You've been working for over 10 years as a 'product designer' for a major supermarket chain. You're very good at your job but you would like to get ahead in the business, because you want to ride a slightly nicer car, enjoy a holiday or two more in the year. And that old bathroom in your home can also get some new tiles. Lucky for you is that the manager of the department in which you work has found another job. He will be accompaning tourists on the island of Aruba as a tourmanager. This means that there is a vacancy for his place as a manager of the design department.
You want that job as a manager really bad! But to get the job, you have to go and apply first. This application is slightly different than usual. You will be requested to design two brand new and not yet existing products for the supermarket's house brand. This is the challenge that will get you the job, if you win! The two products that you are going to design must be made for two target groups. For example, a product can be made for adults and another for children or the elderly. You must create a 3D drawing of the product and you should also create the products in reality so you can show them during a presentation.
The interview is with the big boss of the company. The boss wants you to make a TV commercialfor the product so that it saves money if he accepts you. But beware, there are more colleagues from your department who want to be manager. So make sure that the products you design stand out and really have something unique (originality).
After the presentations the big boss will announce who gets the job as manager of the Product Design Department.
Good luck and have fun!
What is product design?
10 Innovative product design ideas
What will you learn during this project?
1. You will learn to perform research to prepare for the end product
2. You learn to analyze data and filter useful information
3. You can make a clear sketch of the product you are designing
4. You can make a 3D drawing in SketchUp for the product you are making
5. You learn how to use feedback effectively
6. You learn how to make a solid sales TV commercial using one of three visual presentation programs
7. You learn how to make decisions based on arguments and rationality.
In this project there will be teams of 2 pupils. The teacher decides which pupils will be matched and will form a team.
Team of 2 pupils, chosen by the teacher
Each team member choses a target group
Each team member creates his/her own product
You will hand in 1 report (assignments) for the team
You will hand in 1 logo for the house brand
Each team member hands in his/her own sketches, 3D drawing and product
You will both do the presentation
The assignments
This project consists of a number of assignments that contribute to the end product. The assignents are:
Assignment A: The research
Assignment B: Target groups
Assignment C: Designing a product
Assignment D: Choosing your products
Assignment E: The logo
Assignment F: Designing & Feedback
Assignment G: Creation
Assignment H: Commercial
End product
At the end of the period you will deliver:
Assignments A to H
2 design drawing-sketches (1 for each target group)
2 sketches in 3D, using SketchUp (1 for each target group)
A logo for the house brand
2 Real-life products (1 for each target group)
A commercial presentation for the products
The programs you will be using
Throughout this project you will use the following programs:
Microsoft Word for making your report
SketchUp for making a 3D drawing of your products
A web-based program (or for creating a logo
Prezi, PowerPoint, Powtoon or Moovly to create the product presentation
Available time
For this project you have about 6 weeks time.
Preliminary assignments
Before we are going to start this project we are going to have to make some preparations. These preparations are necessary to have control over your assignments and to have a clear insight of who is going to do what.
With your group you are going to make a 'Plan van Aanpak (PVA)'. You can find a model to use by clicking te document below.
- You only have to fill in one 'PVA' per group
- Make sure you fill in EVERYTHING on the document
Before you can choose, design and create your own product for the supermarket chain, it is important to do some initial research to get you started. By doing this you can create a product that will eventually be more succesful and that customers of your chosen ‘target groups’ might buy.
You are going to design two house brand products for the supermarket-chain you are working at. Before you are able to do this, you have to know exactly what a house brand is. In this excercise you will do some research about this subject. You will have to use the internet and you will need to visit a local supermarket to find out about house brands and what house brands there are.
Assignment 1
Make the following assignments and write them down in your report.
Find out what a house brand is. Make sure you give a good explanation (not just one sentence!)
Research 5 Dutch supermarkets and find out what house brand they have. Include the name of the housebrand, the name of the supermarket and images of some products of the house brand.
Assignment 2
For the next assignments you will have to visit the Plus-supermarket near the school (Riebeekgallerij)
In the supermarket, search for 5 different house brand products. Take images of these products.
Find an A-brand orange juice (Coolbest). Next, find a house brand orange juice and take pictures of the two together.
Go back to the school. Write a small report in which you describe the style of the house brand of the Plus-market. Also include your opinion on the styling.
