EN - Resilience in Film and Your Life: (A1-B1 Engels)

EN - Resilience in Film and Your Life: (A1-B1 Engels)

0. Intro


0a. Inhoud en eXplore miles

Waarom zou je voor deze quest willen kiezen?

  • .......je graag wilt weten hoe je over doorzetten kan praten in het Engels.
  • .......je graag je Engels wilt verbeteren.
  • .......je graag wilt in het Engels luisteren en schrijven.
  • .......je graag je reflecteren wilt gebruiken om iets in het Engels te maken.

Waar gaat deze quest over?

Deze quest gaat over de gebruiken van dorzetten in filmen en in je eigen leven.

Hij hoort bij het domein talen - Engels.

Je leert verschillende methoden om over doorzetten (resilience) te hebben in het Engels. Je doet dit via schrijven en kijken/luisteren in het Engels.



Deze quest wordt niet ondersteund met een bloX of en een chatgroep via Teams.

  • Zorg dat je inschrijft voor een bloX met een Engels coach als je vragen hebt.

  • Stuur een bericht naar een Engels coach toe als je vragen hebt.



eXplore miles


Deze quest levert jou 10 eXplore miles als je hem helemaal doorloopt, alle stappen zet en alles op tijd levert.


0b. Leerdoelen/leervragen

Leerdoelen voor Quest:

For watching the film:



For working on the Quest and exercises:






0c. Rubric/Grading

  How will you be graded?

Look at the rubric below. This is how you will grade yourself for this Quest. Do you think you will score Ontwikkelend or better in all categories? You must score Ontwikkelend or better in order to complete this Quest.

Make a screenshot of this rubric. Give yourself a score for each of these sections. Write at least 4 sentences IN ENGLISH about why you think you will score at this level. Post this in seesaw/egodact.





Word Count

Follows the instructions for your English level.

Mostly follows the instructions for your English level.

Does not follow the instructions for your English level.

Has only a few words.

Layout & structure

Has explained what they will write about and how. Uses paragraphs and good punctuation.

There is some sort of structure but could be improved by using paragraphs or subheadings.

The writing is somewhat coherent and follows a pattern, but no obvious effort to structure anything.

A blob of text.

Use of grammar

Has clearly understood and explained the grammar rules. Is able to use them to explain their ideas.

The use of grammar is often correct, with small mistakes throughout the text.

The content of the essay is coherent, but there are plenty of errors that should be improved.

Copy and pasted from Google translate. Text is not understandable due to mistakes.

Ideas & insights

Student understands the idea of the Quest. Has written interesting/ personal/ comprehensive thoughts that show a deeper understanding of the topic.

Student has attempted to dive into the topic. Shared ideas and personal accounts.

Student has not fully understood the task. Has written about basic ideas, but unable to link to personal beliefs, global differences, or understanding of theme.

The student has not understood the assignment or has misunderstood what the topic is about.

Writing I can use my writing skills to clearly covey my thoughts to a reader. My Writing is clear and concise. I can sometimes use my speaking skills to adapt my language to the person I'm speaking to, but not always. I can sometimes change my voice and facial expressions to express emotion in English. My writing is not clear for a reader. I didn't write at all.

0d. Routeplanner


Tijdschema voor 10 XMs (ongeveer):

1. Motivatie/verderkijker/rubric/ opdrachten: 30-45 minuten.

2. Film kijken: 1 uur- 2 uren.

3. Onderzoek opdrachten: 1-3 uren.

4. Verwerking opdrachten: 2-4 uren.

5. Extra Opdrachten (5 XMs Extra): 4-5 uren

5. Afronding: update rubric: 30 minutes. Terugkijker: 30 minutes.









1. Jij begint

1a. Motivatie


➜ Maak een tegel aan in Egodact. Beschrijf daarin waarom je deze quest tot een goed einde zou willen brengen.


1b. Verderkijker


In deze quest ga je ontdekken hoe je over doorzetten kan schrijven in het Engels.

➜ Opdrachten staan in zo'n grijs blok als deze. Lees die eerst goed voor je die gaat maken. Hier is je eerste opdracht:
Schrijf in het Engels onder "voorbereiden" in je egodact tegel alles die je al over doorzetten (resilience) in het Engels weet. Heb je al een idee over hoe je over resilience kan schrijven? What do you think resilience means? Where have you seen it before? Is there anything in your life that you have used resilience for? Schrijf dat ook maar op. Schrijf minimaal 4 zinnen.



2. The Film and an Intro to Resilience

2a. Onderzoek


Make sure you sign up for a bloX with one of your English coaches if you have any questions.


