Welcome to this learning arrangement on Irregular Verbs, Past Simple and Present Perfect. I'm so happy to see you here. I hope you're ready to have fun and learn a lot of new things at the same time.
Before you start learning, please watch this Powtoon, so I can explain how you can get trough these lessons at your own level and time.
So get going, I can't wait to share my knowledge with you!
Lesson goals
At the end of this block you will:
- be able to talk and write about things that happened in the past.
To achieve this, we will focus on:
- learning and using the irregular verbs
- understanding and using the past simple
- understanding and using the present perfect
Welcome to Team Yellow
Hi there! Welcome to Team Yellow.
Let me explain what it is you have to do to make this learning arrangement work for you.
There are three lessons waiting for you.
In the first lesson, you will learn all about Irregular verbs.
After the second lesson you will know everything about the Past Simple.
And the third lesson will help you understand the Present Perfect.
Start each lesson by opening the instruction material. Here you will find a PowerPoint presentation I've recorded for each subject. I would like you to watch these presentations first. In the instruction material on Irregular Verbs you will also find a list of all irregular verbs you need to study and a music video with all the verbs. Did you know listening to music makes learning easier and more fun?
After you've finished the instruction, please move on to the practice material. Here you will find a wide range of exercises to practice the things you've learned. I advise you to do all of the exercises.
By now you should have practised enough and know all there is to know, so feel free to move on to the next subject.
After you've finished all three lessons there will be a formative test waiting for you. This test is not for a grade, I've arranged it in such way that it will tell you which subjects you've mastered and which ones you'll need to study more in preparation for the test week.
If the test tells you you need some more practise please click the link to the online practise material I've included for Team Yellow. On these websites you will find loads more exercises to help you master the things you find difficult.
Once you've finished the formative test, the last things I'd like you to do, are two language portfolio assignments. These will need to be handed in before the end of the test week.
If you have any more question, feel free to contact me.
Please get started, good luck.
Mrs Lupker
Lesson 1. Irregular Verbs, instruction material
Welcome to the first lesson of this learning arrangement.
So far, you have learned two verb tenses in the present. You know Present Simple is used for facts and things that always happen and Present Continous is used for things happening now.
It is time to move on to the past tenses. But before we do that, it is important that you learn the Irregular Verbs. You will need those to be able to make verb tenses in the past.
That's why this will be the main goal for today!
After this lesson you will:
- know the difference between regular and irrelar
- have learned the most common irregular verbs in the English Language.
Good luck, you can do it!
Bron: Van Diemen, A., Gjaltema, S., Gooskens, M., Heij, E., Kroesen - de Kruijf, Y., Postma, E., Schonewille, A., Van Veen - Bogaerts, L., Visscher, L., Ward, K., Woltjer, N. (2013) Stepping Stones 2 vmbo t(hv) 5e editieGroningen, Noordhof Uitgevers BV
Lesson 1. Irregular Verbs, practice material
Oefening: Exercise Irregular Verbs
Crossword Puzzle Regular and Irregular Verbs in Past Simple
Fill in the Past Simple form of the verbs given.
Crossword Puzzle Regular and Irregular Verbs in Present Perfect
Fill in the Present Perfect form of the verbs given.
Quizlet Irregular verbs
Lesson 2. Past Simple, instruction material
Let's get started with lesson number two.
In our first lesson, you had to learn the irregular verbs, did you manage to learn them all? I'm so proud of you. You will be needing them today.
In this lesson we are going to talk about a tense called Past Simple.
After today's lesson you will:
- know how the make Past Simple
- know when to use Past Simple
- be able to use Past Simple in sentences and questions
- you will be able to use Past Simple to talk about hings that happened yesterday, last week, last year or even two centuries ago.
Please get started, you can do it!
Lesson 2. Past Simple, practice material
Oefening: Exercise Past Simple
Oefening: Exercise making questions with Past Simple
Oefening: Exercise making negations with Past Simple.
Lesson 3: Present Perfect, instruction material
Hi, you're back again.
During our last lessons we talked about Irregular Verbs and Past Simple remember, so now you're able to talk about things that happended in the past that are finished.
Today, we are going to look at a new verb tense; the Present Perfect. This tense will help you talk about things that might have started in the past, but still play an important role now.
