Interactive session: Who is responsible? - Product responsibility, copyright problems

Interactive session: Who is responsible? - Product responsibility, copyright problems

Administrative information


Who is responsible for AI mistakes? - Product responsibility, copyright problems
Duration 45-50 minutes
Module C
Lesson Type Interactive Session
Focus Practical - Socially Responsible AI
Topic Socio - Legal aspects for AI



Generative AI, responsibility, ChatGPT, accountability,


Learning Goals

  • Understanding the responsibilities of developers in creating generative AI products.
  • Analyzing the ethical implications of generative AI and its impact.
  • Exploring strategies to ensure accountability and mitigate potential risks


Expected Preparation

Obligatory for Students

  • Review the proposed EU AI Act

Optional for Students

  • Investigate the impact of Generative AI

References and background for students

  • Arrieta, A. B., et al. (2020). Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI): Concepts, taxonomies, opportunities and challenges toward responsible AI. Information Fusion, 58, 82-115.
  • Mittelstadt, B. D., et al. (2019). The ethics of algorithms: Mapping the debate. Big Data & Society, 6(2), 2053951716679679.
  • Jobin, A., et al. (2019). Artificial intelligence: The global landscape of ethics guidelines. Nature Machine Intelligence, 1(9), 389-399.

Recommended for Teachers

  • Bostrom, N., & Yudkowsky, E. (2014). The ethics of artificial intelligence. Cambridge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, 316-334.
  • Verma, D., et al. (2021). Ethical, social, and legal considerations in generative artificial intelligence. Nature Machine Intelligence, 3(4), 306-315.


Lesson materials

The materials of this learning event are available under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.


Instructions for Teachers

The class can be divided into groups of 3-4 students. Groups will separately discuss the Generative AI and copyright problems.

Creation of arts, other products Artificial intelligence and copyright (



Duration (min) Description Concepts Activity
5 Disscussion Topic - Generative AI - Accountability Generative AI - ChatGPT, DALLE  
15 Discussion of challenges - Accountability, Copyright issue AI regulations, Accountability Student driven Discussion
15 Action was taken, and Possible Alternatives   Student driven Discussion
10 Discussion of results and some additional points of discussion   Result discussion
5 Conclusion and some open-ended questions   Food for thought



More information

Click here for an overview of all lesson plans of the master human centred AI

Please visit the home page of the consortium HCAIM


The Human-Centered AI Masters programme was co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union Under Grant №CEF-TC-2020-1 Digital Skills 2020-EU-IA-0068.

The materials of this learning event are available under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0


The HCAIM consortium consists of three excellence centres, three SMEs and four Universities

HCAIM Consortium


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