17.4 Without a phone - tto123

17.4 Without a phone - tto123

Without a phone


The subject of this period is life without a phone.

  • Form groups of three or four pupils.

Discuss the following questions in your group:

  • Are you able to live without your mobile phone?
  • How long would you survive without a mobile phone?
  • What would life be like without a mobile phone?

But you don't have to be able to do all this perfectly right away! If you take the following steps, you'll find out what you need to know!







Find out what you already know.


Step 1

Life off-line

You can understand a video about life off-line and answer questions about it.


Step 2

Without a phone

You can understand a text about living without a phone and answer questions about it.


Step 3

Vocabulary and irregular verbs

You can understand and use vocabulary about mobile phones. The irregular verbs: to burn, to burst, to buy and to catch.


Step 4

Simple Past, Present Perfect and Past Perfect

You can understand and use the Simple Past, Present Perfect and Past Perfect.


Step 5

A debate about the use of mobile phones

You can debate about the use of mobile phones.


Step 6

Writing about phones

You can write about telephones.


Step 7


Reflect on what you have learnt.



Parody on Pay phone



Step 1 - Listening

Life off line

You are going to watch a video about three men.

  • Watch the video and do assignment 1.
  • Read the questions.
  • Watch the video again and do assignment 2.

Assignment 1

Watch the video and answer these questions first on your own, then discuss the answers in your group.

  • What is the topic of this conversation?
  • What do the others think is strange about the guy with long hair?
  • What has the guy with long hair discovered?


  1. They tried to contact their friend in two ways. Which two?
  2. He has an app on his phone that shuts it off automatically if...
  3. They all agree that it is pretty ridiculous to...
  4. Where did he go on 5th Street?
  5. How did he find his way?
  6. How does he explain the concept 'book' to his friends?
  7. He says that there are three things to be found in a library. Which three?
  8. How does he explain a postcard to his friends?
  9. They think that the notion 'email on paper' sounds...
  10. What is their attidude towards living 'face to face' near the end of the sketch?

Step 2 - Reading

Without a phone

You are going to read a text about living without a cell phone.

  • Read the text and do assignment 1.
  • Read the text again and do assignment 2.

Assignment 1

Copy and fill in the grid (on your own) and discuss the answers in your group.

What information do you get:    (use key words)







Punctuality/Attention Span



Cancer-Free Skull







My Life Without A Cell Phone: An Amazing Tale Of Survival.

I don’t own a cell phone. I never have. When people learn this fact they usually react with an exclamation of shocked disbelief,
as if I lead some sort of unfathomable existence of unmitigated depravation. As if the human race didn’t manage to somehow get along just fine until about 1995, when suddenly everyone—not just the doctors and drug dealers—seemed to get a cellular. But those of us old enough to remember the Time Before Cell Phones can suddenly to the fact that the early adopters of this technology were mostly assholes. As a single girl in New York throughout the 1990s I can tell you that, back then, the guy in the bar with the celly was the biggest douche in the room, and he was definitely overcompensating for something. A potential hook-up who flashed a cell phone?
Total dealbreaker, a complete non-negotiable. My girlfriends and I laughed at those self-important clowns.
But oh, how times have changed! I'm now a walking anachronism, a throwaway throwback, the keeper of a flame that at first burned with benign eccentricity, but soon gave way, in this new century, to a conflagration that branded me as a technological cuckoo clock,
a total crazypants. And to that I say: Hardly.
The truth is, not having a cell phone all these years has afforded me and my close associates many pleasures and benefits denied to the rest of you decibel-challenged screamies. Let’s count the ways, shall we?

Convenience: So, you can call anyone you know at any time, and that’s so convenient for you, right? Well, it isn’t. Do the maths.
How many numbers do you have stored in your phone? Fifty, a hundred, more? Well, they’re the people for whom your phone is a great convenience—they know that they can call you and wherever you are, even if you don’t pick up, they have asserted their presence as a part of your day. You are one person with one person’s communication needs; they are legion, and they want and expect answers now. Want to know real convenience? Leave a message on my machine, or email me, and I’ll get back to you when I damn well feel like it. Now that’s convenience.

Punctuality/Attention Span: These two are boons for my friends and loved ones: If we have a date, I’ll almost always be on time, because I can’t call you at the restaurant, after lingering needlessly somewhere, to tell you I’m running late. Also, when we are together, you will have my undivided attention. Really. I will never glance surreptitiously down at the corner of the table to see who is calling/emailing/texting while we’re in the middle of a conversation. Which, by the way, is gross, and if you’re one of the people who does this you don’t deserve the company of other humans.

Cancer-Free Skull: Don’t kid yourself. Go Google “cell phones” and “brain tumors” and proceed to piss your pants.

