Theme Television - tto123

Theme Television - tto123



You are about to start the next theme: Television.

How are you going to practise?
You are going to practise your English writing, reading, listening and speaking skills. There are different types of assignments. Some of them you have to do on your own, others you are doing in a group.

At the end of those group assignments you are going to discuss the answers in your group. Some assignment will be checked by the computer.

What are you going to do?
You are going to read, listen, speak and write about 'Television'.

What about you?
Do you watch a lot of television?
What channel is your favorite channel? Why?

Have fun!

Need to know

What do you need to know?
In groups of three or four, discuss five of the following questions and their sub questions.
Report to the class.

  • What is one of your favourite TV shows?
    • Why do you like it?
    • When is it on?
  • Are you going to watch TV tonight?
    • If so, what will you watch?
  • What did you watch on TV yesterday?
  • What is one of your favourite TV shows?
    • Why do you like it?
    • When is it on?
  • Do you like ........? (Insert the name of a TV show.)
  • Do you prefer listening to the radio or watching TV?
  • Do you think it is good for children to watch TV?
  • Do you think watching TV is educational?
  • Do you think there is too much violence on TV?
  • If you could design a new television show to boost ratings, what kind of show would it be?
  • How often do you watch TV?
  • What are the advantages of watching TV?
  • What are the disadvantages of watching TV?
  • What kind of TV programs do you usually watch?
  • What kind of TV shows do you not like? Why?
  • What is your favourite program on cable TV?
  • What channel is your favourite channel? Why?
  • What TV commercials do you like?
    • Why do you like them?
    • Which ones do you hate?

Can do

In this theme you will focus on the following 'can do' statements.


  • You can listen to people talking about looking television.
    You can understand this when people speak slowly and clearly.
    You can understand simple messages or sound fragments (radio, television, song) that have to do with the theme Television.
  • You can follow the main lines of discussions about looking television.


  • You can understand texts or stories when the words in the theme Television are used.
  • You can skim short texts and find relevant facts and information.


  • You can participate in a simple conversation about Television.
    Your classmate speaks quite slowly. He or she repeats the sentences every now and then.
    Your classmate helps you to formulate what you are trying to say.
  • You can ask and answer simple questions related to Television.
  • You can use simple phrases and phrases related to Television to express your preference and opinion.
  • You can have a discussion about watching television.


  • You can write an article by making use of the words related to Television.
  • You can write a simple personal letter and an e-mail message regarding Television.

To do

At the end of this theme:

  • you will have practiced your English by listening, reading, speaking and writing about television;
  • you will have learnt vocabulary about television and you will have learnt about adverbs and conjunctions.

If you take the following steps (lessons) you'll find out what you need to know!





What's on tv?

Listen and read texts and answer questions about watching television.
You can understand a conversation about television programmes.
You can write a television review.
Grammar: adverbs.


15 minutes of fame

The subject of this lesson is reality television.
You can understand a video about Britain’s Got Talent.
You can have a discussion about television.
Grammar: conjunctions.



The subject of this lesson is drama series.
You can understand a text about the drama series Sherlock.
You can write a script for a television programme.
Grammar: conjunctions.


Below are the three lessons that belong to this topic.
Make your choice.

Lesson 1

What's on tv?

Lesson 2

15 minutes on fame

Lesson 3


Vocabulary Television

Here you can find the vocabulary lists with sentences (chunks) that accompany this theme.
These lists will also be used in the diagnostic test. Talk to your teacher about when you will learn these lists.

Vocabulary Television - 1

Vocabulary Television - 4

Vocabulary Television - 2

Vocabulary Television - 5

Vocabulary Television - 3

Vocabulary Television - 6









There are many ways to study vocabulary. You can read the words aloud or copy them.
Click in StudioWozzol on the red arrow for the options.

Finishing touch

You've finished the lessons for the theme Television.
Now it is time for the Finishing touch.
Here you will find two extra reading or speaking assignments.
Choose one or two of the assignments and work together with a classmate.
When you are finished you will make the diagnostic test and fill in the evaluation.

Good luck!

Project A: Reading

Project A Reading: Reality Television

This is a difficult text. Are you able to read it? Give it a try!