After this lesson, you will:
- know how to form Present Perfect
- know when to use Present Perfect
- be able to make sentences and questions using Present Perfect
- know the difference between Present Perfect and Past Simpe.
- be able to use both tenses to talk and write about things that happened in the past.
So, get going, you're almost there...
Lesson 3: Present perfect, practice material
Oefening: Exercise Present Perfect
Oefening: Making questions and negations with Present Perfect
Oefening: Past Simple or Present Perfect
Oefening: Past Simple or Present Perfect exercise 2.
Formative test
Hi, there you are. Are you ready to find out if you know everything about Irregular Verbs, Past Simple and Present Perfect? Then you're in the right place!
Before you start the Test, please read these instructions carefully.
The test in Google forms is made up out of seven exercises, which you'll have to finish.
This test is not for a grade. It is meant to find out if you've learned enough about the subjects you have been studying over the last few weeks. At the beginning of each exercise you can find out how many points you need to score to pass that part of the test. If you haven't scored enough points, please make sure to study that part of the grammar again.
At the end of each exercise you'll find three bonus questions, you can choose if you want to do those or not. These questions are more difficult. I've made these questions to challenge the Blue team a bit more, but if you're on the Red or Yellow team...feel free to try them.
Exercise 8 is only meant for Team Blue, this exercise tests their knowledge on Present Perfect Continuous and the other teams are free to skip it.
After you finish the test make sure to hand it in. Google forms will automatically check and score your work and give you feedback. So, make sure to read that feedback. It is the only way to find out if your an expert at Irregular verbs, Past Simple and Present Perfect, or whether you need to study some more.
Oh, one last thing... Don't forget your language portfolio assignments.
Now, please get started...
Good luck, I know you can do it.
Assignments language portfolio
Welcome to Team Red
Hi there! Welcome to Team Red.
Let me explain what it is you have to do to make this learning arrangement work for you.
There are three lessons waiting for you.
In the first lesson, you will learn all about Irregular verbs.
After the second lesson you will know everything about the Past Simple.
And the third lesson will help you understand the Present Perfect.
Start each lesson by opening the instruction material. Here you will find a PowerPoint presentation I've recorded for each subject. I would like you to watch these presentations first. Underneath my PowerPoints, I've included an instruction video in Dutch, for some of you this might help you understand the grammar even better. In the instruction material on Irregular Verbs you will also find a list of all irregular verbs you need to study and a music video with all the verbs. Did you know listening to music makes learning easier and more fun?
After you've finished the instruction, please move on to the practice material. Here you will find a wide range of exercises to practice the things you've learned. I advise you to do all of them. If you feel you could use some more training, please click the link to the extra online practice. On these websites you will find even more exercises.
If you think you've practised enough and know all there is to know, feel free to move on to the next subject.
After you've finished all three lessons there will be a formative test waiting for you. This test is not for a grade, I've arranged it in such way that it will tell you which subjects you've mastered and which ones you'll need to study more in preparation for the test week.
Once you've finished the formative test, the last things I'd like you to do, are two language portfolio assignments. These will need to be handed in before the end of the test week.
If you have any more question, feel free to contact me.
Please get started, good luck.
Mrs Lupker
Lesson 1. Irregular Verbs, instruction material
Welcome to the first lesson of this learning arrangement.
So far, you have learned two verb tenses in the present. You know Present Simple is used for facts and things that always happen and Present Continous is used for things happening now.
It is time to move on to the past tenses. But before we do that, it is important that you learn the Irregular Verbs. You will need those to be able to make verb tenses in the past.
That's why this will be the main goal for today!
After this lesson you will:
- know the difference between regular and irrelar
- have learned the most common irregular verbs in the English Language.
Good luck, you can do it!
Bron: Van Diemen, A., Gjaltema, S., Gooskens, M., Heij, E., Kroesen - de Kruijf, Y., Postma, E., Schonewille, A., Van Veen - Bogaerts, L., Visscher, L., Ward, K., Woltjer, N. (2013) Stepping Stones 2 vmbo t(hv) 5e editieGroningen, Noordhof Uitgevers BV
Instruction video Irregular Verbs in Dutch
Lesson 1. Irregular Verbs, practice material
Oefening: Exercise Irregular Verbs
Crossword Puzzle Regular and Irregular Verbs in Past Simple
Fill in the Past Simple form of the verbs given.
