7.1 Russia's Untameable Nature


Good afternoon, T3V. Today's lesson is going to be a little different from the usual format. You will individually delve into paragraph 7.1 Untameable Nature via this Wikiwijs. This paragraph explores the variety of natural landscapes within Russia, and their challenges. Today will be a student-paced lesson, meaning you get to decide how quickly you go through each of the chapters within this Wikiwijs. Keep in mind that chapters marked with a purple line contain extra information you do not need to know for your test, so feel free to skip them if you wish. Do note that you have to take a short test about the information from the wikiwijs at the end of class.

Learning goals

This Wikiwijs is based on paragraph 7.1 Untameable nature, from your textbook. The goal of this Wikiwijs is answering the question 'What are the main natural characteristics of Russia?'

To achieve this, navigate through the chapters on the left, starting with 'Start' and ending with 'Review'. If you follow those chapters, read the texts and do the exercises, you will gradually get closer to uncovering the answer to the question 'What are the main natural characteristics of Russia?' I will be available to assist if necessary, just raise your hand. Good luck!


Het arrangement 7.1 Russia's Untameable Nature is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

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2024-03-11 13:44:31

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Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

With this wikiwijs students can individually work through paragraph §7.1 Untameable Nature from The Geo 3 havo/vwo.
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