Theme Being in love - tto123

Theme Being in love - tto123

Being in love


Welcome to the next theme of English
This theme is about Being in love.

How are you going to practise?
You are going to practise your English writing, reading,
listening and speaking skills.

There are different types of assignments. Some of them you have to do on your own, others you are doing in a group.
At the end of those group assignments you are going to discuss the answers in your group. Some assignment will be checked by the computer.

What are you going to do?
You are going to read, listen, speak and write about 'Being in love'.

How about you?
In English, the word ‘love’ is used to express how we feel about people
(romantically, friends, family) but also to express that we like something (I love football).
A lot has been written about love. For example this poem of Oscar Wilde:

"You don't love someone
for their looks, or their
clothes, or for their fancy car,
but because they sing
a song only you can hear"

Create a mindmap.
In the centre you write down 'Being in love'.
Write down as many words you can think of relating to love (at least 10).
Add these words to the mindmap.

Here you will find tips on how to create a mindmap.

Mindmap maken

Woorden bij een onderwerp bedenken en met elkaar verbinden.


Need to know

What do you need to know?

  • Read the questions.
  • Form groups of three or four.
  • In your group, select as many questions as there are members of your group.
  • Discuss these questions.
  • Select one question you all think is interesting.
  • Present the results of your discussion to your class mates (as a group).
  • Answer questions from your class mates.

When listening to other presentations, listen carefully and think of questions or things you did not understand.

Choose from the following questions.

  1. Do older girls/boys have a problem dating younger girls/boys? Why?
    Describe a perfect date.
  2. Do you believe in love at first sight? Explain.
  3. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
    If so, where did you meet him/her? What were you doing at the time?
    What does he/she look like? Give details.
  4. Do you think it is better to be single or to be married? Why?
  5. Do you think it's alright for a man to have two wives? Explain.
    Do you think it's alright for a woman to have two husbands? Explain.
  6. Do you think marriage is very stressful for women? How about for men? Explain.
    Do you think that all adults should be married? Why? Why not?
  7. Have you ever been to a school dance? What was it like?
  8. Have you ever had a crush on someone? What was it like?
  9. Have you ever hated loving someone? What did you do?
  10. Is going out on dates important for you? Why? Why not?
  11. Is there a such thing as a perfect relationship for you? Explain.
  12. What advice would you give to someone whose partner hates their best friend?
  13. What are some popular places to go on a date? What is the best one? Why?
  14. What characteristics do you look for in a girlfriend or boyfriend?
  15. What do you consider cheating in a relationship?
  16. What do you like to talk about when on a date?
  17. What do you look for in a girlfriend or a boyfriend?
  18. What do you think of same-sex marriages? Explain.
  19. What do you think of single mothers? Explain.
  20. What is a wedding ceremony like in your family?
  21. Would you date someone you really liked if your parents did not like him or her? Elaborate.
  22. What do you think about dating a friend's ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend?
  23. Can you control your partner by playing games?
  24. How long does it take for dating to become a relationship?
  25. Have you ever met someone you love a lot but never expressed it?
  26. Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you believe in love at all? Explain.

Can do

In this theme you will focus on the following 'can do' statements.


  • You can listen to people talking about being in love.
    You can understand this when people speak slowly and clearly.
    You can understand simple messages or sound fragments (radio, television, song) that have to do with the theme Being in love.
  • You can follow the main lines of discussions about being in love.


  • You can understand texts or stories when the words in the theme Being in love are used.


  • You can participate in a simple conversation about Being in love.
    Your classmate speaks quite slowly. He or she repeats the sentences every now and then.
    Your classmate helps you to formulate what you are trying to say.
  • You can ask and answer simple questions related to Being in love.
  • You can use simple phrases and phrases related to Being in love to express your preference and opinion.
  • You can have a discussion about being in love.


  • You can write an article by making use of the words related to Being in love.
    You can write a simple personal letter and an e-mail message regarding Being in love.

