Answers 3 Step 5 - Task

Step 5 - Task


Step 5 Task

Possible answer (factual summary):
Malala Yousafzai was a Pakistani school girl who blogged about life in Pakistan. She particularly wrote about education and school, because the Taliban announced that girls would not be able to go to school. She became well-known in Pakistan as her diary was read by many people. She wrote under a pseudonym – Gul Makai, which is the name of a heroin from a traditional Pashtun story. Malala was shot in the head by Taliban gunman on her school bus. The act became international headlines. Malala was initially treated in Pakistan but was then transferred to Birmingham in the UK in January 2013. In 2014 Malala was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
She has also written an autobiography called ‘I am Malala’. These were the words she used when the gunmen got on the bus and asked who Malala was. She and her family now live in the UK. She is an active campaigner for women’s rights.

Possible answer (opinion):
[Students may not admire Malala - that's fine. Here they can justify their opinions.]
'I admire Malala because she was so young when she started to speak out. Most children say that they don’t want to go to school but they live in fortunate countries where there is no fighting. If this basic right, that we often take for granted, is taken away, then we too may feel differently. It took a lot of courage to write her blog posts and even though she used a pseudonym, I think that many people knew who she was. Her parents were very important but in the end, it was this young girl who stood up and told the world that she wanted to go to school. She didn’t just stand up to a person, but she stood up to people who then shot her. That is incredibly courageous. She is a determined person, and I respect that.'

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    Answers 2 Step 3 - Words