a formal email is an email to someone you do not know in person. There are certain rules for writing a formal e-mail, different from the informal email. In this lessonseries you will find out what the differences are and how to write a formal email.
A few examples for which you would need to write such an e-mail are complaints about something, an application letter or a letter of enquiry about something. Think of a stay abroad, or maybe a holiday.
In this lesson, we will focus on a formal email about an enquiry after a stay abroad and an application. You will also learn how to fill in an application form.
words to help:
formal e-mail: zakelijke email
complaints: klachten
application: sollicitatie
enquiry: informatie aanvraag
stay abroad: buitenlandse stage
You are going to watch a very short video about an organisation called 'Helpstay'. After watching it, answer the questions. You need those answers later on for your writing assignment.
helpstay jingle
Oefening: helpstay
answer the questions after watching the youtube clip about helpstay.
You are nearly there: you will graduate soon! What are you going to do during this next very, very long summer holiday? Here's an idea: travel the world for free! All you have to do is help....
Check out the website of helpstay and see what your options are. Click on the picture below to go to the website and browse it a bit.
In the next part of this lesson you will have to answer questions about the website.
Now you know your way a bit around the website, you are going to dig into the different stays. First, you are going to look at one stay as an example. Then, you can find a stay on your own that fits you!
On the top-left side of the webpage you see a drop-down menu with countries. Find Panama and look up the stay you see here above. Then click on 'view stay'
There are certain rules for writing a formal e-mail.
you send an e-mail to someone you do not know for official reasons and you do not use the right rules, chances are your e-mail will not be taken very seriously. That is why you will need to learn them by heart so you can use them when you need to....
In this paragraph you will find out all about the rules for formal e-mail writing. First, you are going to watch a video. You will learn how to write an e-mail in 6 steps. Take notes so you can look at them later on when you are going to write your own e-mail.
e-mail writing in 6 steps
Test: 6 steps for writing an e-mail
Test: 6 steps for writing an e-mail
you have watched a video about how to write an e-mail. Let's see what you remember by doing this test.
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
your e-mail will be judged for its grammar as well. In this part of the lesson you will find some useful grammar instruction and practice.
D-test Grammar
om te zien wat je al beheerst en welke grammatica onderdelen je nog aan moet werken, maak je eerst een diagnostische toets. Op basis daarvan bepaal je in overleg met je docent welke grammatica onderdelen je gaat maken.
Word order
in dit filmpje wordt uitgelegd hoe je een Engelse zin maakt.
Questions & Negations
Op deze website wordt uitgelegd hoe je vragen en ontkenningen maakt. Eerst staan dezelfde filmpjes als hierboven. Daaronder staat op de website een powerpoint en daaronder staan de oefeningen.
explanation difference past simple and present perfect
explanation future
explanation & practice future
Op deze website vind je nog een filmpje en daarnaast een powerpoint met uitleg over de Future. Daaronder staan oefeningen.
Irregular verbs
In dit filmpje wordt het verschil uitgelegd tussen regelmatige en onregelmatige werkwoorden in het Engels.
irregular verbs
Op deze website staateen powerpoint waarin wordt uitgelegd wat onregelmatige werkwoorden in het Engels zijn en hoe je er mee om moet gaan. Daaronder kun je oefenen.
To write an e-mail (or anything else, for that matter) you need vocabulary. Without words, you can't produce language. That is why you will study words and sentences in the next few weeks.
Make sure you know them English to Dutch as well as Dutch to English: you need to know how to write the words in English for your final e-mail.
Vocabulary Writing a formal e-mail 1
Vocabulary Writing a formal e-mail 2
Vocabulary Writing a formal e-mail 3
Vocabulary Writing a formal e-mail 4
Apply for a stay
Now it's time to actually apply for a stay abroad. Click on the document below to open the assignment.
When ready, send it to your teacher as an e-mail, with the document included as an attachment.
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6 steps for writing an e-mail
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