Assignment B - Target groups
The product that you design should focus on a specific group of people. Thus, for example, a 'rollator' is aimed at older people, or people who may walk poorly. Such a group of people for which a product is made, is called a 'target group'.
You have worked with target groups before. Now go explore what products in a supermarket exist for specific target groups. Because you want to know if the product you are designing appeals to the group of people who should buy the product.
Assignment 1
Make these following assignment and write it down in your report.
The products you will be designing as a team are for a supermarket. Below are a few existing target groups. For each of these groups you will find two products for sale in a supermarket that fit these groups.
- Older people (55+)
- Children
- Pregnant women
- Sporty people
- Your own target group (teenagers)
Assignment 2
Watch the short video below about defining target groups. After this, proceed to the questions under the video and try to answer them.
Assignment 3
Assignment C - Designing as a profession
Product Design is a genuine business. Professional people are working to design the best possible products that are either new and revolutionairy or an improvement of already existing products.
In this part of the project you will be getting involved in the world of a product designer. You will find out what kind of 3D-designing programs are being used and what professions use 'desiging' in their work. The goal of this assignment is for you to get acquainted (bekend te raken met) the world of designing and its possibilities.
In the subsections you can find the assignments needed to complete this part of the project.
Click the link above. This will lead you to a website which posted an overview of almost all available designing software there is.
Open up a new Microsoft Excel-document for this assignment
Pick five choices of software from the website (it doesn't matter which ones)
Now you have to compare the programs you have chosen to each other. You must compare them on these following points:
For what kind of profession is the program specifically made?
On which platforms can you use the program? (PC, tablet, app etc.)
Does it look easy to use?
Is the interface of the program good looking? (Use a scale of 1-10 in the document)
What is the cost of the program?
Next, pick your favorite designing program from the link and write down in your report why you think this is the best program for you.
Assignment 2
In this assignment we will be looking at professions that use designing in their daily work. You might find out that more professions are using designing in their work then what you thought before. For the assignment, you will need to put on your exploring glasses and use the web.
Find at least 5 professions that use designing programs
After each profession you have found, write down what they use designing for. Here is an example:
Students - For learning about product design and learning how to use 3D-designing software
Tip: Of course it is good to use Google for this assignment. But try using websites of MBO-schools like ROC (amsterdam, Utrecht, Amersfoort) to find the information needed.
Assignment 3
You have now looked at some desiging-software and professions in which designing is used. Later on, you will be creating your own product for the supermarket using SketchUp. This next assignment is to make you get used to using SketchUp once again and to get you warmed up to create the coolest things!
Open SketchUp on your computer
In this assignment you are going to design you very own smartphone! Use SketchUp to create a phone that matches your creativity. You can create anything you want, the only requirement is that it should clearly a phone and nothing else.
Tip: You can use the video below for some inspiration
Assignment D - Choosing your products
This is where the good stuff begins! You are going to begin choosing the two products you will each be making in order to get that job as a manager for the department of product design at your supermarket-chain. This assignment isn't as large as the ones before but is very important for the process of the next assignments and the ultimate end-product.
Use your creativity and make good explanations in your report, because the teacher will give or subtract points for this in your end result.
Assignment 1
You are going to decide what supermarket-products the both of you will be making. Remember that each of you have to be making one product for a specific target group.
In order to clearly specify the products and target groups you are going to work on, you will have to make a plan (you can write it in your report). The plan should have this structure:
Product A (or B)
What kind of product am i going to make?
For what target group will the product be created?
Who is going to make this product?
Why did you choose this product?
So, you each have to make a plan like this and put it in your report. The elements that have to be in the plan are (to be clear):
The product-group (drink, food, non-food)
What product exactly (hagelslag, peanut-butter, vlokken, orange juice, baby-diapers etc.)
The target group of the products
Who is making the product
Why did you choose this product
Assignment 2
Congratulations, you have just thought of your own product to make! Having a creative mind is really valuable for companies and can really get you places! Try to expand your creativity in your school carreer, it will be worth the effort.
In this assignment you will be searching for examples of your products that are already in the supermarket. And yes, for this assignement you will have to visit the Plus-supermarket again!
