Het doel van deze lessen is dat je jezelf en anderen kunt beschrijven. In deze unit gaan we ook weer oefenen met kijken, luisteren, lezen, schrijven en spreken.
Om te laten zien dat je je doel hebt behaald, maak je aan het een opdracht waarbij je verschillende outfits samenstelt en beschrijft.
Om de eindopdracht goed te kunnen maken, krijg je een aantal kleinere opdrachten. Zo kun je stap voor stap de eindopdracht voorbereiden.
What are you going to do?
Je gaat je reading, listening, speaking en writing skills verbeteren door te lezen, luisteren, spreken en schrijven over je eigen uiterlijk en dat van anderen.
Je leert woorden en zinnen die je kunt gebruiken om jezelf, een ander of een voorwerp te kunnen omschrijven. Ook leer je grammatica, zodat je de regels van de Engelse taal leert begrijpen.
Have fun!
Lesson 1: My life
I can give a simple description of a person.
Task 1 Before you listen and read
Do task 1.1.
Task 1.1
Listen to the audio and answer the questions. Write down the answers in your notebook.
1. Patrick has short, brown, straight hair.
2. Who is a talkative person?
A. Tom’s teacher
B. Patrick
C. Marcel
3. Tom says Patrick ….
A. is short
B. likes him
C. is tall
4. Who looks like Harry Potter?
A. Marcel
B. Tom
C. Patrick
5. Tom and …like to talk about video games at lunch.
A. Dad
B. Patrick
C. Marcel
6. What are Tom and Dad going to do?
A. play a game
B. go shopping
C. go out
Task 2 Listening
Do task 2.1.
Task 2.1
Watch the video. Answer the questions, write 'true' of 'false' in your notebook.
Harry first notices people’s hair.
Harry takes after his father. (takes after = lijkt op)
Robbie first notices if people are friendly and smiley.
Robbie asks a lot of questions when he first meets someone.
Lorraine thinks people first notice that she’s funny.
Harry thinks people first notice his voice.
Rwakn thinks people first notice his eyes.
Robbie says he often stops talking.
Lorraine hopes people feel she’s a genuine person.
The first thing Robbie noticed about his best friend was her eyes.
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
Vraag aan een klasgenoot welke 5 voorwerpen er in zijn/haar rugtas zitten.
Maak vijf zinnen met deze voorwerpen. Maak gebruik van de possessive.
Kijk goed naar het voorbeeld.
Schrijf de zinnen in je schrift.
Voorbeeld: This is Sarah's biology book.
Task 6 Speaking
Do task 6.1.
Task 6.1
Voor deze spreekopdracht heb je een partner nodig.
Hieronder zie je twee afbeeldingen, afbeelding A en afbeelding B. Ze verschillen van elkaar. Ga met de laptops tegenover elkaar zitten. De een kijkt naar afbeelding A, de ander naar afbeelding B.
Probeer erachter te komen welke verschillen er zijn. Stel vragen in het Engels, en beschrijf je eigen afbeelding.
Afbeelding A
Afbeelding B
Task 7 KBL/TL
Do task 7.1.
Task 7.1
You are going to read a biography about a famous person. After reading, you are writing a short summary (korte samenvatting) about this person.
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
Read the text. Copy the sentences below to your notebook and complete them, using the words in the box.
Sleep and Exams
The best food for the brain is sleep, so you’ll need a lot of sleep during exam times. When you’re tired you will find it difficult to concentrate and learn.
So, how much sleep do you need? Well, when you’ve had the right amount of sleep you don’t feel tired, not too much and not too little. Most teenagers need between 8 and 9 hours sleep a night.
Try and get good quality sleep. So, don’t sleep with your books all over your bed or with lights, music or the computer on. For the best sleep, make sure your room is quiet, comfortable and dark.
If you stay up late studying and don’t get enough sleep, you may need a ‘power nap’ in the afternoon. A short sleep of 30 minutes may give you some energy before you start revising, but keep it short – you don’t want to spend all afternoon in bed!
Tips to help you sleep
Have a regular bedtime. Try to go to bed at the same time every night, if possible 8 or 9 hours before you have to wake up.
Do plenty of exercise. Don’t do exercise just before bedtime, but regular exercise earlier in the day can help your body sleep at night.