Crossword Puzzle Regular and Irregular Verbs in Present Perfect
Fill in the Present Perfect form of the verbs given.
Quizlet Irregular Verbs
Extra online practice Irregular Verbs
Lesson 2. Past Simple, instruction material
Let's get started with lesson number two.
In our first lesson, you had to learn the irregular verbs, did you manage to learn them all? I'm so proud of you. You will be needing them today.
In this lesson we are going to talk about a tense called Past Simple.
After today's lesson you will:
- know how the make Past Simple
- know when to use Past Simple
- be able to use Past Simple in sentences and questions
- you will be able to use Past Simple to talk about hings that happened yesterday, last week, last year or even two centuries ago.
Please get started, you can do it!
Instruction video Past Simple in Dutch
Lesson 2. Past Simple, practice material
Oefening: Exercise Past Simple
Oefening: Exercise making questions in Past Simple
Oefening: Exercise making negations with Past Simple.
Extra online practice Past Simple
On this website you will find extra exercises you can do to practice Past Simple.
Lesson 3: Present Perfect, instruction material
Hi, you're back again.
During our last lessons we talked about Irregular Verbs and Past Simple remember, so now you're able to talk about things that happended in the past that are finished.
Today, we are going to look at a new verb tense; the Present Perfect. This tense will help you talk about things that might have started in the past, but still play an important role now.
After this lesson, you will:
- know how to form Present Perfect
- know when to use Present Perfect
- be able to make sentences and questions using Present Perfect
- know the difference between Present Perfect and Past Simpe.
- be able to use both tenses to talk and write about things that happened in the past.
So, get going, you're almost there...
Instruction video Present Perfect in Dutch
Lesson 3: Present perfect, practice material
Oefening: Exercise Present Perfect
Oefening: Making questions and negations with Present Perfect
Oefening: Past Simple or Present Perfect
Oefening: Past Simple or Present Perfect exercise 2.
Extra online practice Present Perfect
On this website you will find extra exercises to practice Present Perfect
Formative test
Hi, there you are. Are you ready to find out if you know everything about Irregular Verbs, Past Simple and Present Perfect? Then you're in the right place!
Before you start the Test, please read these instructions carefully.
The test in Google forms is made up out of seven exercises, which you'll have to finish.
This test is not for a grade. It is meant to find out if you've learned enough about the subjects you have been studying over the last few weeks. At the beginning of each exercise you can find out how many points you need to score to pass that part of the test. If you haven't scored enough points, please make sure to study that part of the grammar again.
At the end of each exercise you'll find three bonus questions, you can choose if you want to do those or not. These questions are more difficult. I've made these questions to challenge the Blue team a bit more, but if you're on the Red or Yellow team...feel free to try them.
Exercise 8 is only meant for Team Blue, this exercise tests their knowledge on Present Perfect Continuous and the other teams are free to skip it.
After you finish the test make sure to hand it in. Google forms will automatically check and score your work and give you feedback. So, make sure to read that feedback. It is the only way to find out if your an expert at Irregular verbs, Past Simple and Present Perfect, or whether you need to study some more.
Oh, one last thing... Don't forget your language portfolio assignments.
Now, please get started...
Good luck, I know you can do it.
Assignments language portfolio
Welcome to Team Blue
Hi there! Welcome to Team Blue.
Let me explain what it is you have to do to make this learning arrangement work for you.
There are three lessons waiting for you.
In the first lesson, you will learn all about Irregular verbs.
After the second lesson you will know everything about the Past Simple.
And the third lesson will help you understand the Present Perfect.
Start each lesson by opening the instruction material. Here you will find Youtube instruction videos about each subject. Feel free to watch them before getting started on the practise material. In the instruction material on Irregular Verbs you will also find two lists of irregular verbs, the first one is the list of verbs you need to study for the upcoming test. I've inlcuded a second list, with some extra verbs to challenge you a bit more. You will also find a music video with all the verbs here. Did you know listening to music makes learning easier and more fun?
After you've finished the instruction, please move on to the practice material. Here you will find a wide range of exercises to practice the things you've learned. I advise you to do all of the exercises, but this is not mandatory, if you feel you've already mastered one subject, please feel free to move on to the next.
After you've finished all three lessons there is an extra lesson on Present Perfect Continuous waiting for you, just to challenge you a bit more.