Go the Plus-supermarket near the school (Riebeekgallerij)
Find 3 examples of the products you will be making and take pictures
Return to the school
Put the pictures in your report
After you have added the pictures of the product to your report, write down what you like and dislike about the design. You must also explain what you want to do different with your products or what you could use for your own designs.
When you write the results in your report, it could look something like this:
Peanut-Butter (Calvé)
Assignment E - The logo
In this assignment you are going to create the logo for your housebrand. Be creative and design something beautiful!
The logo must be created using Sketchup. There are a few requirements though:
The logo must be in 2D
The logo must have at least 2 colors in it
The logo must not look like logo's of supermarket products that already exist
You can check out the video below for some inspiration of how to use Sketchup to make a logo.
Assignment 1
Create a logo for your housebrand using Sketchup. Remember to hold on to the requirements:
The logo must be in 2D
The logo must have at least 2 colors in it
The logo must not look like logo's of supermarket products that already exist
You must both create one logo. So there will be two logo's. After this you are going to decide who's logo you are going to use for the product. Write down in the report who's logo you used and why.
Assignment F - Designing & Feedback
Now you are about to create your own product designs. Remember that you need two products for two different target groups. You should best divide the products between you two. One for each of the group members.
You are going to design the products using:
Good luck!
Assignment 1
Allright, on to designing! A tip is to create one product in Sketchup per person, this works faster and makes sure you both do about the same amount of work.
Follow the instructions below:
Open Sketchup on your computer
Create the products you thought of
Keep these points in mind:
Use realistic measurements (the size of the products must be logic)
The design must be in 3D
You must use your own creations (no using 3D warehouse!)
Assignment 2
Firstly, you are going to learn how to give constructive feedfack to people about their work or their attitude. To learn this, you are going to watch two videos (one in dutch and one in English) and make a small test about giving feedback.
Watch the two videos below
If you have watched the videos, make the test below. (Het bewijs van deelname moet je printen en laten zien aan de leraar!)
In this excercise you are going to reflect on the work you have made. You do this by first discussing with you partner and secondly receiving feedback from your teacher. The exercise contains two steps.
Step 1
(If you created the designs together, than do this exercise for your products together)
Check out the design of your partner. Tell him/her honestly what you think of the design (give feedback). Then give some points for your partner to improve the design. You must write this down in your report as following:
I gave feedback to: Name student.
What did i think of the design:
Your opinion about the design.
What points of improvement (feedback) i gave:
Your feedback about the design.
Step 2
Show your design to the teacher. He will give you feedback about your designs. You must write down the feedback you got. You can do it like this:
Feedback i got from the teacher:
Write down feedback.
What i am going to change:
Write down what you are going to improve.
Next, actually make the improvements you got from the feedback.
Assignment G - Creation
Congratulations, your hard work has led you to the grand finale! Although the end product is not ready yet, you have come a long way.
Now your team will have to actually create the product you have designed. But before you can do this, you will have to get clearance from your teacher. In order to finish the project just follow the two final assignements in the menus below.
Getting clearance
Your teacher will have to give you clearance before you can get to actually creating the product. This is just a fancy way of saying that your teacher needs to think your concept is allright for production. If you have achieved this you can get to work.
Follow these instructions:
Whenever you are ready to create your product ask your teacher to come over and give you clearance. Remember: You do this as a team, so your partner must agree too.
If you did not receive clearance, you have to work on the given points to improve the project in a small amount of time. Take this in mind.
When a plan comes together...
Allright, so it all comes down to this. In this assignment you are going to make your products.
The instructions for creating the products and the time you have for it will be discussed in class. Somewhere during the end of the project your teacher will explain to the class as a whole how the products should be made, how much time you have got and how the whole thing should be handed in (ingeleverd).
Assignment H - Commercial
First, a question. How do you make people buy your products? Exactly.. Make a TV commercial!
Ok well, you don't actually have to film a commercial because you are going to present it in class as if you were shooting a commercial.
The assignment:
Prepare a TV Commercial for both of your products
You both have to present but you can decide yourselfs who is going to present what
The presentations will be held in class
The presentations have to be 5 minutes maximum in length
Important note: The presentation must be supported by media (pictures, video, PowerPoint or whatever). You can use PowerPoint, Moovly, Prezi or Powtoon.
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