On the left side of the screen you will see a list with the lessons. If you click on the triangle next to the lesson, you will see headers. If you click on the title of the header, you will jump to that section of the lesson immediately.
At the bottom of this page, you will see an arrow pointing to the right. If you click on that arrow, you wil go to the next part of this introduction chapter. You can use that arrow to go to the next page and work your way through the lessons.
Next, you will get to know what we want to achieve with this chapter.
Goal of this chapter
The goal of this chapter is to prepare you for working in the tourism branche. You will learn some handy sentences that you can use, not only to help others, but also to use for yourself.
We will be focussing on preparing food and working in a restaurant or hotel. You will get to know a bit more about different kinds of food all over the world.
To make sure this Wikiwijs is useful for as many students as possible, we have an arrangement of exercises from A2-B2 level.
We hope you will learn a lot from this chapter!
Lesson 1
- At the end of this lesson I can filter relevant information out of a spoken text.
Exercise 1
First, you can start with matching the names of different types of food to the pictures.
Exercise 2
Now you can fill in this crossword, about the words you just learned.
Exercise 3
Start with watching the video about different types of breakfast all over the world.
When you are done watching, you can play the game.
In the game you need to match different types of breakfast to different countries.
You can watch the video again if you don't remember.
Breakfasts all around the world
Exercise 4
Now you are going to watch a video that shows you exactly how to make those American pancakes we saw in the previous video.
First you can watch the entire video.
Then you can start the exercise.
In the exercise you get asked questions about the video.
Pancake recipe
Lesson 2
Today we will be taking a closer look at different kinds of fruits! You will also talk with classmates about what kinds of food you like and dislike. Take a look at the video below. In that video you will see various types of fruits.
- At the end of this lesson I can talk about different fruits.
- At the end of this lesson I can tell someone what I like and dislike.
Extraordinary fruits
Now that you have watched the video, pair up with a classmate. Take 10 minutes to talk to your partner about the fruit you have seen. Did you recognise any fruit? Which fruits seem tasty? Which fruits don't seem tasty?
Now that you have talked with a classmate about the video you just saw, it is time to move to the bigger exercise of this class!
We are going to talk about food that you like or dislike. You have seen videos in an earlier lesson about breakfast food.
Underneath this thext is the explanaition for the exercise.
Have fun!
Exercise 1
Exercise - like and dislike
What: Talk about what you like and dislike.
How: Team up with a classmate and talk about food that you like or dislike. You may also talk about other things that you like or dislike. Make sure to explain why you like or dislike the things you talk about.
Help: You may use a dictionary and you may use the video from this and other classes.
Time: 15 minutes per person
Outcome: You will learn how to voice what you like and dislike. You will also learn how to explain your choices.
Done: Keep talking in English until the teacher tells you otherwise.
Lesson 3
- At the end of this lesson I can give someone information about ingrediënts for their allergies.
- At the end of this lesson I can understand written recipes.
First you can watch this video.
In the video you will learn how to make macaroni and cheese.
Did you know a lot of people are allergic to dairy and get sick when they eat cheese?
Making mac and cheese
Exercise 1
You now know some more about following recipes and different ingredients.
Next, you are going to fill in the gaps from a recipe.
The instructions will be for the macaroni and cheese recipe, that you just watched a video about.
Exercise 2
Next, we are going to learn more about different allergies people can have.
Do this word-search puzzle to help you learn more about allergies.
Exercise 3
Now we are going to look more closely at ingrediënts in certain dishes and products.
You will see pictures of ingredienst and a question asked by a customer.
The customer wants to know more about what is in the food because he is allergic to something or can't eat certain things.
Lesson 4
- At the end of this lesson I can write about a dish I would like to try.
- At the end of this lessen I can write about my favorite food.
- At the end of this lesson I can write about why would I like or dislike something.
As you can see, this lesson, you are going to learn more about food and ingrediënts. Take 5 minutes to talk to your classmate about what kind of food you really like.