At the end of your lessons, please do the formative test. This test is not for a grade, I've arranged it in such way that it will tell you which subjects you've mastered and which ones you'll need to study more in preparation for the test week.
If the test tells you you need some more practise you are free to use all materials I've made for Team Yellow and Team Red.
Once you've finished the formative test, the last things I'd like you to do, are two language portfolio assignments. These will need to be handed in before the end of the test week.
If you have any more questions, feel free to contact me.
Please get started, good luck.
Mrs Lupker
Lesson 1. Irregular Verbs, instruction material
Welcome to the first lesson of this learning arrangement.
So far, you have learned two verb tenses in the present. You know Present Simple is used for facts and things that always happen and Present Continous is used for things happening now.
It is time to move on to the past tenses. But before we do that, it is important that you learn the Irregular Verbs. You will need those to be able to make verb tenses in the past.
That's why this will be the main goal for today!
After this lesson you will:
- know the difference between regular and irrelar
- have learned the most common irregular verbs in the English Language.
Good luck, you can do it!
Introduction Irregular Verbs
VOCABULARY: How to use irregular verbs
bron; Bron: Van Diemen, A., Gjaltema, S., Gooskens, M., Heij, E., Kroesen - de Kruijf, Y., Postma, E., Schonewille, A., Van Veen - Bogaerts, L., Visscher, L., Ward, K., Woltjer, N. (2013) Stepping Stones 2 vmbo t(hv) 5e editieGroningen, Noordhof Uitgevers BV
twenty extra irregular verbs
Lesson 1. Irregular Verbs, practice material
Oefening: Exercise Irregular Verbs
Crossword Puzzle Regular and Irregular Verbs in Past Simple
Fill in the Past Simple form for the verbs given.
Crossword Puzzle Regular and Irregular Verbs in Present Perfect
Fill in the correct form of Present Perfect of the verbs given
Quizlet Irregular verbs
Lesson 2. Past Simple, instruction material
Let's get started with lesson number two.
In our first lesson, you had to learn the irregular verbs, did you manage to learn them all? I'm so proud of you. You will be needing them today.
In this lesson we are going to talk about a tense called Past Simple.
After today's lesson you will:
- know how the make Past Simple
- know when to use Past Simple
- be able to use Past Simple in sentences and questions
- you will be able to use Past Simple to talk about hings that happened yesterday, last week, last year or even two centuries ago.
Please get started, you can do it!
Lesson 2. Past Simple, practice material
Oefening: Exercise Past Simple
Oefening: Exercise making question with Past Simple
Oefening: Exercise making negations with Past Simple.
Lesson 3: Present Perfect, instruction material
Hi, you're back again.
During our last lessons we talked about Irregular Verbs and Past Simple remember, so now you're able to talk about things that happended in the past that are finished.
Today, we are going to look at a new verb tense; the Present Perfect. This tense will help you talk about things that might have started in the past, but still play an important role now.
After this lesson, you will:
- know how to form Present Perfect
- know when to use Present Perfect
- be able to make sentences and questions using Present Perfect
- know the difference between Present Perfect and Past Simpe.
- be able to use both tenses to talk and write about things that happened in the past.
So, get going, you're almost there...
Introduction Present Perfect
Lesson 3: Present perfect, practice material
Oefening: Exercise Present Perfect
Oefening: Making questions and negations with Present Perfect
Oefening: Past Simple or Present Perfect
Oefening: Past Simple or Present Perfect exercise 2.
Extra lesson: Present Perfect Continuous, instruction material
Hi, so good to see you here,
If you're reading this you're probably on Team Blue, which means you would like to be challenged a bit more. Well in this lesson that is going to happen...
By now you sholud have finished the first three lessons on Irregular Verbs, Past Simple and Present Perfect. Which means you should be able to use the Irregular verbs to talk about things that happened in the past and things that started in the past and still have an effect right now.
In this lesson, we are going to look at one more tense: the Present Perfect Continuous. After you've learned this tense, you will be able to complain about how long you have been studying today...
After this lesson, you will...
- be able to form the Present Perfect Continuous
- know when to use Present Perfect Continuous
- be able to tell the difference between Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous
- be able to talk and write about things that happened in the past and that still continue (to emphasize duration).
Good luck with the last lesson of this learning arrangement. I have faith in you!
