Source: vrij naar Strijker, A. (2010) Leerlijnen en vocabulaires in de praktijk (SLO)
In year 4 you will improve your English by setting personal goals, and then showing what you've learned in projects.
Choosing your own pathway and learning activities will hopefully result in you improving your English in a methodical and logical manner in the areas where you need it.
By achieving intermediate goals with different exercises, you will eventually achieve your final goal for this year, which is B1 proficiency in English. This is where you have to be in year 4 and what you have to show your teacher.
Why are we doing this?
As a student, we believe you should be more in control of how and what you learn. This means that you will decide what you are going to do to improve your skills.
How are we doing this?
By doing various exercises, you will practice and showcase your English skills. In a document, you will keep track of your progress. During your English lessons, your teacher will have conversations with you regularly to discuss how you are managing your learning and what you can do/what you might need help with. The intermediate goals are chosen by us to safeguard you achieving your final goal and ensuring you end year 4 on the necessary level.
Every lesson/week/period, you will ask yourself and plan something like:
"I decided that I need to improve my reading skill. In the reading area, I have found five different intermediate topic (Orientating, Correspondence, Instructions, Gaining Information, and Leisure). Each topic has different activities and I decide to do several activities. However, I am mostly focused on 'Gaining Information', so I do all those activities."
After doing an exercise, you have to indicate in the Excel document that you did those activities and how it went. This will be the starting point for the conversations with your teacher.
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