English Class Week 4

English Class Arrangement week 4

Listening Skills

Dear students,

This week's arrangement will be all about Listening Skills.

Listening is key to all effective communication. It is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in communication. It requires focus and means paying attention not only to the story, but how it is told and the use of language and voice.

Listening is so important that many top employers provide listening skills training for their employees. This is not surprising when you consider that good listening skills can lead to better customer satisfaction, greater productivity with fewer mistakes, and increased sharing of information that in turn can lead to more creative and innovative work.                                     

So as future retailers and managers, it is always good to practise your listening skills!


How to Improve Your IELTS Listening Skills? - GradBunker - Medium

Tips & Tricks

Tips to improve your listening skills!

1. Improve your general listening skills

It is very effective to do various listening exercises, listen to general listening materials (radio reports, TV-shows, documental programs etc) and after that you can do various listening tests.

2. Choose Comprehensible Input

An important thing you must do when looking to improve your listening skills is listen to material that you already mostly understand. This kind of material, known as "comprehensible input", is any audio content that's slightly above your current skill level.                                                                                              

3. Focus on the Big Picture, Not Small Details

Of all the major skills of language, listening skills require the most focus. This is because if you don't focus on what you're listening to, you may miss the core "message" that is being communicated.

Because of all of this, it is important that you focus on "the big picture" when listening, and that you avoid getting distracted by small details.

4. Learn Actively by Taking Notes

Learning happens best when it is active—when you, the learner, are engaged in what you are doing and take action to process new information. If learning is not active, you will absorb less information, and even run the risk of forgetting what you learned quickly.

When working on your listening skills, take out a notebook or piece of paper, and do the following:

  • Write down the topic of the audio
  • If there are multiple speakers, write down their names, or come up with labels for each (e.g. Speaker 1, Speaker 2)
  • Write down the gist of what each speaker says, including any main points they try to communicate
  • If you frequently hear a word you do not understand, try to write it down so you can look it up later
  • If there's a word or sentence you find interesting, write it down so that you can practice using it in your own conversations.

5. Expand your vocabulary

It’s always a good idea to learn vocabulary that is common. For you especially, learning vocabulary in Retail is extra important. Individuals with rich vocabulary can express their feelings and thoughts appropriately, as well as fully and correctly understanding what they watch, listen and read.




Down below you will find a video about how you can improve your listening skills even more!


After you finished watching the video, do the exercises and listen to the audio recording to practise!



Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Audio Recording - Facts about the human body:


While listening to the recording, choose the best option to complete these sentences


Audio Recording - Computer Sales:

Final assignment

Now that you have almost finished the arrangement and practised with your listening skills, it's time to watch a movie! Yes, you read that correctly :)  Click on the link below to do the final assignment.


P.S. Do not forget to upload the completed final assignment in Teams!

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