Doorzetten is een belangrijk vaardigheden om te hebben in leven. Dit heet in het Engels "resilience" of "perseverance." There are many examples of this in films and also in your life. Sometimes just getting up in the morning may take some resilience! In this quest we are going to watch a film about resilience and then you are going to compare the resilience in the film to the resilience you have in your life.


1. Eerst een opdracht om de basis van resilience te begrijpen. This video exercise is about animals who are tough and resilient. Take a screenshot of your score and post as 2a. Onderzoek opdracht 1:


2. This next video exercise is about resilience explained in a simple way: always bouncing back. Take a screenshot of your score and post as 2a. Onderzoek opdracht 2:


3. Tot slot, een online opdracht over het resilience. Listen to the song, fill in the blanks of the lyrics and write answers to the questions. Maak een screenshot en post is egodact asl 2a. Onderzoek opdracht 3:






2b. Verwerking



1. First, choose a film about resilience. Deze filmen zijn op gebasseerd op je Engels niveau (A1 tot en met B1):


(pre a1)

  • Homeward Bound  - The incredible journey
  • Forrest Gump
  • The Conquest of Everest


  • 127 Hours
  • Wild
  • Moonrise Kingdom
  • Gladiator
  • Cast Away
  • Ray


  • The long walk home
  • 8 Mile
  • True Grit (2010 version)

Post welke film je hebt gekozen in Egodact als 3a. Verwerking opdracht 1.

2. Next, write about why you chose this film and answer these questions. Answer these questions before you watch the film:


- What do you think resilience means?

- Where have you seen it before?

- Is there anything in your life that you have used resilience for?

- Why did you choose this film?

- What do you think this film has to do with resilience.

Post je antwoorden op deze vragen als 3a. Verwerking opdracht 2.


3. De laatste opdracht ligt aan je Engels niveau. Kies het niveau van de film je hebt gekeken (kijk onder verwerking opdracht 1 voor film niveau) en zorg dat alles compleet is:


- Pre A1:

Schrijf een alinea (in je beste Engels) over hoe jij  doorzettingsvermogen in de film hebt gezien. Ging de hoofdpersoon goed doorzetten? Hoe heb je dat gezien? Wordt het doorzettingsvermogen van de hoofdpersoon beter tijdens de film of slechter en hoe hebben ze het aangepakt?

- A1-A2:

Write two paragraphs about the resilience that you saw in the film. How did the main characters use their resilience? Were some characters better than others? Who was your favorite character and what kind of resilience skills did they use during the film? Compare this character to yourself: are you as resilient as this character? Would you do the same thing as this character or would you act differently? What other types of resilience did you see in the film?

- B1+:

Write an essay on the resilience you saw in the film. This essay should include an introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs and a conclusion paragraph. You can choose to base your essay on one of these topics:

- Compare the resilience you use in your life to the resilience the chatracters used in the film.

- Are there other forms of resilience seen in the film that aren't human? That have to do with nature? Write about these and how you interpret them in the film.

- Write about how the main character learned more about resiliecen throughout the film and how they bettered themselves through the use of resilience.


Post je antwoorden op deze vragen als 3a. Verwerking opdracht 3.

2c. Reflective journal

Reflective journal

➜ Fill in your reflective journal in Egodact with answers to the following questions:
  • Question 1. Did you learn any new words? Were these difficult for you to understand?
  • Question 2. What was the favorite thing you learned about resilience? 

3. Extra opdracht

3.a What have you learned?

If you complete steps 3.a, 3.b, and 3.c, you get ask for an additional 5xm for this quest.

Think back to the movie that you have watched. Read the notes that you have made. Answer the following questions. For each question, answer with at least 3 sentences and support your answers.


1) In the movie you watched (and any other movies), when do people need resilience?
2) The people who you see with resilience (in movies or otherwise), how do they manage to motivate themselves to keep going when they need?
3) Sometimes people require others to help them to overcome challenges. From your experience, is it easy to ask people for help? Is it easy to offer help to someone else? How could this help with resilience?

3.b What would you like to learn?

Imagine yourself in the future.
Think ahead to next year, 2 years from now, or 5 years. Perhaps you imagine yourself playing the guitar like a pro, or see yourself with full patience writing your own biography. Perhaps you want to speak a new language, or practice kindness. Answer the following:

What sort of qualities do you imagine yourself having?

Which characteristics or skills will you have gained?


Now answer the following in accordance to the skills/characteristics you have chosen above:

1. What will you need to do or practice in order to learn that skill, or to gain that quality/characteristic?
2. What sort of obstacles will you encounter, and where will you be challanged?
3. How will you need resilience, or how could you motivate yourself to keep going when it gets tough?
4. Do you think you need help from others? How? Who would you ask? What would you ask?


