EN - Respecting the dead

EN - Respecting the dead

0. Info startweek

  • Inleiding in twee zinnen, vooral gericht op inhoud: You will compile three products that account for various aspects of funerary and burial procedures by looking at your own experience and knowledge, a comparison of different traditions in various cultures around the world, and a contemplation of your own future. This quests requires you to use the past, present, and future tense in English. This quest is aimed for those at level a2 and higher. If you are not yet at that level but want to do this quest, ask your coach first.
  • Aantal XM: 5 - 15

  • Coaches die de quest begleiden: BDW/ESM (WAM?)

  • Begeleiding met BloX: Deze quest is zelfstandig doorloopbaar.

  • Building Learning Power: Cognitive- reasoning, imagining, making links.

  • Belangrijkste opbrengsten: één, twee, of drie producten in verschillende werkwoord tijden


Inhoud en eXplore miles

Waarom zou je voor deze quest willen kiezen?

  • Omdat je meer uitdaging zoekt met de Engelse taal
  • Omdat je interesse hebt in verschillende culturen en tradities
  • Omdat je nieuwsgierig bent naar de dood en de rituelen daar omheen

Waar gaat deze quest over?

Deze quest gaat over de verschillende manier hoe er met de dood om wordt gegaan. Je gaat reflecteren over je eigen ervaringen en ideeën over wat er gebeurt wanneer het leven eindigt. Daarna ga je onderzoeken hoe andere culturen het aanpakken. Uiteindelijk ga je omschrijven wat jij graag achterlaat als jij doodgaat, en hoe jij jouw eigen process van overgang zou indelen.

Hij hoort bij het domein Engels en Levensbeschouwing

Je leert over de verschillende werkwoordsvormen in het Engels, en over culturele tradities rond om de wereld.


Welke producten moet je leveren?

Voor deze quest moet je de volgende producten leveren:

  • Een gevulde Egodact-Tegel;
  • 1 - 3 geschreven onderdelen voor 5xm per onderdeel.



- Dat je een Engels niveau hebt van minstens A2 (dit kan je zien in Holmwoods)

- Deze quest wordt ondersteund met een bloX iedere Donderdag.

  • Zorg dat je jezelf inschrijft voor de bloX om de verschillende werkwoordsvormen te leren

  • De coach die deze quest begeleidt nodigt jou uit voor de chatgroep in Teams.

- Dat je je comfortabel voelt om na te denken en te reflecteren over de dood, begrafenissen, en emotionele ervaringen van de mensheid.



eXplore miles


Deze quest levert jou 5/10/15 eXplore miles op als je hem helemaal doorloopt, alle stappen zet en alle deliverables op tijd levert.


1. Jij begint

1.a Motivation


➜ Maak een tegel aan in Egodact. Beschrijf daarin waarom je deze quest tot een goed einde zou willen brengen.



For as long as people have lived, there has been death. In every culture around the world people respect those who have passed away, albeit in a different manner. You will look at three things:

  1. Your own experience and knowledge,
  2. Analyze other cultures and compare their traditions,
  3. Describe how you would want others to behave and say at your funeral



All three points are written assignments (short essay of 300 - 600 words). If you are struggling with writing a short essay, we can discuss doing a topic as an oral assignment (recorded). It is up to you which parts you prefer to write about. You may choose to do one, two, or all three. The goal is that in the end you will have a product in different tenses (past, present, future) concerning the different ideas of a respectful farewell to those who have died.

1.b How to start?


Beginning something is usually the most difficult part.

In order to help you start, let's have a look at what could help.


1) Read the instructions carefully.
Knowing what is expected can help you get started. Instructions will tell you what to think about, or what the Quest contains.
2) Make an outline
An outline gives basic structure to what you will make. It shows the general idea of what you want to say, based on what the instructions ask.
3) Say what you are going to do!
Just writing down your plan helps you to see what steps you want to take, or what you still need to do.
Below you will find an example of how to start an essay. Feel free to use this example as an inspiration (do not copy!) for your own writing.

2. Assignment choices

2a. Reflection - Past tense

Reflecting on your own knowledge or experience


For this part you will recount your personal ideas and experiences about death and funeral procedures.


