Hello dear student and welcome to today English lesson!
In the last lesson, we started a new block learning about Conditionals. We use Conditionals all the time in English, so it is very important that you learn them and feel comfortable using them in your writing and speaking.
There are four types of Conditionals:
Zero condional
First condional
Second condional
Third condional
Conditional allow us to express things that can happen in the present and future. We use them for real or unreal situations. Take a look at these questions: pay attention to see if the situation is real or unreal. How does the structure change in each question?
What happens If we heat water to 100°?
What will you do if you miss the train?
What would you do if you were the president?
What would you have studied if you hadn’t done social science?
Last session we learned about zero and first conditonals. We also learned that conditional sentences always have two clauses. The "If" clause and the "main clause" (sometimes called the "Result" clause).
In the introductory clip below, I will briefly review the last lesson, give an overview of today's lesson and explain how to work with this website.
Introductory clip
>>>> Click on the arrow to go to the next page "Learning goals".
Lesson goals
Aims of this lesson are:
For all groups:
To improve recognition of the second conditional forms used in conditional statements.
To ask and answer questions about an unreal and imaginary situation using second conditional structure
To form a negative/question sentence using the second conditional
To write an informal letter/email to a friend and give suggestion/advice
For Team Blue
To construct a shared story using the second conditional.
For Team Orange
To interview classmates and prepare a presentation on "living conditions" using the second conditional.
For Team Green
To prepare an interactive presentation on "Third conditional" and present it to the Blue and Orange teams.
What will you do in this lesson?
assess yourself
listen to a song and fill in the gaps
watch knowledge clips
do some exercises
take 2 tests
give your feedback on the lesson and reflect on your learning.
>>>>Click on the arrow to go to "Assess yourself".
2. Assess yourself
Before starting the lesson, you will need to take a quiz to check your knowledge of Conditionals. Depending on the number of correct answers, you will be divided into teams. You have 5 minutes to take the test. Make sure to click on "play" to set the timer.
When you have completed the quiz (Google form), you will need to check your scores to see how many correct answers you have had.
If you have got 9-10 answers correct, you are in the Greenteam and you do not need any further explanation of the second conditional. This also means that you don't need to watch the knowledge clips, but you need to do the "extension tasks" after you have finished all the exercises.
If you have 5-8correct answers, you are in the Orange team. You need to watch 2 knowledge clips.
If you have 1-4correct answers, you are in the Blue team. You need to watch 3 knowledge clips including one about the second conditional in Dutch. This will help you to understand this lesson better.
Good luck with the test!
>>>> Click on the arrow to go to "Warm-UP".
3. Warm-UP
Pre-listening activity
To prepare for the listening activity, first click on link below and match each picture with the correct vocabulary word. The aim of doing this worksheet is to learn some of the vocabulary words used in the song in the following page.
>>>> Click on the arrow to go to "Listening activity".
Listening activity
Now listen to the song "If I had a million dollars" and fill in the gaps. You only need to listen up to minute 3:11.
Tip: You may need to use the contraction in the gaps, for example: "I'd" instead of "I would".
“If I Had A Million Dollars” by Barenaked Ladies
>>>> Click on the arrow to go to 'Post-listening activities".
Post-listening activities
Now it is your turn:
“What would you do if you had a million dollars?” or
"If you won a car in a competition, what kind of car would you want to have?"
Spin the Wordwall and share your ideas on the Padlet. On the Padlet page, click on the + sign at the bottom right. A text box will open, write your answer in the box. (Don't forget to add your name too!).
If the Wordwall does not work, please refresh your page with the refresh sign.
Thank you for posting your answers on the Padlet page. You will continue with the following steps:
do exercises
watch knowledg clips 2 & 3
do 2 tests
give feedback on the lesson and reflect on your learning.
>>>>Click on the arrow to go to "Instruction".
4. Instruction
Please read the instrucitons carefully!
Make sure you go to your team (i.e. click on Green, Orange or Blue) and read the instructions for your team which give an overview of what you will need to do.
Remember that you can always ask me if the instructions are not clear to you.
>>>>Click on the arrow to go to part 5. "Exercises and tests".
Team Green
Congratulations Team Green! Here is your instructions:
During the lesson you will see 3 knowledge clips that are not intended for you. You can still watch them if you want. Do the exercises that are assigned to your team and then do the "extension tasks". When you have completed them, form a group with your classmates who have the same colour as you.
You will then work together to prepare a presentation on "Third Conditional" and present it to the Orange and Blue teams in the next lesson. The format of the presentation is optional. Think of making a Prezi or powerpoint and make it as interactive as possible. Add a QR-code in your presentaion to guide the students towards a website for more practice.
Take it as if you are the teacher! How would you make sure your students will learn Third Conditionals?
