Time & Money - 3BBL/KGT 2019-2020 - kopie 1

Time & Money - 3BBL/KGT 2019-2020 - kopie 1



Do you know anything about history? Have you ever seen a Neanderthaler? Do you even know what that is?

You are going to find out more about the history of the World in this lessonseries by reading, watching & listening.

You will write and talk about history too.


All of this will prepare you for the next tests:

  • PTA test Watching Listening 1
  • PTA test Reading 2
  • PTA test speaking 1 (average mark)
  • PTA Writing 2


The lessonseries has 3 parts. Every two weeks you will finish one of the three parts. In each part you will find the following tasks:

  • Reading
  • Vocabulary
  • Watching & Listening
  • Grammar
  • Speaking


Tasks for Reading & Listening have options you have to choose. A is the easiest one, B a little bit more challenging and C is a true challenge.

To help you find out which option is best for you, we start with a diagnostic test.








In order to find out how much and what you need to practice you are going to do a diagnostic test. This is NOT for a mark, but just to find what your level is.

Using this D-test, your teacher will help you to make a plan to improve your reading- and watching & listening skills. Make sure you do the best you can, all by yourself!


Check if you are logged in onto ELO.

Open a new tabsheet and find www.eindexamensite.nl 

Fill in your details, make sure you tick the box 'Engels' for examenvakken

Find your class and teacher and join your class.

Scroll down and find the 2019-d exam for your level (BBL or KBL)



During the first lesson of this lessonseries, you will do the D-test. If you don't manage to finish it in class, you can finish it at home.



TIP: Use a dictionary, but NOT an online dictionary. When you have to do the actual test (and the exam) you will also only be able to use a hardcopy dictionary.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor prisma vmbo woordenboek engels-nederlands



time and money 1

Task 1: Reading

website of the BBC

This is the website of the BBC documentary 'Andrew Marr's History of the World' which we will watch this period.

Have a look at the website and choose one of the assignments below. Keep your results of the D-test in mind when choosing: Confer with your teacher about your choice.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Andrew Marr's history of the world


Reading assignment 1A: MC-questions

Use the sheet stappenplan examenteksten. Do the MC-test to make sure you understand the text. First, have a good look at the tips for MC-questions:


Toets: BBC website Andrew Marr's History of the World


Reading assignment 1B: Report

click on the button to go to the website. Have a good look at that page of the website, and the page 'behind the scenes'. Write a report on it. download and use the sheet to help you.



Afbeeldingsresultaten voor verslag schrijven

Hand in your report in It's Learning

Reading assignment 1C: Presentation

Make a powerpoint, prezi,poster or any other form of media (just confer with your teacher) to show you have read the website. Besides this, give your opinion about what you have read.


Use the sheet for assignment 1C to see what information you need to provide at the least.

Do you need help on working with PowerPoint or Prezi? Click on Powerpoint/Prezi  for a tutorial.

Afbeeldingsresultaten voor prezi


Task 2: Vocabulary

In order to talk and write about this topic, you will study vocabulary. Every two weeks you will get another list of vocabulary.

Here's the first:

ENGELS                   NEDERLANDS

which                      welke

a documentary         een documentaire

to confer                  overleggen

a report                   een  rapportage/verslag

a survival                 een overlevingstocht

an episode               een aflevering

a journey                  een reis

epic                         groots

to reveal                  onthullen

an ancestor              een voorvader

an invention             een uitvindingen

to discover               ontdekken

to adapt                   aanpassen

the duration              de duur (hoeveel tijd iets kost)

to be astonished        verbaasd zijn

while                        terwijl

a forest                     een bos/woud

surprisingly               verrassend

to consider                in je overwegingen/beslissing meenemen

a crowd                     een (mensen)massa

exhausting                uitputtend/zeer vermoeiend

still                           toch

to achieve                 bereiken

Task 2A: Sentences

Your teacher will divide the vocab amongst pairs in class. Each pair will create meaningful sentences with the words from the list.


bank = de bank (financieel bedrijf)

NOT meaningful: I go to the bank.

Meaningful: I go to the bank to open a new account and pick up my debit-card.


