CSR contest 2014
During the exchange you will join the CSR contest 2014.
Groups of 4 students will form a business. This business pays attention to the 3 Ps of CSR.
You will work on a business plan and a presentation. You present your idea to the group on friday afternoon! Each group can invest 1000 'suscoins' in one or more of the other companies. A suscoin is the money that we use because of the sustainability we prefer during this exchange. The company that gets the most suscoins will win the contest 2014.
The best CSR company will be awarded!
- Preparation: Monday: 13.30 - 15.30
- Preparation: Wednesday: 13.30 - 16.30
- Presentation: Friday afternoon
What is CSR?
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) means that a company takes responsibility for the effects of its business activities on people, the environment and business operations. The company makes conscious choices to find a balance between People, Planet and Profit. Companies could even go a step further and focus on new market opportunities, growth and innovation with profit for people, society and the environment. Now and in the future.
CSR is the benchmark for doing business in the 21st century. The starting principles here are:
- CSR is an integral vision on entrepreneurship, whereby the company creates value in economic (Profit), ecological (Planet) and social (People) fields.
- CSR is embedded in all business processes. With every business decision, the different stakeholder interests are weighed up: the interests of the persons, companies and organisations involved. CSR is tailor-made. The CSR activities are different for every company. It depends on company size, sector, culture and on company strategy.
- CSR is a process, not a final destination. The objectives pursue change over time and with every business decision. The company is looking for achievable steps to give shape to social responsibility.
Bron: www.mvonederland.nl
People includes for example the following aspects:
- Working conditions (prohibition child labour, prohibition discrimination, take care of the safety of employee, take care of the health of employee)
- Development and deploy of employee (open to ideas of employees, attention to personal development, invest in human capital/education)
- Social responsibility (open to social activities of employees/neighbourhood, charity)
- Integration and reintegration on the labour market (employ people with little opportunities, offer work placements)
Planet includes for example the following aspects:
- Waste (prevent waste)
- Energy (restrict the use of energy, use sustainable energy)
- Materials (restrict the use of raw materials, use sustainable materials)
- Water (restrict the use of water, separate clean and polluted water)
- Ground conditions (prevent soil pollution)
- Sound (prevent noise pollution)
- Smell (prevent air pollution)
Profit includes for example the following aspects:
- Efficiency (prevent unnecessary use of raw materials, materials, money and people)
- Stable economic growth (economic growth for present and future generation)
- Continuity of production (prevent exhaustion of raw materials)
- Difference in income (prevent poverty)
- Reliability and transparency (prevent corruption and avoid misfeasance)
To learn more about CSR you can use these links:
Corporate Social Responsibility
CSR (Suppy chain management)
Triple Bottem Line (the economist)
Just good business (the economist)
Some well-known examples of CSR:
Starting a company
Today you will start your company, in groups of 4 students.
The first thing to do is to start thinking about a business idea. You can decide whether to design a sustainable product, a sustainable service or a company with a general product or service but with a CSR-way of producing/management.
Just follow directions and you will get all the information you need!
Here are some tips for you to help you get started.
1. What about your hobbies as a business?
Many people have hobbies and skills, which could be turned into worthwhile and profitable businesses.
Make a list of your hobbies and brainstorm with your friends, family or group members on how any of these hobbies could be turned into a business.
2. Are there any gaps in the Marketplace?
Have you ever said to yourself “where can I buy.....?” or “why can’t I buy…?” in my local area or school. If so, a new business idea could be staring you in the face!
3. Use ideas which have been used before. Maybe you can give them a new twist.
Remember many successful companies do not try something completely new, they build upon ordinary ideas and make something special of them. Look around your local area, what kind of businesses exist? Could you offer something better?
4. Idea generation techniques
There is a whole array of idea generation techniques which could be used in coming up with new ideas for businesses. One of these is brainstorming.
Successful brainstorming generates massive quantities of diverse and sometimes fantastic ideas.
Fantastic ideas are good during brainstorming, not bad. You want a high quantity of ideas during brainstorming, not quality. There will be plenty of time later to dissect and analyse.