For now, follow these steps:
Do exercises 2 & 3
Do formative test 1
Do exercises 4 & 5
Do extension task 1
Do extension task 2
Do summative test
FiIl in the evaluation form
Get into a group to prepare the presentation
Your lesson goals are:
1.You can recognise the second conditional forms used in conditional statements.
2.You can ask and answer questions about an unreal and imaginary situation using second conditional structure
3.You can form a negative/question sentence using the second conditional
4. You can write an informal letter/email to your friend and give suggestion/advice
5. Make an interactive presentation about "Third Conditional" and present it to Team Blue and Team Orange
For your information only:
Knowledge clip 1 explains how to make sentences with zero and first conditional
Knowledge clip 2 explains how to make sentences with second conditional
Knowledge clip 3 gives a full explanation about the second conditonal in Dutch
>>>>Click on the arrow to go to part 5. "Exercises and Tests".
Team Orange
Dear student, welcome to Team Orange! Upon the result of the Assess yourself it seems that you need to practise more. You only need to watch Knowledge clips 2 & 3.
Once you finished your tasks, you will get an interview survey sheet. You will need to ask questions with second conditionals. You will then present the collected answers to the class. The form of presentation is optional for example a poster or even a movie with the recorded interview would be nice to create. If you make a poster, you can include a QR-code to guide the students towards a website for more practice.
Below is the instructions for you.
Do exercise 1
Watch Knowledge clip 1 (optional)
Watch Knowledge clips 2 & 3
Do exercises 2 & 3
Do formative test
Do exercises 4 & 5
Extension tasks 1 & 2 (optional)
Do summative test
Fill in the evaluation form
Group work: Interview classmates using 'living situation" survey
Only for your information
Knowledge clip 1 explains how to make the zero and first conditional (You can watch it if you want)
Knowledge clip 2 explains how to make the second conditional
Knowledge clip 3 gives a full epxlaination on how to make the second conditional in Dutch
Your lesson goals are:
1.You can recognise the second conditional forms used in conditional statements.
2.You can ask and answer questions about an unreal and imaginary situation using second conditional structure
3.You can form a negative/quesiton sentence using the second conditional
4. You can write an informal letter/email to a friend and give suggestion/advice
5.To interview your classmates, and give a presentation on how your classmate's life would be different if they were in a different living situation.
>>>> Click on the arrow to go to part '5. "Exercises and tests".
Team Blue
Hello and welcome Team Blue! Your result in the quiz "Assess yourself" shows that you need further explanation and practice on the zero and the first conditional. That is why you will do some extra exercises.
Once you have completed all your tasks, get into a group with people who have the same colour as you. You need to create a shared story using the second conditional and present it to the class next week. Think of an interactive way on how to present it.
Instructions on how to create a shared story can be found in the link below.
You can answer questions using zero and first conditional.
You can ask and answer questions about an unreal and imaginary situations using second conditional structure
You can form a negative/question sentence using the second conditional
You can write an informal letter/email to a friend and give suggestion/advice
You can use second conditional to construct a shared story in a group.
Follow these steps:
Watch knowledge clip 1
Do exercise 1
Wacht knowledge clips 2 & 3
Do exercise 2
Do formative test
Do exercises 4 & 5
Extension tasks 1 & 2 (optional)
Do summative test
Fill in the evaluation form
Get in group to construct a shared story and present it to the class.
For your information:
Knowledge clip 1 reviews zero and first condtional
Knowlege clip 2 gives explaination on how to form a second condtional sentence
Knowledge clip 3 gives you a full explanation in Dutch about the second conditonal
>>>> Click on the arrow to go to part 5. "Exercises and tests".
5. Exercises and formative test
Please do exercises and watch Knowledge clips that are assigned to your team.
>>>>Click on the arrow to go to "Exercise 1".
Exercise 1
Review the zero and first conditionals. You might need to use a modal verbs (hulpwerkwoorden) such as: will, may, might and can.
If you have less than 5 correct answers, there are more exercises on the next page.
Extra practice for zero and first conditionals
>>>> Click on the arrow to go to the next page and watch "Knowledge clips 2 & 3".
Knowledge clips 2 & 3
In today's lesson, we will learn how to structure the second conditional.
The second conditional sentence talks about things that probably won't happen. It can work in the future and also in the present, in exactly the same way!
You have listened to the song. Do you remember what the singer of the song would buy or do if he had a million dollars?
What about the following sentences: If I were president, I would.... or If I were president, I would...
which one is correct?
This sentence structure can be used to give advice, in the same way as saying "I should". We use 'were' instead of 'was', I wouldn't do that if I were you!
The Green team can skip the clips. The orange team needs to watch the knowledge clips 2 and 3. (You can skip clip 3 if you have understood clip 2 well).
The Blue team must watch knowledge clips 2 and 3.
Knowledg clip 2: How to form second conditional in English
Knowledge clip 3: How to form second conditional in Dutch.