Your teacher will tell you where to send the answers. (*gosoapbox)



Task 2B: Study

Practice using QUIZLET:

Task 3: Listening

You are going to watch a documentary called 'Andrew Marr's History of the World' in three parts: each time you watch 20 minutes followed by an assignment.


You can choose between 3 assignments for this documentary. Depending on how good you are at listening you can decide which assignment you would like to do. The assignments can be found in It's Learning. You can choose between:


1A: answer MC-questions about the documentary & summarize

1B: take notes, summarize & present content of the documentary

1C: take notes, create your own test about the documentary.


Together with your teacher, decide which assignment you will do. Have a good look at the listening part of your diagnostic test to find out what suits you best!


Afbeeldingsresultaat voor andrew marr's history of the world


Before you start: what do you think the documentary is about? Do the test, go to Itslearning.

Task 3A MC-questions

Do the MC-test while watching the first 20 minutes of the documentary.

Go to the test: MC-Test Andrew Marr 1 at Itslearning.


Remember the tips for MC-questions:


Task 3B Review

Watch the first 20 minutes of the documentary and take notes in a word-document. There are 3 eras* in this part of the documentary, describe all three of them. Focus on:

  1. When was this era?
  2. What were the people in this era like?
  3. What part in the world did those people live?
  4. How did the people in this era live?
  5. What new inventions did they do?
  6. How did those inventions influence their lives?

After watching, use your notes to write a summary. Then write your opinion:

  • What story/fact in this part of the documentary did you like best? Explain why.
  • What story/fact in this part of the documentary did you like least? Explain why.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor andrew marr history of the world

Hand in your assignment by Itslearning.

Task 3C Create/design

Watch the first 20 minutes of the documentary and design a test for it. Think of at least 6 MC-questions to ask about the 20-minute fragment. There are three eras in this part of the documentary, make sure you have questions on all 3 eras.

Make sure you ask 'test-proof' MC questions:

  • Het antwoord moet te vinden zijn zonder te kijken: het gaat om het gesproken Engels!


  • Maak geen vragen over 'droge feiten' uit de documentaire, dat is te makkelijk. De MC-keuze opties moeten hele zinnen zijn, geen losse woorden, jaartallen etc. Focus op vragen die beginnen met: 'Wat wordt er gezegd over...' of 'Hoe kwam het dat....' 'Wat was de reden dat...' Wat waren de gevolgen/oorzaken van...'


  • Zorg voor goede meerkeuze-opties:
    • Zorg 1 antwoord bij die redelijk logisch klinkt, maar niet voorkomt in het fragment.
    • Zorg voor 1 antwoord waar een belangrijk woord in zit dat voorkomt in het fragment, maar NIET het juiste antwoord is.
    • Zorg voor een duidelijk juist antwoord, wees ervan overtuigd dat dit ook echt gezegd wordt!
  • Maak ook een antwoordmodel

Kopieer de toets & het antwoordmodel in je Portfolio Word-document 'Andrew Marr's History of the World'.

Hand in your assignment at Itslearning.

Andrew Marr's History of the World Part 1: Survival

Task 4: Grammar

D-test grammar

In order to speak about the subject Time & Money, you need to know your grammar. This lesson we will revise present simple, questions and negation.

First, do the pretest to see what level you are at. Show it to you teacher to decide what you need to do. Make sure you choose the right level!

Go to Itslearning: D-test grammar 1: Present Simple +-?

Klaar? Bekijk je score om te zien hoever je al bent:

BBL: boven 60% & KBL boven 80%

Dan mag je zelf kijken welke opgaven je fout had om te zien wat je nog moet herhalen. Uiteraard mag je ook om hulp vragen bij je docent als je dat wilt.

BBL: onder 60% & KBL onder 80%

Dan is het nodig dat je een plan maakt in overleg met je docent. Bekijk zelf eerst met welk soort vragen in de D-test  je het meeste moeite had, schrijf ze op. Denk na hoe het komt dat je deze vragen fout had:

  • Snap je het niet?
  • Ken je regels niet?
  • Heb je slordigheidsfouten gemaakt?

