Teenage parents v456

Teenage parents v456

Teenage parents


Introduction - Teenage parents
Well, we all have parents but imagine if you were a parent – now! Yes, at the age you are now. What would that be like? Would you be ok with it? What challenges would you face? Would you be able to do it? In this section we look at issues surrounding this topic. 

This fourth section contains 6 steps. Work them through step by step.

Step Activity
1 Speaking Look at and speak about graph relating to Teen Pregnancies. Answer questions.
2 Words Pronounce words, exercises with words.
3 Reading Text about mums of age 15. True/false exercise.
4 Grammar Grammar desk and exercise about Comparatives.
5 Pronunciation Pronounce words ending on -er.
6 Task Think of and prepare a short presentation about being a teenage parent. Make a plan.


Difficult words? Search these on Cambridge Dictionaries


Step 1 - Speaking

The next step is about teenage parents. How about your parents? Are there differences between countries about the rates of teen pregnancy?
Learn more about teenage parents by following the next few exercises.
At the end of this step you are going to discuss a number of theses with a classmate.
Read and answer these questions.

  1. How old were your parents when you were born?
  2. Why do you think some countries have higher teen pregnancy rates than others?
  3. Do you think that teenage mums can make good mothers?
    Give two reasons. Write down your answers.

Click here to read the news item about 'UK still has the highest rate of teen pregnancies'.

UK still has the highest rate of teen pregnancies


Look at the graph.

Drag and drop the countries to complete the sentences.

Discuss with a classmate (use your answers from the exercises):

  • Why do you think some countries have higher teen pregnancy rates than others?
  • What do you think are the advantages to be a teen parent and mention a few disadvantages?


Step 2 - Words

In this step, you are going to do exercises with words (adjectives) about feelings. In the first exercise are you looking for the right description at the verbs. In the second exercise, you will learn to put the correct word in a sentence.
Take a look at these words:

  • ashamed
  • disrespected
  • depressed
  • singlehandedly
  • unintended

In the exercise you choose the correct definition for these words.



Read the text about Stella's mood when she got home from school.
Fill in the correct words in the gaps. Choose from the words:
ashamed - depressed - disrespected - singlehandedly - unintended

Stella got home from school, threw her school bags on the floor and ran upstairs. She pulled the note from her pocket. It was an .....[1] ..... mistake. She didn’t know that Lachlan was interested in her best friend, Mitzi. She felt .....[2]..... that she had idly drawn a love heart on his pencil case. She didn’t know that he would stand up and laugh at her in front of the whole class. Now she was the most .....[3]..... girl in the school it seemed. She felt unhappy and .....[4]..... .
That love heart had .....[5]..... lost her all her friends, and Lachlan – forever.

1 = .....   2 = .....   3 = .....   4 = .....   5 = .....

Step 3 - Reading

Mum at the age of 15
You are going to read an article written by a girl who became a Mum at the age of 15.
Read and decide if the following statements are True/False.

What Pregnant and Parenting Teens Really Need

  1. Gloria’s family and friends were all very supportive to her.
  2. She knew that her mental health was suffering.
  3. Everyone expected her to be a very good mum.
  4. Finally, she understood that she needed to follow her goals, without saying sorry.
  5. She managed to complete high school.
  6. She has begun a support system for teenage mums.
  7. #NoTeenshame helps young mother access support services.

Find out about #NoTeenShame. Click here.

How helpful do you think this site is to teenage moms?
Write a few sentences giving your reactions to the site.
You can either post these up around your class or share them on your class site.
Discuss this with your teacher.

  • What about teenage Dads?
  • What support systems to they need?

With your partner, make a list of useful information that teenage Dads would need.

Step 4 - Grammar

If you want to be able to do the assignments correctly you will need to know more about some grammar items. Let's take a look at the comparatives.

KB: Comparatives of adjectives

Do the following exercise. Look at the pictures and use the correct comparative.


young younger
cheap cheaper
expensive more expensive
happy happier

Match to complete the rules for adjectives.

1 If the adjective has one syllable a add: -ier
2 If the adjective ends in 'y' b add: -er
3 If the adjective has more than two syllables c add: more+adjective

1 = .....   2 = .....   3 = .....

Some adjectives are irregular. What are the adjectives of the following words?

good ...............
bad ...............
far ...............


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjective in brackets.


Step 5 - Pronunciation

The vowel sound /ə/ appears in many words in English. It is so common that it even got itself a name – Schwa. The Schwa sound is a short and weak vowel sound.
In this step you should practice pronouncing it with words ending with -er.
When you listen to the sound, you will be familiar with it. Play the sound recording to get a better idea of its pronunciation. First look at the next movie to get an introduction.

Step 6 - Task

Think about the ways that you could make young people aware of the positive and negative results of being a teenage parent.
Would you ...

  • Set up a social media site?
  • Make a video with interviews with young parents?
  • Create a poster?
  • Hold school discussions?
  • Invite a guest speaker (who?)
  • Another way?

Choose one of the ways and prepare a short presentation telling the class
which method you would choose and why.

Plan your presentation. Write some notes. You can use or adapt this plan.

The method of presentation we have chosen is…
We’ve chosen this way because…
Main points – the steps we would take to complete our project.
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Practice your presentation with your partner.
Give your presentation to your class.

TIP: If you‘re listening to someone giving their presentation,
make a note of the things that you liked


B4 Teenage parents

Step 2 Words

  1. = unintended
  2. = ashamed
  3. = disrespected
  4. = depressed
  5. = singlehandedly

Step 3 Reading

  1. False
  2. False
  3. True
  4. True
  5. True
  6. True
  7. True.

Step 4 Grammar

  1. = b
  2. = a
  3. = c

good - better
bad - worse
far - further

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