Introducing Unit 4: editing and its learning objectives.

Introducing Unit 4: editing and its learning objectives.

Introducing Unit 4: editing and its learning objectives.

Unit 4 discusses four different kinds of editing to create a movie.

The lessons are as followed:

  1. Music & Sound session I - Foley
  2. Music & Sound session II - Music
  3. Special Effects session III - CGI
  4. Special Effects session IV - Practical Effects

Learning objectives

Every lesson you learn something new. Per lesson I have written down a Can-do statement describing what you can do after each lesson.

Music & Sound 1


  • You can listen to mono-/dialogue and can understand the main points and subject spoken about.


  • You can understand and use adjectives and advebrs correctly in a sentence.

Music & Sound 2


  • You can listen to mono-/dialogue and can understand the main points and subject spoken about.
  • You can understand why matching music (score) supports the purpose of scenes.


  • You can use theme related vocbulary and use this in a short written text.

Special Effects 1


  • You can listen to mono-/dialogue and can understand the main points and subject spoken about.

  • You can understand what purpose CGI has in moviemaking


  • You can understand and use adjectives and advebrs correctly in a sentence.

Special Effects 2


  • You can to listen to mono-/dialogue and understand what Practical effects are.
  • You can understand what different ways special effects can be used.


  • You can use theme related vocbulary and use this in a short written text.

Music and Sound session I - Foley

Unknowingly, music and sound play a major role in telling a story. During a film our experiences, emotions and feelings get enhanced only by simple (and not so simple) music and sounds. During this lesson you will learn why, when and how music and sound is implemented in films so that you can use this in your final project.

Learning objectives


  • You can listen to mono-/dialogue and can understand the main points and subject spoken about.


  • You can understand and use adjectives and advebrs correctly in a sentence.

Getting started 1

  1. Read the questions first.
  2. Watch the video on foley. You only have to watch till 1:20 minutes (unless you want to watch the whole video of course).
  3. Answer the questions about the video.

Assignment 1 - Foley Artists: How Movie Sound Effects Are Made

Core assignments 2 and 3

You might not have noticed, but in the introdcution video the artists use adjectives and adverbs.

  1. Read what adjectives and adverbs are and how to use them. You can do this by clicking on the powerpoint link.
  2. Do assignment 2 and check your answers.
  3. Do you have 3 or more wrong answers? Do assignment 2 again before moving on.
  4. Did it go well? Then continue to assignment 3.

Rounding up on foley

You have now learned a lot of different things. You can now/should now be able to:

  • listen to mono-/dialogue and can understand the main points and subject spoken about.
  • understand and use adjectives and advebrs correctly in a sentence.

To make sure this is the case do the final menti assignment!

Music and Sound session II - Music

Music has an important role in movies. While we enjoy watching our favourite actors, music is enhancing our psychological experience.

Maybe you already listen to movie music. Spotify often releases whole playlists with movie music. You can look up examples like Guardians of the Galaxy or Forest Gump.

Learning objectives


  • You can understand information about movie music related topics.
  • You can understand why matching music (score) supports the purpose of scenes.


  • You can use theme related vocbulary and use this in a short written text.

Getting started 1

  1. Skim [reading quickly to get the main idea] the following website: On this site you see different functions for movie music. While skimming, think of your favourite movies. Does one these functions fit your the movie you are thinking of? You can also watch the videos to get a better idea of the different functions.
  2. You might now have some basic knowledge about the functions of movie music. Discuss with your partner which functions you found most interesting.

Core assignment 2

  1. Read the questions.
  2. Watch the video for assignment 2 - Music in film.
  3. Answer the questions of assignment 2.

Assignment 2 - Music in Film

Core assignment 3

  1. Look at the word list for assignment 3. The list contains words from the previous (foley) and current lesson (music).
  2. Do assignment 3.