Denk zelf vast na over een plan wat jij nodig hebt om voor te bereiden op de toets. Bespreek dit plan met je docent. Vul  het reflectieformulier in.


Toets:Present simple

Grammar 4.2

Asking questions
Study the 'Kennisbank'.

Kennisbank: Asking questions - simple present

Then do the following exercise.

Toets:Asking questions - Simple present

Grammar 4.3

Negations - Simple present
Take a look at the 'Kennisbank'.
Learn how and when you apply the simple present in the negation (= ontkennende) form.

Kennisbank: Negations - Simple present


Do the following exercises.

Toets:Negations - Simple present


Test yourself!

Now see if you are ready for the test!  Go to the self-evaluation test at Itslearning.


Afbeeldingsresultaat voor test yourself

Task 5: Speaking 1

Speaking 1

Let's talk about the history of the world, shall we? In pairs talk about what you have seen, read and written so far.

Here are some questions to help you:

  • Can you tell me what the documentary is about?
  • Can you tell me something about the making of the documentary?
  • Can you tell me something you didn't know yet about the history of the World?
  • What part do you find most interesting, and why?
  • Are you happy with your choice-assignment for listening, and why (not)?

Your teacher will ask you to retell your partners' answers, so listen carefully!




time and money 2

Task 6: Reading


These two weeks you will focus on different question-types. We have already practised MC-questions, but there are more:

-open questions

-info-gap questions

-statements (true/false)

-paragraph questions

Go back to the results of your pretest. Which question-type did you find most difficult? Choose one of the three options below to practice:

Reading assignment 6A: MC-questions

Use the sheet stappenplan examenteksten. Do the MC-test to make sure you understand the text. First, have a good look at the tips for MC-questions:






go back to eindexamensite.nl.

# Choose 'oefenstof'

# Select 'MC-questions'

# click on the faces if you want to select difficulty.

go to eindexamensite.nl

Reading assignment 6B: Open questions

Use the sheet stappenplan examenteksten.  Go back to eindexamensite and

# Choose 'examenstof' >lezen

# Select 'open vragen'

# click on the faces if you want to select difficulty.


Use the tips down below:

Reading assignment 6C: info-gap

Use the sheet stappenplan examenteksten.  Go back to www.eindexamensite.nl and

# Choose 'examenstof' >lezen

# Select 'gatenteksten'

# click on the faces if you want to select difficulty.


Use the tips down below:









Task 7: Vocabulary

In order to talk and write about this topic, you will study vocabulary. Every two weeks you will get another list of vocabulary.

Here's the second list:

ENGELS                                              NEDERLANDS



to warm up

verwarmen, verhitten






ten tweede





to bless



lekker, smakelijk



a human being

een mens






the seed


het zaad

to gather


verzamelen, samenscholen

the dirt


het vuil




to gamble






the farmer


de boer, de landbouwer

to shape



that’s why






Task 7A: Sentences

Your teacher will divide the vocab amongst pairs in class. Each pair will create meaningful sentences with the words from the list.


bank = de bank (financieel bedrijf)

NOT meaningful: I go to the bank.

Meaningful: I go to the bank to open a new account and pick up my debit-card.


Your teacher will tell you where to send the answers. (*gosoapbox)



Task 7B: Study

Practice using QUIZLET:

Task 8: Listening

You are going to watch the second part of a documentary called 'Andrew Marr's History of the World' . Start where you left off last time: at 20 minutes into the episode.


Again, you can choose between 3 assignments for this documentary. Depending on how good you are at listening you can decide which assignment you would like to do. The assignments can be found in It's Learning. You can choose between:


1A: answer MC-questions about the documentary & summarize

1B: take notes, summarize & present content of the documentary

1C: take notes, create your own test about the documentary.


Together with your teacher, decide which assignment you will do. Have a good look at the listening part of your diagnostic test to find out what suits you best!


Before you start: what do you think this second part of documentary is about? Do the test:

Task 8A MC-questions

Do the MC-test while watching the first 20 minutes of the documentary. 

