2HAT - Dutch Revolt - 2021

2HAT - Dutch Revolt - 2021


Dear students,

The Dutch Revolt, also known as the Eighty Years' War, is a very important moment in our Dutch history. During this time the Low Countries became independent from the Spanish crown, becoming an independent republic. The economy flourished, moving into the so called 'Golden Age'. But what exactly happened in this time of war in the the sixteenth and seventeenth century?

Your teacher will first introduce this topic during the lessons. You will get to know the most influential historical figures of that time and you will learn why the Dutch Revolt started. The most important events will be introduced as well. After those lessons you will start with this assignment. First you will conduct some research about one of the events. This work will be done in pairs.

You will have 4 to 5 lessons and homework time to work on this assignment before you have to hand in your final product in Google Classroom.

You will create and work in the Google Docs file with the title: The Dutch revolt - the name of your class - your name


Our tips before you start this assignment?

- Always write down the sources you have used (source annotation);

- Write your texts in your own words;

- Check regulary with your teacher if your choices are well considered and if your progress is sufficient.

Have fun, good luck and 'break a leg'!


Ms. De Goede

Ms. Heesbeen




Step 1: event


1) WHO?

You and a classmate

2) WHAT?

a) Use the list of events provided by your teacher.

b) Choose one event to describe in more detail. (Teacher will eventually divide the topics)

3) WHY? (learning goals):

You can explain an event from the Dutch revolt from different points of view (the different sides in the conflict of the Dutch Revolt).

4) HOW?

a) CHOOSE an event and CHECK with your teacher is your choice is OK.

b) SEARCH for information about the following topics: (WRITE IN YOUR OWN WORDS)

        - When did your event take place? (date, year)

        - Where did your event take place? (location)

        - Who were involved? (Which groups of people, which leaders, etc.)

        - Why did your event take place? (Underlying causes, direct cause)

        - What happened? (description)

c) Tips: use keywords / use more than one source / maybe use 'history for kids' / be aware of who and when your source was written.

d) Work in the 'Dutch Revolt' Google workdocument you have been working in all this time.

e) Make sure that you describe the event from different points of view. For example: Philip II might experience things differently compared to his halfsister Margaret of Parma.

f) Use source ANNOTATION (Teacher will share information about this.)

Step 2: profile


1) WHO?

You and a classmate

2) WHAT?

Create two different profiles related to the event you discussed in step 1.

3) WHY? (learning goals):

You can describe how different people experienced the Revolt in different ways and why.

4) HOW?

a) You both choose one person for whom you will create a profile. Make sure these persons (or characters) are on opposite sides of each other in the conflict or event you described in step 1.

b) The profile is made in the 'Dutch Revolt' workdocument in Google Classroom.

c) Both profiles describe the general and personal information of an important historical figure or group who were involved in your chosen/given event.

d) If you are not sure you have chosen and divided the profiles correctly, please CHECK with your teacher.

Step 3: final product and presentation


1) WHO?

You and a classmate

2) WHAT?

Use the information from step 1 and 2 to create a final product which you will present in class.

3) WHY? (learning goals):

You can create a product of your own choosing and present this to your classmates.

4) HOW?

  a) Choose WHAT you want to do. What are you going to make/create?

  b) Some ideas:

      - Movie  (iMovie, animation, etc.)

      - Presentation (Keynote, Prezi, etc.)

      - Comic / Cartoon

      - Diary

      - (Role)play

      - Interview

      - Newspaper

  c) CHECK with your teacher if your idea is suitable for this assignment.

  d) Aim of your product should be to give an overview of all the information you have. (step 1 and 2)


1) HAND IN your own and personal 'Dutch Revolt' Google Document and your final product in Google Classroom.

2) PRESENT your final product in class. Your teacher will decide the order of the presentations.


Your teacher will grade your work and final product within ten working days after the presentation.





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    Dutch Revolt

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    Heesbeen, Tessa. (2021).

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