K&C & EN - My Life is Art

K&C & EN - My Life is Art

0. Info startweek


  • Wat moet ik inleveren? Er zijn veel lees en kijk opdrachten waar je een samenvatting moeten maken en vragen beantwoorden. Je gaat ook kunst maken en inleveren en logboek posts maken. Je leert ook en doet mee met een Afrikaans yoga die heet YAYA. Voor de laatste opdracht leer je over hoe je mensen in je eigen community kan helpen.

Inhoud en eXplore miles

Waarom zou je voor deze quest willen kiezen?

- Je wil graag iets leren over hoe jij balans in je leven kan vinden door creativiteit en Engels

- Je bent nieuwsgierig naar hoe muziek, kunst en discipline kan je helpen om positief te blijven ook als je leven chaotisch is.

- Je vindt het belangrijk om een sociaal-maatschappelijke bijdrage te leveren (of anders gezegd: om iets aardigs voor een ander te doen).

- Je zou graag veel Engels oefenen. LET OP: Deze quest (inclusief uitleg) is allemaal in het engels. Daarom is deze quest geschikt voor 3e jaars en 2e jaars met een goede Engels niveau. Als je een 1e jaars bent of een 2e jaars met wat lager Engels verstand, kies voor deze quest alleen daarna overleg met mij (mevrouw de Jonge) en je coach.


Leerdoelen van deze quest

- Je leert over andere culturen en hoe anderen kunnen je inspirieren

- Je gaat creatieve dingen maken in het Engels

- Je wilt meer over jezelf, kunst, muziek en balans leren in het Engels

- Je Engels is al op een goede niveau en je wilt omhoog met je Engels ontwikkeling

- Learn about living a balanced, meaningful, peaceful and creative life


Welke producten moet je leveren?

Voor deze quest moet je de volgende producten leveren:

  • 5 Logboek posts in English
  • "What is your purpose" answers (3a).
  • My Life is Art Life Map (3b).
  • Inside Outside Mind Map (4b)



Deze quest kun je zelfstandig maken.

Je kan altijd vragen komen stellen in de BloX. 


De coaches die deze quest begeleiden zijn Mevrouw Best en Mevrouw de Jonge.



eXplore miles



Deze quest levert jou 15 eXplore miles op als je hem helemaal doorloopt, alle stappen zet en alle deliverables op tijd levert.


1. Jij begint

1.a Motivatiemotor en Verderkijker



1. Maak een tegel aan (Kunst en Cultuur- My Life is Art) in Egodact quest challenge monitor.(Als je dat al hebt gedaan hoeft dat natuurlijk niet nog een keer.)


2. Vul de motivatiemotor in: beschrijf je motivatie om deze quest te doen in Egodact onder het kopje (Voorbereiding - "WAAROM wil ik dit gaan doen").


Er zijn allerlei redenen te verzinnen om deze quest te willen doen, zoals:

  • Omdat je jouw Engels willen verbeteren 
  • Want je bent geinsterseerd in andere culturen 
  • Je wilt leren over hoe je meer balans in je leven kan vinden




3. Vul ook de overige antwoorden op de vragen in (bij Voorbereiding: dus de wat hoe en wanneer vragen).


4. Planning

Bedenk tevens wanneer je aan deze quest wil gaan werken. Wanneer begin je en wanneer wil je hiermeer klaar zijn?

Wanneer zijn de inloop uur BloX?







1.b Logboek (1)

Logboek (1)

Maak je eerste logboekpost in jouw Egodact questmonitor onder het kopje UITVOERING en deel jouw gedachten over de volgende vragen:


1. What do you already know about Emmanuele Jal?

2. What do you know about child soldiers?

3. How can being peaceful help you keep balance in your life? 

2. We want Peace

2.a Onderzoek


1. Watch the "We Want Peace" music video and read the text below.

Beantwoord daarna de vragen en zet deze in je Logboek 2.


We Want Peace (WWP) has a simple goal: To raise awareness on the fundamental principles of justice, equality and freedom for all worldwide. Kicking off the campaign, and in dedication to Southern Sudan’s historic referendum in 2011 which saw the country of Sudan split into two (Sudan and South Sudan), Emmanuel released what has become the worldwide music hit: ‘We Want Peace’. The up-tempo feel good classic brings a sense of appreciation and entertainment to the importance of peace and security.

Featuring strings by Peter Gabriel, the song, like the campaign, dedicates itself to the realization that peace is possible. Sadly, conflict is still rife in the region and the route to finding sustainable peace has been extremely testing with millions still being displaced and living as refugees. WWP Supporters include a variety of high profile individuals and organisations.