Go to the test at Itslearning MC-test Andrew Marr 2


Remember the tips for MC-questions:


Task 8B E-mail

Watch the documentary. start where you left of last time. Take notes in a word-document. There are 3 eras* in this part of the documentary, describe all three of them. Focus on:

  1. What was the most revolutionary change in people's lives, according to Andrew Marr?
  2. Explain why: What were the (postive & negative) consequences of this change?
  3. What was so special about the city where they found the remains of the girl? Give details.
  4. Why did the girl presumably die and what is the relation of the cause of her death and the city?
  5. What problem and which solutions are described about the yellow river? Give details.

After watching, use your notes to write a summary. Then write an e-mail to Andrew Marr, the presenter of the documentary. Write him the following things:

  • Write who you are, explain you write this e-mail as an assignment for school.
  • Use your notes to write a brief summary. Make sure you describe all 3 eras.
  • Write what story/fact in this part of the documentary did you like best? Explain why.
  • Write what story/fact in this part of the documentary did you like least? Explain why.
  • Close your e-mail in a good way.

Copy everyting in your 'History of the World' Word-document and send the e-mail to your teacher.

Task 8C Create/design

Watch the second 20 minutes (21-40) of the documentary and design a test for it. Think of at least 6 MC-questions to ask about the 20-minute fragment. There are three eras in this part of the documentary, make sure you have questions on all 3 eras.

Make sure you ask 'test-proof' MC questions:

  • Het antwoord moet te vinden zijn zonder te kijken: het gaat om het gesproken Engels!


  • Maak geen vragen over 'droge feiten' uit de documentaire, dat is te makkelijk. De MC-keuze opties moeten hele zinnen zijn, geen losse woorden, jaartallen etc. Focus op vragen die beginnen met: 'Wat wordt er gezegd over...' of 'Hoe kwam het dat....' 'Wat was de reden dat...' Wat waren de gevolgen/oorzaken van...'


  • Zorg voor goede meerkeuze-opties:
    • Zorg 1 antwoord bij die redelijk logisch klinkt, maar niet voorkomt in het fragment.
    • Zorg voor 1 antwoord waar een belangrijk woord in zit dat voorkomt in het fragment, maar NIET het juiste antwoord is.
    • Zorg voor een duidelijk juist antwoord, wees ervan overtuigd dat dit ook echt gezegd wordt!
  • Maak ook een antwoordmodel

Kopieer de toets & het antwoordmodel in je Portfolio Word-document 'Andrew Marr's History of the World'.

Task 9: Grammar

Weet je het nog: Past simple (verleden tijd) met regelmatige werkwoorden?
Bestudeer uit de kennisbank Engels het onderdeel:

Kennisbank: Past simple - regelmatige werkwoorden






Doe de volgende oefeningen:

present simple vs past simple - https://agendaweb.org/exercises/verbs/past-simple/regular-forms

past simple regular - form      - https://agendaweb.org/exercises/verbs/past-simple-regular

past simple regular apply        - http://static.digischool.nl/en/grammatica/pastsimp-vraag1.htm

past simple regular apply        - https://elt.oup.com/student/solutions/elementary/grammar/grammar_06_022e?cc=nl&selLanguage=nl


Task 9.2: Past Simple - Irregular

Bestudeer uit de kennisbank Engels het onderdeel over de past simple met onregelmatige werkwoorden.

Kennisbank: Past simple - onregelmatige werkwoorden

Maak nu de volgende oefeningen.

Toets:Past simple

Toets:Past simple

Toets:Past simple

Task 10: Speaking 2

Now that you have learned about history, it is time to learn a little about money. You have been given a lesson on money, but how much do you know about using it?

  • You will form pairs and make a video
  • You will be playing a role in a restaurant. One person is the waiter and the other two participants are the customers.
  • The waiter will follow the instructions provided on the waiter role-card and take the order of the customers. Make sure you write the order down.
  • The customers will look at the menu and order their food.
  • The waiter must calculate the total of the order and write it down for the customers
  • The waiter will make a mistake on the bill, be creative!
  • The customers must make sure the total is correct.
  • This is an English speaking activity, therefore you MUST speak English. Ensure you are using the role cards as a guide.


