English at MBO

English at MBO



For these coming three lessons you will be working on your writing and speaking skills. In each lesson we will offer vocabulary and grammar workshops, so that you can improve your writing and speaking skills.


You are working for a waterplantation In England. / You are an intern at a waterplantation in England.

During one of the measurements you found out that there is something wrong with the water.

Lesson goals

At the end of this lesson series you:

- know how to write a formal letter

- know how to approach an institution regarding procedures via a formal letter


- can act according the procedures of a conference

- can ask questions in relation to the subject in a conference


- have learned new vocabulary

- have learned new ways of making writing and speaking structured and interesting


Lesson 1

Skill: Writing.

In this lesson you work for the waterplantation.

The first step is to let the municipality know what happened. You are going to do this via a formal letter.

Lesson 2

Skill: Writing

In this lesson you work for the municipality.

The second assignment is to write a response to the letter from waterplantation.

Lesson 3

Skill: Speaking

In this lesson we will discuss the standard procedures in a conference and the way to handle a conference in English. After this there will be time to practice speaking in groups.

Lesson 4

Skill: Speaking

In this lesson we will transform the classroom into an actual conference room. During this lesson you will be the speaker at a conference and also act as the press. The speaker sits or stands behind a desk and hold a short presentation whereafter  you will answer the questions of the press. As the press you will listen to the speaker and afterwards ask questions.


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Laatst gewijzigd
2017-01-15 21:39:29

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Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

4 lessons of 90 minutes


Het volledige arrangement is in de onderstaande formaten te downloaden.



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