Video How to use the present perfect continuous tense
Video Present Perfect Continuous
Extra lesson: Present Perfect Continuous, practice material
Oefening: Exercise Present Perfect Continuous
Oefening: Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous
Oefening: Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous exercise 2.
Formative test
Hi, there you are. Are you ready to find out if you know everything about Irregular Verbs, Past Simple and Present Perfect? Then you're in the right place!
Before you start the Test, please read these instructions carefully.
The test in Google forms is made up out of seven exercises, which you'll have to finish.
This test is not for a grade. It is meant to find out if you've learned enough about the subjects you have been studying over the last few weeks. At the beginning of each exercise you can find out how many points you need to score to pass that part of the test. If you haven't scored enough points, please make sure to study that part of the grammar again.
At the end of each exercise you'll find three bonus questions, you can choose if you want to do those or not. These questions are more difficult. I've made these questions to challenge the Blue team a bit more, but if you're on the Red or Yellow team...feel free to try them.
Exercise 8 is only meant for Team Blue, this exercise tests their knowledge on Present Perfect Continuous and the other teams are free to skip it.
After you finish the test make sure to hand it in. Google forms will automatically check and score your work and give you feedback. So, make sure to read that feedback. It is the only way to find out if your an expert at Irregular verbs, Past Simple and Present Perfect, or whether you need to study some more.
Oh, one last thing... Don't forget your language portfolio assignments.
Now, please get started...
Good luck, I know you can do it.
Assignments language portfolio
Online instructie video’s
Video Past Simple Tense – Know what they’re saying! https://youtu.be/v5dklneCct0
Video Introduction Irregular Verbs
Video Irregular Verbs song
Instruction video Irregular Verbs in Dutch
Video VOCABULARY: How to use irregular verbs
Instruction video Past Simple in Dutch
Video Introduction Past Simple
Video Introduction Present Perfect
Video How to use the present perfect continuous tense
Video Present Perfect Continuous
Crossword Puzzle Regular and Irregular Verbs in Past Simple
Crossword Puzzle Regular and Irregular Verbs in Present Perfect
Quizlet Irregular verbs
Website Extra online practice Irregular Verbs
Website Extra online practice Past Simple
Website Extra online practice Present Perfect
[welcome], (2020, 7 november) Overgenomen van Bitmoji
[setting goals], (2020, 7 november) Overgenomen van Pixabay
[haiii], (2020, 7 november) Overgenomen van Bitmoji
[good luck], (2020, 7 november) Overgenomen van Bitmoji
[portfolio], (2020, 12 november) Overgenomen van Pixabay
[oh, hi there], (2020, 7 november) Overgenomen van Bitmoji
[right there], (2020, 5 november) Overgenomen van Bitmoji
[verkeersbord], (2020, 7 november) Overgenomen van Pixabay
[running], (2020, 5 november) Overgenomen van Bitmoji
[thinking], (2020, 5 november) Overgenomen van Bitmoji
[hit in the face], (2020, 5 november) Overgenomen van Bitmoji
[knowledge is power], (2020, 5 november) Overgenomen van Bitmoji
[roadtrip], (2020, 5 november) Overgenomen van Bitmoji
[Iknowright], (2020, 5 november) Overgenomen van Bitmoji
[basketbal], ], (2020, 7 november) Overgenomen van Bitmoji
[taart bakken], (2020, 6 november). Overgenomen van Pixabay
[hond met bot], (2020, 6 november). Overgenomen van Pixabay
[politie en dief], (2020, 7 november). Overgenomen van Pixabay
[man in auto], (2020, 7 november). Overgenomen van Pixabay
[te laat], (2020, 7 november). Overgenomen van Pixabay
[dansend paar], (2020, 7 november). Overgenomen van Pixabay
[meisje alleen], (2020, 7 november). Overgenomen van Pixabay,
[spelende kinderen], (2020, 7 november). Overgenomen van Pixabay
[map of the world], (2020, 7 november) Overgenomen van Pixabay
[Thank you], (2020, 7 november) Overgenomen van Bitmoji
Worksheet Too sad to be funny (20202, 28 oktober) Overgenomen van ISL collective.com, https://en.islcollective.com/english-esl-worksheets/grammar/past-simple-tense/too-sad-be-funny-short-texts-past-simple/81656
Berben, M. (2018). Differentieren is te leren! Omgaan met verschillen in het VO en MBO. Amersfoort: CPS Onderwijsontwikkeling en advies.
