Welcome to the wikiwijs page of the sustainable Rotterdam project!
Using this site you will go through the different steps of the sustainable Rotterdam project for the subject Geography.
During this project you will zoom in on a number of sustainable projects in Rotterdam. You also learn to answer main and subquestions by doing research. This project prepares you for your 'profielwerkstuk' and the research you need to do on HBO or even University. Each group has to research different topics/projects. So make sure you choose your subjects on time, before other groups have taken them.
Go through the steps mentioned on the left in the menu. Your end product will be a report and a presentation.
Are you already curious about what you will be judged on? Then check the 'Assessment criteria' heading on the left for more information!
Please take into account that if not everyone in the group handed in work of equal quality, that the teacher might choose to give you different grades.
A part of the project will be the Rotterdam Citywalk about sustainability on the 20th of November.
Good luck!
Miss Heskes
Learning objectives of the project
Each group investigates a number of projects in Rotterdam with regard to sustainability.
Each group chooses five different projects.
You are going to investigate what is sustainable about that project.
You conduct a research and answer a main question and subquestions.
Groupsize is 3 or 4 people. (If you have another groupsize, special rules apply, discuss those with your teacher)
Why? By doing this project/research you are already preparing for further study (HBO / University). It will also give you an idea of what is required next year when you write your 'profielwerkstuk'.
You learn a number of skills that you need for follow-up studies:
Writing reports
Critical thinking
ICT skills
A lot of these skills fit perfectly with the profile of what is expected of a TTO-student, so I have high expectations.
You follow the steps described on the left in the menu. This will help you to go through the entire research cycle. You can get help during the lessons from your geography teacher.
This is a global planning. The teacher can deviate from this:
Lesson 1 project: Explanation project, make groups, make a group chat on teams.
Lesson 2 project: Choose your locations and fill in the location form, then submit it for permission from your teacher.
Lesson 3 project: Start by answering the sub-questions and prepare the presentation for the Rotterdam walk.
Lesson 4 project: Complete the sub-questions and presentation in Rotterdam. Hand this in to the teacher for feedback.
After the autumn break:
Lesson 5 project (after autumnbreak): Use the feedback to improve your sub-questions and start by answering the main question.
Lesson 6 project: Assemble the entire report with all the information you have gathered before.
Lesson 7 project: Create the presentation for the project.
Final report submission date: 24 November 2023
Presentations are in week 48 in the lessons.
Make groupchat
Before you start to do anything, make a groupchat on teams.
You also add your teacher here.
This is the place where all the communication about the project takes place when you are not in a geography lesson. This way, the teacher can see how hard you are working and how the collaboration is going and if you have a good planning. This is also part of the assessment (see assessment).
We expect active participation from all group members. If you don't do anything during class, you will be put on absent.
Tip: you can call eachother in the groupschat if your working from home, that is a lot more effective than just chatting.
To do this research you're going to follow a couple of steps. All the steps together form a research cycle, like the one described in the picture.
Click on the left to go to the first step. Follow all the steps in the logical order.
At the end you have to hand in a report and do a presentation.
Research cycle
Step 1 (Wonder)
During this research you will investigate five different sustainable projects in Rotterdam. Sustainable development literally means: a way of producing and consuming without environmental exhaustion and environmental pollution and minimizing environmental impact.
If you don't remember what sustainability is, look it up in Chapter 4 of your coursebook.
Also watch this video to see what sustainability is about. It is a very huge subject which you can look at from a lot of different perspectives.This video is made by the Port of Rotterdam, which is one of the most sustainable harbours in the world.
You, on the other hand, are going to research the sustainability of the City of Rotterdam.
There are five different themes you can choose from for your sustainability research. Each group chooses a project from each theme. So you will have 5 projects in total.
There are four themes you must do, for the last theme you can choose between two options.