Vragen (Logboek 2):

1. Which famous people can you spot in this video? (There are at least 6 to look out for.)

2. Can you Google a sentence about one of them and their activism? Based on what you know about Emmanuel so far, why do you think peace is so important to him? *Reminder: Sudan split into 2 countries in 2011. Google why this happened and explain your answer in 4 sentences.

3. Why do you think it’s important for celebrities to use their platform to promote a message of peace? List 2 ways in which Music can be an important tool to spread the message of peace?

4. Does music and helping other people in need give your life more balance? Why or why not? 

3. Create the Life You Want

1. Finding balance through purpose: read the text, watch the video and fill in the answer to the logbook questions in Egodact.

Purpose is a guide to help you navigate all parts of your life. It shapes your worldview, underlies your goals, ambitions and dreams and influences how you interact with the environment and those around you. Once you find it, it will transform your life.


Think of it this way - without purpose, you are like the captain of a ship without a compass.

Knowing your purpose will enable a conscious awakening of self and realization that the world doesn't revolve around you, but everything in your world, collectively. Conscious awakening is a heightened state of awareness to raise your standard in thinking, planning, organisation, strategy, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, compassion, patience, kindness in order to produce positive outcomes.

To know your purpose, is to know the feeling of true joy and will lead to fulfilment in life.

Watch this video about purpose:

Watch video here (use password education2020 to access): https://vimeo.com/426760641

Logboek 3: What is purpose?

1. In your own words describe what purpose is.

2. Describe a time when you gave something to someone without expecting anything in return?

3. Describe how you felt when you gave without expecting anything in return. How did that person react, and how do you think they felt?

4. Describe a time when someone gave you unconditional support. How did it make you feel?

3a. Verwerking: What is your purpose?

1. First, watch these videos. Then, post your answers to these questions in Seesaw and Egodact.

Videos: ***use password education2020 in order to watch the video***

To engage your mind to think about what you’ve learned in this section, take some time to answer the following questions.

What is your purpose?

1. What do you care about? Example - causes, people, animals, friends, insects, nature. This is anything that you want to help and give empathy to.

2. What do you love? Example - family, animals, education, food, science, art, teaching, scuba diving, fishing etc.

3. What are your beliefs? These are things you value - that give you the courage to defend, fight for and not give up on. Example - human rights for all, protecting the environment, justice, equality, freedom.

4. What are you passionate about? This is the burning desire inside you to act. What are the things that give you that burning desire? What fuels the burning desire to act?

5. What are you grateful for? Example – your challenges, nature, the Creator, your family, friends, health etc.

6. Do you have a forgiving heart? Have you learned to forgive yourself? Have you learned to forgive without expectation (of an apology, or of reciprocal forgiveness)?

7. Without thinking about it, can you describe what your purpose is? (Note – allow your heart to flow when you describe your purpose, do not think about what you’re writing)

8. Now let your heart and your mind construct a purpose statement.

9. Provide some examples of how you would like to apply these in your life


3b. My Life is Art Life Map

1. Print the Life Map out (below) and fill it in using the instructions from the guide (below). Post a picture of your Life Map in Seesaw and Egodact. Hang the Life Map up in your room to remind yourself to stay balanced and to not forget important aspects of your life planning.




Life Map:



4. Creative and Physical Wellbeing


*** use password education2020 ***


Life constantly throws up challenges no matter who we are or where we are from. Look at the past year! There have been a series of unprecedented events, which have shifted the way in which we work and behave. How do we manage these changes and also the stress, which inevitably comes with these situations?

The first port of call is by looking after yourself. Your mental and physical wellbeing are the 2 most valuable assets you have and we need to invest in them to help us deal with whatever life might throw at us. Whether it’s your grades, or a death in the family we need to be able to support ourselves through challenging times.

In this section I have created activities, which help generate a calm and positive mindset, support resilience and independent thinking as well as ways for you to explore the creative faculties of your mind and have fun.

These tools have all changed my life for the better and helped me to become the activist and artist I am today. I hope you enjoy them, peace is you.

- Emmanuel Jal

4a. Meditation

M Y L I F E I S A R T M E D I T A T I O N F O R 1 0 - 1 6 Y E A R O L D S

Follow the setup and meditations below while at home in your room. Then, answer the logboek posts in seesaw and connect that to your tegel in egodact.


Make yourself comfortable; you can take a seat or lie down on the ground.

Take a moment of silence.

Imagine your belly like a balloon.

Inhale at the count of 6 and exhale at the count of 9.

Take another deep breath and exhale at your own pace.

Let your breath return to normal, with focus and attention on your breathing in
and out through the nose, find your flow and rhythm of exhaling and inhaling.