  • Read the text.
  • Do the assignment.
Reality TV
Reality television is a genre of television programming which, it is claimed, presents unscripted dramatic or humorous situations, documents actual events, and features ordinary people rather than professional actors. It could be described as a form of artificial or "heightened" documentary. Although the genre has existed in some form or another since the early years of television, the current explosion of popularity dates from around 2000.

Reality television covers a wide range of television programming formats, from game or quiz shows which resemble the frantic, often demeaning programmes produced in Japan in the 1980s and 1990s (a modern example is Gaki no tsukai), to surveillance- or voyeurism- focused productions such as Big Brother.

Critics say that the term "reality television" is somewhat of a misnomer and that such shows frequently portray a modified and highly influenced form of reality, with participants put in exotic locations or abnormal situations, sometimes coached to act in certain ways by off-screen handlers, and with events on screen manipulated through editing and other post-production techniques.

Part of reality television's appeal is due to its ability to place ordinary people in extraordinary situations. For example, on the ABC show, The Bachelor, an eligible male dates a dozen women simultaneously, travelling on extraordinary dates to scenic locales. Reality television also has the potential to turn its participants into national celebrities, outwardly in talent and performance programs such as Pop Idol, though frequently Survivor and Big Brother participants also reach some degree of celebrity.

Some commentators have said that the name "reality television" is an inaccurate description for several styles of program included in the genre. In competition-based programs such as Big Brother and Survivor, and other special-living-environment shows like The Real World, the producers design the format of the show and control the day-to-day activities and the environment, creating a completely fabricated world in which the competition plays out. Producers specifically select the participants, and use carefully designed scenarios, challenges, events, and settings to encourage particular behaviours and conflicts. Mark Burnett, creator of Survivor and other reality shows, has agreed with this assessment, and avoids the word "reality" to describe his shows; he has said, "I tell good stories. It really is not reality TV. It really is unscripted drama."


Did you manage to read and understand this text?
If you did, have a try to answer these questions.

Reading Evaluation

How did you think this assignment went?
Indicate for each section how you thought it went.






You master all the simple words to understand a note, e-mail or simple text.

You master the most necessary words to understand a note, e-mail or simple text.

You do not master enough words to understand a note, email or simple text.

Sentence structure and grammar

you can recognize and understand verb forms and sentences well.

you can recognize enough sentences and verb forms. you understand some sentences and verb forms.

You cannot properly recognize and understand verb tenses and sentence structure.

Text insight

You can clearly see the structure and outline. You can also easily deduce the meaning of unknown words from the context.

You can see the structure and outline of a text fairly well, but you can rarely infer the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.

You do not fully see the structure and outline of the text and cannot deduce the meaning of unknown words from the context.

Pace of reading

You can read quickly and easily. You understand everything it says. You can read the entire text in all details.

You often have enough reading pace to understand quite a bit of what you are reading. You can read the entire text globally.

You need too much time to read everything completely. You do not fully understand what you read.

Reading strategy

You can look at the main outline of a text and then at the details.
Beforehand, you use the layout, pictures and prior knowledge (what you already know about the subject).

Using the layout, pictures and prior knowledge (what you already know about the subject) you can hardly see the big picture in the text.
You still translate too many sentences without seeing any connection.

You don't really understand how to handle the text and you start reading word for word. You make too little use of prior knowledge (what you already know about the subject).

Project B: Listening

Project B Listening: TV advertisements

You are going to listen to a conversation between Lori and Michael. They talk about television.

  • Read the questions.
  • Listen to the conversation.
  • Answer the questions.

Read the questions.

  1. What does Lori think of television?
  2. What does she say about people watching television?
  3. What does Michael say about people watching television?
  4. What does Michael say about the BBC?
  5. Why does Lori say: “Do you really say that, advertisements?”
  6. What else does Lori say about the word advertisements?
  7. Where does the BBC get their money from?
  8. Does Michael watch a lot of TV?

Listen to the conversation.

Answer the questions.

1960's TV Ads

On these pages you can watch TV two ads from the 1960's.

  • Watch each video.
  • Read the transcription.
  • What are the differences between the video and the transcription?
  • Watch the video again and check the solution.

Ad 1 - Alexis Lechine Wines

Alexis Lechine wines are full of taste.
Alexis Lechine wines are sweet.
Alexis Lechine wines are yellow.
Drink an Alexis Lechine wine with any sort of food or some time you feel like drinking with a girl.
Alexis Lechine fine Californian wines.


