Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror

Outer appearance is very important in our society. This importance has grown even more with the emergence of social media. Scientists have long since known that how we perceive our outer appearance relies mainly on seeing our reflection in the mirror. But does a mirror really accurately reflect our looks, or can even a mirror make mistakes? Students are often very focused on their outer appearance. In this activity they investigate the truthfulness of mirrors by using physics creatively. Thereafter they focus on the impact of mirrors on society in history and the present.

Copyright/Creative Commons

Materials are published under the
CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

Lesson activities
  • Build and test the design made by Kokichi Sugihara. Explain how the reflection of a rectangle can be a circle.
  • Design and build a 3D-model of such an object.
  • What does this imply for your own reflection in the mirror? Could your perception of you own appearance be faulty? And how about camera–'s
  • In history, mirrors have often been attributed magical properties. Investigate the role of mirrors in history. Present your findings to your peers.
  • With social media we have become accustomed to exhibiting ourselves and our lives through visual imagery. Describe how this influences your life on a daily basis. How does it influence society?
  • Classroom debate: take on the role of either government or management of a social media coorperation. Debate whether regulations on the use of visual imagery on social media should be changed.
Curriculum content
- Reflection
- Mirror
- Appearance
- Social media

- Mathematics
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Engineering

Target group
- Primary Education
- Lower Secondary Education
- Upper Secondary Education

Age range

50 min.


Oliver Straser, University of Education Freiburg and Amy Mol (Utrecht University)
  Universiteit Utrecht



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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Outer appearance is very important in our society. This importance has grown even more with the emergence of social media. Scientists have long since known that how we perceive our outer appearance relies mainly on seeing our reflection in the mirror. But does a mirror really accurately reflect our looks, or can even a mirror make mistakes? Students are often very focused on their outer appearance. In this activity they investigate the truthfulness of mirrors by using physics creatively. Thereafter they focus on the impact of mirrors on society in history and the present.
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