Keep breathing in and out for a minute.


Imagine the life you want to create (30 seconds to 1 minute).

Imagine where you will be using your skills and talents to make the world a
better place.

What great habit would you like to create? - Imagine yourself possessing that

Say these words:
'My Life Is Art: I recognize my life as a work of art that I create to make this world a
better place than I found it. I am grateful for the power to create the life I want.'


Say these words:

'Gratitude is a positive attitude toward life.'

What are you going to give without expecting anything in return?

What is your vision or dream?
What are you great at?

What is your year goal?

What is your monthly goal?

What is your weekly goal?

What is your daily goal?

Are you going to love yourself today?

Take a deep breath and exhale at your own pace.


Take a deep breath and exhale at your own pace.

Say these words:

'Today I am going to be kind to myself so I can be kind to others.
Today I will eat healthy, play and have fun.
Today I will listen, watch and read positive content.'

Imagine the life you want to create.

Take a deep breath and exhale at your own pace.

Take a deep breath and exhale at your own pace.

Take a deep breath and exhale at your own pace. Say: 'Let it be.'

Say these words:

'My Life Is Art: I recognize my life as a work of art that I create, to make this world
a better place. I am grateful for the power to create the life I want.'

HOW TO CONSTRUCT YOUR WEA/MANTRA - 30 day meditation challenge


1. Find out what you’d like to change about yourself (for example – courage,
confidence, your grades)

2.Create the WEA/Mantra following this structure:

If you’re spiritual and you want confidence, you’d say 'I am
confident, thank you, creator, I am confident'

If you are religious and you want confidence, you'd say 'I am
confident, thank you [name who you believe in here – for example Jesus,
Allah, God] I am confident'

If you are not religious and you want confidence, you’d say 'I am
confident, thank you me, I am confident'

3. Create your new habit by:

Repeat your mantra 10 times in your meditation for the next 30 days.

Research the habit you are creating for the next 30 days and share your
learning with somebody (your friends or family) every day.

Make small steps of action toward the habit you’re creating, every day for
the next 30 days and apply gratitude to the small changes you see.

Keep track of how the meditation is changing your life by posting in seesaw and egodact every few days about how it is going. Dedicate yourself to this 30 day challenge to see how you can balance your life out!


Logboek 3:


1. How does learning to meditate give you more balance in your3 life?

2. What was your WEA mantra and how did it help you with meditation?

3. Western cultures sometimes see meditation as a waste of time since you make a habit to sit and do 'nothing.' Do you agree or diagree? Why?

4b. Creative Wellbeing

Inside Outside Mind Maps:

In this section, you watch a video and read about making an Inside Outside mind map. Then you will make one yourself.


Now it's your turn!

Make your own Inside Outside mind map following the instruction above. Post a photo of this mind map in Seesaw and Egodact. 

4c. Yaya (Yoga)

YAYA is an ancient healing technique from Africa, which combines elements of dance, meditative practices and yoga. YAYA stands for Yea (‘breathing’ in the language Naath), Argus (‘dance’ in Arabic), Yea (‘breathing’ in the language Naath) and Appreciation. In other words, YAYA stands for Yoga, Argus (‘dance’ in Arabic), Yoga and Appreciation.

YAYA is an ancient healing technique that has been practiced for thousands of years in Africa. It is used to activate positive emotions that unite your mind, heart, soul and spirit and create healing for the body. Through YAYA you create mental space and become alive, highly intuitive, and grounded in your purpose.

Ready to try YAYA? Follow along with Emmanuel Jal below.

4d. Logboek 4

Write a logbook post with answers to the following questions. Post this in Seesaw and Egodact:

  • Why is being creative, meditating, and staying active important for living a balanced life?
  • What did you enjoy most: meditation, the creative mind map, or yoga? Why? 
  • What is a positive mindset and how can this help you in life? 

5. Lose to Win: Activism and Philanthropy

5a. Activism Activity

Watch the two videos about the "Lose to Win" project and complete the logbook below. Post the logbook in Seesaw and Egodact.


5.b Logboek 5

Post answers to these questions (in English) in Seesaw and Egodact.

6a. Assessment

In de eXpo week, je bewijs deze Quest door inleveren van de volgende in Seesaw en de Egodact tegeltje:

  1. 5 Logboek posts in English
  2. "What is your purpose" answers (3a).
  3. My Life is Art Life Map (3b).
  4. Inside Outside Mind Map (4b)
  • Het arrangement K&C & EN - My Life is Art is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

    Laatst gewijzigd
    2024-01-05 09:17:25

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Learn about living a balanced, meaningful, peaceful and creative life
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    K&C en EN - My Life is Art


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