After those 5 minutes, you will watch a video about comfort food in different countries.
Comfort foods around the world
Now we are going to write 2 stories. See the exercises below for the explanation.
Exercise 1
What: Write a story of 450-550 words about a dish you would like to try and why.
How: You have watched a video about comfort foods around the world. Write about which dish or dishes you would like to try. Why do you want to try that dish?
Help: The video, a dictionary, paper and pen or word
Time: 20 minutes
Outcome: You know how to explain what (food) you like and how to explain yourself.
Done: continue with exercise 2
Exercise 2
What: Write a recipe about a dish you like. Look up the ingrediënts and write down how to make the dish
How: Which dish that you have eaten before do you really like? What are the ingerdiënts you need to make that dish? How do you make that dish?
Help: A dictionary, paper and pen or word
Time: 20 minutes
Outcome: You know how to write down a recipe. You know how to give instructions
Done: Raise your hand and ask the teacher what you can do.
Lesson 5 -
Welcome to the last lesson of this chapter. Let's start with looking at the goals for today.
Our goals:
- At the end of this lesson I can help a customer checking in, in a hotel and answer their questions.
- At the end of this lesson I can take a customer's order and answer questions.
There are a lot of hotels and restaurants all over Bali and all over the rest of the world. But, how do you interact with waiters, receptionists and customers?
In the two videos underneath this text you will see the interaction between a waiter and a customer and between a receptionist and a customer.
After you watched the video you are going to do a roleplay. I will explain more after the videos!
In a restaurant
In a hotel
As said before, today we will be doing a roleplay. You will have to pair up with a classmate.
There are two types of roleplay we will do today. One is interaction between a waiter and a customer and the second one is a receptionist in a hotel and a customer.
what: role play
how: pair up with a classmate. One will be the customer, the other the waiter or receptionist.
help: Use the conversation cards. You can find the under the header 'exercises'.
time: 20 - 25 minutes switch roles after 5 minutes. Make sure you have done all roles.
outcome: This exercise is so you know how to take an order and how to help customers.
done: Repeat the roleplay until the teacher tells you to stop
Conversation card restaurant
Waiter: Greet the customer and ask what they would like to drink.
Customer: Greet the waiter, tell the waiter what you would like to drink.
Waiter: Say that the drinks will be served soon.
Customer: Thank the waiter.
Waiter: Tell the customer that you have their drinks. Ask what they would like to order.
Customer: Thank the waiter for the drinks. Tell the waiter what you would like to eat.
Waiter: Tell the customer that their food will be ready soon.
Customer: Say thank you.
Waiter: Tell the customer that you have their food. Tell the customer that you hope that they enjoy the meal.
Customer: Call the waiter over and tell the waiter that you dropped your fork. Ask for a new fork.
Waiter: Ask the customer if they enjoyed the meal.
Customer: Tell the waiter that you did or did not enjoy the meal and why.
Waiter: Thank the customer and say goodbye.
Customer: Say goodbye
Conversation card hotel
Receptionist: Greet the customer and ask How you can help them.
Customer: Greet the receptionist and say that you booked a room and would like to check-in.
Receptionist: Ask the customer for their name.
Customer: Say your name.
Receptionist: Tell the customer what floor their room is on and what the room is. Give them the key.
Customer: Thank the receptionist and ask where the elevators and stairs are
Receptionist: Tell the customer that the elevator is at the end of the hallway at the left and that the stairs are next to the elevator.
Customer: Thank the receptionist. Ask the receptionist when breakfast will be served.
Receptionist: Tell the customer that breakfast is served between 8 and 11 in the morning.
Customer: Ask where the breakfast hall is.
Receptionist: Tell the customer that breakfast is in the restaurant on the right side of the main entrance hall.
Customer: Thank the receptionist.
Receptionist: Tell the customer to enjoy their stay and say goodbye.
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Sharina Vorstenbosch
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