Waiter Role Card:

  • Greet the customers
  • Take their order
  • Tell them the daily specials of the menu
  • Answer their questions
  • Make sure you make a mistake on the bill. (Maak en fout op de rekening)

Things you can say:

Can I take your order sir or madam?

What would you like to drink?

Would you like cheese on your burger?

Are you ready to order yet?

Would you like a desert menu?

Would you like some coffee?

How is everything going?

Are you paying together or separately?

How are you paying? Cash or Credit?


Customer Role Card:

  • Greet the waiter
  • Tell them that you would like a table for two
  • Take your seats
  • Look at the menu and order your food (Zorg dat je weet wat je heb besteld!!)
  • Ask for the bill
  • Look at the bill and make sure it is correct

Things you can say:

We would like a table for two

I would like to order…

I would like to drink…

We are ready to order

Can we get a desert menu?

Can I please have another drink?

This food is cold!!

We would like the bill, please!

We will be paying separately.


Restaurant Menu


Here is the rough draft of the Rubric for this assignment
Use this for reference for the video!



time and money 3

Task 11: Reading or Listening (exam practice)


These two weeks you will focus on different question-types. We have already practised MC-questions, but there are more:

-open questions

-info-gap questions

-statements (true/false)

-paragraph questions

Go back to the results of your pretest. Which question-type did you find most difficult? This time, for Assignment you can choose Reading OR Listening! Choose one of the three options below to practice:

Reading assignment 11A: MC-questions

Use the sheet stappenplan examenteksten. Do the MC-test to make sure you understand the text. First, have a good look at the tips for MC-questions:






go back to www.eindexamensite.nl.

# Choose 'oefenstof' 'lezen' or 'luisteren'

# Select 'MC-questions'

# click on the faces if you want to select difficulty.


Reading assignment 11B: Open questions

Use the sheet stappenplan examenteksten.  Go back to eindexamensite and

# Choose 'examenstof' >''lezen"

# Select 'open vragen'

# click on the faces if you want to select difficulty.


Use the tips down below:

Reading assignment 11C: info-gap

Use the sheet stappenplan examenteksten.  Go back to eindexamensite and

# Choose 'examenstof' >lezen

# Select 'gatenteksten'

# click on the faces if you want to select difficulty.


Use the tips down below:









Task 12: Vocabulary

In order to talk and write about this topic, you will study vocabulary. Every two weeks you will get another list of vocabulary.

Here's the second list:

           ENGELS                                              NEDERLANDS



to invent




ancient times

oude tijden












(hard) werk, arbeid



to carry on








to settle down

zich vestigen



a plain

een vlakte



to live




to bury




a skull

Een schedel



the ancestors

de voorouders



to wear




a necklace

een halsketting



the frontier

de landsgrens, grens



an attempt

een poging



a brick house

een stenen huis



a flat roof

een plat dak



a bucket

een emmer



a pantry

een voorraadkamer, een magazijn










Task 12A: Sentences

Your teacher will divide the vocab amongst pairs in class. Each pair will create meaningful sentences with the words from the list.


bank = de bank (financieel bedrijf)

NOT meaningful: I go to the bank.

Meaningful: I go to the bank to open a new account and pick up my debit-card.


Your teacher will tell you where to send the answers. (*gosoapbox)



Task 12B: Study

Practice using QUIZLET:

Task 13: Listening

You are going to watch the third part of ta documentary called 'Andrew Marr's History of the World' This time start at 40 minutes into the episode, where  you left off last time.


Again, you can choose between 3 assignments for this documentary. Depending on how good you are at listening you can decide which assignment you would like to do. The assignments can be found in It's Learning. You can choose between:


1A: answer MC-questions about the documentary & summarize

1B: take notes, summarize & present content of the documentary

1C: take notes, create your own test about the documentary.


Together with your teacher, decide which assignment you will do. Have a good look at the listening part of your diagnostic test to find out what suits you best!


Before you start: what do you think this second part of documentary is about? Do the test:

Task 13A MC-questions

Do the MC-test while watching the first 20 minutes of the documentary.

