Thema 2: Animal and Pets

Thema 2: Animal and Pets



Dear pupil,

Welcome back!
You are now ready to work your way through theme 2: 'Animals and pets'.

How are you going to practise?
You are going to practise your writing, reading, listening and speaking skills.

What are you going to do?
You are going to talk about yourself and your hobbies in English.
You are also going to listen to people who talk about themselves.

Need help?
Use the toolbox. if you need any help. Here you will find (new) words and expressions. You will also find help for grammar and pronunciation.

Have fun!

Need to know

What do you need to know before you get to work?
Below you will find a couple of exercises that help you get ready for this theme.

Look and listen

Do you know the names of these pets?

And do you know the names of these animals?

Play this game. Wich animal do you see? Click on the matching name.

Oefening: Farm animals


Oefening: Pets


Oefening: Wild animals


Oefening: Animals


To do

To do
At the end of this project you:

  • Will have listened to people talking about their pets.
  • Will have read some texts about animals and pets.
  • Will have written some notes.
  • Will have talked about your favourite animal.
But you don't have to be able to do this right away!
If you take the following steps you'll find out what you need to know!

Work plan

Work plan
There are many exercises in each theme.
It is important to know which exercises you have done and which exercises not.

To help you, there is a work plan.
On this work plan you can tick the exercises you've done.

Click here to download the Work plan Animals and pets



In this part you will practise your listening skills.
There are different listenings, but they all deal with animals and pets.

There are listenings on:

  • pets
  • wild animals
  • a song about a cat
  • spiders
  • someone speaking about pets

Good luck!


Before you begin, read these tips:
Before you start listening:

  • read the introduction carefully.
    This will help you understand what the listening exercise is about.
  • read the questions. This will help you find the information you are listening for.
While you are listening:
  • Focus. If you miss the first part of the listening exercise, it is very difficult to understand the second part.
  • If you have heard the answer, fill it in and move on to the next question.
    Don't wait too long!
  • If you are not sure about the answer, just pick the answer you think is best.
    If you doubt you risk missing the answer on the next question.
Have fun!


Can you find the right pictures?

Click on the link to go to the webpage with the exercises:

  • Click on BEGIN GAME.
  • Listen to the text, click on the picture that you think they are talking about.
  • Click on 'continue'. You'll hear the next description.
  • If you make a mistake, try again until you get it right.

Wild animals

Wild animals
Can you find the right pictures?

Click on the link to go to the webpage with the exercises:

  • Click on BEGIN GAME.
  • Listen to the text, click on the picture that you think they are talking about.
  • Click on 'continue'. You'll hear the next description.
  • If you make a mistake, try again until you get it right.

The cat came back

The cat came back
Listen to the song: 'the cat came back' (Cordell Barker)
and answer the following question:
What happened to the cat?

The cat came back

Now make the exercise below by fill in the words to the right place.
Listen again if necessary.
Ask your teacher what to do with the worksheet.

Oefening:The cat came back


Katia, Fred and Todd are talking about spiders.
Do you think spiders are scary? Or do you think they are cool, like Katia?

Click on the link to go to the conversation:
If you want to read the text while they are talking press: ON at Text View.

Oefening: Spiders


Matt's pets

Matt's pets
Matt speaks about his family and their pets.
Listen to the story and answer the questions below.

Oefening: Matt's pets




There are all kinds of texts, letters, articles, stories, advertisements and poems. You are going to read some examples of these texts in this reading section.

In these texts you'll read about different kinds of animals and pets.
By doing the exercises you'll be able to improve your reading skills.

Have fun reading!


Before you start reading
Don't start reading straight away. First look at the title, the picture and highlighted words. These can help you understand what the text is about.

  • Read the introduction.
  • Read the questions before you start reading the text.
  • If you see multiple-choice questions, look at the options and try to see what the differences are.

While reading
It will be very very difficult to understand everything you are going to read.
If you see a word you do not know, it is very important to ask yourself if this word is important to understand the text. If you understand the text without knowing the word, there is no need to use a dictionary. If the word is important to understand the text (and / or to answer questions) go ahead and use your dictionary! Just make sure you don't use the dictionary all the time!