Effective brainstorming can take place in groups or individually. Some of the ideas submitted to a brainstorming session may seem off the wall initially. After consideration these may turn out to be perfectly good business ideas.
Rules for Effective Brainstorming.
- Do a practice run to warm up the mind. For example, how many uses can you think of for a cardboard box?
- Assign one person in your group to write down ALL of the ideas that are generated by the group, no matter how wild or wacky they are.
- Remember that all suggestions, no matter how silly they may seem, should be included on the written list and members of your group should give their suggestions as they come into their heads.
- The quantity of ideas is better than the quality of ideas.
- The wilder and stranger the better.
- The whole group should let their minds flow and wander and come up with as many ideas as possible over a period of about 20 minutes – the aim is to generate as many ideas as possible.
- At the end of the brainstorming session:
- go through the list.
- identify which ideas may be possible and which ones are not possible to take further.
- start to brainstorm the positives and negatives of each idea that you think you could take further.
- then choose one idea
How to write a business plan
A business plan is a document that describes your business, its objectives, strategies, target market and financial forecasts. It's a blueprint to your business's future.
It is used by investment-seeking entrepreneurs to convey their vision to potential investors. They may also be used by firms that are trying to attract key employees, prospect for new business, deal with suppliers or simply to understand how to manage their companies better.
Your plan should contain the following components:
- Business description (What is your good or service? What does your company do? What does your company stand for? What is your logo? Why is it a good logo for your company/product?)
- Market study (Who are your customers? Why do they buy your product? What is your Unique Selling Point (USP)? Who are your competitors? Who are your suppliers? How do you distribute your product? Will you outsource your production process?)
- Marketing plan (Create a SWOT analysis, define the 4 P's)
- Financial plan (What is your estimated cost price and sales price?)
- Sustainability (What is the role of sustainibility in your way of doing business?)
How to make a SWOT analysis
SWOT analysis example
The marketing mix and the 4 Ps
Please note: it is not necessary to develop strategies from your SWOT.
How to make a presentation
Create a nice presentation for the pitch on Friday evening! You have to use Prezi for this presentation.
A Prezi is a presentation of text and visuals. It is very similar to a power point, except you do not make slides. Instead, you make one big prezi and zoom in to different views. And don't make people feel dizzy!! ;-)
Show clear and to the point your business plan and your CSR to the group. You will have 5 minutes to give your presentation followed by 5 minutes for questions from the group.
How to work with Prezi?
The follow up: your business in 2015
In Beijing you have started your business. Not every business was successful at the start, but right now all businesses are doing well. You are making profit, you work according to the 3 P's: people, profit, planet.
This week you will get some challenges to make your business and your brand stronger.
Go public with a commercial
What makes a commercial a hit?
Sometimes you see commercials you will remember for a long time. And when the commercial is a good one you also know the brand the commercial is trying to sell. Before you can start making your own commercial you have to learn from excisting commercials. Check out several commercials and ask yourself the following questions:
- what's the product they are trying to sell?
- target: for whom is the product?
- message: what is idea behind the product?
- what feeling do you have after seeing the commercial?
- where is the commercial shot? Why there?
- does product and commercial fit together? Why (not)?
- what can you use from this commercial?
we love reclame
making your own commercial
It's time to make your own commercial.
Take a look at the examples and get your own brilliant idea!
Your commercial has a maximum time of one minute
Take the following steps for succes:
1. Who is your target and what is your message? Can you use humor? Can you use street language? Can you ...( fill in)
2. What's the best place to shoot your commercial? What do you need for the set? Think of clothing, props (decor), ...
3. Make a storyboard. You have to draw the pictures you will shoot. You have to write the script and the sentences. Where will you put the product and its logo?
4. Devide the roles: cameraman, director, actor, and so on
5. rehearse!!!!
6. start shooting
How to deal with media?
Friday evening
At the end of the week you will show the public the commercial you have made and you will have answers to the problems your business had to solve.