To do

In this theme:

  • you will have read and listen to texts and spoken about love and have answered the questions;
  • you will have studied the future tense and continuous forms;

But you don't have to be able to do this right away!
If you take the following steps (lessons) you'll find out what you need to know!

Aan de slag!






Listen and read texts and answer questions about being in love.
You can understand a conversation about being in love.
You can talk about love.


Falling in love

The subject of this lesson is falling in love.
You can understand a text about partner selection.
You can write an essay about partner selection.


Trouble in paradise

The subject of this lesson is failing relationships.
You can understand a text about problems in a relationship.
You can understand and use vocabulary about relationships.


My funny Valentine

Listen and read texts and answer questions about Valentine’s Day.
You can write an article about Valentine’s Day.


Below are the four lessons that belong to this topic.
Make your choice.

Lesson 1


Lesson 2

Falling in love

Lesson 3

Trouble in paradise

Lesson 4

My funny valentine

Vocabulary Being in love

Here you can find the vocabulary lists with sentences (chunks) that accompany this theme.
These lists will also be used in the diagnostic test. Talk to your teacher about when you will learn these lists.

Vocabulary Being in love - 1 Vocabulary Being in love - 4
Vocabulary Being in love - 2 Vocabulary Being in love - 5
Vocabulary Being in love - 3  







There are many ways to study vocabulary. You can read the words aloud or copy them.
Click in StudioWozzol on the red arrow for the options.

Finishing touch

You've finished the lessons for the theme Being in love.
Now it is time for the Finishing touch.
Here you will find two extra reading or speaking assignments.
Choose one or two of the assignments and work together with a classmate.
When you are finished you will make the diagnostic test and fill in the evaluation.

Good luck!

Project A: Reading


You are going to read a text about friendship.
After that you'll do the assignments.
The first assignment will test your vocabulary with words from the text.
Assignment 2 is an exercise 'check your understanding' containing questions about the text.

Quotes about friendship:

  • Friendship is one mind in two bodies.
  • Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you.
  • A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.

Some friends come into our lives for just a short time. Others come and stay forever.
Think about your closest friends. How long have you known each other?
Some people say that their spouse or family member is their best friend.
Others say they have known their closest friends for many years.
And some great friends haven't known each other all that long, but knew right away that there was a connection, or bond, between them. Could it be that there is a twin spirit out there for each of us?

What turns a stranger or acquaintance into a friend?
Do you know right away if you are going to like someone?
Some people think that any stranger can become a friend if they spend enough time together.
That may be true for some people. But one thing most of us agree on is that true friendships seem to happen when people have something in common.
Perhaps we see a part of ourselves in our friends. Maybe seeing the good in them helps us to see the good in us as well.

Evaluation Reading

How did you think this assignment went?
Indicate for each section how you thought it went.






You master all the simple words to understand a note, e-mail or simple text.

You master the most necessary words to understand a note, e-mail or simple text.

You do not master enough words to understand a note, e-mail or simple text.

Sentence structure and grammar

You can recognize and understand verb forms and sentences well.

You can recognize enough sentences and verb forms. I understand some sentences and verb forms.

you cannot properly recognize and understand verb tenses and sentence structure.

Text insight

You can see the structure and outline clearly. You can also easily deduce the meaning of unknown words from the context.

You can see the structure and outline of a text fairly well, but you can rarely infer the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.

You do not fully see the structure and outline of the text and you cannot deduce the meaning of unknown words from the context.

Pace of reading

You can read quickly and easily. You understand everything. You can read the entire text in all details.

You often have enough reading pace to understand quite a bit of what you are reading.
You can read the entire text globally.

You need too much time to read everything completely.
You do not fully understand what you read.

Reading strategy

You can look at the main outline of a text and then at the details.
In advance you use the layout, the pictures and prior knowledge (what you already know about the subject).

By using the layout, pictures and prior knowledge (what you already know about the subject) you can hardly see the big picture in the text.
You still translate too many sentences without seeing any connection.