Van Diemen, A., Gjaltema, S., Gooskens, M., Heij, E., Kroesen - de Kruijf, Y., Postma, E., Schonewille, A., Van Veen - Bogaerts, L., Visscher, L., Ward, K., Woltjer, N. (2013) Stepping Stones 2 vmbo t(hv) 5e editieGroningen, Noordhof Uitgevers BV
Geerts, W. &. Van Kralingen, R. (2017). Handboek voor de leraar, tweede herziene druk. Bussum: Coutinho.
Scrivener, J. (2011). Learning teaching, The essential guide to English Language Teaching. Third edition. London: Macmillan.
Van der Linden, H. (november 2016). Geef leerling de eerste jaren meer structuur. VO-magazine 2, pag. 5 - 9.
Van der Veen, T. &. (2016). Van leertheorie naar onderwijspraktijk. Groningen/Houten: Noordhoff.
Visiestuk naar aanleiding van het leerarrangement Irregular Verbs, Past Simple and Present Perfect
Ik heb ervoor gekozen mijn leerarrangement op te bouwen rondom het onderwerp Irregular Verbs. In mijn dagelijks werk als docent merk ik dat veel leerlingen het lastig vinden de onregelmatige werkwoorden in het Engels te leren en deze te integreren in hun dagelijks taalgebruik. Volgens Geerts en Van Kralingen, auteurs van het Handboek voor Leraren (Geerts, 2017) komt dit omdat leerlingen moeite hebben de lagere beheersingsniveaus uit het OBIT-model, onthouden en begrijpen te ontstijgen om te komen tot het integratie en toepassing in het dagelijks taalgebruik.
Om te zorgen dat zij deze transfer bij het onderwerp Irregular Verbs gemakkelijker maken heb ik ervoor gekozen de onregelmatige werkwoorden te koppelen aan de werkwoordstijden waarin zij het meest gebruikt worden. Daarom draait mijn leerarrangement niet uitsluitend om het aanleren van onregelmatige werkwoorden, maar vooral om het stimuleren van het gebruik in geschreven en gesproken taal in combinatie met de Past Simple en Present Perfect.
Bij de opbouw van mijn leerarrangement ben ik uitgegaan van het IGDI-model. In haar boek Differentiëren is te leren (Berben, 2018) stelt auteur Meike Berben (2018) dat het IGDI-model voortbouwt op het Directe Instructie-model. Het IGDI-model biedt echter meer mogelijkheden tot differentiatie en zet in op het aanbieden van gevarieerde werkvormen die leerlingen stimuleren actief na te denken over de lesinhoud.
In mijn ogen is het aanbieden van differentiatie om tegemoet te komen aan de individuele leerbehoefte van groot belang. Hoogleraar neuropsychologie Jelle Jolles (2016) is dit met mij eens, in een interview in een interview met Hanneke van der Linden in VO-magazine (Van der Linden, 2016) stelt Jolles (2016) vast dat het van groot belang is rekening te houden met de verschillen tussen leerlingen. Hij benadrukt dat het vooral gaat om de verschillen tussen waar leerlingen op een bepaald moment in de tijd toe in staat zijn en niet om de verschillen in potentie. Volgens Jolles (2016) heeft iedere leerling de potentie tot groeien mits er mogelijkheden zijn voor differentiatie en aandacht voor het persoonlijk leerproces.
In mijn leerarrangement heb ik er daarom voor gekozen in te zetten op convergente differentiatie, Geerts en Van Kralingen (Geerts, 2017) leggen uit dat leerlingen binnen convergente differentiatie toe werken naar hetzelfde leerdoel waarbij de duur van de instructie, de hoeveelheid begeleiding en de mate van zelfstandigheid verschilt.
Volgens Geerts en Van Kralingen (Geerts, 2017) kunnen docenten op vier manieren differentiëren, in instructie, in leerstof, in leertijd en op grond van leerstijlen. Om tegemoet te komen aan de behoeften van mijn leerlingen kies ik in mijn arrangement voor differentiatie op instructie en leerstof.