Ground hog day

Ground hog day
Read the text and do the exercise below.

A ground hog is a small animal that digs and lives under the ground. It is also called the woodchuck. Ground hogs live in many parts of America. In the winter they hibernate like bears and some other animals.

There is a legend that says a few hundred years ago Europeans brought Ground Hog Day to America. They said that the ground hog wakes up from his hibernation on February 2. (February 2 is half way between winter and spring.) If he comes up from his hole and it is sunny, he will see his shadow and be frightened. If he sees his shadow, there will be 6 more weeks of winter weather. But if he comes up and the sky is cloudy, he will not see his shadow and
will not be frightened. Then spring weather will come very soon.

Some people believe this legend and they watch the sky on February 2. Many people are happy if it is cloudy on that day. They think spring will come soon. But most people think it is just a fun legend. What do you think?


to hibernate (verb)- to sleep through the winter.

hibernation (noun)- comes from the verb ‘to hibernate’ (long sleep through the winter).

legend- old story that is told from parents to children, and children's children, and so on for many many years.

shadow- darkness made where the light can't go through (when the sun shines you can see the dark outline of your body on the ground).


Oefening: Ground hog day


The hare and the tortoise

The hare and the tortoise
The hare likes to brag.
He makes a bet with the tortoise.
He can run the fastest of course - so winning should be easy ...


You can use to find words you don't know.

Fun pet facts

Fun pet facts
How much do you know about pets?
Read the text and answer the questions.

Fun pet facts

Think you are an expert when it comes to pets? Let’s see if you knew this:
  • Pet lovers have nearly 100 million dogs and cats in the United States, and spend about $ 35 billion on their furry friends each year.
  • People with pets live longer, have less stress and fewer health problems.
  • 94% of pet owners say their pets make them smile more than once a day.
  • In Australia, England and the U.S., Max is the most popular name for dogs. Other popular dog names in the U.S. are Jake, Buddy, Maggie, Molly and Bear.
  • 95% of cat owners admit they talk to their cats.
  • A cat will almost never meow at another cat. Cats only meow to get our attention.
  • A dog named Laikia became the world’s first astronaut in 1957, when Russia sent her into space.
  • Cats have better memories than dogs. A dog’s memory lasts no more than five minutes, but a cat’s memory can last up to 16 hours!
  • Dogs can hear better than human beings. In fact, they hear so well they probably use their ears more than their eyes.



Oefening: Fun pet facts




This toolbox is a real treasure chest!
In the toolbox you will find:

  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary (words and sentences)
  • Typing game
  • Pronunciation
  • Taaldorp
  • Fun
  • Reference

First you are going to study a couple of grammar items.
Make sure you understand all the items.
After that you are going to practise some vocabulary, words and sentences.
They are all very important parts of a language!

Good luck!

Grammar (1)

If you want to be able to do all the assignments correctly you will need to know a couple of grammar items. You are going to learn about:

  • Asking questions - Question sentences
  • Negations
  • Personal Pronouns
For each item you have to take a good look at the grammar blocks and then you are going to do some exercises.

Good luck!

Grammar (2)

Asking questions

Grammar: Asking questions - questions - Simple present

After that do the exercises below:

Oefening: Asking questions - Simple present


Grammar (3)

Negations - Simple present
Take a look in the kennisbank English how and when you apply the simple present in the negation form.

Grammar: Negations - Simple present

Make the following exercises:

Oefening: Negations - Simple present


Oefening: Negations - Simple present


Grammar (4)

Personal pronouns
In the previous unit you've learned about personal pronouns.
Have a look at the grammar block again and then practise with the exercises below.

Grammar: Personal Pronouns

Make the following exercises:

Oefening: Personal pronouns - 1


Oefening: Personal pronouns - 2


Grammar (5)

Grammar test
To round up the grammar items, you are going to do a final test.
When you get the certificate you have finished the grammar for this theme!

Click to begin:
Succes! Good luck!