Don’t drink caffeine (colas, tea or coffee) in the afternoons and evenings. Drink water, fruit juices or herbal teas.
Have a milky drink just before bedtime.
Relax before you go to bed. When you have finished studying, read a book, listen to music, watch TV or have a bath to help you relax.
Turn off lights, your computer, mobile and any other electrical devices in your room.
When you wake up, open the curtains to get lots of natural light in your room. This will help you feel more awake in the morning.
1. Don't drink _______, tea or colas before going to bed.
2. Have a milky _______ before bedtime.
3. Regular _______ in the day will help you sleep at night.
4. _______ before you go to bed.
5. Open the _______ in the morning to feel more awake.
6. Try to go to bed at the same _______ every night.
7. Watch TV, listen to music or have a _______ to help you relax.
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
What people wear can say something about a person's personality, style, hobbies etc. Sometimes you need to dress for a special occassion.
Look at the list of occassions.
What would you wear for each occassion? Write down your answers in English. Write your answer in your notebook.
a job interview
a wedding of a close friend
a class at a university
a first date
a church or religious service
a hiking trip in the mountains
Task 3 Reading
Do task 3.1.
Task 3.1
Read the text 'Seasons and clothes' and do the exercise.
Seasons and Clothes
Today is Monday morning. It is the beginning of spring. The flowers started to bloom and the sun shines almost every day. I have to go to school and I do not know what to wear. In the morning it is a little cold because the temperatures are low. Then later in the day, it is sunny and warm. So I have to take a jacket and then I take it off when it gets warm. Sometimes it rains and I have to wear my red coat. When it does not rain I take a jacket. I have two jackets - a blue one and a black one. In the spring my fingers and nose are always cold in the morning.
In the winter it is very cold. It is snowy and rainy all the time. I have to wear a lot of clothes - my blue hat on my head, my black scarf around my neck, my red coat around my body and my thick grey socks on my feet. Then, on top of my thick socks, I wear my grey boots. I look like a penguin with all these clothes. I hate it! It makes me look funny! But I am not cold.
Summer is the best because it is hot and sunny. I only wear T-shirts and shorts on my legs. My T-shirts are in all colors - purple, green, black, blue, orange, beige, red, grey, white, brown, pink and even multi-colored ones. On my feet, I wear my blue sandals or light, white socks with my red and blue sports shoes. Sometimes I wear my orange and green cap also.
Then in autumn, it gets cloudy and windy again. It becomes windy and rainy and I have to wear my coat and jacket again. I do not like it because then later it is winter and I look like a penguin again!
Exercise 3.1
Answer the questions. You may answer in Dutch. Write your answer down in your notebook.
1. Over welk seizoen gaat deze tekst?
2. Wat is het weer 's ochtends?
3. Welke kleur hebben de jacks van de schrijver?
4. Wat is het favoriete seizoen van de schrijver? Leg ook uit waarom.
5. Noem een kleur t-shirt die de schrijver niet heeft.
Task 4 Grammar
Do task 4.1.
Task 4.1
Sommige Nederlandse woorden die in het enkelvoud staan, zijn er in het Engels alleen in het meervoud.
Kijk naar het filmpje. Schrijf de voorbeelden op die gebruikt worden, Nederlands én Engels. Schrijf het in je schrift.
Task 5 Writing
Do task 5.1.
Task 5.1
What are you wearing today? Write at least 5 sentences in your notebook about your outfit, in English.
Would you wear this outfit to a party? Why or why not?
Task 6 Speaking
Do task 6.1.
Task 6.1
Go to www.asos.com. Make sure that the website is set to English!
Shop around for the outfit of your dreams. There is no budget, you can choose anything you like.
Make the outfit complete! Choose shoes, accessories etc.
Copy the clothes you have chosen to a document in Word (start at www.office.com) and tell your teacher about your outfit (in English!).
Task 7 KBL/TL
Do task 7.1.
Task 7.1
Read the text about clothes and do the exercise.
Urban Fashion
There was a time when urban fashion didn’t exist. Fashion was expensive designer outfits that only very rich people could buy: the catwalks in Paris, Vogue magazine and very uncomfortable shoes by Louboutin. And it was all about women. Even though the outfits were normally designed by men, there was very little interest in menswear. The outfits were very feminine, very expensive and impractical for anything other than sitting or walking in a straight line.
