Thema 8 "Voortplanting" - kopie 1

Thema 8 "Voortplanting" - kopie 1

Learning goals

At the end of this theme, it is about showing that you have achieved the following goals:

A. Puberty

You can explain the difference between primary and secondary sex characteristics.
You can name two examples of primary sex characteristics of a boy and a girl.
You can name two examples of secondary sex characteristics of a boy and a girl.
You can name one sex hormone for a man and two sex hormones for a woman.
You can describe what changes in your body during puberty.
You can explain what transgender means.

​b. Male and Female

You can name the parts of the male reproductive system with their functions and characteristics.
You can name the parts of the female reproductive system with their functions and characteristics.
You can describe what happens during ovulation and during menstruation and when these processes take place in the menstrual cycle.

C. Love is...

You can mention that sexual orientation can differ.
You can use examples to explain how human behavior is influenced by what others around you do or think is normal and by internal factors such as hunger, fear, sexual arousal or addiction.

You can tell how to guard and respect wishes and boundaries in relationships.

You can name at least one agency that offers help with problems related to sexuality and relationships.

D. Safe Sex

You can explain how humans can intervene in reproduction, for example by means of contraceptives.

You can name different STDs and their symptoms.

You can tell how to prevent STDs.


E. Pregnancy and Birth

You can explain that multicellular organisms usually arise from a fertilized egg that multiplies through cell division.

You can explain how reproduction works in humans, including different types of twins.

You can describe the changes in a woman's body after conception has taken place.

You can name the parts of a uterus with embryo with their functions and characteristics. You can also designate these parts in an image.

You name how research on the unborn child can determine what the sex is and whether it has certain congenital abnormalities.

You can describe how the birth of a child takes place.


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2022-06-14 21:41:55

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Thema 8 "Voortplanting"


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