These are the themes:
Buildings (think of modifications to buildings, architecture)
Water (water storage, adapted parking garages, water squares)
Energy (energy efficient, green energy)
Green (parks in the city, green roofs/ agriculture on roofs)
Mobility (moving within the city) or Circular (recycling).
So you will choose five different locations and projects, project 1 has to do with sustainable buildings, project 2 with water, project 3 with energy project 4 with greenery and project 5 with mobility or circular.
Tip: You can use this website to find sustainable projects.
You are also allowed to search on the web to find suitable projects.
Make sure you choose projects that you think are interesting. You will have to give a lot of information about these locations. So don't only take the simple ones. Have you chosen five locations/projects? Then download the document underneath and fill it in.
When you're done, send the document to your geography teacher via teams.
Don't go on with step two untill you have permission from your teacher on your locations.
The documents I receive first, will also be the ones that get their permission first.
If you send in your document last, it might be that you have to choose a lot of different projects because your projects are already taken. We don't want to many of the same projects in one class.
After the permission of the teacher you can go to step 2.
Step 2 (Explore)
Formulating a research question is extremely difficult. That's why the teachers have already formulated your main question and the subquestions for you. Next year when you write your 'profielwerkstuk', you are going to be able to choose these questions yourselves.
Main question:
How do your five chosen projects fit in with the sustainable vision of the municipality of Rotterdam?
What does sustainability mean to you?
What is the municipality of Rotterdam's vision on sustainability?
What did you prepare for your sustainable city walk?
Which projects have you chosen and why?
Why are the projects sustainable?
What is the connection between the projects and the subject Geography?
Which project appeals to you most and why?
The idea is that you first answer all the subquestions and that the answers of all the subquestions together will ultimately lead to the answer on the mainquestion.
Step 3 (Investigate)
You can see that there are a lot of subquestions that lead to the answer on the main question.
Copy these subquestions and start your research. Which information can you find?
Use reliable sources with correct information. For example: don't use Wikipedia as a source, that can be written by anyone. Tip: Wikipedia is a good place to find good sources!
Some questions you can ask yourself about the sources are:
What year does the source come from? (is it still up to date?) For a website: What does the layout look like? Who owns the website? Who is the creator of the source? Is this a reliable party? Does the source creator also refer to other sources? Is the creator's goal to inform? (Or: give an opinion, convince?) Avoid websites like: Wikipedia (but have a look at the sources that are stated on the bottom of the website), blogspot.com, wordpress.com, scholieren.com
Because you are working in a group it is a good idea to make a planning.
Divide the subquestions over the group and take into account the amount of work it will take. Some subquestions are shorter/easier to answer than others.
This is an indication of what I expect from you in terms of length and content:
Subquestion 1:
First explain the concept of sustainability, what does it mean? Perhaps there are several definitions? Then you answer what sustainability means to you (and your group) and what kind of sustainable things you already do. Use 300 to 400 words.
Subquestion 2:
Find out what the vision/goals/ambitions of Rotterdam are when it comes to sustainability. Do a thorough search in the municipal documents and eventually formulate a clear answer. Use between 300 and 400 words (Tip: you can use this as a source: Duurzaamheidskompas december 2020 (duurzaam010.nl))
Subquestion 3:
On the day of the city walk you should actively participate and do your own presentation on location. In this subquestion you show the text of the presentation you are going to do in the city. The presentation should be around 5 minutes (300 to 400 words).
Subquestion 4:
In this subquestion you introduce to the reader what your five projects are (eg where they are located, who made/designed them) and why you have chosen them. Do not talk about the sustainability yet in this subquestion. You do that in subquestion 5. It is just to tell the reader what your projects are. Use between 200 to 400 words.
Subquestion 5:
This is a very important question for your assessment. Make sure you explain clearly what your projects/locations contribute to a sustainable world. Really go into depth, so don't just mention it saves water, but also explain why it's important that we start saving water. Use 300 to 500 words.
