your ordinary fami-mi-ly
But we can all agree that we are, we are close as close can be
So it don’t matter what it looks like, we look perfect to me
We got every kind of love, I feel so lucky indeed
They can keep on talking it don’t matter to me
‘cause we are, we are family

Family (we are)

We are, we are, family

Xtra: Family Pizza ****

Xtra: Family pizza ****
You are going to watch a video of the famous cook Jamie Oliver. He is in the kitchen with two of his children and they are making pizza.

  • Do the first assignment.
  • Read the questions.
  • Watch the video.
  • Answer the questions.


  • Form a group of three or four pupils.
  • Discuss what happens when one of your parents is cooking dinner.
  • Have you ever helped your parents with preparing dinner?
  • Who does what in the kitchen?


  1. What is the name of his daughter?
  2. What is the name of his son?
  3. What does he ask his daughter to give to him?
  4. Which pizza is the first one to go under the grill?
  5. What is his son going to do?
  6. What does Jamie ask his son to do when he comes back?


Watch the video to 4:35 minutes. The rest is advertising.

Answer the questions.

Toets:Family pizza

Xtra: Family Pizza *****

Xtra: Family pizza *****
You are going to watch a video of the famous cook Jamie Oliver. He is in the kitchen with two of his children and they are making pizza.

  • Do the first assignment.
  • Read the questions.
  • Watch the video.
  • Answer the questions.


  • Form a group of three or four pupils.
  • Discuss what happens when one of your parents is cooking dinner.
  • Have you ever helped your parents with preparing dinner?
  • Who does what in the kitchen?


  1. What does Jamie Oliver say about his daughter?
  2. What joke does Jamie make about his son?
  3. How does his son react to this joke?
  4. What does Jamie say about the pizza his daughter made?
  5. Why is Jamie’s son leaving the kitchen?
  6. What does Jamie say about having kids?


Watch the video to 4:35 minutes. The rest is advertising.

Answer the questions.

Toets:Family pizza



In this step you are going to practise your reading skills.
You will be reading different texts about family and friends.

We wish you pleasant reading!

Amy's family

Amy's family
Have a look at the following family tree. Do the exercises.

Toets:Amy's family

Toets:Amy's family

In the following exercise you work together with a classmate.
Go to and both make a family tree of your mother's or father's side of the family.
Show it to your classmate and let him or her explain how your family members are related to you.

The Peterson family

The Peterson family
You are going to read about the Peterson family.
Read the story and draw a family tree with it.
When you finish, compare it to a classmate.

Bob and Betty Peterson are married.
Betty is Bob’s wife. Bob is Betty’s husband.

Betty and Bob are parents of three children.
David is 18 years old. David is Bob and Betty’s son.
Lisa and Pam are Bob and Betty’s daughters.
David is Lisa and Pam’s brother. Lisa and Pam are David’s sisters.
Bob is their father. Betty is their mother.


Now answer the following questions. Use your own family tree if you want!

Toets:The Peterson family

Toets:The Peterson family

Now describe your own family and make yes/no questions for a classmate to answer.

My dad

You are going to read the text 'My dad', where Lottie tells about her dad.
After that you are going to determine which of the following statements are correct.

  • Lottie is nine years old.
  • Lottie lives with her mum.
  • Lottie's dad is called Paul.
  • Paul has got blue eyes.
  • Lottie has got green eyes.
  • Lottie's sister makes her breakfast.
  • Paul teaches children.
  • Lottie sometimes helps to cook the meal.
  • Lottie doesn't like maths.
  • Paul likes reading and music.

Now read the text and do the exercise.

My dad
Hello, I'm Lottie. I'm 10 years old.
I live with my dad in England.
I'm going to tell you about my dad. His name is Paul. He's 46 years old.
His hair is black and grey. He's got green eyes'. I've got green eyes too!

My dad gets up early most days.
He makes our breakfast and sometimes he takes me to school.
My dad is a teacher. He doesn't teach children.
He teaches other people who work with him.
My dad gets home at 5 o'clock. Sometimes I help him cook our meal.
After dinner my dad sometimes helps me with my homework.

