The steps
Step 1: Making groups
Je gaat de taaltaak uitvoeren in groepjes van vijf. Stel zelf een groep samen en geef aan het eind van de les aan de docent door wie er in de groep zitten, welke stad jullie gekozen hebben en wat voor soort eindproduct jullie gaan maken. Noteer dit in het Engels op papier.
Step 2: Orientation
The following cities are possible for you to choose from. You can use the given links as information to make your product.
One of the most famous cities in the world, also know by it's nickname The Big Apple.
An introduction video:
Some general information:
A tool for searching for relevant information about travelling:
Closest to home is the hip captial of England and owner to many tourist attractions.
An introduction video:
Some general information:
A tool for searching for relevant information about travelling:
On the other side of the world lies Sydney, the biggest and oldest city in Australia.
An introduction video:
Some general information:
A tool for searching for relevant information about travelling:
Choose which city you want to make a citytrip about. Answer the questions in English.
1. What do you already know about the city you chose?
2. Have you taken a city trip before? What was important to know?
Step 3: Preparation
Look at the given links about your chosen city. Using these links you are going to prepare a citytrip.
– Study Stones 21 and 22 on pages 120 and 124 of your Textbook.
– Learn the words from the Vocabulary on pages 127 to 129 of your Textbook.
Tip: First read the sentences under Step 4: Evaluation on page 107. Keep these points in mind when doing your Task.
Step 4: Realisation
1. Work together with your groupmembers. You are going to make a product for tourists that gives them information about a city trip. You have allready chosen a city in the previous steps. Now think about the endproduct you would like te create:
Poster / Folder / Website / Video + script
Think about the means of transportation that you could use to travel to your city.
Transport by boat / train / car / plane
2. Figure out which three landmarks or attractions tourists can visit in this city. You should use the links given. Write down a top 3 below:
Attraction 1: ___________________________________________________
Attraction 2: ___________________________________________________
Attraction 3: ___________________________________________________
3. Collect useful information about your landmarks and attractions. You can use information that you find on the internet and using
the given links, but make sure to write it down in your own words. For example, look up ticket prices and opening times of
4. Make notes about the weather in the region your city is in.
5. Use the information that your wrote down for questions 1, 2, 3 and 4 to make your product. Make sure that you give information
- some general information about the city
- at least three landmarks
- the weather in the region
- taking off and departure times and your way of transportation. (For example what time the plane leaves and arrives and how long the journey takes. You can make this up yourselves, but make sure it is realistic!!)
Add matching photographs and use Stones 21 + 22 and the Vocabulary on pages 127 to 129 of your Textbook.
6. You are going to present your endproduct to your classmates during a travel market. You will also look at your classmates
endproducts and ask questions. Prepare some questions you could ask your classmates about their travel plan.
7. Now present your endproduct to each other. You can split your group in halve: two or three of you will present the endproduct and the rest of you will go around and look at the endproducts of your classmates. Halfway through you swap places. Make sure to ask your classmates questions about their product and be prepared to answer questions about your own. Everything will be in English offcourse!!
Step 5: Evaluation
Work together with your group and talk about how you’ve done. Indicate whether each statement is true or false.
True False
I used words from the Vocabulary. ❑ ❑
I used sentences from the Stones. ❑ ❑
I paid attention to spelling. ❑ ❑
I made an interesting tourist brochure/poster/video ❑ ❑
I gave clear information about the journey including way
of transportation, travel times and costs ❑ ❑
I gave clear information about three activities ❑ ❑
I asked questions about my classmates’ brochures. ❑ ❑
I answered my classmates’ questions. ❑ ❑