Genetics for Everyone - kopie 1

Genetics for Everyone - kopie 1


Genetics is one of the fastest developing areas of natural sciences, which brings more and more knowledge and important information to our society. This information reaches us through scientists, physicians and other experts in the form of prenatal diagnostics, the latest trends in the field of healthy living, new possibilities for personalised disease therapy, modern methods in criminology etc. The correct understanding of scientific and technical procedures, which include personalised medicine or the use of genetically modified organisms, places increasing demands on every member of modern society. The rational response of all of us to the challenges associated with these technologies, as to the understanding of global pandemics or the climate crisis, thus requires an increasingly strong voice of educated experts and a cultured dialogue between experts and the public. The effort of today's educational institutions to provide quality information is additionally complicated by the spread of fake news, hoaxes and the distortion of reality by non-expert Internet debaters. If our interest is to teach people to critically accept the information that directly affects them and not to be swayed by half-truths and conspiracy theories, a strong foundation in genetics is a necessity today.

This book is intended for teachers of biology students, students of biological and non-biological fields, as well as those interested in genetics from the public. Its aim is to bring the basic genetic principles and discoveries closer together and to discuss them in the context of current events. The book also provides information on the use of knowledge from genetics in other fields, including medicine, criminology, pharmacy and history.


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hughes, samantha. (2025).

Genetics for Everyone


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