Go to the test at Itslearning  MC-test Andrew Marr 2


Remember the tips for MC-questions:


Task 13B E-mail

Watch the documentary. start where you left of last time. Take notes in a word-document. There are 3 eras* in this part of the documentary, describe all three of them. Focus on:

  1. What was the most revolutionary change in people's lives, according to Andrew Marr?
  2. Explain why: What were the (postive & negative) consequences of this change?
  3. What was so special about the city where they found the remains of the girl? Give details.
  4. Why did the girl presumably die and what is the relation of the cause of her death and the city?
  5. What problem and which solutions are described about the yellow river? Give details.

After watching, use your notes to write a summary. Then write an e-mail to Andrew Marr, the presenter of the documentary. Write him the following things:

  • Write who you are, explain you write this e-mail as an assignment for school.
  • Use your notes to write a brief summary. Make sure you describe all 3 eras.
  • Write what story/fact in this part of the documentary did you like best? Explain why.
  • Write what story/fact in this part of the documentary did you like least? Explain why.
  • Close your e-mail in a good way.

Copy everyting in your 'History of the World' Word-document and send the e-mail to your teacher.

Task 13C Create/design

Watch the second 20 minutes (21-40) of the documentary and design a test for it. Think of at least 6 MC-questions to ask about the 20-minute fragment. There are three eras in this part of the documentary, make sure you have questions on all 3 eras.

Make sure you ask 'test-proof' MC questions:

  • Het antwoord moet te vinden zijn zonder te kijken: het gaat om het gesproken Engels!


  • Maak geen vragen over 'droge feiten' uit de documentaire, dat is te makkelijk. De MC-keuze opties moeten hele zinnen zijn, geen losse woorden, jaartallen etc. Focus op vragen die beginnen met: 'Wat wordt er gezegd over...' of 'Hoe kwam het dat....' 'Wat was de reden dat...' Wat waren de gevolgen/oorzaken van...'


  • Zorg voor goede meerkeuze-opties:
    • Zorg 1 antwoord bij die redelijk logisch klinkt, maar niet voorkomt in het fragment.
    • Zorg voor 1 antwoord waar een belangrijk woord in zit dat voorkomt in het fragment, maar NIET het juiste antwoord is.
    • Zorg voor een duidelijk juist antwoord, wees ervan overtuigd dat dit ook echt gezegd wordt!
  • Maak ook een antwoordmodel

Kopieer de toets & het antwoordmodel in je Portfolio Word-document 'Andrew Marr's History of the World'.

Task 14: Grammar

We are going to revise wordorder and study adverbs & adjectives this week. first do the Itslearning test: D-test to find out what you already know.






Have a look at the following Kennisbank about word order (= woordvolgorde).


kennisbank: Word order

Do the following exercise.


Bijvoeglijke naamwoorden & bijwoorden

Watch the video:


Have a look at the theory:
Kennisbank: Adjectives
Kennisbank: Adverbs

Now you are ready to do the following exercises.


Toets:Adjectives or adverbs

Task 15: Speaking 3

Now that you have learned about money, it is important that you
understand time.
You will be given a lesson on telling time in English.
Now you are expected to show what you have learned.

Start by using the image below to practice days, time, months and discuss with your partner.

After you look at the picture, ask your partner these questions and discuss with your partner.

  • What time do you go to bed?
  • Do you like to be busy, or do you like to have an easy schedule?
  • What takes up most of your time?
  • How much time do you spend sleeping?
  • Are you a "night owl" or an "early bird"?
  • When is your birthday?
  • How far into the future would you like to travel? What do you hope to see?
  • When do you do your homework?
  • What time do you like to get up?


Speaking Activity:

  • You will form pairs
  • You will use the activity clocks to discuss your daily activities
  • Use the present simple and talk about your everyday activities
  • Indicate when you do each activity by drawing the time on the clock
  • Take turns and look at their partner’s cards and describe your day

Examples: You wake up at half past six. You have breakfast at seven o’clock, etc.

Guiding Card:

I eat breakfast at seven thirty. (7:30)

I take a show at 8:00 pm

I play soccer at 7:00 pm

I eat dinner at 6:00 pm

When do you do …..?

What time do you do …..?


Activity Clocks Handout: