7.2 Hobbies - tto123

7.2 Hobbies - tto123



The subject of this period is hobbies.

  • Form groups of three or four pupils.

Discuss the following questions in your group:

  • What hobbies do you have?
  • Do you change hobbies often?
  • How much time do you spend on your hobbies?
  • Are you very good at it?
  • Do you need special things for your hobby?
Step   Activity Aim Time
  Introduction Find out what you already know. 10
Step 1 Listening
Hobbies and interests
You can understand a video with students who talk about their hobbies and answer questions about it. 15
Step 2 Reading
Jacob the Great
You can understand a text about hobbies and answer questions about it. 15
Step 3 Vocabulary You can understand and use the vocabulary about hobbies. 15
Step 4 Grammar
Past simple Irregular verbs
You can understand and use the past simple of irregular verbs. 15
Step 5 Speaking
A discussion about music
You can have a discussion about music. 10
Step 6 Writing
An essay about changing hobbies
You can write an essay about changing hobbies. 15
Step 7 Evaluation Reflect on what you have learnt. 05
Step 8 Extra
Hobbies that make you smarter
Watch the video.  

Step 1 - Listening

Hobbies and interests
You are going to watch a video of 16 students who talk about their hobbies and interests.

  • Watch the video and do assignment 1.
  • Read the questions.
  • Watch the video again and do assignment 2.

Assignment 1

  • Watch the video and write down as many hobbies as you can (on your own).
  • Compare and discuss the answers in your group.


  1. Who likes to do kayaking?
  2. Who likes to travel around the world?
  3. Who likes dancing, singing and acting?
  4. Who likes to go to the pub with his mates?
  5. Who likes boxing in the gym?
  6. Who likes mountainbiking, snowboarding and skateboarding?
  7. Who plays basketball?
  8. Who writes music and plays in a band?
  9. Who likes poetry?
  10. Who likes hip-hop music?

Step 2 - Reading

Jacob the Great
You are going to read a story about a boy who changes hobbies all the time.

  • Form groups of 3 or 4 pupils.
  • Do assigment 1.
  • Read the questions (assignment 2).
  • Read the text and do assigment 3.

Assignment 1

Before reading the text find the meaning of the following words (use a dictionary):

to stick with something to purchase
to play the guitar to beep it around the park
to strum the strings reluctant
to hold the pick his equipment
buried pirate treasures a commercial on TV
to mow the lawn to explore the universe
to shovel the driveway his purpose in life

Show your answers to your teacher.

Assignment 2

Read the story and answer the questions

Jacob the Great
Jacob hated finishing things almost as much as he loved starting them. As a result, he had got into a million hobbies and activities, but he never stuck with any of them long enough to become good at them.

He begged his mother for months for a guitar so that he could play Black Eyed Peas songs to Angie, a girl whom he liked, but after he finally got one for Christmas, he found out that guitars don't play themselves. He took a few lessons, but strumming the strings hurt his fingers and he didn't like holding the pick, so now the five-hundred dollar guitar lives under his bed.

After reading an add in the back of one of his comic books, Jacob decided that he wanted a Wonder-Sweeper 5000 metal detector, so that he could find buried pirate treasures. So he mowed lawns all summer and didn't spend his money on ice-cream like his younger brother, Alex. He saved it all in a shoe box in his closet. Then he shovelled driveways all winter, and he didn't spend his money on candy and chips like his classmates. By the time spring came he had saved $200, and he purchased the Wonder-Sweeper 5000 metal detector. He beeped it around the park for a while, but he soon found out that no pirates had ever set sail in his neighborhood, and if they had they didn't leave any treasure. Even though he found a key ring, forty-seven cents, and all the bottle caps he could throw, he buried the metal detector in his closest.

Given Jacob's history with hobbies, it was no surprise that Jacob's father was reluctant to buy him a magician's kit for his birthday. "Geez, Jacob... You sure you wouldn't rather I got you more guitar lessons?" He suggested. Jacob was insistent. "Dad, you've got to get me the magician's kit. This time I'll stick with it for real. I promise! Come on, dad," Jacob begged. Jacob's father sighed and then replied, "Oh, I don't know, Jacob. Things are awfully tight right now." But Jacob's father was reminded of his own youth long ago, when he quit football and started karate practice before hardly getting his equipment dirty. So when Jacob's birthday came around, Jacob was both surprised and pleased to find the magician's kit that he had desired so badly with a big bright bow on it.

