The world's finest museums h45

The world's finest museums h45


The subject of this lesson is 'The world's finest museums'.
In this lesson you are going to find out about some famous artists and some famous museums.

We start with a fun video in which you will hear the names of lots of artists (mainly painters) in a song. How many do you recognize?

We look at six works of arts and listen to two teens talking about them.
Then we look at a Top 10 list of museums. Do you agree with the top 10 list?
So let’s start with the artists!

This lesson contains 7 steps and an evaluation. Work them through step by step.

Step Activity  
  Introduction Find out what you already know.
Step 1

Writing and watching

One minute to write down famous artists. Watch a video.
Step 2 Listening Match painter and painting. Listen to audio conversation between two teens. Mention the paintings in order.
Step 3 Speaking Speak about your favourite painting with a classmate.
Step 4


Read a text about top ten museums. Two exercises about museums.
Step 5 Speaking Read questions and speak about museums.
Step 6 Grammar Grammar: must/have to.
Complete rules, do exercise and study Grammar Desk.
Step 7 Task Write an 'entry' for your top museum.
  Evaluation Reflecting on what you have learned.


Difficult words? Search these on Cambridge Dictionaries




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2021-06-16 12:36:30

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Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor havo, leerjaar 4 en 5. Dit is thema 'Art'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: The world's finest museums. Deze les gaat over beroemde artiesten, schilderijen en de beste musea. In de grammaticaopdracht wordt must/have to behandeld.
Leerinhoud en doelen
4 uur en 0 minuten
arrangeerbaar, artiesten, engels, h45, musea, museum, must/have to, schilderijen, stercollectie, the world's finest museums
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