18.1 Infatuation - tto123

18.1 Infatuation - tto123



The subject of this period is being in love.

  • Form groups of three or four pupils.

Discuss the following questions in your group:

  • Have you ever been in love?
  • What are the signs of infatuation?
  • What do you think is the difference between infatuation and being in love?

But you don't have to be able to do all this perfectly right away! If you take the following steps, you'll find out what you need to know!







Find out what you already know.


Step 1

Class crush

You can understand a conversation about being in love and answer questions about it.


Step 2

Julie The Tongue

You can understand a text about kissing and answer questions about it.


Step 3

Vocabulary and irregular verbs

You can understand and use vocabulary about being in love. The irregular verbs: to choose, to come, to cost and to creep.


Step 4

Future tenses

You can understand and use Future tenses.


Step 5

Talking about love part 1

You can talk about love.


Step 6

Informal letter

You can write an informal letter.


Step 7


Reflect on what you have learnt.


Step 8

Parody on Pay phone



Step 1 - Listening

Class crush

You are going to listen to a conversation between George and Crystal.

  • Listen to the recording and do assignment 1.
  • Read the questions.
  • Listen again to the recording and do assignment 2 and 3.

Assignment 1

Copy and fill in the grid (on your own) and discuss the answers in your group.

(use key words)

George’s problem



Crystal’s first advice



Crystal’s second advice



George’s reaction (the next problem)



Where to go






  1. George ... to the girl with red hair.
  2. Crystal says he needs to find out...
  3. George does not know...
  4. Crystal thinks George should...
  5. Crystal thinks the new cafe is...

Step 2 - Reading

Julie The Tongue

You are going to read a text about Julie the Tongue-Invader.

  • Read the text and do assignment 1.
  • Read the text again and do assignment 2.

Assignment 1

On your own: combine the headings with the paragraph numbers.

In your group: discuss your answers.

(The paragraphs of the text are numbered and the headings, underneath, are in alphabetical order).

  • Being proud about a kiss
  • Facing bad kissers
  • First aid to frenching
  • Focus on the lips
  • Frenching, the most common made mistake
  • Introduction
  • Kissing as a conversation
  • My decision
  • My first frencher
  • My inspiration

By Ben van Heuvelen
A guy who loves kissing explains why making out is special and how to deal with a bad kisser.

I am an aficionado of the kiss. No other act is so simple and so intimate. The light suction,the flick of the lip, the playful nibble, the deep advance and retreat of the tongue — a good kiss is like jazz, an improvisation of melodies, flirtatious staccatos, and passionate brassy crescendos. A good kiss is a rapport enacted physically, like sex, but more erotic.
Many women don't realize this. I've been surprised at how many treat kissing like it really is "first base," just a step towards something better. And when I meet such women, I face a dilemma, like being a music lover who discovers that a new friend has bad taste. Do you break it off, or do you educate? And if you educate, how do you give lessons without giving offense ?
My first encounter with such a kisser ended badly. Julie and I were 14, at the conclusion of our second date. She tilted her head, put her open lips to mine, and, using a combination of wetness and suction, established airlock.Then her tongue invaded. I imagined an eel or a water-dwelling snake, or perhaps atapeworm , darting towards my throat,slithering around, and then withdrawing, only to strike again immediately. I tried to block her with my tongue, but she swirled and pushed me back. I could not breathe. Then I began to gag reflexively.
Being fourteen has its disadvantages; Julie had not learned the cardinal rule of kissing: it's a conversation. There's nothing inherently wrong with an all-out tongue invasion, but if your interlocutor hasn't asked for it, then you're more scary than sexy. I didn't even call Julie to break up with her, figuring that if a girl had literally made me gag, she would probably get the message.
I soon realized, however, that my modest adolescent social status didn't leave me much room to be choosy. Plus, it turned out that even some awesome girls were terrible at kissing. I would have to teach them.
I took my instructional inspiration from my first girlfriend, Christine — my gold standard when it comes to kissing. Our first kiss had been, to a boy on a first date, a small miracle. I had been terribly nervous as we approached her front door. My hands had begun to sweat. (How could I touch her with sweaty hands?) I becameaware of my gangly height. (Could I reach her without bending awkwardly?) I began to doubt that I should kiss her at all.
But she made it very simple. She took my wrists andclasped my hands behind her back, rose onto her toes, and pressed her bottom lip between mine, drawing my top lip between hers, just until I returned the gesture. Then it was over, punctuated with a little smack of suction as we parted. For several days after, the kiss ran through my mind. Whatstood out in my replay, even more than her malleable lips and that hint of her tongue, was my own feeling of pride. Despite my adolescent fumblings, I somehow felt that I had acted — there was no other word — smooth.
A great kisser makes you feel like a great kisser.
The lesson here, for any would-be kissing instructor, is that you have to teach without suggesting something is wrong. In fact, your unsuspecting students should feel as if they are teaching you.
To make this happen, you first have to understand what makes people kiss poorly. The most common mistake of bad kissers is excessive frenching, that is, the over-use of the tongue. They're not sure what else to do; they confuse passion with penetration.
In response, at first, you have to french back. If you make bad kissers feel self-conscious , they'll never improve. So you indulge them, switching the direction of the tongue-swirl periodically to keep the semblance of spontaneity.
Then, right before the monotony becomes a turn-off, go for a lip. Choose top or bottom; the more thickly fleshed is probably the best one. Once you've focused on just one lip, you create so many options: simple suction; the lip switch from top to bottom, or bottom to top; the sly addition of the tongue; escalation to a full-on frencher, then a teasing retreat; the nibble. The wonderful thing about a lip lock is that once it's established, any kissing partner with a modicum of creativity will discover the possibilities and try the combinations. All you have to do is reward them by returning the favors.

