Webquest 'Christmas'

Webquest 'Christmas'

Webquest 'Christmas'


You are going to organize a Christmas Party with three classmates.

During this WebQuest you will find out what to do. Make sure you read the instruction well.

1. Inleiding


You are going to organize a Christmas Party with three classmates. During this WebQuest you will find out how to organize a party, think of a menu, cook something from your menu and, last but not least, invite people to your party. Of course you organize the best party ever.

Think of a theme for your party. (The theme has something to do with Christmas...) Then design the invitations. Think of a menu and choose one of the items. For this item you have to make a shopping list. After that you have to cook or bake the recipe you choose. During your presentation in class you have to share your recipe with everyone in class.


2. Taak

To make sure your party is the best party ever you have to decide, with your group, of a theme. This theme has to do something with Christmas (for example: snow, christmas trees, glitter etc.)

During your presentation you have to explain your theme and why you chose it.


After that you design an invitation. You have to have one as a group.


A party is not a party if there is nothing to eat and drink. As a group you have to decide what you will serve your guests during your party. Make a list with everything you want to serve (minimum of three items, maximum of 5 items). Explain this during your presentation.


Cooks always practise a new recipe.! As a group you have to decide which recipe you want to make. Choose a simple recipe, for example Christmas cookies. To make sure you do not forget anything during shopping you have to make a shopping list. Show this list in class during your presentation.


Since you thought of a recipe and even made a shopping list, you have to make your recipe. You have to make enough so you can serve it in class during your presentation.  (= bonus points, yaay!)


Here is a summary of things you have to do during this WebQuest:

  • Think of a theme
  • Design and make an invitation
  • Make a menu (min. three items, max. five items)
  • Make a shopping list for one of the items on your menu
  • Bake/cook/make your recipe (optional)
  • Have a presentation in class. (5 to 10 minutes)

3. Werkwijze

To make sure everyone is doing his/her share during this WebQuest you have to divide the following roles;

  • Internet expert; he/she finds information in the internet. The links are provided but it is not necessary for everyone to see all the sites. The Internet expert makes sure that all the sites are used.
  • Time expert; he/she makes sure everything happens in time.
  • Design expert; he/she makes sure the invitation is made. He/she also is responsible for the menu.
  • Cook expert; he/she makes sure the recipe is made properly and ready to serve in class.

Everyone helps the other, but in the end everyone has his own responsibility (verantwoordelijkheid).

For each step there is some time;

  • Theme; maximum time is 10min. By then you should have decided on a theme.
  • Invitation; the making of the invitation will take some time. But make sure it is not more than an hour.
  • Menu; thinking of the menu and deciding should not take more than 20 min.
  • Recipe and shopping list; should be ready within half an hour.
  • Cooking; depends on what you are going to make. You have to do this at home so be sure you make good appointments with your group.
  • Presentation; you have to explain your choices to the class. The preparations for the presentation should be no longer than half an hour. The presentation itself should be five to ten minutes.



4. Bronnen

5. Beoordeling

Invitation Use of English: Correct (3) few mistakes (2) many mistakes (1)
  Design: Original (3)   copy/paste (1)
Recipes Menu card: Enough (3) Too little (2) Nothing (0)
  Menu card design: Good (3) Average (2) Poor (1)
Shopping list Translation: Good (3) Average (2) Poor (1)
  Usable: Good (3) Average (2) Poor (1)
Presentation Use of English: 100% (5) 75% till 50% (3) Less than 50% (1)
  Grammar: Good (5) Average (3) Poor (1)
  Division of roles: Equal (3)   Not equal (1)

We are going to give you a mark for this WebQuest. You can get a maximum of 31 points, which will give you a 10.


6. Terugblik


We hope you enjoyed working on this WebQuest.

When you're ready with this WebQuest you know how to organise a party. You have worked together with classmates. You know how it is to have a specific role.

Also you know how to translate a recipe and make it yourself. Hopefully you are more sure about using English in front of class.

Merry Christmas!!!

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    2016-12-15 09:22:17

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    You are going to organize a Christmas Party with three classmates. During this WebQuest you will find out what to do. Make sure you read the instruction well.
    VMBO kaderberoepsgerichte leerweg, 1; VO; VMBO basisberoepsgerichte leerweg, 1; VMBO gemengde leerweg, 1; VMBO;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    0 uur en 50 minuten

    Gebruikte Wikiwijs Arrangementen

    Heijnis, Marjolein. (2011).

    Webquest 'Christmas'


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