Today he is helping me with maths. I like maths!
In the evening we sometimes watch TV. Or my dad reads. He loves reading.
At the weekends we do different things. Last weekend we went to a concert.
My dad loves music. It's great living with my dad.


Toets:My dad

Family and families

Family and families
Before you start reading the text, discuss the following questions with a classmate.

  • How important is family for you?
  • Would you miss them if you lived far away?
  • Now read the following text and answer the questions.

I don’t live with my parents now because I’m married and live in New York.
My mum and dad live in Rome and my husband’s parents live in Montreal, Canada.
We are a little sad because we don’t see them a lot but when we get together we have a beautiful time.
One of my sisters lives in Rio, Brazil, and the other one, who is 16, is at home in Rome.
My husband has only one brother. He is at home in Montreal. Next year he wants to go to Paris to study European history.
We got married one year ago in Rome.
All my family and his family were at the wedding. We had a fantastic time, and our honeymoon in Venice was beautiful.
We would like to have a son and a daughter. We hope they’ll have a beautiful life, maybe in America, maybe in Africa or Asia or Europe.


Toets:Family and families

  1. Would you like to be the writer?
  2. Would you like your family to live far away from you?
  3. Why or why not?
  4. Write down your answer in five lines.

Guess who

Guess who
You are going to read about a famous person.
The images represent this famous person. Any idea who it is?
Discuss the images with your partner.

Some more clues now!
If you have no idea who fits the images, read the text and try to find out.
If you already had a famous person in mind by seeing the images, read the text and see if you were right!

...  was born in New York City. ... is the oldest of four children. Her father is Richard and her mother is Kathy. She has a sister named Nicky who is three years younger than she is, and younger brothers, Conrad and Barron. Her father is German and Norwegian and her mother is Italian and Irish.

..... lived in the Waldorf-Astoria area of Manhattan, which is part of New York City. She also lived in Beverly Hills, which is part of Los Angeles, and the Hamptons, which is on Long Island in New York. As a child she was good friends with Nicole Richie and Kim Kardashian. Her other childhood best friend is Nicky ....., her sister, who she spent a lot of time with and she still does. She went to her first year of high school at the Marywood-Palm Valley School in Rancho Mirage, California. Then she went to the Dwight School in New York for her second and third years of high school. A lot of people know that she went to school there with famous pop singer Lady Gaga. She then had to move to the Canterbury Boarding School, in New Milford, Connecticut. ..... played ice hockey there. She was forced to stop going to the school in the year 1999 because she did not follow the school rules.


Guess who - Answer

Guess who
And the person we were looking for is ... Paris Hilton!
Now answer the following questions about the text.

Friends are important to Paris.
In a tv show she tries to find a new 'BFF'.
Have a look at the American MTV website to see the trailer of 'My new BFF'.

  • Find out what BFF means and what the programme is about.
  • Then write ten lines about what the programme is and what you think of it.
  • Do you think you can find friends in a tv show like Paris tries?
    Why or why not?

Toets:Guess who



The toolbox is a kind of treasure chest full of tools to help you build your English! It is very useful, especially when you start working on the speaking and writing parts of this theme.

In the toolbox you will find the following:

  • Grammar
  • Words
  • Typing game
  • Pronunciation
  • Taaldorp Family
  • Fun
  • Reference

Go through these explanations and/or exercises.
Ask your teacher which 'Kennisbank' and questions you are going to work with.

Good luck!

Grammar - Zelfstandige naamwoorden en lidwoorden

Zelfstandige naamwoorden en lidwoorden
These are the links from the 'Kennisbank Engels'.

KB: Zelfstandig naamwoord

KB: Lidwoorden: A of an?

KB: Meervoud


Now, do the following exercises:

Toets:Wat is het zelfstandig naamwoord?

Toets:'A' of 'an'?

Toets:Wat is het meervoud?

Toets:Vul het meervoud in.

Grammar - Present continuous

Present continuous
De volgende 'Kennisbank' geeft uitleg over de present continuous.
Deze vorm van het werkwoord gebruik je om aan te geven dat iemand nu iets aan het doen is.

KB: Present continuous

Do the following exercises.
In the following exercise, the present continuous is used in questions.
Any idea how to answer?