Freedom: Last but certainly not least, I am a free being, kids. Seriously. Unbridled and happily disconnected in a way that most cell owners simply can’t imagine. Glorious solitary cab rides, oblivious rambles though Chinatown, lazy summer afternoons at the Carmine Street pool: No device can interrupt my life. Recently, I had to admit to another parent at my daughter’s pre-school that I don’t own a cell. She looked at me as if I was a criminal, and in a way, I guess I am. I'm an irresponsible fugitive from the chains of communication that bind everyone else.
And yet I continue on, cell-less, while my friends and family wonder: When will she break down and just get a mobile already? I don’t know the answer to that question. I realize there are genuine emergency situations in which a cell phone can literally be a lifesaver.
And as a parent of two my life is not the only one for which I am responsible. My resolve will crumble at some point, I guess. But it will be a sad, sad day for me, and for luddites everywhere, when I finally succumb.

Source: author: Dana Albarella James Dana Albarella James is an editor and publisher.
Don't get her started on emoticons

March 22nd, 2011 http://www.theawl.com/2011/03/my-life-without-a-cell-phone-an-amazing-tale-of-survival

Step 3 - Vocabulary

  • Study the vocabulary. (10 minutes)
  • Study the irregular verbs.
  • Do the exercises.

Vocabularylist Without a phone

There are many ways to work on your vocabulary in Wozzol.
You can say or copy the words out loud.
Click in Wozzol on the red arrow for the different options.
The most important thing is that you don't do this for too long, because then you don't learn anything anymore.
In two 10-minute sessions you learn more than in half an hour.

Irregular Verbs

Check out the knowledge base below and study the following irregular verbs:

  • to burn
  • to burst
  • to buy
  • to catch

Irregular verbs

Step 4 - Grammar

Simple Past, Present Perfect and Past Perfect

  • Study the theory.
  • Have a look at the irregular verbs.
  • Do assignment 1 and 2.

Simple past

Present perfect

Irregular verbs

Step 5 - Speaking

A debate about the use of mobile phones

You read a text about living without a mobile phone. Now you are going to debate about the use of mobile phones.

  • Divide the roles.
  • Prepare the roles using key words (2 minutes).
  • Debate.

Role A

You are going to lead the debate. Prepare the introduction of the debate and give some extra information (use the text: My Life Without A Cell Phone: An Amazing Tale Of Survival from step 2).

Role B

Prepare arguments in favour of the use of mobile phones.

Role C

Prepare arguments against the use of mobile phones.

Role D

You are going to judge which arguments are the most convincing. Help the leader (role A) to prepare the introduction.

Step 6 - Writing

Writing about mobile phones

Below, you will find assignments. Choose one assignments to write about.
Exchange your assignments with a class mate, and check each other's work,
focussing on the Verb Tenses.

  1. Write an imaginary story about how your cell phone was used to save your life or the life of someone in your family.
  2. Make information sheets about the dangers of driving/moving while using cell phones,
    aimed at different phone users: pedestrians, cyclists, car drivers, pilots.
  3. Who uses cell phones the most? Conduct a survey or research the topic and report your findings.
  4. How many students in your class own cell phones? How many in your grade own cell phones?
    How many in your school own cell phones? How can you gather this information from the students?
    Conduct a survey or research the topic and report your findings.
  5. Stone age: Before 1995, most people did not own a mobile phone.
    Describe what your day would have looked like at that time.
    So without mobile phone (note: most people had land lines, there were public payphones -often out of order- and the Internet was NEW, distributed via slow, analog land lines. Not every household had a computer.).

Open the document in google docs: Writing about phones.
Make a copy of the worksheet in your own account (File - Make a copy ...) or download the worksheet (File - Download as).

Step 7 - Evaluation

Fill in the schedule and answer the questions below.






I already know it













































What have you learnt in this double period?
Answer the following questions:

  • What was the easiest part of this lesson?
  • What did you already know?
  • What was the most difficult part?
  • What was new to you in this lesson?
  • What do you have to ask your teacher?


Parody on Pay phone

  • Have you got time left?
    Watch this!


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    2022-09-27 16:18:22

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor tweetalig onderwijs, leerjaar 1,2 en 3. Dit is thema 1 'Me and my phone'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: Without a phone. In deze les gaat het over het leven zonder een telefoon en hoe men reageert op mensen die geen telefoon hebben of off-line leven. In de grammaticaopdracht komen de onderdelen simple past, past perfect en present perfect aan bod en worden de onregelmatige werkwoorden to burn, to burst, to buy en to catch besproken.
    VWO 2; HAVO 1; VWO 1; HAVO 3; VWO 3; HAVO 2;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    1 uur en 40 minuten
    arrangeerbaar, engels, off-line, past perfect, present perfect, simple past, stercollectie, tto123, without a phone, zonder telefoon

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    VO-content Engels. (2019).

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