Ad 2 - Wonderful Fords

You are going to know the excitement of seeing that which has never been seen before. You are about to enter a beautiful, exciting, wonderful new world, the world of 1950. For the first time in history, you'll see… not one … not two … but three completely new sorts of Ford cars for 1960. A wonderful new world of Fords. First, representing the 1960 Fords, the finest Fords in a lifetime: the magnificent new Galaxy.
With a wondrous, new life in the course of a lifetime, The finest new Fords of a lifetime, In a beautiful, wonderful, new world of Fords. Beautiful from all points of view, worth more from every point of value, the 1960 Fords open up a whole, wonderful, new, world of style, elegance and built-for-people comfort.
And now the world's most wanted car: The Thunderbird, the finest of fine cars, The last word in wish-it-were-mine cars, The dream car of the wonderful, new world of Fords. The 1960s Wonderbird!
And finally, the car everyone's been wanting to see: the new-size Ford, the Falcon. The Falcon, the new-size Ford Falcon you'll find that, The new-size Ford Falcon's the easiest car in the wide world to buy. Here's full comfort for six adults in a car that'll give you up to forty miles a gallon. A new-size car has a new-size price. It's the cheapest car in the world to own: the Ford Falcon. You can buy these cars at your Ford dealer's showroom, now. The Falcon, the Thunderbird and the 1960 Fords. There's a big, wide, wonderful world of new Fords, Newly-proportioned-for-you Fords, A beautiful, wonderful, beautiful, wonderful, Beautiful, wonderful, new world of Fords.

Answers: 1960's TV Ads

Listening - evaluation

How did you think this assignment went?
Indicate for each section how you thought it went.






You can fully concentrate.

You can listen carefully throughout the assignment.

You find it difficult to fully concentrate.

But you can listen attentively for most of the assignment.

You cannot concentrate properly.

You are easily distracted during the assignment.


You can understand the text well. You have recognized almost all words.

You understand the questions well and can answer all questions.

You can understand the text quite well. You have recognized most of the words.

You understand the questions well and can answer most questions.

Because you do not recognize many words, you cannot understand the text properly.

You do not understand the questions very well. As a result, you cannot answer all questions correctly.

Listening to details

You can understand all the details from the narration.

You can use all specific information and details in your answers.

You can understand most of the details from the narration.

Most specific information and details can be used in your answers.

You don't understand many details from the spoken text.

As a result, you cannot properly use specific information in your answers.

English practice program

Slow TV
If your school participates in VO content, you can practice with the English practice program.
Below is a part of the program that fits well with this theme.
Log in with your School Entree-account!

Slow TV

You can also practice further at with other reading, listening or viewing assignments!


Test your knowledge. Make the diagnostic test.

What did you learn?

At the end of each period you answered evaluation questions. Use these answers to answer the following questions:

  • What new things did you learn?
  • Which assignment was the best one to learn from?
  • Are you able to do what you have to do?
  • How did you get on doing the assignments?

Can do statements
Take a look at the Can do statements in the introduction - 'Can do'.
Did you understand and meet the learning goals (can do statements)?
Are you able to do what you have to do?

Group work

  • How about the writing assignment Drama (writing an episode)?
    What do you think of working in a group? Is it better to work alone or in a group? Why?
  • Did every group member do the same amount of work?
    What did you learn about planning with a group?
  • Did you learn from each other?
  • Reflection: Was it difficult to give and receive feedback?
  • Het arrangement Theme Television - tto123 is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

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    2022-08-18 23:30:25

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Dit thema valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor tweetalig onderwijs, leerjaar 1, 2 en 3. Dit is thema 7 'Television'. Het gaat over televisieprogramma's, mensen die tv kijken of op tv verschijnen en reality tv. Het thema omvat de volgende onderwerpen: What's on tv?, 15 minutes of fame en Drama. De grammaticaopdrachten gaan over adverbs en conjunctions.
    VWO 2; HAVO 1; VWO 1; HAVO 3; VWO 3; HAVO 2;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    8 uur en 0 minuten
    15 minutes of fame, adverbs and conjunctions, arrangeerbaar, drama, engels, stercollectie, television, tto123, what's on tv?

    Gebruikte Wikiwijs Arrangementen

    VO-content Engels. (2020).

    Thema Television - hv3