All of this has changed. Young people no longer dress like their parents. They wear comfortable, practical and affordable clothes which have probably been designed by somebody young: urban fashion has taken over the world. It began with the hippies of the 1960s who wanted to be different, so they designed other types of clothes and grew long hair. Next came the punks of the 1970s who went one step further with the shocking, scary outfits which offended ordinary people. Even today, if you go to London’s Camden Town at the weekend, there will be plenty of people with lots of tattoos, piercing and chains hanging out of their trousers. This punk-influenced style is all about looking different from everybody else – but exactly the same as your friends. In the 90s, high street shops like Gap quickly followed trends from the streets, and designers like Stella McCartney began to sell street-influenced clothes such as ripped t-shirts for huge amounts of money.
Music has always played a part in urban fashion. Nu-metal fans, for example, as well as wearing Marilyn Manson t-shirts, tend to look different from people who like chart music, and many of today’s pop stars get their ideas from people on the street rather than the other way round.
In California, surfers needed comfortable clothing to wear on the beach, and the surf look spread throughout America via companies such as Quiksilver, Stussy. O’Neill and similar companies who originally produced clothes for sports. But the boom in extreme sports such as skateboarding and snowboarding has influenced urban fashion. Baggy jeans are better if you are wearing inline skates, for example, and hoodies (large comfortable sweatshirts) are influenced by practical snowboarding outfits. Of course there are plenty of people happy to wear the latest sporty urban fashion who never do any sport at all, just as most people who wear trainers rarely go near a sport center.
Exercise 7.1
True or False?
Write your answer down in your notebook.
'Urban fashion' bestaat al heel lang.
Vroeger was 'mode' alleen voor rijke en beroemde mensen.
De meeste modeontwerpers waren vroeger mannen.
Vanaf het ontstaan van 'mode', werden er kleren ontworpen voor mannen én vrouwen.
Echte 'mode' is comfortabel en betaalbaar.
'Urban fashion' en muziek zijn met elkaar verbonden.
Mensen dragen kleding die bij hun muzieksmaak passen.
Sport wordt steeds populairder, daarom wordt er ook steeds meer kleding ontworpen die lekker zit.
Vocabulary 9.3
How to say in English:
pull over
honkbal pet
baseball cap
Practice this week's words on Quizlet.
Grammar 9.3
Sommige Nederlandse woorden die in het enkelvoud staan, zijn er in het Engels alleen in het meervoud.
Kijk naar het filmpje. Schrijf de voorbeelden op die gebruikt worden, Nederlands én Engels.
Practice Test 'possessives and plurals'
Practice test: Herhaling possesives and plurals
Practice test: Herhaling possesives and plurals
Deze test herhaalt de grammatica van de vorige lessen.
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
Ik kan een persoon en zijn/haar uiterlijk beschrijven
Task 1 Before you listen and read
Do task 1.1.
Task 1.1
Read the descriptions. Match them with the people waiting for the bus. Check with a classmate - do you have the same answers?
My name is Lana Smith. I am quite short and I have got short curly black hair. I am wearing a yellow T-shirt and blue jeans. My shoes are black with a small heel. I’m going shopping for some new clothes.
My name is Lou Grant. I am short. I’ve got a large nose and a moustache. I’m a bit bald on top! I’m wearing a white shirt with a red tie. My trousers are blue.
My name is Jacquie Dean. I’m OK with waiting for the bus – it’s not too bad. I’ve got short ginger hair and I’m wearing my red lipstick. My T-shirt is pink and my trousers are turquoise. I’m reading my newspaper.
I’m called Lorna. I’m pretty angry about having to wait! I’m quite tall with curly black hair. I’m wearing a green dress and light green shoes. I’ve got my pearl necklace on as I’m going to meet my friend for lunch.
I’m Joe Black. I’m going for a job interview and I’m going to be late! I’m quite short and I’ve got short black hair. I’m wearing a brown overcoat and my brown bowler hat.
I’m Jack Jones. I’m tall and I’m sixty. My hair – what there is left of it! – is grey. My shirt is turquoise and my trousers are grey. I’m angry!