You don't really understand how to handle the text and you start reading word for word. You make too little use of prior knowledge (what you already know about the subject).


Project B: Speaking

Best friends or lovers?

In this assignment you will have a conversation with a group of four classmates about 'best friends or lovers'.
You have read about friendship in project A.
The following quotes were mentioned there:

  • Friendship is one mind in two bodies.
  • Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you.
  • A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.

In these quotes friends/friendship could be replaced by lover/love, right?


Talk about the questions written below with your group.

  • First read the questions yourself. Try to come up with an answer to the six questions.
  • Take turns answering question 1.
  • Listen carefully to your classmates!
  • Do the same for questions 2 to 5.
  • Everyone has now answered the questions.
  • Now you do 'one more round'.
    In this round, everyone responds to a classmate's answer or asks a question.


  1. What's the main difference between a romance and a friendship.
  2. Did you ever fall in love with your best friend?
  3. Can you only experience jealousy in a romantic relationship or also in friendship? Explain.
  4. What is the difference between love and being in love?
  5. Why do you think people fall out of love?


In this assignment you spoke with classmates about Friends or lovers.
Below is a table. Look at each part to see which description you think applies to yourself.
How do you think you did?






Knowing and using the right words

I can use simple words to answer the questions.

I can use the most necessary words to answer the questions.

I cannot use the simplest words to answer the questions.

Grammar - making sentences

I can use all learned grammar in simple sentences.

I can use most, but not all grammar in simple sentences.

I cannot formulate the learned sentences, but I use single words with no context.

Speaking clearly - fluently

I talk smoothly, almost without hesitation.

I talk fairly smoothly, with the occasional hesitation.

I talk with too many pauses and hesitations and without intonation.


The pronunciation of what I have learned sounds intelligible to my classmate.

The pronunciation of what I have learned sounds quite understandable to my classmate.

The pronunciation of what I have learned does not sound intelligible enough to my classmate.

Conveying the message

I can tell others what I mean and what I want without much effort.

I can also respond well to what my classmate has said or ask a question.

With some effort I can tell others what I mean.

I find it difficult to respond to what my classmate has said or ask a question.

I cannot tell others what I mean.

I can't respond well to what my classmate says. I also find it difficult to ask a question.

English practice program

Guide to dating
If your school participates in VO content, you can practice with the English practice program. Below is a part of the program that fits well with this theme.
Log in with your School Entree-account!

Guide to dating

You can also practice further at with other reading, listening or viewing assignments!


Test your knowledge. Make the diagnostic test.

What did you learn?

At the end of each period you answered evaluation questions. Use these answers to answer the following questions:

  • What new things did you learn?
  • Which assignment was the best one to learn from?
  • Are you able to do what you have to do?
  • How did you get on doing the assignments?

In the introduction of each period there is an indication of the amount of time you need to do the activity.

  • What do you think of this timing?


  • What did you think of the project?
  • Why did you choose this project? 
  • Het arrangement Theme Being in love - tto123 is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

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    2022-08-05 23:39:30

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Dit thema valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor tweetalig onderwijs, leerjaar 1, 2 en 3. Dit is thema 2 'Being in love'. In deze les gaat het over verliefd zijn; wat is het, hoe voelt het en wat doe je als je verliefd bent? Het thema omvat de volgende onderwerpen: Infatuation, Falling in love, Trouble in paradise en My funny valentine. De grammaticaopdrachten gaan over 'future tenses' en continuous forms.
    VWO 2; HAVO 1; VWO 1; HAVO 3; VWO 3; HAVO 2;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    9 uur en 30 minuten
    arrangeerbaar, being in love, engels, falling in love, future tense and continuous forms, infatuation, my funny valentine, stercollectie, trouble in paradise, tto123

    Gebruikte Wikiwijs Arrangementen

    VO-content Engels. (2020).

    Thema Being in love- hv3