Obsessed with food v456

Obsessed with food v456

Obsessed with food


In this section we are going to read about more about food and specifically the idea that millennials, that’s you! are obsessed with food.
Or rather, there are some people in your age group, or maybe people who are targeting your age group, to become food addicts. There’s an interesting theory that you will read about that might explain why you enjoy and talk about your food in a way that your parents, at your age, never did. But first, we’re going to listen to some people who work with food.

This third section contains 5 steps. Work them through step by step.






Find out what you already know.

Step 1


Ask and answer questions with your classmate about photos of food. Give reasons.

Step 2


Listen to 5 different extracts. Choose the person who is speaking. Decide what each speaker is expressing.

Step 3


Answer questions about a text, divided in three parts, about a millennial obsession for food. Do exercises relating to these texts.

Step 4


Find words in the text according to the meanings. Complete sentences with words from the text.

Step 5


Write an answer to an announcement. You will nominate your favourite cafe/restaurant for a TV program.



Reflecting on what you have learned.


Difficult words? Search these on Cambridge Dictionaries

Step 1 - Speaking

Ask and answer these questions with your partner.

  1. Do you take photos of food? Why/Why not? Give three reasons.
  2. Do you follow people on social media people who take photos of food?
    Why/Why not? Give three reasons.
  3. Why do you think that photos of food are so popular nowadays?
    Give three reasons.

Step 2 - Listening

You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about working with food. Choose from the list the person who is speaking. There is one you do not need.

  • A baker
  • A barista
  • A chef
  • A waiter
  • A food blogger
  • A food photographer
  • An event organizer

Step 3 - Reading

You are going to read an article about the so-called millennial obsession with food.
Before you read, answer these questions.

  1. Do you agree with the idea that millennials are generally speaking obsessed with food?
  2. What evidence is there for that?
  3. Why do you think your generation is obsessed with food in a way that previous generations have not been?
  4. Some people say that people who take photos and post them are simply showing off. Do you agree? Why/Why not?
  5. Millennials are accused of being narcissistic. Have you heard this opinion? What do you think about it?
    Why might older generations say that about your generation?

Read the text and check if your ideas are the same as the ideas that came up in the interview.

The author Eve Turow argues that a generation’s taste for natural ingredients will shape the future of restaurants, grocery stores, and agriculture.

When Eve Turow, author of several books including A Taste of Generation Yum: How the Millennial Generation’s Love for Organic Fare, Celebrity Chefs, and Microbrews Will Make or Break the Future of Food, returned to her college campus for her five-year reunion, she realized that she’d changed. Back when she was in college, she was content subsisting on “gelatinous brown rice, pre-cooked mushy pinto beans, [and] blocks of bouncy tofu.” But if she were in college now, she says, she’d be taking rice-bowl inspiration from Pinterest and making good use of the nearby farmer’s market and the greenhouse attached to the science library. Turow’s theory is that in a digital-first era, many people latch onto food as something that engages all of the senses and brings people together in physical space. I spoke with her about why food culture has changed, whether it’s confined to the Millennial generation, and what that means for the food industry—chains, grocery stores, and big corporations included. The interview that follows has been edited and condensed for clarity.

Joe Pinsker: I want to start with a simple definitional question. When you say that young people are obsessed with food, what exactly do you mean and what are the best examples of this obsession?

Eve Turow: I think that a lot of people in our generation are thinking about, ‘What am I going to eat next?’ ‘Where am I going to go dine next?’ ‘What’s in the fridge and what can I put together tomorrow?’ I think that that’s expressed in social media. I think if an outsider were to come in and be like, ‘What’s your proof that people are actually interested in food?’ I would say, a) talk to anyone who lives in Brooklyn and b) go online. If you look at any of the statistics for Instagram or Pinterest or Twitter or Facebook: Pinterest, the food boards are the most popular boards. There’s a website that’s just foodporn.com where you can go look at food all day. Then there’s the Food Network, there’s Chopped, there’s the food proliferation on cable channels. I think it’s the most obvious way, so that you’re seeing the user-generated content and then also the media market's response to all of that interest.

Pinsker: Why has this happened?

Eve Turow: I really think it comes down to technology, for a few reasons. One, is sensory deprivation. We have formed into a society that’s so accustomed to sitting in front of a screen and typing, for the vast majority of the day. And the truth of the matter is that it’s not exciting all of our senses. Through interviews over and over again, I kept hearing that people want something that’s tangible, that they can see and feel and smell and taste and that we’re the guinea pigs of growing up in that [digital] world. At the same time, it’s also making us more isolated. We’re craving community. And food is also allowing us to access the globe, so we can find out what harissa is made with and how to prepare something with it, in two seconds on our phones.

I feel like one reason that young people, or really, people, obsess over food is that it lets people have social currency. It’s a way of showing off. And there’s a weird dimension: You are demonstrating that you have the luxury to be very, very deliberate about something that a lot of people really struggle to have. Do these things cross your mind when you find yourself obsessing over cannoli or a pastrami sandwich?