My name is Micky and I’m with my Mum. She is reading her paper. I’m wearing my white T-shirt and blue jeans. I’m the youngest person in this queue.
I’m Jim Jackson. I’ve got curly blond hair. My shirt is pink and my trousers are blue. I am so bored that I am sleeping!
I’m Jerome LeBon. I’m not at all happy! The bus is late! I’m wearing an orange jumper and green trousers. My trainers are yellow. Oh, at last, here comes the bus!
Task 2 Listening
Do task 2.1 and 2.2.
Task 2.1
Listen to the audio. Who are they talking about?
Person A: _____________
Person B: _____________
Person C: _____________
Person D: _____________
Person E: _____________
Task 2.2
True or false?
A – Her next-door neighbour also worked with her mum.
A – Her next-door neighbour has a healthier lifestyle now.
B – He didn’t see his brother after he went to university.
B – He supports the same football team as his brother.
C – She and her friend argued about a boy.
C – She is going to go to the same university as her friend.
D – He didn’t have much in common with his friend when they were young.
E – She didn’t like the look of her boyfriend at first.
Match the descriptions with the persons. Write your answers down in your notebook.
Task 3.2
Neem de tabel hieronder over in je schrift. Zet de gekleurde woorden uit de beschrijvingen van task 3.1 in de goede kolom. Zet de Nederlandse vertaling eronder.
Task 4 Grammar
First read Grammar 9.4
Then do task 4.1 and 4.2.
Task 4.1
Schrijf op: telbaar of niet telbaar?
The children are playing in the garden.
I don't like milk.
I prefer tea.
Scientists say that the environment is threatened by pollution.
My mother uses butter to prepare cakes.
There are a lot of windows in our classroom.
We need some glue to fix this vase.
The waiters in this restaurant are very professional.
My father drinks two big glasses of water every morning.
The bread my mother prepares is delicious.
Drivers must be careful; the road is slippery.
Some policemen are organizing road traffic to avoid any accidents.
I bought three bottles of mineral water for our picnic.
I'd like some juice please!
Successful candidates will join the camp later this year.
A rise in oil prices is inevitable since there is more and more world demand for energy.
The exercises on this website are interesting.
Dehydrated babies must drink a lot of water.
Adult illiterates learn through a special government program.
I met some nice people when I was walking along the beach.
You're going to design and describe 3 different outfits for different occasions.
Kies uit het lijstje hieronder 3 gelegenheden waar jij een outfit voor gaat bedenken:
een sollicitatiegesprek
de bruiloft van je beste vriend/vriendin
een eerste afspraakje
een skivakantie
een wandeltocht door de bergen
een avondje uit op Ibiza
een sportwedstrijd
Heb je 3 dingen gekozen?
Open een nieuw Word-document.
Noem het document 'Design your outfit' + je naam.
Zoek kledingstukken of complete outfits online (asos.com, Insta of een andere website).
Zet je outfit in je document (kopieer/plak of gebruik het knipprogramma).
Bij elke outfit vertel je in het Engels:
voor welke gelegenheid het is;
hoe de kledingstukken heten die je hebt uitgezocht;
welke kleur de kledingstukken hebben;
welke stijl je outfit heeft, sportief, klassiek, trendy, uniek...?
waarom je voor deze outfit kiest.
De docent vertelt je hoe je het moet inleveren.
Task 6 Speaking
Do task 6.1. with a classmate.
Task 6.1
Choose one of the outfits you designed. Tell a classmate about the outfit and ask them about one of their outfits. Do you agree with their design?
Task 7 KBL/TL
Do task 7.1.
Task 7.1
Choose a famous person, someone everybody knows. Write a description of them and include their personality. Write it in English. Use at least 40 words.
Write it down in your notebook.
Vocabulary 9.4
How to say in English:
Zij is lang.
She is tall.
Hij is klein.
He is short.
Zij heeft lang haar.
She has got long hair.
Hij heeft kort haar.
He has got short hair.
Heeft zij krullend of steil haar?
Does she have curly or straight hair?
Ik hou van jongens met blond of bruin haar.
I like boys with blond or brown hair.
Mijn beste vriendin is slank.
