5 - Make your selection

5 - Make your selection

5 - Make your selection

Sample question


How can you quickly evaluate a scientific article?


You find an interesting article about obesity among schoolchildren in Amsterdam.



Scanning articles quickly

For some projects, you will have to substantiate your reports with scientific evidence. You will often find such evidence in scholarly reports or publications. They have a fixed structure that makes it easier for you to read and evaluate them quickly. By way of example, let’s take a scholarly article.

Evaluating publications


In the Searchlight Basic course, you learned what to look out for when evaluating websites. There are also a number of interrelated criteria which you should apply when evaluating publications. These are the same for most publications. As you can see from the chart below, there are a number of additional criteria specifically for scholarly publications. They are explained immediately below the chart. You can also use a checklist. This is a Word document, so you can save it and print it.





Checking the search process

Did you not find enough good-quality sources? If not, go back one or more stages in your search process. Check, for example, whether:

  • you should make your question more specific or more broadly based
  • you have used every important search term
  • other suitable databases are available
  • you have combined your search terms in the right way


Tip: Not every sub-question can be answered by searching in literature. The reasons for this could be:

  • A subject is too new: there are simply no publications that deal with it yet. If there are, however, any ongoing research projects on the subject, you could try contacting the researchers.
  • The answer to your question is confidential - it may concern sensitive commercial information, for example. You could try approaching businesses, in this case.




You have learned:

  • how to quickly scan a scholarly article
  • what to look out for when evaluating a scholarly article in terms of its authority and content

Search Logbook


Now note down in your logbook what results are usable.

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