Toets:Present continuous

Toets:Present continuous

Toets:Present continuous

Toets:Vraag en antwoord

Grammar - Woordvolgorde

Have a look at the following Kennisbank about word order (= woordvolgorde).

KB: Word order

Do the following exercise.



You are about to finish the grammar part of this theme. Before you finish, you will take a grammar test.

If you pass the test, you will be ready for the next step!

Good luck!



To be able to do all the assignments correctly, you need to know some words and sentences. For each theme there are word lists ready in StudioWozzol, with which you can practice:

  Woordenlijst Family and Friends A 

  Woordenlijst Family and Friends B

  Woordenlijst Family and Friends C


  Woordenlijst Family and Friends chunks A

  Woordenlijst Family and Friends chunks B

You have practiced the word lists with StudioWozzol.
With this program you can easily and efficiently learn.
Click on the button StudioWozzol to get to work with even more words!

The first time you have to log in, this way your progression can be tracked.




Klik op een knop om de 'klikplaat' te starten:

  Familie en vrienden

Met de woorden zijn drie spellen gemaakt.
Klik op een knop om een 'spel' te starten:

Words 1

Words 2

Words 3

Typing game

Typing game

Je gaat een typwedstrijdje spelen.
Je krijgt een aantal woorden/woordcombinaties te zien.
Kijk steeds goed naar de spelling van het woord/de woordcombinatie.
Typ het woord of de woordcombinatie daarna zo snel mogelijk na.
Als je in het totaal 100 letters of meer hebt getypt, stopt het spel.
Hoe hoog is je score?

Klik op de link om het spel te starten:

  Typwedstrijd Family and friends

  Typwedstrijd Family and friends - Flashversie



Look and listen to the pictures!
On you can find the pronunciation of many words related to the theme 'family'.
Click on the following links and read the instructions.

  • Click on the different family members to see how they are pronounced.
  • Then work with a classmate and test each other.
  • Describe a family member (e.g. 'the brother of my mother is my ...').
  • Your classmate needs to say the answer ('uncle') with the right pronunciation.

You can test your knowledge of pronunciation of different family members by doing the following exercise:

Find a path from top to bottom using the vowel /^/ as in cup. You can move horizontally, vertically or diagonally. 


















































Taaldorp Family

Taaldorp Family
Don't forget to pay a visit to the virtual village!
In the classroom part you will find various exercises on 'family'.
They will help you repeat important words in a fun way.
Try to do as many exercises as possible!

Please write down the exercises you've done on your work plan.


Leerlingen voor leerlingen
Op de website vind je verschillende video's die door leerlingen voor leerlingen zijn gemaakt.

Hieronder twee video's die goed passen bij dit thema.
Bekijk de video's. Kun je de video's goed volgen?
Schrijf de woorden die je niet kent op en zoek de betekenis op in een (online) woordenboek of vraag het aan een klasgenoot.
Family tree


On the internet, there are many fun games and exercises!
We have selected some of them for you here in this part.


If you need more help with grammar or vocabulary while you are studying, have a look at the following websites:



In the speaking part of this theme you will be practising your speaking skills.
The speaking part consists of four parts:

  • Tips
  • Warming up
  • Speech card
  • Speak up

You will be speaking about family and friends.
The more you speak the better your speaking skills wil get!

Speak up!

Warming Up

Let's get started!
Before starting the speaking tasks, have a look at these sentences.
They could be helpful when you need to prepare a speaking task!


Toets:Warming up

Question and answer
Search the right answer to the question!

Toets:Question and answer

Have a look at the following conversation.
As you can see, some words are missing.
Fill in the right words to complete the conversation.



Before you start speaking:

  • First look at the instructions.
  • Try to think of words and expressions you might need.
  • DON'T write out your conversation or talk completely!
    If you do that, it will just be a writing and reading exercise!

While speaking:

  • Make sure you start a conversation by greeting the other person in a polite way.
  • Look at your partner or at your audience.
  • Speak calmly and not too quietly.
  • You can use a note, but make sure there are only a few words on it!
  • If you are lost for words try to describe it.
  • Just try to keep on talking, even if you don't really know how you should say something.
  • If you don't understand your partner ask for an explanation, or ask your partner to repeat.
  • End a conversation by saying goodbye.

