Life on the never-never v456

Life on the never-never v456


Introduction - Life on the never-never
Buying something on the never-never is a British expression.  It means that if you want to buy something, but you don’t have enough money, you can get a loan. Then you pay back the loan with interest. It always means though that you will pay more than if you had bought the item initially.  

This second section contains 6 steps. Work them through step by step.

Step Activity
1 Words Match the words with their definition. An exercise with words and expressions which have to do with money.
2 Reading Read an article about credit cards. Tick the topics. Fill in the correct paragraph title and answer questions with a classmate.
3 Grammar 1. About Passive. Complete the rule. Do the exercises. Study Grammar Desk. 2. About Future. Do exercises and match meaning of sentences. Study Grammar Desk.
4 Words Idioms Check meaning of idioms. Fill in correct answer to the questions.
5 Song Listen to song about Money. Fill in the gaps in the lyrics.
6 Task Email an Australian friend how to save money.


Difficult words? Search these on Cambridge Dictionaries



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2017-08-01 12:18:38

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Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

VWO 6; VWO 4; VWO 5;
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arrangeerbaar, leerlijn, rearrangeerbare

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