Your image v456

Your image v456

Your image


The subject of this lesson is 'Your image'.

There’s a huge pressure on young people these days to look ‘cool’ and that’s not just girls, either. Guys also need to be wearing the right trainers, have the right hoodie. So what happens if you don’t think you are cool?
What happens if your parents don’t think you are cool?

Discuss the following questions with a classmate:

  • Do you think you look 'cool'?
  • What about your friends? Do they look 'cool'?
  • What is ‘beautiful’?
  • Which is more important – what you look like or what you are?

In this next section we’ll look at these issues.

This lesson contains 7 steps and an evaluation. Work them through step by step.

Step Activity  
  Introduction Find out what you already know.
Step 1


Discuss with classmate: how important is the way we look.
Step 2


Pronounce the words. Exercise about adjectives.
Step 3 Reading Read the text. Tick the calamities. Do the exercise.
Step 4


Make do & don'ts list about wrong body shape.
Step 5 Words Suffixes and their meanings. Complete sentences.
Step 6 Grammar Grammar desk and exercises about Present Continuous.
Step 7 Task Class survey about image. Share results.
  Evaluation Reflecting on what you have learned.


Difficult words? Search these on Cambridge Dictionaries


Step 1 - Speaking

How important is the way we look?
Some people say that first impressions are based on appearances.
Is that true? Does it matter what we wear?
Does it matter what we look like?
What do you think? 

Watch the video about first impressions and discuss with a classmate:

  • Watch up to 0.56. What do you think will happen?
  • Watch the end. What did you think about the ending?
    Did you like it? Why (not)?
  • What has the movie got to do with First Impressions?
  • How important are first impressions?
  • Think of an example when the first impression was not the right impression.

Step 2 - Words

Think about words to describe people. Write down two appearance descriptions and two character descriptions to describe yourself.

Appearance Character
.................... ....................
.................... ....................

Take a look at these words:

beautiful big
elegant fat
fit pretty
skinny short
tall ugly

In the first exercise you will decide if these adjectives are generally positive or negative, or it depends.


Also do the second exercise.

Step 3 - Reading

The Calamities of Beauty
You are going to read a text written by a teenager.
The title of her article is The calamities of beauty.

What do you think calamity means? Read the text quickly and choose the best definition:

a) something you can do to make yourself more attractive.

b) an unlucky thing that can happen to you.

c) bad or difficult things that can cause damage or suffering.

The Calamities of Beauty

“Look at your cousin. She’s so skinny and so pretty. Look at her; she’s so beautiful now but not before when she was fat. You should ask her for her dieting tips.” My mother cruelly says to me after we had just finished a conversation with my older cousin. I roll my eyes at her and pretend that I didn’t hear her. Although my mother thinks that she is actually helping me to a fit and healthy life, she does not realize that she is mentally bullying me with her sharp words and even sharper tongue. She does not realize that although I ignore her, those words still echo through my head as I consciously choose a salad instead of a pizza, or as I walk around in shorts in public.

However, I am not the only one affected by this, this dissatisfaction with my body, this doubt about whether I’m skinny enough, whether I’m pretty enough. Everyday millions of girls look into the mirror and are revolted by their reflections. Everyday millions of girls see fat on their skinny bodies and can’t think of food. Everyday millions of girls are constantly criticizing themselves about their weight, approximately 15 million girls to be exact, about five percent of the population in the United States . 15 million girls have anorexia and bulimia, 15 million girls.

With this in mind, think about why do so many girls have these mental illnesses? We are taught at a very young age that beauty is what is valued in society. I’m sure that in the fairy tales that we have heard always involved a beautiful princess, a handsome prince, and the ugly witch. We learn that beauty is good and ugliness is evil. And from that we learn that fat people are ugly, after all, we never see a fat princess do we? We are made to think that skinny is the only way to be beautiful. We see that the “Most Beautiful Woman of The Year,” is always skinny. And from the media we always see that the girls that are the most beautiful are slim and they are the famous ones, they are the ones that people like the most. We trick ourselves into thinking that maybe if we are skinny, we can be one step closer to what that celebrity is, what she represents. Fame. Fortune. Beauty. Many girls starve themselves; throw up after every meal to try to be beautiful.

Every day millions of girls search the media looking for the latest trends and style tips from celebrities. We consciously observe in magazines that for every picture of a “plus size” model, there are about forty “normal” size models. We watch “America’s Next Top Model” on television and notice how the plus size model is a size six and is always eliminated after the third round. The most curious thing is that the average American woman is a size fourteen and six is already “plus size” in the fashion industry. Actresses and singers are being defined as curvy when their thighs are not even the size of a celery stick. Is it no wonder that girls are having trouble defining what is “healthy?”