Rounding up on music

You have now learned a lot of different things. You can now/should now be able to:

  • You can understand information about movie music related topics.
  • You can understand why matching music (score) supports the purpose of scenes.
  • You can use theme related vocbulary and use this in a short written text.

The final assignment for this lesson is a padlet.

  1. Click on the + button and share a song.
  2. Write the following for the song:
    - What kind of scene from a movie can you link to that and why?
    - Use the vocab from the Vocabulary list and also try to use the grammar from lesson one.
    - Do this for three songs.

You can look at the example in the padlet.

Made with Padlet

Special Effects session I - CGI

Going to the cinema or watching a film on Netflix is a very normal thing for us. What we might not realise is that most movies wouldn't look this great without all the computer editing done after the movie has been shot. In this lesson you will learn more about CGI and recap the grammar from lesson 1.

Learning objectives


  • You can listen to mono-/dialogue and can understand the main points and subject spoken about.

  • You can understand what purpose CGI has in moviemaking


  • You can understand and use adjectives and advebrs correctly in a sentence.

Getting started 1

As an introduction to today's topic you will first read a small article and watch a video. After the video you will do a short warming up exercise.


'Venom': Tom Hardy shares 'awkward' footage of epic fight scene without CGI

Without the CGI effects, the fight scene from 'Venom' looks more like an elaborate dance and not in a good way.

At this point, Hollywood would be dead without CGI. From 'Spider-Man: Far From Home' to 'Avengers: Endgame', some of the biggest movies of recent times, especially in the high-action superhero genre, have shown the wonders that are possible with CGI but what happens when you take out the effects and leave the raw footage?

Well, Tom Hardy has shared a video that illustrates just that. The actor shared a BTS video of the battle between Venom (Hardy) and Riot (Riz Ahmed) on his Instagram and it is awkward as hell.

"Not remotely awkward BTS snippet recorded by Kelly Marcel Venom 1 physical theatre 101," Hardy captioned the video. He continued the description of the video in the comments writing "Footloose" and "This is how to face pull".

Noronha, R. (2020, April 18). ‘Venom’: Tom Hardy shares ‘awkward’ footage of epic fight scene without CGI and it looks like they’re dancing. Retrieved from



You might already know some things about CGI. Look at the menti. Add some words you think have to do with CGI and Special Effects.

Core assignments 2

  1. Read the questions.
  2. Watch the video Why CGI Sucks. You might have a better idea now of what CGI is.
  3. After watching the video answer the questions about the video.

Assignment 2 - Why CGI Sucks

Core assignment 3

In core assignment 3 you will be working with the grammar from lesson 1 again.

  1. Check the grammar explanation again. Choose between the powerpoint for a full recap or a summary in the word file.
  2. Do core assignment 3.

Rounding up on CGI

You have now learned a lot of new things! You can now/should now be able to:

  • listen to mono-/dialogue and can understand the main points and subject spoken about.
  • understand what purpose CGI has in moviemaking
  • understand and use adjectives and advebrs correctly in a sentence.

To test your newly acquired knowledge you are going to do a short writing assignment.

Assignment 3 - Mulan

Example review Dolittle

Let’s begin with the elephant in the room - Robert Downey Jr, and more specifically, that baffling Welsh accent. Though a unique choice of lead nationality, this bizarre inflection requires Downey to speak in a low, husky tone throughout to maintain verisimilitude. That accent is the least of his problems however, as Director Stephen Gaghan delivers his vision with such a whimper that even Iron Man himself is somehow unfocused, voiceless, and just a bit of a meanie. For an actor who’s usually a joy to watch for his chameleon-like charm, it’s really an achievement of Gaghan to direct such a woefully misinformed performance.