Oefening: Animal and pets Toolbox: Grammartest


Words (1)

To do all the exercises in the theme 'Animals and pets', you need to know words and sentences. For every theme you can find words and sentences on . There are a couple of lists you need to know.

The first time you use WRTS you need an account:

  • Click on: 'Meld je nu meteen aan!'.
  • Fill in your e-mail address.
  • Choose a password and fill it in.
  • Fill in your password again at 'Bevestiging'.
  • Click on 'Aanmelden'.
Click on 'Aanmelden'.

Words (2)

Now start learning the words and sentences with WRTS:

  • Go to: and log in.
  • Look at the lists and pick one. For this theme you have learn five lists:
    - Animals A,
    - Animals B,
    - Animals C,
    - Animals chunks A,
    - Animals chunks B.
  • Click on the word: 'Overnemen' behind the list you want to learn.
  • You now see the list, scroll down and click on 'Opslaan'.
  • Click on 'Overhoren'. Choose a way in which you'd like to practice.
    Then click 'Begin overhoring'. Practise in different ways.
Good luck!

Typing game

Typing game

Je gaat een typwedstrijdje spelen.
Je krijgt een aantal woorden/woordcombinaties te zien. Kijk steeds goed naar de spelling van het woord/de woordcombinatie.
Typ het woord of de woordcombinatie daarna zo snel mogelijk na.
Als je in het totaal 100 letters of meer hebt getypt, stopt het spel.
Hoe hoog is je score?

Klik op de link om het spel te starten:
> Typwedstrijd Animal and pets - Flash


Listen to these pictures!
At you can practise the pronunciation of some important words in this theme!

  1. Move your mouse over the images.
  2. Listen to and practise the words by saying the words out loud.
  3. Choose the ten most difficult words from each exercise.
  4. Write them down in your exercise book or in a word file.
  5. Read them aloud to another pupil.

Now go to the exercises for this theme:

Remember: Because this is American English, you will sometimes have to study the British-English pronunciation as well!

Taaldorp Animals

You are going to pay a visit to a biology lesson in the virtual language house of this theme!
In the classroom there are various exercises. Try to do all of them!

Note down all exercises you have done on your work plan.

Have fun!

Fun (1)

One mouse, two mice!
A mouse is a great animal to have as a pet.
Read these sentences about mice, can you put the words in the gaps?

Make your own animal
Here is an animal. What head has it got? What body has it got?
And what legs and feet has it got? Read the sentence and find the body parts.

A dragon is a fantasy animal that you will see in lots of legends and stories.
Here is a picture of a dragon. It is made of lots of animal body parts.
Can you put the body parts in the right places?

Fun (2)

Real or mythical?
How well do you know your fantasy animals? A mythical animal is an animal that appears in legends and stories. It's a fantasy animal - it's not real!
Are the animals real or mythical? (British Council)

Dangerous animal
Make your own dangerous animal! Choose a colour and body parts to make the scariest animal you have ever seen on:


If you need more help with grammar or vocabulary while you are studying,
have a look at the following websites:



In 'Speaking' you will be working on your speaking skills.

  • First of all you are going to have a look at some useful expressions.
  • Then you're going to practise a conversation with the help of speaking cards.
  • You're also going to evaluate a conversation by two other pupils.
  • Finally, you are going to practise your speaking in some real-life situations.
In these exercises you're going to speak about yourself and about (your) animals and pets.
With every exercise you do, your speaking skills will improve!

Speak up!

Warming Up

Try this first
Before you start speaking, answer these questions.
If you need any help, ask the person next to you.

Oefening: Warming up


Tips (1)

Before you start speaking

  • Look at the instructions carefully.
  • Try to think of words and expressions you might need.
  • Use as many words and chunks/expressions you already know.
  • Try to work with a small list of key WORDS (and not key sentences) to remember what you should say.
  • Remember it is not a writing or reading exercise!
Don't forget to have a look at page 2 for the tips.

While speaking!