My best friend is slim.
Mijn oma is een beetje gezet.
My grandmother is a bit plump.
Is jouw vader kaal?
Is your father bald?
Ik hou van meisjes met een lichte of een gekleurde huid.
I like girls with light or coloured skin.
Hou jij van jongens met snorren?
Do you like guys with moustaches?
Alle hipsters hebben baarden.
All hipsters have beards.
Kijk uit! Ga niet op die bril zitten.
Look out! Don't sit on that pair of glasses.
Die hoed staat je goed.
That hat suits you.
Ik vind een sik vreselijk.
I think a goatee is awful.
Mijn man moet rood of zwart haar hebben.
My husband must have red or black hair.
Dat meisje is erg gespierd.
That girl is really muscular.
Ik vind dat elk lichaam mooi is.
I think every body is beautiful.
Sommige mensen zijn aantrekkelijk.
Some people are attractive.
Sommige mensen zijn onaantrekkelijk.
Some people are unattractive.
Ik vind jouw tante erg lelijk.
I think your aunt is really ugly.
Ik vind jouw kleine broertje schattig.
I think your little brother is cute.
Jij bent een mooi meisje.
You are a pretty girl.
Jij bent een knappe jongen.
You are a good looking boy.
Jij bent aardig.
You are nice.
plezierig om naar te kijken
pleasant to the eyes
Hij kijkt verdrietig.
He looks sad.
Zij kijkt boos.
She looks angry.
Je ziet er erg goed uit.
You look like a million dollars.
Ze ziet er verzorgd uit.
She is dressed to kill.
Hij is erg charmant.
He is a lady-killer.
Task 4.1
Practice this week's words on Quizlet.
Grammar 9.4
Countable and Uncountable Nouns
Zelfstandige naamwoorden (mensen, dieren en dingen) zijn telbaar of niet telbaar.
Als je het kunt tellen:
één koekje - twee koekjes
één pen - twee pennen
Telbare zelfstandige naamwoorden kunnen enkelvoud en meervoud zijn.
Niet telbaar:
Als je het niet kunt tellen.
Woorden als money (geld), sugar (suiker) en shampoo zijn ontelbaar. Je kunt niet zeggen: één geld – twee gelden.
Niet telbare zelfstandige naamwoorden zijn altijd enkelvoud.
Uitleg much/many/a lot of
Hoe zeg je in het Engels dat je veel voor iemand voelt, of dat je te weinig geld hebt voor dat nieuwe shirt?
Woorden die je gebruikt voor 'veel', 'weinig' en 'een beetje' zijn bijvoorbeeld:
much, many, a little, a lot of, a few
much,many en a lot of betekenen allemaal veel.
a little en a few betekenen weinig.
Je gebruikt a lot of in bevestigende zinnen, bij woorden die je wel of niet kunt tellen:
He won a lot of money.
(Hij won veel geld.)
I have a lot of books.
(Ik heb veel boeken.)
Een variant van a lot of is lots of:
He earns lots of money.
(Hij verdient veel geld. / Hij verdient bergen geld.)
Much gebruik je in ontkennende en vragende zinnen voor dingen die je niet kunt tellen:
Ontkennende zinnen bij zaken die je niet kunt tellen:
Here's coffee. You can take as much as you want.
(Hier staat koffie. Je kunt zo veel nemen als je wilt.)
He couldn't give me much advice.
(Hij kon me niet veel advies geven.)
Vragende zinnen bij zaken die je niet kunt tellen:
How much food is left?
(Hoeveel eten is er over?)
Many gebruik je in ontkennende en vragende zinnen voor dingen die je wel kunt tellen:
Ontkennende zinnen bij zaken die je wel kunt tellen:
There aren't many tigers left in the wild.
(Er zijn niet veel tijgers meer in het wild.)
Vragende zinnen bij zaken die je wel kunt tellen:
Did you get many phone calls on your birthday?
(Heb je veel telefoontjes gehad op je verjaardag?)
Few - A Few and Little - A Little
Kijk voor extra uitleg over deze woorden naar het filmpje.
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Oefeningen en toetsen
Instaptoets Unit 3, possessives
My favourite clothes
Herhaling possesives and plurals
IMSCC package
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