Culture appropiation v456

Culture appropiation v456


Introduction - Cultural appropriation

What do you think of when you see or hear the word culture? Do you think of your nationality and customs? Do you think of words like multi-cultural? Is culture a positive or a negative word? What other words go together with culture? There a lot of ideas and you may think of all of these ideas or, you might have some ideas of your own.

In this first section we’re going to look at the topic of cultural appropriation. Do you know what the term means? Examples include Miley Cyrus twerking, or Selena Gomez’s bindi. In other words, the debate surrounds whether it is right to take something from another culture, and to use it in your own, if it is not normally a part of your own culture. You will hear both sides of the argument. But first, let’s see how many different cultures you ‘use’ on a daily basis.

This first section contains 5 steps. Work them through step by step.






Find out what you already know.

Step 1

Speaking (and reading)

Make a list of your morning routine objects/foods. Read a text and make a list of the items and their origins.

Step 2


Watch two videos about cultural appropriation. Complete notes about the first video. Put statements in order about the second video. Compare the videos and give reasons.

Step 3


Read the complete text. Fill in the headings.

Step 4


An exercise about prefix. Make words negative.

Step 5


Write an email to your friend in 150 words.



Reflecting on what you have learned.


Difficult words? Search these on Cambridge Dictionaries


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2021-05-03 09:49:15

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Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor vwo, leerjaar 4, 5 en 6. Dit is thema 'Culture'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: Culture appropiation. In deze les gaat het over wat je wel en niet moet doen bij het toe-eigenen van cultuurelementen anders dan jouw eigen cultuur.
VWO 6; VWO 4; VWO 5;
Leerinhoud en doelen
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andere cultuur, arrangeerbaar, culture appropiation, cultuur, cultuurelementen, eigen cultuur, engels, stercollectie, v456
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