Ik differentieer op instructie door mijn leerlingen een keuze aan te bieden tussen een algemene instructie of een verlengde instructie. Meer zelfstandige leerlingen kunnen hiernaast de keuze maken direct aan het werk gaan met een duidelijk omschreven opdracht.
Daarnaast kies ervoor differentiatie aan te brengen in de leerstof, ook deze keuze sluit nauw aan bij mijn eigen lespraktijk. Geerts en Van Kralingen (Geerts, 2017) beschrijven hoe de lesstof bij deze vorm van differentiatie globaal op drie niveaus wordt aangeboden. En hoewel Jolles (Van der Linden, 2016) terecht stelt dat de gemiddelde leerling niet bestaat, heb ik, zoals in iedere klas een groep leerlingen die voldoende heeft aan de uitleg van de leerkracht en enkele verwerkende opdrachten om de basisstof tot zich te nemen. Daarnaast is er een groep leerlingen voor wie herhaling van de basisstof noodzakelijk is om te komen tot begrip. Tot slot zijn er nog de leerlingen voor wie de basisstof te weinig uitdagend is, en welke behoefte hebben aan verdieping en verbreding.
Op aangeven van Berben (Berben, 2018), heb ik besloten deze drie groepen Team Yellow, Team Red en Team Blue te noemen, daarnaast kies ik er bewust voor om mijn leerlingen zelf te laten beslissen in welk team zij plaatsnemen. Hiermee voldoet mijn leerarrangement aan de drie basisbehoeften die noodzakelijk zijn om te komen tot een krachtige leeromgeving, zoals deze genoemd worden door Geerts en Van Kralingen (Geerts, 2017).
Door de leerlingen in te delen in teams, kunnen zij op eigen niveau werken en voelen zij zich competent om de taak te kunnen volbrengen. Door hen zelf de keuze te laten maken in welk team zij plaatsnemen, en op welk tempo zij het leerarrangement doorlopen. Deze vorm van autonomie maakt mijn leerlingen eigenaar over hun eigen leerproces, Geerts en Van Kralingen (Geerts, 2017) stellen dat dit het proces sterk bevorderd. Tot slot komt het werken in een team tegemoet aan de laatste basisbehoefte; relatie. Volgens Geerts en Van Kralingen (Geerts, 2017) is dit de inherente behoefte ergens bij te horen.
Mijn keuze voor deze twee manieren van differentiëren heeft geleid tot een les voor drie teams waarin ieder team op zijn eigen niveau instructie, inoefening en verwerking kan doorlopen. Ieder team kan hierbij kiezen uit een ruim aanbod van kennisclips, oefeningen en verwerkende opdrachten. Door de lesstof cumulatief aan te bieden, in oplopende graad van moeilijkheid met lesdoelen die steeds op elkaar aansluiten, is mijn leerarrangement zo vormgegeven dat deze voor iedere leerling uitdagend en inhoudelijk is.
In Van Leertheorie naar Onderwijspraktijk stellen Tjipke van der Veen en Jos van der Wal (Van der Veen, 2016) de constructivisten van mening zijn dat leerlingen stof vooral verwerken als zij hiermee actief aan de slag gaan. De inzet van digitale lesmiddelen vind ik hierbij een meerwaarde en ik maak hier tijdens mijn lessen dan ook veelvuldig gebruik van. In dit arrangement heb ik de digitale middelen ingezet in alle lesfases, van opwarmertje tot formatief toetsmoment. De veelzijdigheid van het internet, bied mij de kans eindeloos te variëren en in te spelen op de interesses van mijn leerlingen.
Daarbij vind ik het van groot belang dat zowel de input als de output zoveel mogelijk authentiek zijn. In Learning Teaching noemt Jim Scrivener (Scrivener, 2011) authentic exposure essentieel omdat deze in zijn ogen het best tegemoet komt aan Krashen's input hypothesis, die stelt dat taalverwerving het meest natuurlijk verloopt wanneer leerlingen authentieke en begrijpelijke input krijgen die hen uitdaagt net boven hun bestaand kennisniveau uit te stijgen (i+1).
Authentieke output sluit op zijn beurt naadloos aan bij de doelstellingen van het Communicatief Talenonderwijs zoals deze wordt nagestreefd binnen het Europees Referentie KaderTalen.