Eve Turow:
I have a whole chapter dedicated to this, because I think it’s one of the most fascinating parts of the entire trend. And I think it’s one of the more uncomfortable ones. Because, even for myself, I had to look up at a certain point and say really, “Why am I posting this picture?” Is it for a sense of community or is it to show off? And if I was being honest with myself, it was a little bit of both, but mostly to show off. There’s commodity fetishism around organic kale at this point because we’re using it as an identifier. We’re using it as a signal of education, of knowledge, of income. One of the biggest things that’s thrown at this generation time and time again is that we’re narcissists. Part of the impetus for writing this book was a) I’m confused about why everyone is obsessed with food and b) does my generation really suck that much? Really asking a genuine question and part of the answer is well, yeah, we are more narcissistic because we are the kings of self-branding. You’re going to brand yourself differently for LinkedIn, than you are for Facebook, than you are for Snapchat, than you are for any other social media platform, OKCupid, or whatever.

Do you agree with Turrow? Why/Why not? Give your reasons.

Step 4 - Words

Find words in the text that have the following meanings:

  1. Real, not imaginary - you can touch, see or measure it.
  2. To become connected to something
  3. A strong feeling of wanting something
  4. A situation in which you don’t have things or conditions that are usually considered necessary for a pleasant life
  5. To increase a lot and suddenly in number
  6. To experience difficulty and make a very great effort in order to do something


The author Eve Turow argues that a generation’s taste for natural ingredients will shape the future of restaurants, grocery stores, and agriculture.

When Eve Turow, author of several books including A Taste of Generation Yum: How the Millennial Generation’s Love for Organic Fare, Celebrity Chefs, and Microbrews Will Make or Break the Future of Food, returned to her college campus for her five-year reunion, she realized that she’d changed. Back when she was in college, she was content subsisting on “gelatinous brown rice, pre-cooked mushy pinto beans, [and] blocks of bouncy tofu.” But if she were in college now, she says, she’d be taking rice-bowl inspiration from Pinterest and making good use of the nearby farmer’s market and the greenhouse attached to the science library. Turow’s theory is that in a digital-first era, many people latch onto food as something that engages all of the senses and brings people together in physical space. I spoke with her about why food culture has changed, whether it’s confined to the Millennial generation, and what that means for the food industry—chains, grocery stores, and big corporations included. The interview that follows has been edited and condensed for clarity.
Joe Pinsker: I want to start with a simple definitional question. When you say that young people are obsessed with food, what exactly do you mean and what are the best examples of this obsession?
Eve Turow: I think that a lot of people in our generation are thinking about, ‘What am I going to eat next?’ ‘Where am I going to go dine next?’ ‘What’s in the fridge and what can I put together tomorrow?’ I think that that’s expressed in social media. I think if an outsider were to come in and be like, ‘What’s your proof that people are actually interested in food?’ I would say, a) talk to anyone who lives in Brooklyn and b) go online. If you look at any of the statistics for Instagram or Pinterest or Twitter or Facebook: Pinterest, the food boards are the most popular boards. There’s a website that’s just foodporn.com where you can go look at food all day. Then there’s the Food Network, there’s Chopped, there’s the food proliferation on cable channels. I think it’s the most obvious way, so that you’re seeing the user-generated content and then also the media market's response to all of that interest.
Pinsker: Why has this happened?
Eve Turow: I really think it comes down to technology, for a few reasons. One, is sensory deprivation. We have formed into a society that’s so accustomed to sitting in front of a screen and typing, for the vast majority of the day. And the truth of the matter is that it’s not exciting all of our senses. Through interviews over and over again, I kept hearing that people want something that’s tangible, that they can see and feel and smell and taste and that we’re the guinea pigs of growing up in that [digital] world. At the same time, it’s also making us more isolated. We’re craving community. And food is also allowing us to access the globe, so we can find out what harissa is made with and how to prepare something with it, in two seconds on our phones.
Pinsker: I feel like one reason that young people, or really, people, obsess over food is that it lets people have social currency. It’s a way of showing off. And there’s a weird dimension: You are demonstrating that you have the luxury to be very, very deliberate about something that a lot of people really struggle to have. Do these things cross your mind when you find yourself obsessing over cannoli or a pastrami sandwich?
Eve Turow: I have a whole chapter dedicated to this, because I think it’s one of the most fascinating parts of the entire trend. And I think it’s one of the more uncomfortable ones. Because, even for myself, I had to look up at a certain point and say really, “Why am I posting this picture?” Is it for a sense of community or is it to show off? And if I was being honest with myself, it was a little bit of both, but mostly to show off. There’s commodity fetishism around organic kale at this point because we’re using it as an identifier. We’re using it as a signal of education, of knowledge, of income. One of the biggest things that’s thrown at this generation time and time again is that we’re narcissists. Part of the impetus for writing this book was a) I’m confused about why everyone is obsessed with food and b) does my generation really suck that much? Really asking a genuine question and part of the answer is well, yeah, we are more narcissistic because we are the kings of self-branding. You’re going to brand yourself differently for LinkedIn, than you are for Facebook, than you are for Snapchat, than you are for any other social media platform, OKCupid, or whatever.