Although we see the “skinny” life as glamorous and fabulous, eating disorders are not the right way to achieve this. These eating disorders are mental illnesses that can cause more damage than good. You might look skinny and fit, but your teeth are eroding away from all the stomach acids you just hurled up, the walls of your stomach and oesophagus are tearing apart, you start fainting, you have an inability to concentrate, you start having blood pressure problems, and you can even develop depression.

The idea of beautiful doesn’t seem to be that appealing anymore does it? Even with this knowledge, it still doesn’t stop many from doing this anyway. What we know doesn’t change us; it’s what we do to ourselves that changes us. So next time instead of running to the bathroom to throw up all those calories you just ate, head for the gym instead. Participate in some sports; even doing some squats in your free time is healthier. This is the road to what is beautiful.

By Peggy Z., Brooklyn, NY

Read the text again and answer the questions.

Step 4 - Writing

Your school has decided to address the problem of young people feeling that they have the wrong body shape.
You have been asked to make a do's and don’ts poster with some tips for young boys and girls.


  1. Do some physical exercise.
  2. Don't listen to people who talk about their weight.
  • Think about 3 do's and 3 don’ts to add to the poster.
  • Compare your list with your partners and choose your favourite dos and don’t’s.
  • Read the information below in the toolbox 'Poster maken'.
  • Then think about how you could illustrate your poster.
  • Describe your poster to another pair.

Poster maken

Op een informatieve poster kun je laten zien wat de belangrijkste delen van de lesstof zijn. Ook kun je weergeven hoe bepaalde delen zich tot elkaar verhouden.


Step 5 - Words

Word formation: suffixes
You can make new words by adding a suffix. Look at these suffixes and their meanings:

-able able to, having the quality of avail able
-less without flavour less
-ible forming an adjective terr ible
-ful full of beauti ful
-ness a state or condition kind ness
-al relating to annu al
-ous characterized by adventur ous

Do the exercise.

Step 6 - Grammar

If you want to be able to do the assignments correctly you will need to know more about some grammar items.

Simple present or Present progressive?

In the exercises you fill in the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Do the exercises.

Step 7 - Task

Design a class survey to find out how your classmates feel about their image.
Share your results.

  1. Read the toolbox 'Enquête afnemen' below for tips how to design a class survey. 
  2. Write 5 to 7 statements about body.
    Your classmates will give them a score (5 totally agree with /1 totally disagree with).
    e.g.: I am 100% happy with my weight.
  1. Ask your classmates to read and to score your statements.
  1. Look at the results. What can you conclude? What can you not conclude? Why?

Think about some advice that you could give to someone who is not 100% happy with their body image.

Enquête afnemen

Een enquête is een werkvorm waarbij je gerichte vragen stelt, zodat je de informatie krijgt waarnaar je op zoek bent.



Fill in the schedule and answer the questions below.



Needs improvement

Satisfactory, good


Step 1 - Speaking

I can speak with a classmate about image and appearances.  




Step 2 - Words

I understand and can use the words.




Step 3 - Reading

I can read a text 'the calamities of a beauty' and answer the questions.




Step 4 - Writing

I can make a poster and describe the poster to classmates.




Step 5 - Words

I can make new words by adding a suffix.  




Step 6 - Grammar

I can understand and use the grammar: present progressive or simple present.




Step 7 - Task

I can design a class survey to find out how classmates feel about their image.





What have you learnt in this period?
Answer the following questions:

  • What was the easiest part of this lesson?

  • What did you already know?

  • What would you do differently next time?

  • How are you going to remember this learnings?

  • What do you have to ask your teacher?

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    2021-11-10 10:44:15

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor vwo, leerjaar 4, 5 en 6. Dit is thema 'Love, friendship and relationships'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: Your image. In deze les staat centraal hoe je naar jezelf kijkt. Er wordt besproken hoe we vinden dat we er uit moeten zien en wat het belang ervan is. Eerste indruk komt aan bod en wat gevolgen kunnen zijn van negatieve oordelen over eigen lichaam of dat van een ander. De grammaticaopdracht gaat over Present Progressive/Continuous.
    VWO 6; VWO 4; VWO 5;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    4 uur en 0 minuten
    arrangeerbaar, eerste indruk, eigen lichaam, engels, negatieve oordelen, present continuous, stercollectie, v456, your image

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    Your image h45