Bij het ontwerpen van mijn leerarrangement heb ik bovendien voortdurend de ontwerpprincipes uit de Cognitieve Multimedia Theorie van Mayer in het achterhoofd gehouden. Zo maak ik gebruik een communicatieve schrijf en spreekstijl, combineer ik beeld, geluid en tekst om het begrip te vergroten, vermijd ik overbodige informatie en heb ik mijn presentaties eigenhandig ingesproken zonder zelf in beeld te zijn.
Tot slot kies ik er bewust niet voor mijn leerarrangement af te sluiten met een summatieve toets. Naar mijn mening kan het behalen van een goed cijfer nooit de voornaamste motivatie tot leren vormen. Geerts en Van Kralingen (Geerts, 2017) onderschrijven mijn mening en stellen dat cijfers weinig betekenisvol zijn als niet te achterhalen is hoe zij behaald zijn. Ik kies derhalve liever voor een formatieve toets in combinatie met twee praktische opdrachten voor in het language portfolio en heb deze opdrachten zo betekenisvol en authentiek mogelijk gemaakt.
Het ontwerpen van dit digitale leerarrangement heeft mij ertoe aangezet nog eens goed te kijken naar de manier waarop ik digitale middelen inzet in mijn lessen. En hoewel ik mij in de bevoorrechte positie bevind dat al mijn leerlingen beschikken over een Chromebook en ongelimiteerde toegang tot het internet, ben ik tot de conclusie gekomen dat ik dit lang niet altijd op een effectieve blijk te doen.
De ontwerpprincipes van Mayer hebben mij in laten zien dat vooral op mijn PowerPointpresentaties nog best het een en ander af valt te dingen. Ik blijk een ster in het geven van overbodige informatie en lees graag voor wat er in beeld staat. Ik besef dat dit vooral te maken met mijn eigen onzekerheid, wat in beeld staat kun je tenslotte niet vergeten, maar vanaf nu houd ik mij in, dan maar een spiekbriefje mee.
En hoewel ik differentiatie altijd belangrijk heb gevonden, vond ik het ook wel veel gedoe. Het belangrijkste inzicht dat deze cursus mij heeft gegeven is dat klein beginnen goed genoeg is. En daar wringt waarschijnlijk de schoen, ik ben van het type 'alles of niets', maar neem mij heilig voor vanaf nu met kleine ingrepen tegemoet te komen aan een behoefte waarvan ik mij altijd al bewust was, de behoefte om vooral gezien te worden op je eigen manier en je eigen niveau.
De lijst met digitale toepassingen die graag eens wil proberen in mijn les wordt almaar langer. Ik zie vooral meerwaarde in tools waarin leerlingen op hun eigen niveau en tempo kunnen werken en feedback ontvangen op hun werk. Ik denk hierbij aan tools als Quizlet, Socrative, Read Theory en WriteandImprove. Maar ook tools die lessen leuker en aantrekkelijker maken, als Kahoot, Educaplay en Mentimeter, zijn in mijn lessen favoriet. En tot slot, ik kan er niet om heen, als eindeloze bron van lesintroducties en luister/kijkfragmenten; het aloude Youtube is een onmisbaar element in mijn lessen.
Daarnaast ben ik ervan overtuigd dat digitaal toetsen de toekomst heeft. Ik zie programma's voor me waarin iedere leerling op zijn eigen niveau en tijd toetsen aflegt. Waarna leerkrachten met behulp van de resultaten en andere digitale tools optimaal kan inspelen op de verschillen in leerbehoeften tussen de leerlingen zonder dat dit de leerkracht eindeloos veel tijd kost, ultiem differentiëren dus.
Maar zover is het helaas nog niet. En dus maak ik tot die tijd met zorg een keuze tussen analoog en digitaal. Want laten we vooropstellen, ik ben allesbehalve een digiholic. Er zijn ook echt momenten in mijn klas waarop ik bewust kies voor ouderwets pen en papier, omdat bepaalde onderdelen van de stof naar mijn mening nu eenmaal beter beklijven als zij in zwarte of blauwe inkt worden geschreven.
In het komende schooljaar neem ik mij voor kritisch te kijken welke onderwijstools echte meerwaarde hebben voor mijn lessen hierbij ga ik op zoek naar minimaal drie onderwijstools die mij helpen mijn lessen te differentiëren en waarin leerlingen op eigen niveau, tijd en manier aan de slag kunnen.