(103 words)


Eker, N. (2020, February 8). Dolittle film review. Retrieved from

Special Effects session IV - Practical Effects

In the previous lesson you learned about CGI and how CGI effects movies nowadays. In this lesson you will see and hear about movies that came out quite recently. You will see how, instead of using computers, film makers use practical effects. Practical effects are the effects made with real life objects. For example, movie producers can choose to use real explosives and fire instead of fake explosions made and shaped on a computer. Prosthetic make-up used to change or add on to the body of an actor changes their appearance. Optical . If you have seen movies like The Dark Knight, Inception or Interstellar, you will notice that there are a lot of shots that are impossible in real life. The director, Christopher Nolan, doesn't always like to use CGI. That is why a lot of his movies use real life effects to create the shots for his movies. A spinning hallway or exploding objects in the streets of Paris.

Learning objectives


  • You can to listen to mono-/dialogue and understand what Practical effects are.
  • You can understand what different ways special effects can be used.


  • You can use theme related vocbulary and grammar and use this in a short written text.

Getting started 1

  1. Look at the vocabulary list for this lesson.
  2. Write down at least five words you do not know.
  3. Check your words together with your classmate. Do you know the meaning of each other's words?
  4. Explain the meaning of the words to your classmate or look up the answer together. Tip: You can use to look up the meaning of a word.

Core assignment 2

You are now going to watch a video on special effects different from the previous lesson. Listen carefully! WARNING: During the video there might be some fake wounded actors visible. Everything is fake and part of the special effects, but if you dislike seeing those I recommend looking away at 3:05 (men becoming wolves) and 5:26 (liquid metal evil).

  1. Read the questions
  2. Watch the video.
  3. Answer the questions about the video.

Assignment 1 - Practical Effects

Core assignment 3

Now follow a few questions about the vocabulary and grammar, which you have learned in the past four lessons. Show what you know!

Rounding up on Practical Effects

You have now learned a lot of new things! You can now/should now be able to:

  • You can to listen to mono-/dialogue and understand what Practical effects are.
  • You can understand what different ways special effects can be used.
  • You can use theme related vocbulary and grammar and use this in a short written text.

To test you skills you will do another short writing assignment.

Congratulations! You have finished the lessons about editing. You now know what changes are made or added to movies to get the final result. If you like the subject of movie making, check out the extra materials tab. Here you will not only find the study materials, but also additional content about movie making and movie analyses.

Extra Materials

Study resources

Quizlet Vocab Unit 4: Editing

Additional resources

YouTube Channel about film techniques, editing and effects. - RocketJumpFilmSchool

YouTube Channel about film techniques, editing and effects. - StudioBinder

YouTube Channel about film techniques, editing, effects and analyses. - Filmriot

Blog about filmmaking - Filmmakermagazine

Blog about filmmaking - Fandor

Teacher's page

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    Dit lesmateriaal is gepubliceerd onder de Creative Commons Naamsvermelding 4.0 Internationale licentie. Dit houdt in dat je onder de voorwaarde van naamsvermelding vrij bent om:

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Project made for teacher training. I designed four lessons about different sorts of editing done to make a movie. Students learn about the different subjects of editing combined with grammar, receptive and productive skills.
    VMBO theoretische leerweg, 4;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    Luisteren naar tv, video- en geluidsopnames; Engels; Dagelijks leven; Lezen; Kunst en cultuur; Lezen om informatie op te doen; Audiovisuele vormgeving; Muziek; Aantekeningen, berichten, formulieren; Luisteren en kijken; Schrijven; Vrij schrijven (Engels);


    Bron Type
    Assignment 1 - Foley Artists: How Movie Sound Effects Are Made
    Assignment 2 - Music in Film
    Assignment 2 - Why CGI Sucks
    Assignment 3 - Mulan
    Assignment 1 - Practical Effects
    Quizlet Vocab Unit 4: Editing
    YouTube Channel about film techniques, editing and effects. - RocketJumpFilmSchool
    YouTube Channel about film techniques, editing and effects. - StudioBinder
    YouTube Channel about film techniques, editing, effects and analyses. - Filmriot
    Blog about filmmaking - Filmmakermagazine
    Blog about filmmaking - Fandor
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