Shop assistant

Shop assistant

shop-assistant (level 2)


shop-assistant (level 2)

verkoopmedewerker groene detailhandel


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Helping a customer


  If we don’t take care of our customers, someone  else will

 Your most unhappy customers are your  greatest source of learning -Bill Gates


Download here the chapter's document

Open bestand Helping a customer.docx

sales promotion

Luister goed naar dit verkooppraatje.

Probeer zelf eens zo'n presentatie te doen.

How to sell me a pen (Biro)

The Ten Commandments of Customer Service

Lees de tekst en maak de oefening.

Je vind ze in het document dat je hebt afgedrukt.



Write down at least 10 questions to ask your partner about the article above. Write down the given answers. Afterwards discuss the answers. In English please.

Avoid closed questions (yes or no). Use: why, when, who, what,  where….

50 basic English questions

Bestudeer de vragen en antwoorden.

Welke wist je al en welke moet je er bij leren?

Leer ook het gesprek.


Doe de rest van de oefeningen uit het lesdocument.

Cash (register)

Customer service is not a department, it’s an attitude

You can download the selection here.

Open bestand Cash registers.docx


Watch the film and answer the questions.

Cashier training

Cash register information


 Read the instruction in this manual.

Answer the questions.

The pound sterling


All frequently used coins except the £2 coin (coins shown are those after the extensive 2008 redesign).


Penny – pence

Pound - pounds


1 EUR = 0.8 GBP


Maak de oefeningen.



Please pay attention to next issues:

Target group (who is your audience?)

Objectives (what do you want to achieve?)

Subject (What is it all about?). 

Brood over the beginning and the ending of your presentation.?

Prepare a presentation for next class. You can use whatever media you want. For example you might use PowerPoint for a slide show and give your comment. The subject must be something of your education.


Shop decoration

Treat the customer like you would a member of your own family

You can download the selection of this chapter here.

Open bestand Shop decoration.docx

Paint your shopping bag


Maak de oefeningen uit het lesmateriaal.

Painting your shopping bag

Dress For Success

Maak de oefeningen uit het lesmateriaal.

Watch the clock

Watch the PowerPoint presentation.


Leer hoe je de tijden benoemt in het Engels.

Open bestand the clock


Maak de puzzel in het lesdocument.