Habit building is not easy, and you will need a lot of resilience to improve. Look at the infographic below to help you identify pitfalls and obstacles.


3.c How will you learn it?

Learning something new always takes times. Improving yourself also takes time. This means you will have to practice things consistently in order to see progress.

For this part, you will combine your answers from exercises 3.a and 3.b, and create one or two new habits.

Look at the answers you filled in for exercise 3.b.
1. Choose something that you can do in order to gain that quality (if you want to play guitar you need to practice every day, if you want to be kind you need to compliment people)
2. Download and print this habit tracker. Write down what you want to improve.
3. Hang it up in the Library.
4. Every day that you practice your chosen skill you can mark off one day.
5. At the end of the period, reflect on your progress and what challenges you encountered.

Once you have practice this, you have certainly encountered challanges whereby you had to have resilience. Talk about this with your (English) coach.

If you have completed steps 3.a, 3.b, and 3.c, you get ask for an additional 5xm for this quest.


Here you can see an example of what a habit tracker might look like.
Notice that not all the days are filled! Sometimes you don't have the energy, or you forget the habit for a day or two. But always try to perservere and keep going!


4. Afronding

4a. Assessment

  How did you do?

Look at the rubric below. You must score Ontwikkelend or better in order to complete this Quest.

Make a screenshot of this rubric. Give yourself a score for each of these sections. Write at least 4 sentences IN ENGLISH about why you think you scored at this level. Post this in seesaw/egodact.






Word Count

Follows the instructions for your English level.

Mostly follows the instructions for your English level.

Does not follow the instructions for your English level.

Has only a few words.

Layout & structure

Has explained what they will write about and how. Uses paragraphs and good punctuation.

There is some sort of structure but could be improved by using paragraphs or subheadings.

The writing is somewhat coherent and follows a pattern, but no obvious effort to structure anything.

A blob of text.

Use of grammar

Has clearly understood and explained the grammar rules. Is able to use them to explain their ideas.

The use of grammar is often correct, with small mistakes throughout the text.

The content of the essay is coherent, but there are plenty of errors that should be improved.

Copy and pasted from Google translate. Text is not understandable due to mistakes.

Ideas & insights

Student understands the idea of the Quest. Has written interesting/ personal/ comprehensive thoughts that show a deeper understanding of the topic.

Student has attempted to dive into the topic. Shared ideas and personal accounts.

Student has not fully understood the task. Has written about basic ideas, but unable to link to personal beliefs, global differences, or understanding of theme.

The student has not understood the assignment or has misunderstood what the topic is about.

Writing I can use my writing skills to clearly covey my thoughts to a reader. My Writing is clear and concise. I can sometimes use my speaking skills to adapt my language to the person I'm speaking to, but not always. I can sometimes change my voice and facial expressions to express emotion in English. My writing is not clear for a reader. I didn't write at all.

5 Quest Inleveren!!

Checklijst quest.

Heb je…

  • Egodact tegel goed ingevuld, kleur gegeven, en motivatie opgeschreven?
  • Naar de rubric gekeken op 0c. en jezelf geplaats?
  • 2a. Onderzoek opdracht 1 - Opdracht gedaan en resultaat in egodact gepost?
  • 2a. Onderzoek opdracht 2 - Favorite spreekwoord en zinnen geschreven?
  • 2a. Onderzoek opdracht 3 – Online opdachten gedaan en in egodact?
  • 2b. Verwerking opdracht 1 - Film naam gepost??
  • 2b. Verwerking opdracht 2 - Voorbereiding vraagen over de film gedaan?
  • 2b. Verwerking opdracht 3 – Volledig schrijf opdracht gedaan?
  • 2c. Reflective Journal - Antwoord op beide vragen?
  • 3a. Extra Opdracht - Antwoorden op alle vragen gegeven?
  • 3b. What would you like to learn? - Antwoorden op alle vragen gegeven?
  • 3c. How will you learn it? - Antwoorden op alle vragen gegeven?
  • 4.a – het zelfassessment rubric ingevuld en in egodact gezet?


Als je “JA” kan antwoorden op alle vragen dan kan je Mr. Baldwin, Mrs. Wams of Mr. Esmeijer een berichtje sturen om feedback te vragen.


Aanvullende bronnen, links enz. horend bij het onderwerp worden hier op een volgende pagina geplaatst


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    2023-04-05 13:38:22

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    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Film kijken en verschillende schrijf opdrachten in het Engels. Niveau A1 tot B.
    4 uur en 0 minuten

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    Herbert Vissers eXplore. (2022).

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