Comprehensive Reading-Leesvaardigheid/Begrijpend lezen

Comprehensive Reading-Leesvaardigheid/Begrijpend lezen


Today's lesson

Wat ga je vandaag doen?

Vandaag ga je een tekst lezen, waarbij er vragen gesteld worden.Dit noemen we ook wel leesvaardigheid.  Deze vragen hebben betrekking tot de tekst, maar ook zal je je woordenschat testen. Er zullen verschillende type vragen gesteld worden, maar ik verwacht dat jullie je best doen! 

Maar het is allereerst heel belangrijk dat jullie een beeld krijgen over hoe je het best begrijpend leest. Vandaag wordt er verdiept in het verbeteren van jullie leesvaardigheid en vocabulaire(woordenschat).

Je kunt zelf de kopjes (op volgorde natuurlijk) aanklikken. Na een kort stukje theorie kan je beginnen met oefenen. Onthoud wel, tel je punten aan het eind van elke opdracht op. Voor elke goede vraag krijg je 1 punt.

Aan het eind krijg je een cijfer, maar het telt helaas niet mee!

Je mag Google Translate gebruiken als hulp. 



Begrijpend lezen, wat en hoe?

What is comprehensive reading(begrijpend lezen)?

Comprehensive reading(Begrijpend lezen)

Begrijpend lezen is het vermogen om een ​​tekst te lezen en de betekenis ervan te begrijpen. Op school oefenen kinderen twee belangrijke vaardigheden: technisch lezen en begrijpend lezen.

Technisch lezen gaat over het herkennen en uitspreken van woorden in een tekst, terwijl begrijpend lezen gaat over het begrijpen van wat we lezen. Dat maakt lezen leuk!

Hieronder zie je 6 stappen die je eventueel kunnen helpen: 

Begrijpend lezen zes stappen op educatieve poster voor in de klas

How to get better at comprehensive reading (begrijpend lezen)?

Read as much as possible!

Probeer zo vaak mogelijk in het Engels te lezen. Een beetje elke dag of twee helpt al veel. Ga terug en herlees teksten een tweede keer en een derde keer. Dit helpt je vertrouwd te raken met het gebruik van Engels in echte zinnen en uitdrukkingen.

Read for fun

Lezen is het leukst als:

- de "leesflow" niet is onderbroken,

- wanneer je je verdiept in een goed verhaal of een interessant artikel.

- als de tijd vliegt

Het is niet anders als je leest in een andere taal. Als een tekst te veel is moeilijk, als er te veel woorden zijn of zinnen die je niet begrijpt, dan wordt lezen moeilijk en het houdt het plezier op . Lees dan zelf uitgekozen teksten die jou als lezer interesseren.

Keep on reading

Het is normaal dat je in een tekst stopt bij een woord of
uitdrukking die we niet begrijpen. Onbekende woorden kunnen
lezen en begrijpen van de tekst heel moeilijk maken. Stop niet!
Als je dan bij een onbekend woord komt sla het over en blijf lezen.

Wanneer je bij het einde van de passage komt ; lees het eventjes voor met dezelfde techniek en tempo. De context met de woorden die je wel begrijpt moet je helpen om de algemene betekenis van de hele tekst weten. Je kunt woorden die moeilijk vindt opnieuw zoeken. Zoek ze dan op
in een woordenboek of vraag het aan iemand.

Reading improves everything

Er is veel onderzoek gedaan over lezen in een vreemde taal en het laat duidelijk zien dat een leesoefening niet alleen het lezen verbetert. Ook helpt het je om beter te worden in Engels (schrijven, spreken en luisteren). Zo kan je meer vertrouwd raken met woorden en hoe woorden in context worden gebruikt.

Wat ga je doen? (instructie)

Je gaat straks verwerkingsopdrachten maken waar je je leesvaardigheid en begrijpend lezen-skills kan testen. Zoals je ziet kan je drukken op de volgende onderdelen; At School, Frogs in love en een vocabulaire oefening. Na het maken van alle verwerkingsopdrachten, kan je de bonusopdracht maken die onder het kopje 'Christmas' staat.

Als je de Powerpoint van de kennisclip wil bekijken, kan je dat doen bij het kopje 'Powerpoint'.

Ik loop zelf langs voor eventuele vragen, dus steek je hand op als je een vraagt hebt.

Vergeet niet uiteindelijk de feedback te sturen via het kopje 'Resultaat & Feedback' !


Text: At school

You are about to read a text about a boy's day at school written in simple sentences.