Tips (2)

While speaking

  • Make sure you start a conversation by greeting the other person in a polite way.
  • Look at your partner or at your audience.
  • Speak calmly and not too quietly.
  • You can use a note, but make sure there are only a few words on it!
  • If you don't know a word, you can always explain what you can use it for, or what it looks like.
  • Try to keep on talking, even if you don't really know how you should say something.
  • If you don't understand your partner, you can ask for an explanation,
    or ask your partner to repeat the question.
  • End a conversation by saying goodbye.

Clue: if you practise a conversation a second time, it will be much easier!

Speech card

Speech card
Now, you are going to try to have a conversation with a classmate.

  1. Find someone to work with and use the speech card A or B below.
  2. Write down a couple of words to help you during the conversation.
  3. Practise your conversation at least twice.
After practising twice, do the following things:
  1. Find another pair to work with.
  2. Act out your conversation.
  3. Let them write down feedback for you.
  4. Let them do the conversation and write down feedback for them.
  5. Discuss what things where good and what you can do better next time.
Now download the speech cards to get started:

Person A: Speech card - person A .
Person B: Speech card - person B .

Now find another group to give feedback on your conversation.
Download the Speech card - beoordeling for this.

Speak Up (1)

Now you are going to practise speaking in a couple of real-life situations.

Practise all these conversations.
After practising ask someone to give you feedback on your speaking skills.
Use this peer-feedback form.

1. At the campsite
You are on holiday and your tent is next to the tent of an English family.
You see a dog walking around and you want to know if it is their dog.
Describe the dog to them and ask them if it's their dog.

2. Describing
You are on a train in England; there is someone your age in your compartment. You are driving past a zoo. You see a lion, a monkey and a parrot. Describe these animals to him or her.

3. Asking questions
You met a group of people and they are talking about pets. You don't know the English word for your pet. Answer their questions so they can find out what kind of pet you have.

Speak Up (2)

4. Presentation
You have to give a short presentation about your pet (two minutes).
Prepare this presentation. If you do not have a pet, prepare a presentation about a pet of someone you know.

5. Funniest home video
You met a boy during your holidays. You talk about something really funny that happened to your dog. You even have it on tape!
Describe what happened to your pet and why it was so funny.
If you need inspiration, have a look at youtube and search for 'home video animals' or something similar.




In this part you are going to improve your writing skills.

You are going to practise writing a postcard, writing an e-card, filling in an ordering form, making a poster, and putting together an advert!

If you keep practising, writing will become much easier!

Good luck!


Tips for writing
Read these tips for writing and keep them in mind while doing the exercises.

  • Try to use words and sentences you already know.
  • Use a dictionary if you need to find the correct English word, or if you are unsure about the spelling of a word.
  • If you write your letter on the computer make sure that the spelling checker is on English.
  • Find inspiration on WRTS about words and sentences to use.


The ordering form
You would like to order a teddy bear for your little sister at Hamley's in London. You would like to ask them if they could wrap it as a present, too. You have to make sure you fill in the right things on:

The ordering form

Write it down (1)

This is the real stuff! Here are some real-life situations to practise your writing skills. Practise with as many situations as you can!
If you need help, have another look at the 'tips' section!

Writing an email
Who are you going to write to?

  • You are going to send an email to a foreign friend.
    You have attached a picture of your new pet.
  • What are you going to say?
  • Tell your friend about your pet : name, age and special things.
    If you don't have a pet, think of a pet you know.

Writing a postcard
Who are you going to write?
  • You are going to send a postcard to your English friend.
  • What are you going to say?
  • You tell your friend about your visit to the zoo.
  • Tell him or her what you saw.

Write it down (2)

Writing about your lost pet
Who are you going to write?

  • Your pet has run away - or not come home.
    You want to ask the help of others to find it.
  • What are you going to say?
  • You make a small poster in which you describe your pet.
  • You make clear you want other people to look out for him/her.
  • You can even promise a reward.

An advert in the paper
Who are you going to write?
  • You are going to write to the readers of the newspaper because you have kittens to sell.
    You want to find them a new home.
  • What are you going to say?
  • Write an advert for the local newspaper in which you describe the kittens you sell: what colour, what kind, what price etc.
    Make sure you mention your personal details so readers can contact you.