I don’t think that overnight these big food companies are suddenly going to become entirely altruistic and say, “You know what? We’re going to make all of this stuff with more expensive, all-natural ingredients”—“all natural” meaning actually plant-based, because “natural” isn’t a word that’s subject to any legal regulation in the U.S.

I think they’re going to try to please their audience by making the small changes that they can, in hopes that no one looks really hard. That’s obviously not every food company. I am hoping that the Millennial dollars and decisions will begin to weed out those who are honest and those who are not. And there are so many people now who are looking at labels to see what's actually in these products. Certain things like big Chipotle* saying they’re going to go largely non-GMO, to me, is just playing into hype. Not that that’s a bad thing, necessarily. I personally don’t think that GMOs are anything to be afraid of, at this point, so that, for example, is playing into a trend. But, the fact that they’re buying all-organic produce is super important because that’s putting money into the hands of organic farmers, so it’s kind of a wait-and-see situation.

Pinsker: Do you think this is a fad or something that’s going to be a feature of American eating for a long time?
Eve Turow: I really hope that it’s not temporary. I do think that it’s possible this generation will move onto something else that’s also fulfilling the same needs. For example, you’re seeing that coloring books are taking off and it’s like, okay, that makes sense: That’s also something that’s a break from your screen. It’s tangible. It’s like your zen time.
It’s totally possible that something else will pick up on these needs for us, but I ended up asking these questions to Michael Pollan. He said that even if we’re just saying, “Oh my god, have you been to that restaurant?” “Do you know that chef?” “What’s that great recipe on Bon Appetit?” we’re going to be thinking about the way that we’re feeding our kids and we are thinking about what we put into our shopping baskets. That’s not likely to go away.
The other really exciting part of this is all of the students that we have in food-studies programs. A few decades ago, Marion Nestle started the first food-studies program, at NYU, and people told her no one was going to attend. Now, undergraduate and graduate programs are proliferating across the country and across the world. To me, it’s exciting that people aren’t just eating and talking about their meals, but thinking critically about food policy, food distribution, food equality, food deserts, all that stuff.
Pinsker: So do you hope that food obsession, as you defined it, is something that could be used to raise awareness about those bigger issues?
Eve Turow: I hope so, but there’s a lot to tackle. Some people are concerned about pesticides. Some are concerned about antibiotics. Some are concerned about animal welfare. When I talked to him, Michael Pollan brought up the analogy of the gay-rights movement: It wasn’t decided on that gay marriage was going to be the one thing they fought for first, but that decision was made and then they could come together in a cohesive movement. And they’ve clearly been extremely successful in that and the next question is well, okay, what’s next for the gay-rights movement?
Then you see the food movement. Well, what is that one topic for the food movement and who is our leader? I don’t necessarily think that we have one. He just looked at me and said, “Well, that's what I'm relying on your generation for.” And I was just like, “Oh, gosh. I wonder who that person is going to be.”

Complete these sentences.
Choose the correct word.

Step 5 - Task

You see the following announcement in an international magazine.


We are planning a series of TV programs about local restaurants.
Which restaurant/café would you like to nominate to be included in the series?

Write to us describing the restaurant’s main achievements.
Explain why you feel it should be included.


You are going to write a positive review to nominate a restaurant in your area.

  1. Choose a restaurant in your area.
  2. In the title, give the main idea or positive opinion about the restaurant.
  3. Write about the restaurant's main achievements.
  4. Talk about the kind of food it offers.
  5. Maybe you can say something about the service and the decor.
  6. Use a semi-formal style.

Write your answer in 220–250 words.


Fill in this schedule and answer the questions below.

(Copy to Word or write down in your notebook)







Step 1 - Speaking

I can speak with my classmate about photos of food on social media.




Step 2 - Listening

I can listen and understand five different extracts about working with food.




Step 3 - Reading

I can answer questions about a text about millennial obsession for food.




Step 4 - Words

I can find words in the text according to the meanings and complete sentences with words from the text.




Step 5 - Task

I can write a review.





What have you learnt in this period?
Answer the following questions:

  • What was the easiest part of this lesson?
  • What was the most difficult part?
  • What did you already know?
  • What was new to you in this lesson?
  • What do you have to ask your teacher?
  • Het arrangement Obsessed with food v456 is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

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    2021-05-31 15:00:49

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    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor vwo, leerjaar 4, 5 en 6. Dit is thema 'Food issues'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: Obsessed with food. Deze les gaat over het dagelijks (obsessief) bezig zijn met eten door er veel over na te denken, er foto's van te maken en door erover te praten. Dit wordt ook wel de 'millennial obsession with food' genoemd. Er wordt daarnaast ook aandacht besteedt aan mensen die dagelijks werken met eten zoals koks, food bloggers of evenementenorganisators.
    VWO 6; VWO 4; VWO 5;
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    4 uur en 0 minuten
    arrangeerbaar, engels, foto's van eten, millennial obsession with food, obsessed with food, stercollectie, v456, werken met eten