At school

Lucas goes to school every day of the week. He has many subjects to go to each school day: English, art, science, mathematics, gym, and history. His mother packs a big backpack full of books and lunch for Lucas.

His first class is English, and he likes that teacher very much. His English teacher says that he is a good pupil, which Lucas knows means that she thinks he is a good student.

His next class is art. He draws on paper with crayons and pencils and sometimes uses a ruler. Lucas likes art. It is his favorite class.

His third class is science. This class is very hard for Lucas to figure out, but he gets to work with his classmates a lot, which he likes to do. His friend, Kyle, works with Lucas in science class, and they have fun.

Then Lucas gets his break for lunch. He sits with Kyle while he eats. The principal, or the headmaster as some call him, likes to walk around and talk to students during lunch to check that they are all behaving.

The next class is mathematics, which most of the students just call math. Kyle has trouble getting a good grade in mathematics, but the teacher is very nice and helpful.

His fifth class is gym. It is just exercising.

History is his last class of the day. Lucas has a hard time staying awake. Many lessons are boring, and he is very tired after doing gym.

First day at school | LearnEnglish Teens - British Council

Text: Frogs in love

Frogs in love: Romeo and Juliet


Romeo the frog spent ten years alone in a museum in Bolivia. He is a Sehuencas frog, and for a long time, scientists at the museum thought that Romeo was the only Sehuencas frog in the world. A lot of these frogs have died because of deforestation,and a deadly disease has taken the lives of many others. The scientists wanted to find a mate for Romeo. They even set up a profile for him on!

In 2018, some scientists went to the Bolivian forests to look for a partner for Romeo. They looked in many streams, but they couldn’t find any frogs. They grew tired, wet and disappointed. They decided to check one more stream before going home. And then, they found a Sehuencas frog beside a waterfall. This frog was male, but they returned the next day and found four more frogs, two male and two female. One of the females was the right age to mate. The conservationists called her Juliet.

The scientists didn’t let Romeo and Juliet meet at first. They needed to check that Juliet didn’t have a disease. But finally, they put the two frogs together. At first, Romeo seemed nervous, but soon he swam to Juliet and then he did a funny dance, shaking his toes. Then he put his arms and legs around her and made a really loud call.

Juliet hasn’t laid any eggs yet, but scientists hope she will. That way, they can learn more about these frogs and help to protect them in the forest. But they know it won’t be easy. For frogs to mate, the temperature and the water quality must be perfect. They also only mate when it is raining, so the scientists had to put special rain equipment in their tank. However, the scientists aren’t too worried if Romeo and Juliet don’t mate, because they have the four other frogs. And they are happy that Romeo isn’t lonely anymore!

Difficult - Text: In search of Bigfoot

In search of Bigfoot

In the Himalayas there's an old Sherpa saying that, "There is a Yeti in the back of everyone's mind; only the blessed are not haunted by it." Many cultures have legends about solitary man-beasts, and recorded sightings in North America and Asia date back to the early 1800s. Despite numerous sightings, photos and footprints of often questionable origin, there has never been conclusive proof that these creatures exist. No droppings, no bones, no hair and no bodies found - alive or dead.

And this week, geneticists at the University of Alberta are putting the legend to the test as they scrutinise hair alleged to have come from Bigfoot. The results are due on Thursday. The hair was collected by residents in Teslin, Yukon, who claim to have found it in a massive footprint left behind by a 3m-tall human-like creature which walked through their gardens earlier this month.

Wildlife geneticist Dave Coltman expects that the hair will have come from a known mammal such as a bear or bison, but says he is curious enough to test this theory. "If Bigfoot is indeed a primate, then we would expect the sample to be closer to humans or chimpanzees or gorillas. That would be kind of cool, wouldn't it?"

Man-Beast Or Myth

Regardless of his findings, the myth of Bigfoot does not need hard facts to persist. The creatures are real enough to those who say they have spotted them, but opinion is divided on the nature of the beast. Some say it is flesh-and-blood; others, including various Native American tribes, believe it to be a spirit being which appears to humans in times of crisis. Ralph Gray Wolf, an Athapaskan Indian from Alaska, has told reporters that Sasquatch makes appearances to help troubled communities "get more in tune with Mother Earth", bringing a message that there is a need to change.

