3.4 Fairy tale families - tto123

3.4 Fairy tale families - tto123

Fairy tale families


The subject of this period is cartoons and fairy tales.

Discuss the following questions with a classmate:

  • Which fairy tales do you know?
  • Write a list of films or cartoons about relatives.
  • In what stories do relatives play an important role?
Step   Activity Aim Time
  Introduction Find out what you already know. 10
Step 1 Listening
Ice Age
You can understand a song about family and answer questions. 15
Step 2 Reading
You can understand a fairy tale and answer questions. 15
Step 3 Vocabulary You can understand and use vocabulary about fairy tales. 15
Step 4 Grammar
Grammar test
You can take a grammar test. 15
Step 5 Speaking
Speech card
You can have a conversation about fairy tales. 10
Step 6 Writing
An email about your favourite fairy tale
You can write an email about your family. 15
Step 7 Evaluation Reflect on what you have learned. 05

Step 1 - Listening

Ice age
Have you ever seen any of the Ice Age films?
Did you like them? Why, why not? Which character(s) do you like most?

You are going to listen to a song from Ice Age 4 about family.
Before you start listening, have a look at the sentences from the assignment below.
Together they form the chorus. Try to put them in the right order while listening.
You will have several chances to do so because the chorus is played three times.


Now we're going to listen in more detail. The words below are all in the song. They are in the order of the song. Before listening make sure you know the meaning of the words.

  • family
  • close as close can be
  • we look perfect to me
  • I feel so lucky
  • we come from everywhere
  • the link in our chain

While listening:
Write down words from the text you think are (in any kind of way) connected to these words (make sure you can explain their connection). The more you write down, the better!

After listening:
Compare your notes to those of a classmate. How many words have you got? Have you got similar words? Can you explain the connection? If yes, move on for the next part of the exercise.

Check if the words you wrote down are present in the lyrics (at the bottom of the page) and if your answers make sense. Which group found the most words?

Now, using your own notes and the lyrics (if necessary), answer the following question:

Do you think the people singing the song are family? Why or why not?
What words from the text make you think so?

What is the link between family and friends according to you?
Have you got friends that feel like family or the other way around?


We are, we are, not your ordinary fami-mi-ly
But we can all agree that we are, we are, close as close can be
So it don’t matter what it looks like, we look perfect to me
We got every kind of love, I feel so lucky indeed
They can keep on talking it don’t matter to me
‘cause we are, we are, family

We are family   (several times)
So what, we don’t look, we don’t act, we don’t walk, we don’t talk like you do
So what if we hang just to hang
Ain’t no shame
We both do what we want to
‘cause we come from everywhere
Searching for ones to care
Somehow we found it here
We found us a home
We are, we are, not your ordinary fami-mi-ly
But we can all agree that we are, we are, close as close can be
So it don’t matter what it looks like, we look perfect to me
We got every kind of love, I feel so lucky indeed
They can keep on talking it don’t matter to me
‘cause we are, we are family

We are family

OK, so the links in our chain makes us strange
But really they make us stronger
And I wouldn’t replace not a thing
Mother or father …

‘Cause weee
‘cause we come from everywhere
Searching for ones to care
Somehow we found it here
We found us a home

We are, we are, not your ordinary fami-mi-ly
But we can all agree that we are, we are close as close can be
So it don’t matter what it looks like, we look perfect to me
We got every kind of love, I feel so lucky indeed
They can keep on talking it don’t matter to me
‘cause we are, we are family

Family (we are)

We are, we are, family

Step 2 - Reading

You are going to read the fairy tale of Cinderella.

  • Read the fairy tale.
  • Do the assignment.

Cinderella lived with her stepmother and two stepsisters, who were jealous of her and treated her very badly.
She had to spend all day, every day doing work around the house.
One day an invitation arrived from the prince, who was having a ball.
Cinderella had to help her stepmother and stepsisters make beautiful dresses for the ball, and on the night of the ball they went off and left the poor girl alone.

She was very sad, but suddenly her Fairy Godmother appeared and turned Cinderella’s old clothes into a beautiful gown.
She turned a pumpkin into a golden coach and some mice into lovely black horses and a rat into a coachman. So Cinderella went to the ball, but her Fairy Godmother warned her that she had to leave the ball by midnight.