Subquestion 6:
All your chosen sustainable projects have a link with geography. What is the link between your project and geography? What do you already know about the topic? Maybe you have a water storage location. What do you already know about water and climate change? What have you learned about this in previous years? Use 300 to 400 words.
Subquestion 7:
Which location appeals to you the most and why? Is this project applicable in other cities? Are any adjustments required? Use 150 to 250 words.
I also expect pictures in the report with a short description underneath it. There should be no spelling errors in it, I expect correct use of English.
You get two lessons for step 3. This means that at the end of the second lesson (the teacher tells you exactly when) you have to send a document containing the answers to the subquestions. This will be before the autumn break.
You will then receive feedback from the teacher after the holiday, so that you can further improve your report.
If you do not submit anything, or only half a report, you will receive no / less feedback and you will eventually see that reflected in your final grade, so take this opportunity!
Step 4 (Review)
Are you done with answering the subquestions and did you use the feedback of the teacher to complete/adjust your answers?
Then you are ready to answer the main question.
Use at least 400 words for this. Make sure every group member works on this. This is the most important part of your research.
Use information from all the subquestions to form the answer on the main question.
You should never use new information here.
In the conclusion you first give a short summary of the answers of the subquestions and then come to a conclusion (an answer to the main question).
As soon as you formed the answer to the main question, you are ready to create your report.
Step 5: Report (Create)
The report consists of the following sections:
Cover Sheet
Table of contents
Short overview of main question and subquestions (no answers yet, just an overview of all the questions you are going to answer in your reseach and conclusion).
Research (answers to the subquestions)
Conclusion (answer to the main question)
Evaluation (see below)
Logbook (see below)
Sources (see below)
Below some additional explanation for some of the sections:
Write in your evaluation what you have learned from doing this project.
Everyone does this for themselves.
What did you know about sustainability in the city?
Did you hear about the projects before?
What have you learned from your own project?
What have you learned from doing research?
How did the collaboration in your group go? Did everyone do an equal amount of work? Does everyone deserve the same grade?
Do you have feedback for the teacher about this assignment?
In this research you work together with a number of fellow students. That is why you have to keep a logbook. The intention is that you make clear what you have worked on and how long you have worked on it. As a result, the teacher can also see the division of tasks well.
If one person has done more than the other? Then this must also be clearly stated in your report. You will be assessed for this. So it can happen that there are different grades within one group at the end.
In a logbook you see all the hours spend on the project, so also the time where you discuss how you will work together, or the time you spent to find good sources, the time in which you check other peoples work, etc.
The naming of sources is very important. Wikipedia, for example, is not a legit source. You may therefore not use this. To combat plagiarism, you therefore also submit your report via SOM. This way we can check whether you have written your own report or whether you have cut and pasted everything.
Step 6: Presentation (Share)
You will give a presentation with your whole group.
The following parts must be included in the presentation:
What were your main and subquestions?
Which projects have you researched?
What were your results and your answer to the main question?
What have you learned from doing this project?
Your presentation must take at least 5 minutes. The maximum time is 10 minutes.You are allowed to show one video clip (not more than 2 minutes).
Please note that presentation skills are also important!It is important that you know what you are talking about and know your story by heart. So no reading from paper!
I want every person to participate in this presentation. You can also expect questions from me at the end of the presentation.
The days and times of the presentations follow later.
Assessment criteria
This project counts 2x for geography.
It is therefore important to know what we look at when we judge your report/presentation.
Your grade consists of different parts.
The following things are taken into account:
Collaboration within the groups
Preparatory lessons (active in (teams)class, submit form on time, ask questions to teacher if necessary)
Research (main and subquestions answered correctly, good sources are used, the feedback option from the teacher is used)
The report (layout, content, creativity, logbook, sources, evaluation). Also see heading 'report'.
The presentation of your report on school (presentation skills, content presentation). Also see heading 'presentation'.
Participation and preparation during the Rotterdam day.
Here you can find the detailed list I will use for the assessment:
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Jannieta Heskes
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2024-08-29 14:25:00
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