You can learn how to use the past tense by signing up for a English BloX, or looking at this website.


Write (or talk) about the times you experienced a funeral, or what you imagine it to be like if you have not.

→ At the top of the page write down which tenses are used to reflect on past evens.
→ Write down the rule(s) for the tense(s) which you are going to use
→ This reflection should be somewhere between 300 and 600 words long.


Feel free to wire about what you have seen in movies or heard from others. Refer to:

1) What happened during the funeral / gathering? Describe the procedures of the family and friends and describe what happened. (Was there a speech, did people cry, was there a procession?)

2) What was the mood during the funeral? What emotions did you see, or how did you feel yourself? Were people loud or quiet? What sort of clothes were they wearing? How did people speak to each other, and what did they say?

3) What happened to the body, and how did the whole event finish? (Burial, cremation, or something else? – did people go home directly after, or did people stay in the graveyard?)

Feel free to add any details that you observed. The more the better.


2b. Looking at other cultures

Looking at other cultures


Below you will see different burial traditions from around the world. Look at the videos/text, and see if you can understand what is going on. Pay attention to: appearances (location, clothing, rituals, and process) and mood (emotions, interactions)


Write about the differences in beliefs, traditions, actions. Compare what you know to one of the cultures below, or compare two different cultures with each other.
→ At the top of the page write down the grammatical rule(s) for the tense(s) which you are going to use.
→ This comparison should be somewhere between 300 and 600 words long.


You can learn how to use comparatives by signing up for an English Blox, or checking out this website.


Diá de los muertos – ‘crossing the Marigold bridge’ – Disney’s Coco
Tana Toraja, Indonesia:  (Dutch Subtitles)
New Orleans Funeral procession:
Hindu burial along the Ganges:
Tibetan Buddhist Sky burial (may be a little uncomfortable)
Ghana Funeral Pallbearers - Dance celebration (Meme origin)
Your own choice!
- Pick any culture that you are interested in, and look at their funeral traditions.

2c. Future contemplations


For this part of the Quest the goal is to use the future tense in English. You are free to write on different topics of your choice: your belief of what happens when you die, what you think a constitutes a good funeral method, or perhaps things that you wish people would say in a eulogy about yourself.

To learn about using the future tense, sign up for an English BloX. You can also check out this website.


Write (or talk) about your beliefs, predictions, or wishes about death. Which tradition(s) speak to you, and what do you find important?  

→ At the top of the page write down which tenses are used to reflect on future events.
→ Write down the rule(s) for the tense(s) which you are going to use.
→ This assignment should be between 300 – 600 words long.

3. Afronding

3a. Assessment

  How did you do?

Compare your work to the rubric below. Do you think you score Silver or better in all categories?







Word Count

Has between 300 – 600 words per essay, possibly even more!

Has around 300 words or more.

Has not yet been able to write enough, but has obviously tried.

Has only a few sentences.

Layout & structure

Has explained which what they will write about and how. Uses paragraphs and good punctuation.

There is some sort of structure but could be improved by using paragraphs or subheadings.

The writing is somewhat coherent and follows a pattern, but no obvious effort to structure anything.

A blob of text.

Use of grammar

Has clearly understood and explained the grammar rules. Is able to use them to explain their ideas.

The use of grammar is often correct, with small mistakes throughout the text.

The content of the essay is coherent, but there are plenty of errors that should be improved.

Copy and pasted from Google translate. Text is not understandable due to the mistakes.

Ideas & insights

Student understands the idea of the Quest. Has written interesting/ personal/ comprehensive thoughts that show a deeper understanding of the topic.

Student has attempted to dive into the topic. Shared ideas and personal accounts.

Student has not fully understood the task. Has written about basic ideas, but unable to link to personal beliefs, global differences, or understanding of theme.

Student has not understood the assignment, or has misunderstood what the topic is about.


3b. Terugkijker


Reflect on the following questions. Put them in your Egodact Tegel.

1) What did you learn from this Quest? (either language or topic)

2) Did you find it difficult to write/think about this topic? Why (not)?

3) How much time/effort did you put in each essay?

4) Did you experience the quest as you expected? Why (not)?


Aanvullende bronnen, links enz. horend bij het onderwerp worden hier op een volgende pagina geplaatst

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