Try to practise a conversation a few times quickly.
It will be easier to remember the words and it is good for your speaking skills!



Speech card - Oefening

Speech card
You are going to have a conversation with a classmate about you and your family.
Have a look at the speech card to see the conversation you need to prepare.
You download one speech card, and your classmate the other.

Person A: Speech card - person A.
Person B: Speech card - person B.
  • Have a good look at your speech card and think of how you can say or ask the different things.
  • Take some time to look things up if you need.
  • You can write notes down on your speech card but keep them short!
  • Practise the conversation several times with a classmate.
  • Take at least ten minutes to do so.

Speech card - Beoordeling

Speech card - evaluation
Download the evaluation sheet: Speech card - evaluation

  • Ask two classmates to listen to the conversation you have prepared with your classmate.
  • Ask for feedback.
  • You and your classmate will also listen to the conversation of the two other classmates.
  • Give feedback by means of the evaluation sheet and in a positive way!

Have fun!

Speak Up - At the campsite

Speak up: Real life activities
On these pages you will find several situations to practise your speaking skills.
Practise as many situations as possible.
Ask your teacher how to evaluate the conversations.

Situation 1 - At the campsite
You are at a campsite in France and your whole family is setting up a tent.
Your neighbours are English people. They ask you who the people you are camping with are and where you come from.
Ask the English neighbours similar questions.

Together with a classmate act out the conversation.
One of you plays him/herself, the other the English neighbour.
Make sure you swap roles.

Speak up - Family reunion

Situation 2 - Family reunion
An uncle of yours has been busy making a family tree of your family.
He found out that a part of the family lives in Manchester.
At the end of his family tree project he organised a family reunion.
Today, you are at this reunion and you meet many far family members you did not know before.
You meet a third-degree cousin and you need to introduce yourself and tell something about your family.

Together with a classmate act out the conversation.
One of plays him/herself, the other the English third-degree cousin.
Make sure you swap roles.

Speak up - Metropolis

Situation 3 - Metropolis
Do you know the tv programme 'Metropolis'?
They report on different topics from different countries.
Have a look at if you want to know more.
Together with a classmate you are going to act out an episode on the topic 'family and friends' in different cultures.
One of you will be the interviewer, the other will be the person interviewed.
Together, think of questions. If you have time, try to search for information on 'family and friends' in a different country.
If not, answer the questions from a Dutch point of view.



In 'writing' you will be improving your writing skills.

  • When do you get mail?
  • When you have your birthday?
  • When you are ill?
There are many moments in which writing is useful!

In this part you will see various examples of written English.
You will learn what language forms to use when writing in English.

Good luck!


Tips for writing

  • Try to use words and phrases/sentences you already know.
  • Use a dictionary to look words up, to see how they combine with other words or to check spelling.
  • If you use your computer, make sure that the spelling checker is on English.

Keep practising!

Warming up - The envelope

Post matters
There are many reasons for writing to someone.
There are also many different ways to do so.
Have a look at the following exercises.
See if you know the words in English!


The envelope
The addresses on envelopes are not the same all around the world!
If you want your letter to arrive you must pay attention.
Copy the numbers of the postcard and fill in the right answers.
What are the differences with a Dutch address?


a. Ireland d. Niamh Turner
b. 54 Shandon Park        e. Stamp
c. Phipsboro f. Dublin 7

Toets:Warming up

Warming up - Thank you note

A thank you note
Maddy has written a thank you note to her grandmother.
Copy the note and fill in the right words.

  Maddy Armstrong
11 O'...1...


Dear ...3...
Thanks so much for the great ...4... present, I really love it!
I've wanted that ...5... for ages.
How did you know? You're really cool.
See you ...6...

Love, Maddy


a. CD d. soon
b. birthday          e. Connor Crescent
c. Gran f. 14 April 2010

Warming up - New born baby

New born baby
Nick and his wife have just had a baby! He sends a card to his friend Charlie.
Copy the card and fill in the right words.