Jacob opened up the box and unwrapped the many parts in the kit. As he did so, he imagined sawing his pet cat in half and putting it back together to the amazement of his friends and family. He took the many fake coins, trick cards, and rope pieces of varying length on the kitchen table and imagined pulling rabbits out of his hat and turning them into pigeons with a mysterious puff of smoke. As Jacob continued pulling plastic thumbs, foam balls, and giant playing cards out of the magic kit, a commercial on the TV caught his attention. "Hey kids! Have you ever wanted to go to space? Experience what it's like to be an astronaut? Do you want to explore the universe? Well, now you can." As the commercial continued play, Jacob walked away from the magic kit on the kitchen table and stared at the TV screen longingly. "For only $195 you can go to space camp and live life like an astronaut for a whole weekend. Enroll now for a once in a life time experience." Jacob's cry rang throughout the house as he yelled, "MOM!" He now knew what his true purpose in life was.

Step 3 - Vocabulary

  • Study the vocabulary. (10 minutes)
  • Do the exercise.

Vocabularylist Hobbies

Step 4 - Grammar

From the knowledge base English, study the section about the past simple with irregular verbs.

Past simple - Irregular verbs

Now complete the assignments below.

Step 5 - Speaking

Tell me about your hobbies.
You will make this assignment together with a classmate.

  • Divide the roles and read the conversation.
    Person A Person B

    How many hobbies do you have?Which one do you prefer?
    What else would you like to do?

    I have two hobbies.
    I prefer playing football.
    It is fun and competative.
    I would like to do kayaking.

  • Create four new conversations by replacing the colored words with a word of the same color.
  • Switch roles each time.


    playing football
    playing the guitar
    playing basketball
    playing the piano

    fun and competative

    do kayaking
    go mountainbiking
    listen to music
    play in a band
    go skateboarding
    sing and act

  • Make 2 more conversations in which you answer the questions yourself.

Step 6 - Writing

An essay about changing hobbies
You have read the text about Jacob who changed hobbies all the time.
Now you are going to write an essay about changing hobbies.

  • Describe why you think people change hobbies.
  • Give your own opinion about changing hobbies.
  • Describe your own experience about changing hobbies and explain why you did or didn't change hobbies.
  • Describe what you think is the best hobby for a teenager.

Ask your teacher how many words you have to use.

Step 7 - Evaluation

What have you learnt in this period?
Answer the following questions:

  • What was the easiest part of this lesson?
  • What did you already know?
  • What was the most difficult part?
  • What was new to you in this lesson?
  • What do you have to ask your teacher?

Step 8 - Extra

Here are 7 hobbies that science says will make you smarter

Here are 7 hobbies that science says will make you smarter.

  • Watch the video.
  • Write down the 7 hobbies.
  • Which two hobbies mentioned in the video, appeal to you the most?
    Discuss with a classmate.

  • Het arrangement 7.2 Hobbies - tto123 is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

    Laatst gewijzigd
    2022-09-27 16:07:14

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor tweetalig onderwijs, leerjaar 1, 2 en 3. Dit is thema 7 'Hobbies and sports'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: Hobbies. In deze les gaat het over het het vinden van een hobbie en veranderen van hobbies. Bij de grammaticaopdracht gaat het over de 'past simple' van onregelmatige werkwoorden.
    VWO 2; HAVO 1; VWO 1; HAVO 3; VWO 3; HAVO 2;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    1 uur en 40 minuten
    arrangeerbaar, engels, hobbies, onregelmatige werkwoorden, past simple, stercollectie, tto123

    Gebruikte Wikiwijs Arrangementen

    VO-content Engels. (2020).

    1.2 Preferences - tto123


    VO-content Engels. (2023).

    7.2 Hobbies - hv12
