1.1.4 Finding information (EN)

1.1.4 Finding information (EN)


As soon as you realize you need more information, you could first look at what others have already done, before you try to reivent the wheel. When you learn what is already known, you can build upon this existing work, and improve your own solution. "Standing on the shoulders of giants". But to make use of existing work, you first need to actually find the information!

In this building block we explain how to quickly find relevant information. For this we dive into the first three steps of the popular Big 6 model for solving information problems. You learn to define your information need, select suitable resources, tips for finding information in a database with keywords and search queries, and how to find even more information using three different search strategies.

The next clip (4 min) provides a quick overview of what you will learn in this building block.

How to quickly find the information you need


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Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

As soon as you realize you need more information, you could first look at what others have already done, before you try to reivent the wheel. When you learn what is already known, you can build upon this existing work, and improve your own solution. "Standing on the shoulders of giants". But to make use of existing work, you first need to actually find the information! In this building block we explain how to do this effectively. This is an HBO-IT building block for Research in Education.
HBO - Bachelor;
2 uur en 0 minuten
available work, beschikbaar werk toepassen, building block, finding information, hbo ict oio, information literacy, keywords, research, search queries, search strategies


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How to quickly find the information you need

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Saxion HBO-ICT. (2020).

1.1.4 Finding information (EN)



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