  Harriet and Nick Simons
26 James Street

22 May 2011

Dear ...2...
We wanted to let you know that early this morning Julia Claire was born.
She and Harriet are both ...3...
It would be ...4... to see you, so feel free to come and visit and meet Julia Claire ...5... you want.
Looking ...6... to seeing you.



a. whenever           d. forward
b. wonderful e. OXFORD OX43
c. very well f. Charlie

Warming up - Wedding

Giorgio and Kate are going to get married!
This is their invitation to their friend Oliver.
Copy the invitation and fill in the right words.

  Giorgio Siero
23 Via Santa Croce
Florence, ...1...

7 April 2011

Hi Oliver,
Kate and I are getting ...2... on June 20th.
We would like to invite you to the ...3...
It will be at the house of Kate's parents in Hereford.
There will be a ...4... party starting at about 8 pm.
Hope to ...5... tyou then.

Best ...6... , Giorgio


a. see d. wishes
b. big e. Italy
c. wedding         f. married

Personal letter

Australian post service
You are going to write a personal letter in English.
You will be helped by the website of Auspost (the Australian post service).
Of course it is a good idea to look back at the sentences used in the personal letters from the warming up.

Before you start writing, have a look at the website of Auspost.
Make sure you understand how it works. There we go!

  1. Go to:
  2. Choose 'Writing a personal letter'.
  3. Choose 'A personal letter - put it together'
    (on the bottom of the page).
  4. Just follow the instructions.

Famous pen pal
Do you remember the reading exercise on Paris Hilton?
If you haven't done it or don't remember, no worries.
Choose a famous person you really like.
Imagine you wrote a letter to this famous person to ask if you could become pen pals. You are now going to reply (in name of the famous person) to yourself.

  • Think of a fantasy address.
  • Choose a right sentence to start with.
  • Thank for the letter you received.
  • Tell about one of your hobbies or what you like to do in your free time.
  • Close the letter appropriately (see warming up exercises for example).

Feel free to use your fantasy!!

Let's play!
If you want to play a game with your classmates, try to make them guess who your famous pen pal is!
Of course you should try to guess theirs too.
Make them read your letter (of course you should cross out or cover the name of the famous person of course). Let's see if they have any idea.

Ask your teacher in which form you will hand over the letter.

Write it down

Write it down
In this part you will find extra exercises related to family and friends to practise your writing skills. Try to do as many as possible!

Exercise 1 - The Dutch royal family
In the reading exercises you have read about the British royal family.
But what about the Dutch one? How well do you know them?
Look for a (small) family tree of the royal Dutch family on the internet.
Print it out and write down how the people relate to each other.

Exercise 2 - Exchange program
Your school has organised an exchange program with another school. You have to write a quick note explaining who you are and who are in your family.

Exercise 3 - Description of someone
The police are looking for a criminal! You are working for the police and have to describe the criminal (eye colour, hair colour, tall/short) to other people. Look for a picture of a possible criminal on google. Then write a description of about ten lines. See if your classmates can guess who your criminal is!

Life and culture


What do you know about the culture of English speaking countries?

In each theme, there is a part on 'Life and culture'.
In this part you will find questions, exercises, and interesting facts that are all related to the theme.

In the 'Life and culture' part you will often be visiting the Woodlands Junior School website. This website is a project of an English school that shows what life in England is like. They have become very famous for it!

Let's get started!

What is British life like

Family life in Britain
You are going to read a tekst about family life in Britain.
Before you read, discuss the following questions with a classmate.
Write five things you think have changed on a sheet of paper.

How do you think family life in the Netherlands has changed over the last hundred years?

Now read the text on this website and see if any of the points you wrote down are present in the text.

How many of your points were present?

Now, make a small table (two columns, two rows) and describe the similarities and differences between Dutch and British family life.
Have a look at or another webpage if you need to check information.

How to behave in the UK

How to behave in the UK
It is important when you go to another country, or have friends in another country, to know how other cultures behave.

You are going to read about British social etiquette in:

Write down three things you find surprising and write down why you think they are surprising.



Language Task
In 'Language Task' you will find various extra speaking- and writing tasks.

The more tasks you do, the better your English will become.
Ask your teacher which tasks you should do and how you should hand them in.

