Project 3.4.1. Product Design

Project 3.4.1. Product Design


You've been working for over 10 years as a 'product designer' for a major supermarket chain. You're very good at your job but you would like to get ahead in the business, because you want to ride a slightly nicer car, enjoy a holiday or two more in the year. And that old bathroom in your home can also get some new tiles. Lucky for you is that the manager of the department in which you work has found another job. He will be accompaning tourists on the island of Aruba as a tourmanager. This means that there is a vacancy for his place as a manager of the design department.

You want that job as a manager really bad! But to get the job, you have to go and apply first. This application is slightly different than usual. You will be requested to design two brand new and not yet existing products for the supermarket's house brand. This is the challenge that will get you the job, if you win! The two products that you are going to design must be made for two target groups. For example, a product can be made for adults and another for children or the elderly. You must create a 3D drawing of the product and you should also create the products in reality so you can show them during a presentation.

The interview is with the big boss of the company. The boss wants you to make a TV commercial for the product so that it saves money if he accepts you. But beware, there are more colleagues from your department who want to be manager. So make sure that the products you design stand out and really have something unique (originality).

After the presentations the big boss will announce who gets the job as manager of the Product Design Department.

Good luck and have fun!


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2015-06-08 14:30:09

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Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

Onderdeel 3.4.1: keuzeproject binnen het PTA 2014-2015 van het Groot Goylant.


Bron Type
What is product design?
10 Innovative product design ideas
Designing software


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