Life and culture



What do you know about England, the English language and English people?That's what you're going to learn in 'Life and culture'!

Each theme focuses on a different aspect of England, its language,
its inhabitants and its culture.

Get started!

Barking birds

Funny meanings

Animals also appear in the language and they often have an extra meaning.
Have a look at this website (Woodlands Junior School) .
You are going to look at words that have an extra meaning.
'Bird', for example, is used to talk about an animal that flies as to talk about girls.

Want to know more?
Then download the worksheet and get to work!

Coat of arms

Have a look at the Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom on the left.
On the left, the shield is supported by the English Lion; on the right it is supported by the Unicorn of Scotland.
Find out more about the Royal coat of arms at Woodlands Junior School .

Other countries also have an animal in their coat of arms.
Examples are:

  • Kiwi for New Zealand
  • Lama for Peru
  • Tiger for Malaysia
  • Black Eagle for Germany
  • Dragon for China
Now have a look at the meaning of these and other symbols on .
Pick four animals and create your own coat of arms.
Explain why you picked these animals.

Good luck!



Language Task

In this part you are going to practise a lot of language tasks, mainly speaking and writing in real-life situations.
Practise as many tasks as possible so when you go on holiday you know exactly what to say!

Speaking (1)

1 Telephone conversation

You want to visit the zoo but you don't know how much it costs.

Work together with a classmate.
One of you is the caller, the other one works at the zoo.
The caller calls the zoo and asks questions to find out about the price.
Take about five minutes to prepare your conversation.

You've done well if:

  • you thought of greeting the person.
  • you have ended the conversation properly.
  • you knew the right words.
  • you have found the right information.
  • you did not look at your papers very often.
  • you spoke clearly.
  • everybody could understand you.
  • you corrected your conversations after the help of another pupil.

Speaking (2)

2 Can you find your way around?
Final product

An (recorded) oral presentation.

You have arrived at the London Zoo.
Work together with another pupil.
One of you is visitor, another works at the zoo and answers your questions.
Take about ten minutes to prepare your conversation.

Find out about:

  • a ticket (with student reduction).
  • a map of the zoo.
  • a schedule for animal shows.
  • something to eat.
  • a guide to take you around the zoo.
  • closing times.

Speaking (3)

You've done well if:
  • you thought of greeting the people you spoke to.
  • you knew the right words.
  • you did not look at your papers very often.
  • you spoke clearly.
  • everybody could understand you.
  • you corrected your conversations after the help of another pupil.

Writing (1)

Guess who?
Describe a picture of an animal.

Your pet has run away.

Take a picture of your pet and write down what your pet looks like.
If you don't have a pet, take any animal picture and simply describe it.

You've done well if:

  • you described,
  • the color,
  • the size,
  • the age,
  • what it looks like.

Writing (2)

Hello to you, too!
Write an e-mail.

You met someone on the Internet.

You tell your Internet friend about your pet /horse/...

You've done well if:

  • you used the right words;
  • you greeted your friend;
  • you told him/her about your pet;
  • you told him/her about what you do with your pet;
  • you asked him/her about his/her favourite animal;
  • you said goodbye;
  • you corrected your letter or email with the help of another pupil.
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    Oefeningen en toetsen

    Farm animals


    Wild animals


    The cat came back


    Matt's pets

    Ground hog day

    Fun pet facts

    Asking questions - Simple present

    Negations - Simple present

    Negations - Simple present

    Personal pronouns - 1

    Personal pronouns - 2

    Animal and pets Toolbox: Grammartest

    Warming up

    IMSCC package

    Wil je de Launch URL’s niet los kopiëren, maar in één keer downloaden? Download dan de IMSCC package.


    Oefeningen en toetsen van dit arrangement kun je ook downloaden als QTI. Dit bestaat uit een ZIP bestand dat alle informatie bevat over de specifieke oefening of toets; volgorde van de vragen, afbeeldingen, te behalen punten, etc. Omgevingen met een QTI player kunnen QTI afspelen.

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