Speaking - Famous families

Famous families
You are going to give a presentation on a famous family together with a classmate.

  1. Think of a famous family. They can be real (for example the Dutch royal family) or fictitious (for example The Simpsons). Keep them secret!
  2. Look for information on them, their lifestyle, their social environment (friends etc.) on the internet.
  3. Prepare a presentation of about two minutes, but make sure you do not mention the names of the famous people.
  4. Give the presentation in front of your class.
  5. Did your classmates know which family you chose?

Variation: the family can be known (i.e. not secret) and pupils write questions about their own presentations for their classmates to answer.
OR classmates write down questions during the presentation for other classmates to answer.

Writing - Holiday cottage

Holiday cottage
You are at the reception of a holiday park. The receptionist gives you the following form. Register your family by filling in the form. You stay for a week.
You want to rent bicycles on Thursday. On Tuesday you want to order a take-away meal. Write down what kind of take-away meal you want.

Fill in the form .

Ask two classmates to have a look at your form and to comment on it.

Evaluation of the task
You did well if:

  • you filled the right words in the right spaces.
  • you have included all points of the task in the form.

Writing - Holiday greetings

Holiday greetings
You are on holiday. You are really enjoying yourself but you do miss your friend. You write him/her a postcard to tell him/her about your holiday.

Evaluation of the task
You did well if:

  • you greeted your friend.
  • you said how you are and how your holiday is.
  • ou made a classmate read your postcard and comment on it.


Family and friends - Grammatica

De Verderkijker biedt bij dit thema passende externe linkjes naar uitleg, oefenmateriaal of filmpjes. Voor het thema Family and Friends zijn de volgende items geselecteerd.

Grammatica - Noun (zelfstandig naamwoord):
Videouitleg over 'What is a noun?'
Oefening met enkelvoud en meervoud van nouns.

Grammatica - 'a' of 'an':
Oefening met 'a' en 'an'.

Grammatica - Present continuous
Videouitleg over Present Continuous.
Uitleg en oefeningen present continuous (negatives sentences).

Grammatica - Word order
Videouitleg: Wie doet Wat Waar Wanneer.
Zet in deze oefening de woorden in de juiste volgorde

Family and friends - Lezen - Schrijven - Luisteren - Kijken - Spreken

Lezen - Schrijven - Luisteren - Kijken - Spreken:
Lees de email 'About my family' en maak de gateninvuloefening.
Bekijk 'My family-01'. Doe de invuloefening 'My Task - 02: What do they do?'
Bekijk de video over 'Family'. Maak de oefening true or false
en/of de gateninvuloefening.
Zet in deze oefening over familienamen de letters in de juiste volgorde.

In de Verderkijker wordt gebruik gemaakt van beeld- en filmmateriaal dat beschikbaar is op internet. Bij het gebruik zijn we uitgegaan van fair use. Mocht u vragen/opmerkingen hebben, of constateert u een niet-werkende link, horen wij dit natuurlijk graag. Dit kan via onze helpdesk.



Answer: cousin > mum > uncle > mother > run > cut > month > brother

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    2018-03-07 19:42:11

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    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    In het thema Family and friends leren leerlingen door te luisteren (listening), te lezen (reading), te spreken (speaking) en te schrijven (writing) hoe ze in het Engels over hun familie en vrienden kunnen vertellen. In het onderdeel Grammar is er aandacht voor het zelfstandig naamwoord, 'a' en 'an', meervoud, de '-ing'-vorm (present continious) en de woordvolgorde.
    VWO 2; HAVO 1; VWO 1; HAVO 2;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    Schrijven; Engels; Luisteren; Spreken; Gesprekken voeren (Nederlands);
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    leerlijn, rearrangeerbare

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    Oefeningen en toetsen

    Members of the family

    Royal family

    The royal family

    Ice age

    Family pizza

    Family pizza

    Amy's family

    Amy's family

    The Peterson family

    The Peterson family

    My dad

    Family and families

    Guess who

    Wat is het zelfstandig naamwoord?

    'A' of 'an'?

    Wat is het meervoud?

    Vul het meervoud in.

    Present continuous

    Present continuous

    Present continuous

    Vraag en antwoord



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    Question and answer


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