Training Business Literature Research

Training Business Literature Research

Why this training?

Bron: E. Langhorst, Hogeschool RotterdamTo make informed decisions in business, it is necessary to conduct business research. Business literature research is a way of doing business research.


What will you learn from this training?

This training is focused on expanding your information literacy skills in doing business literature research. You will learn how and where to search strategically for business information.


Who is this training for?

This training is intended for all students who need to do business literature research on a topic, industry or market and requires previous knowledge and skills. These can be acquired by doing our online Literature Research Training.


In this training you will learn:

  • What business information entails

  • How to use different search methods (recap)

  • How to select sources for the different types of information

  • How to approach the different types of business research


This is how it works

This training contains 4 modules.

You can work your way through the modules from beginning to end or go directly to the module you need. Click the ‘Next’ button on the bottom of this screen to start.



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2023-08-23 16:03:50

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  • het werk te delen - te kopiëren, te verspreiden en door te geven via elk medium of bestandsformaat
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Literature Research Guide, RUAS Library: Literature Research Guide

Training Stappenplan literatuuronderzoek, Mediahteek Hogeschool Rotterdam:

Jenny Darroch, Morgan P. Miles, Andrew Jardine and Ernest F. Cooke, The 2004 AMA Definition of Marketing and Its Relationship to a Market Orientation: An Extension of Cooke, Rayburn, & Abercrombie, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Fall, 2004, Vol. 12, No. 4 (Fall, 2004), pp. 29-38, accessed 25 January 2021


Kotler, Philip (1980). Principles of marketing. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. ISBN0-13-701557-7. OCLC5564799.

Kotler, Philip; Gary Armstrong (2018). Principles of marketing (Seventeenth ed.). Hoboken. ISBN978-0-13-449251-3. OCLC954203453.


Paul H. Selden (1997). Sales Process Engineering: A Personal

Workshop. Milwaukee, WI: ASQ Quality Press. p. 23.


Paliwoda, Stanley J.; Ryans, John K. (2008). "Back to first principles". International Marketing – Modern and Classic Papers (1st ed.). p. 25. ISBN978-1-84376-649-0. Retrieved 15 October 2009.


"Marketing library resources – content, knowledge databases". CIM. Retrieved 16 March 2017

Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

This training is focused on expanding information literacy skills in doing business literature research. Students will learn how and where to search strategically for business information.
HBO - Master; HBO - Bachelor;
business information, information literacy, literature research, search methods, search techniques

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Team (H)RBS support. (z.d.).

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