Source: www.yourtango.com

Step 3 - Vocabulary

  • Study the vocabulary. (10 minutes)
  • Study the irregular verbs.
  • Do the exercises.

Vocabularylist Infatuation

There are many ways to work on your vocabulary in Wozzol.
You can say or copy the words out loud.
Click in Wozzol on the red arrow for the different options.
The most important thing is that you don't do this for too long, because then you don't learn anything anymore.
In two 10-minute sessions you learn more than in half an hour.

Irregular Verbs

Check out the knowledge base below and study the following irregular verbs:

  • to choose
  • to come
  • to cost
  • to creep

Irregular verbs

Step 4 - Grammar

Future tenses

  • Study the theory.
  • Do assignment 1 and 2.

Future tenses

Past continuous

Step 5 - Speaking

Being in love

In pairs or groups, you are going to read and discuss a list of love-related items.
First read the questions.

  1. Are these things important when you are in love?
  2. Why do you think so?
  3. What experience(s) have you had with them?
  4. Did you like them?
  5. Why did or didn't you?
  6. Which items do you agree upon?
  7. Are there items all of you agree or disagree upon?

Do the assignment.
As a group you make a top 3 of things you think are the most agreeable,
as well as of the most disagreeable things.
Present those items to the other groups, and explain your motivation.
If you cannot agree upon your top 3's, explain why.

  • Red roses
  • Candlelit dinners
  • Movie theaters
  • Moonlight
  • Making homework together
  • Sending messages
  • Frenching
  • Frenching in public
  • Sitting next to each other in class
  • Buying each other presents
  • Love poems / Love letters
  • Holding hands
  • Goodbye kisses
  • Cycling home together
  • Going somewhere to kiss
  • Surrepticiously looking at each other
  • Holding each other
  • Holding each other in public
  • Your idea

Step 6 - Writing

Writing an informal letter

  • Read the theory.
  • Study the useful expressions.
  • Read the assignment.

Read the Theory.

Read and do the assignment.

You are going to write an informal letter, for example to a penfriend in Britain.
You have not seen or written him/her for the last two months, his/her mother was ill when you had contact for the last time.
He or she is to do his or her exams in two months.
You are fine, extremely fine even, because you have fallen in love.
Describe your crush and propose that the two of you (you and your crush) visit your penpal when (s)he wil have finished his/her exam.
Send your regards to your penpal's parents.

Open file in google docs: An informal letter.
Make a copy of the worksheet in your own account (File - Make a copy ...) or download the worksheet (File - Download as).

Step 7 - Evaluation

Fill in the schedule and answer the questions below.






I already know this













































What have you learnt in this period?
Answer the following questions:

  • What was the easiest part of this lesson?
  • What did you already know?
  • What was the most difficult part?
  • What was new to you in this lesson?
  • What do you have to ask your teacher?

Step 8 - Extra

The Saturday boy

  • Have you got time left?
    Watch this!


  • Het arrangement 18.1 Infatuation - tto123 is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

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    2022-09-27 16:23:36

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor tweetalig onderwijs, leerjaar 1, 2 en 3. Dit is thema 2 'Being in love'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: Infatuation. In deze les staat verliefdheid centraal. De onregelmatige werkwoorden in deze les zijn: to choose, to come, to cost en to creep. In de grammaticaopdracht wordt 'Future' behandeld.
    VWO 2; HAVO 1; VWO 1; HAVO 3; VWO 3; HAVO 2;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    1 uur en 40 minuten
    arrangeerbaar, engels, future, infatuation, stercollectie, tto123, verliefdheid

    Gebruikte Wikiwijs Arrangementen

    VO-content Engels. (2019).

    Infatuation - hv3