>>>>Click on the arrow to go to "Exercise 2".
Exercise 2
>>>>Click on the arrow to go to "Exercise 3".
Exercise 3
>>>>Click on the arrow to go to "Formative test".
Formative test
To check if you understand the zero, first and second conditionals, a formative test has been created for you. Hopefully you will get more than 5 correct answers. You will receive instant feedback as soon as I see your answers. If you get less than 5 correct answers, you need more practice. I will then provide you with additional exercises.
If you need further explanation on "how to form and use the second conditional", here is some additional information. (optional)
This is the dialogue of two friends on buying a new flat. Types of zero, first and second conditional clauses are used a lot in the text and the meaning behind those clauses are questioned in the true/false comprehension questions.
Sally: Hi Kate! I want to buy a new house. I can’t decide which one to buy.
Kate: I can help you if you want.
Sally: Sure.
Kate: First of all, if you like landscapes, you should look for flats in the suburbs. They are both cheap and near the lake.
Sally: Yes, you’re right. I love landscapes. However, they are far from the city centre. I can’t go to the city centre every day if I get this new job. I’ll have to wake up very early every day. If I had a car, I’d think positive about them.
Kate: Hmmm. Why don’t you look for the new buildings in the city centre, then? There are many new flats in the town.
Sally: Can you recommend any new flats for me?
Kate: If you have yesterday’s local newspaper, I’ll show you one of them.
Sally: Here you are.
Kate: Look at this one. It‘s right in the city centre. If you live in the centre, then everything will be around you.
Sally: Kate, isn’t this a bit expensive? I can’t afford to buy this. If I had that amount of money, I’d buy a detached house.
Kate: There are many cheap bank credits. I’ll buy one of them when I get the yearly promotion from my job.
Sally: Alright. I’ll have a look at new campaigns on the internet. Thanks.
>>>>Click on the arrow to go to "Exercise 5".
Exercise 5
Writing an informal letter/email
You have received an email from your friend:
I want to join a school club but don’t know which club to choose, drama or sport.
Unfortunately, I don’t have time for all of them. What should I do?
Write a reply to Sam:
give advice on what he/she should do.
write about which school club you would like to attend and why.
write a 150 word text.
Click on the link below to write your letter. I will send you my feedback. Make sure to download the document, rename it and send it to my email address.
Here is an example of an informal letter using the second conditional.
Fiona has moved to live in London. She wrote a letter to her friend Mandy and asked her for some advice about finding a flat in London. Here is Many’s reply to Fiona's letter:
Dear Fiona,
I’m glad to hear that you have decided to move to London. It’ll be great to have a friend from home living here. In your letter you asked me to give you some advice finding a flat; here are some suggestions:
If I were you, I would start by checking advertisements in the London papers. For example, “Daily Mail” and the “Evening standard” have large sections with houses and flats for rent. I would also contact an estate agent if I were you. If you contact them, they will give you a list of all the places in the area you want at a price you can afford. Please call me if you need any help.
>>>> Click on the arrow to go to "Extension task 1". (Required for Team Green, optional for Team Organe and Blue if you have finished all other tasks and did well on formative test!)
Extension task 1
Here is a challenge for you!
Do you know how to use third and mixed conditionals?
Look at these examples to see how third and mixed conditionals are used.
We would have walked to the top of the mountain if the weather hadn't been so bad.
If we'd moved to Scotland when I was a child, I would have a Scottish accent now.
If she was really my friend, she wouldn't have lied to me.
Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
>>Click on the arrow to go to "Extension task 2" (Required for Team Green, optional for Team Organe and Blue, if you have finished all other tasks and did well on formative test!)
Extension task 2
Think of someone who has made a positive impact in your life. Think of how your life would be different if that person had been different or behaved differently.
Write a 100-200 word thank you letter to that person. Use the third conditional to explain how your life would have been different if that person hadn't helped you.
Use at least one of the key structures listed below.
Key structures
If you hadn't [past participle], I would have [past participle]
Ex.: If you hadn't helped me during that difficult time, I would have continued to struggle.
If you had [past participle], I would have [past participle]
Ex.: If you had said no, then I would have returned to my hometown.
If you hadn't [past participle], I wouldn't have [past participle]
Ex.: If you hadn't provided me with a loving environment, I probably wouldn't have had such a happy childhood.
Click on the link below to write your letter. I will send you my feedback. Make sure to download the document, rename it and send it to my email address.
We wrap up the lesson with a test. It has 12 questions and you get 1 mark for each correct answer. T
Fill in your full name
If you have a special arrangement with the school because of a specific disorder such as dyslexia, you will be given an extra 5 minutes. In this case you should put an S in brackets after your name. For example: Bastian Deker (S)
Click on "Start".
Duration: 10 minutes
Finished: Submit it
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antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
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