Nor are such creatures confined to the vast, isolated tracts of land in North America and Asia - in the UK, such legends date back centuries. Two years ago, investigators and the media descended on Bolam Lake, near Newcastle, following a spate of sightings of a tall, shadowy figure over the previous 18 months. In their week in the wooded, lakeside park, six of the party spotted the so-called Beast of Bolam. Richard Freeman, of the Centre for Fortean Zoology centre, says one of his colleagues was among the witnesses.

"What they saw was not Bigfoot, or Sasquatch as I prefer to call him; it was an enormous shadowy figure in the trees, more like a ghost than flesh-and-blood. In a park not far from a city centre, you're not going to get a nine-foot ape-like creature - England doesn't have the habitat to support it." His theory is that sightings such as this - and Scotland's Big Grey Man of Ben MacDhui and the Grey King in Wales - are of a paranormal being. "I don't mean that these are the ghosts of some creature which has died; I think it is more complex than that."

In his time as a professional monster hunter, Mr Freeman has travelled the world gathering tales of weird and wonderful creatures - and in every culture, the same types crop up time and again. He calls it the "international monster template", which is made up of dragons and other huge reptiles; large ape-like creatures, such as Sasquatch and the trolls of Medieval Europe; little people, such as fairies and goblins; giant birds; and phantom dogs and cats. "I believe these are equivalents of the creatures which inhabited the plains of Africa millions of years ago, which our ancestors would have had to deal with. We now have a fossil memory of these creatures. Under certain conditions, the human mind creates 3D images of these equivalents."

Mind Games

Sceptics such as Benjamin Radford, of the Skeptical Inquirer magazine, also believe that such sightings are our minds playing tricks on us. For it is actually very easy to fool ourselves into believing what we want to believe. What often happens, he has said, is that out in the wilderness, in areas known as Bigfoot locations, someone will see something dark or hairy or fast out of the corner of their eye that startles them. "If they're already thinking that there's a Bigfoot in the area, it's easy to make the leap between saying: 'I saw something, I don't know what it is,' to: 'I saw something and it's Bigfoot.'"

As for the latest find, it will soon be known whether the hair is from a creature thus far unknown to science. And until then, the truth simply lies in the eye of the beholder.

Vocabulaire oefenen

Bonus text: Christmas

You are about to read a text about a boy's day at school written in simple sentences. This one is EVEN more difficult than the previous one!


A Christian holiday signifying the birth of Jesus, Christmas is widely celebrated and enjoyed across the United States and the world. The holiday always falls on 25 December (regardless of the day of the week), and is typically accompanied by decorations, presents, and special meals.

Specifically, the legend behind Christmas (and the one that most children are told) is that Santa Claus, a bearded, hefty, jolly, and red-jacket-wearing old man who lives in the North Pole, spends the year crafting presents with his elves, or small, festive, excited Santa-assistants. All the children who behave throughout the year are admitted to the Good List, and will presumably receive their desired gifts on Christmas, while those who don't behave are placed on the Naughty List, and will presumably (although the matter is determined by parents) receive a lump of coal.

Santa Claus is said to fly around the Christmas sky in a sled powered by his magical reindeer, or cold-resistant, mythically powered, individually named animals, delivering presents to each child's house in the process. Santa is also expected to slide through chimneys to deliver these presents (homes not equipped with chimneys might "leave the front door cracked open"), and children sometimes arrange cookies or other treats on a plate for him to enjoy.

Gifts are placed underneath a Christmas tree, or a pine tree that's decorated with ornaments and/or lights and is symbolic of the holiday. Additionally, smaller gifts may be placed inside a stocking, or a sock-shaped, holiday-specific piece of fabric that's generally hung on the mantle of a fireplace (homes without fireplaces might use the wall). A Christmas tree's ornaments, or hanging, typically spherical decorations, in addition to the mentioned lights, may be accompanied by a star, or a representation of the Star of Jerusalem that the Three Apostles followed while bringing Baby Jesus gifts and honoring him, in the Bible.

How To Celebrate A Simple Christmas This Year - MannaXPRESS

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Powerpoint Leesvaardigheid


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    1VA: Het doel van deze les is dat de leerlingen hun leesskills testen terwijl ze bezig zijn met een leesvaardigheidsopdracht. Dit doe ik om na te gaan of dit een goede manier is om de leerlingen zelfstandig aan het werk te laten. Het voornamelijke doel is om de concentratie van de leerlingen te bevorderen. Als dit een positieve invloed heeft zal ik vaker zo een leerarrangement maken. Er wordt een tekst op A2/b1/b2 niveau aangeboden, waarna de leerlingen opdrachten krijgen gericht op de tekst.


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