When the prince saw Cinderella he thought she was so beautiful that he danced with her all evening.
Suddenly the clock began to strike twelve, and Cinderella remembered what her Fairy Godmother had told her. She ran out of the palace and was in such a hurry that one of her glass slippers came off as she was racing down the stairs.
The prince found the slipper and ordered his servants to go out into his kingdom and make every girl try the slipper on until they found its owner.
Eventually they arrived at Cinderella’s house and discovered that the slipper fitted her.
They took her back to the palace and she married the prince. They lived happily ever after.

Step 3 - Vocabulary

To be able to do all the assignments correctly, you need to know some words and sentences.
For each theme there are word lists ready in Wozzol, with which you can practice:

Vocabularylist Fairy tale families

  • Study the vocabulary. (10 minutes)
  • Do the exercise.

There are many ways to study vocabulary. You can read the words aloud or copy them. The most important rule is never to spend more than 10 minutes studying words. Every minute you spend longer is a waste of time.

Step 4 - Grammar

You are going to take a grammar test. But first, do you know the difference between making a test and taking a test?
The teacher makes a test meaning: the teacher writes the questions.
The pupil  takes a test meaning: the pupil answers the questions.

  • Read the 'grammar desks' carefully. 
  • Take the grammar test.


A of an?


Word order

Present continuous

Step 5 - Speaking

Speech cards
Expressions: If you need some extra help, go to your Wozzol account and take another look at the chunks.
You have read the fairy tale of Cinderella (step 2).
Now you are going to try to have a conversation about this fairy tale with someone else.

  1. Find someone to work with and use the speech card A or B below.
  2. Write down a couple of words to help you during the conversation.
  3. Practise your conversation at least twice.

After practising twice, do the following things:

  1. Find another pair to work with.
  2. Act out your conversation.
  3. The other pair will write down feedback for you.
  4. Let them act out their conversation now and write down feedback for them.
  5. Discuss for all students: what went well and what could be improved.

Person A

Person B


Greet person B.


Greet person A.


Ask what his or her name is.


Tell them your name.
Ask what his or her name is.


Tell them your name.
Ask if he or she knows the fairytale about Cinderella.


Answer the question.
Ask if he or she knows how Cinderella was treated at home.


Answer the question.
Ask how everybody reacted to the invitation.


Answer the question.
Ask how Cinderella was able to get to the ball on time.


Answer the question.


Ask a made up question about Cinderella.


Answer the question.
Also ask a made up question about Cinderella.


Answer the question.


End the conversation.


React and end the conversation.

Step 6 - Writing

An email about your favourite fairy tale.
You are going to write an email to your friend from London.
Use the following prompts:

  • Say hello to your friend (think of a name).
  • Write about your favourite fairy tale. (If you can’t think of one, use the fairy tale of Cinderella).
  • Who is the main character?
  • Where does he or she live?
  • What can you tell about his or her relatives.
  • What happens to the main character?
  • Think of a question you could ask your friend.
  • Ask your friend to write about his/her favourite fairy tale.

End your email.

Step 7 - Evaluation

What have you learned in this period?
Answer the following questions:

  • What was the easiest part of this lesson?
  • What did you already know?
  • What was the most difficult part?
  • What was new to you in this lesson?
  • Do you have any questions for your teacher?
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    2023-07-25 15:12:31

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor tweetalig onderwijs, leerjaar 1, 2 en 3. Dit is thema 1 'Family and friends'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: Fairy tale families. In deze les komen verschillende families aan bod uit (teken)films en sprookjes. De luisteropdracht gaat over Ice Age en de lees- en schrijfopdrachten gaan over Cinderella (Assepoester). De spreekopdracht gaat over sprookjes in het algemeen. In de grammaticaopdracht wordt een grammaticatoets gegeven.
    VWO 2; HAVO 1; VWO 1; HAVO 3; VWO 3; HAVO 2;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    1 uur en 40 minuten
    (teken)films, arrangeerbaar, engels, fairy tale families, grammaticatoets, sprookjes, stercollectie, tto123

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    3.4 Fairy tale families - hv12
