You are researching how you could use sport to reduce obesity among schoolchildren in Amsterdam. On YouTube, you find a video that covers precisely this subject.
Relevance and reliability
You have found all kinds of interesting articles, books, or websites. How do you now decide whether you can use them for your project? You consider two things:
Everyone can quite easily spread information via websites. On the internet, you can find not just reliable information, but also a great deal of unreliable information.
You should therefore pay extra attention when evaluating the reliability of a website. Of course, it is also important to see whether a website is relevant for your purposes or not.
When evaluating websites, there are various criteria you should apply, in combination. First, you can test yourself, and then you will see what these criteria are.
Criteria for evaluating websites
More criteria are needed for the purpose of evaluating websites and other documents. Do not make your evaluations on the basis of just one criterion, such as appearance, but instead apply them as a whole. The criteria are explained immediately below the image. You can also use a printable checklist.
You have learned to:
evaluate information in terms of its relevance and reliability
check whether the content, the level, and the topicality of information is closely relevant to your question
look at the background of the author, at how objective the author is, and at whether the content is correct.
evaluate the quality of websites
Search Logbook
Now note down in your logbookwhat results are usable.
Het arrangement 5 - Make your selection is gemaakt met
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het lesmateriaal kan op verschillende manieren worden geëxporteerd. Meer informatie hierover kun je vinden op
onze Developers Wiki.