Naginata Beginner's Guide

Naginata Beginner's Guide



My name is Charlotte and I have been doing Naginata for a few years now. Unlike any other sports I know, Naginata has a lot of theory. This could scare a lot of new people from doing Naginata, which is a shame, because Naginata is such a beautiful practice! That is why I have developed this guide to make (the theory of) Naginata much more accessible for beginners. As an Educational Scientist, I have applied my knowledge and skills about Instructional Design to create this online module.

The theory in this beginner’s guide is focused on the theoretical part of the Dutch 6th, 5th and 4th kyu grade exams. (You can find all the requirements of these exams here.) Because of this specific focus, it does not cover all theory within Naginata or cover all the theory of the beginner’s exams from other countries. Though, it may cover some aspects and contain some useful information and exercises, but please check the actual requirements of the exam you will partake in!

For this guide, I have used multiple sources, but especially Alex Bennet’s (2016) handbook ‘Naginata: History and Practice’ and my (or other’s) experience within Naginata. If you want more information on Naginata, I recommend you to use (or purchase) Bennet’s handbook or to participate at (international) Naginata seminars. That way, you also support the European Naginata Federation (ENF) and International Naginata Federation (INF)!

If you have any feedback or remarks on this beginner’s guide, please send a mail to here. Because this is a voluntary and unofficial project, I might not respond as quickly as you may expect, but I appreciate all feedback!

I would like to thank everyone who has helped me in this project! But I especially want to thank you for using my guidebook! Good luck with studying!


Het arrangement Naginata Beginner's Guide is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

Nederlandse Naginata Renmei Je moet eerst inloggen om feedback aan de auteur te kunnen geven.
Laatst gewijzigd
2023-01-29 15:57:26

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  • het werk te delen - te kopiëren, te verspreiden en door te geven via elk medium of bestandsformaat
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Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

This guide is for people who have just started doing Naginata. It contains theory that is relevant for the Dutch 6th, 5th and 4th grade kyu exam.


Bron Type
Folding the hakama
Uchikeashi (2:20-2:53)
Uchikomi-geiko (0:20-0:55)


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Oefeningen en toetsen

Exercises 'dojo'

Exercises 'roles'

Exercises 'bowing'

Exercises 'etiquette'

Exercises 'naginata parts'

Exercices 'bogu parts'

Exercices 'equipment'

Exercises Individual exercises

Exercises Partner exercises

Exercises Other

Exercises Exercises

Test 6th kyu

Test 5th kyu (without 6th kyu questions)

Test 5th kyu (with 6th kyu questions)

Test 4th kyu (without 5th and 6th kyu questions)

Test 4th kyu (with 5th and 6th kyu questions)

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