Thema Crime and justice - hv3

Thema Crime and justice - hv3

Crime and justice


Welcome to the next theme of English
This theme is about Crime and justice.

How are you going to practise?
You are going to practise your English writing, reading, listening and
speaking skills.

What are you going to do?
You are going to read, listen, speak and write about 'Crime and justice'.
There are different types of assignments. Some of them you have to do on your own, others you are doing in a group.

At the end of those group assignments you are going to discuss the answers in your group. Some assignment will be checked by the computer.

What about you?
Have you ever been a victim of crime?
Did you ever witnessed a crime?
Think about words you know about Crime and Justice.
Write 10 words in your notebook.


Have fun!

Need to know

What do you need to know?
Read the questions. Form groups of three or four.
In your group, select as many questions as there are members in your group.
Discuss these questions. Select one question you all think is interesting.
Present, as a group, the results of your discussion to your class mates.
Answer, as good as you can, questions of your class mates.
When listening to other presentations, listen carefully and think of questions or things you did not understand.

Choose from the following questions.

  1. Are there any places you are afraid to visit because of the high crime rate? If so, where?
  2. Are there problems with drugs where you live?
  3. Are you apprehensive about walking outside after dark?
  4. Do you believe that public executions would deter crime? If so, how?
  5. Do you know anyone who has been mugged?
  6. Do you know someone who has been a victim of a violent crime?
  7. Do you think people who use illegal drugs should be put in jail?
  8. Do you think policemen should be allowed to carry guns?
  9. Do you think that punishment for violent crimes should be the same for juveniles and adults? Why/why not?
  10. Do you think that the death penalty would prevent crime in your country? Why or why not?
  11. Do you think that the legalization of narcotics would decrease the crime rate?
  12. Do you think there are any legal drugs that should be illegal?
  13. Do you think your country is a safe place to live? Why or why not?
  14. Do you walk alone at night in your home city?
  15. Does prison help rehabilitate criminals? Should it?
  16. Have you ever done anything illegal? If so, what did you do?
  17. Is it ever O.K. to break the law? If so, when?
  18. Is prison an effective punishment? Why or why not?
  19. Is there a problem with organized crime and/or gangs where you live?
  20. Is your hometown considered safe?
  21. Under what situations would you think of committing a crime?
  22. What are some things people can do to protect themselves from crime?
  23. What are some things that are legal that you personally think should be illegal? And reverse?
  24. What would you do if you heard a burglar in your house?
  25. Do you think graffiti is vandalism or art?
  26. If your friend has committed a serious crime, how would you act?
  27. Do you agree that everything that is not prohibited by law is allowed? Why?
  28. Is downloading music or videos a crime?
  29. What is the difference between crime and sin?


Can do

In this theme you will focus on the following 'can do' statements.


  • You can listen to people talking about young criminals.
    You can understand this when people speak slowly and clearly.
    You can understand simple messages or sound fragments (radio, television, song) that have to do with the theme 'Crime and justice'.
  • You can follow the main lines of discussions about violence en punishment.


  • You can understand texts or stories when the words in the theme 'Crime and justice' are used.
  • You can skim short texts and find relevant facts and information.


  • You can participate in a conversation about 'Crime and justice'.
    Your classmate speaks quite slowly. He or she repeats the sentences every now and then.
    Your classmate helps you to formulate what you are trying to say.
  • You can ask and answer questions related to 'Crime and justice'.
  • You can use phrases and phrases related to 'Crime and justice' to express your preference and opinion.
  • You can have a discussion about victims.


  • You can write an article by making use of the words related to 'Crime and justice'.
    You can write a very simple personal letter and an e-mail message regarding 'Crime and justice'.

To do

Aan de slag!

Lesson Title Activities
1 Young criminals The subject of this lesson is youth crime.
You can understand a text about youth crime and answer questions about it.
You can understand an interview about burglary.
You can write about the problems of graffiti.
Grammar: passive voice.
2 Violence The subject of this lesson is violence.
You can understand a conversation about crime and answer questions about it.
You can discuss and write about prison.
3 Punishment The subject of this lesson is causes of and justice for crime.
You can understand a text about changing the law and answer questions about it.
You can understand and use vocabulary about punishment.
You can have a discussion about justice.
4 Victims The subject of this lesson is victims of robbery and arson.
You can understand text about arson attacks and use vocabulary about arson.
You can write about suitable punishment.
Grammar: passive voice.


Below are the four lessons that belong to this topic.
Make your choice.

Blok 1

Young criminals

Blok 2


Blok 3


Blok 4



Vocabulary Crime

Here you can find the vocabulary lists with sentences (chunks) that accompany this theme.
These lists will also be used in the diagnostic test. Talk to your teacher about when you will learn these lists.

Vocabulary - 1 Vocabulary - 4
Vocabulary - 2 Vocabulary - 5
Vocabulary - 3  








There are many ways to study vocabulary. You can read the words aloud or copy them.
Click in StudioWozzol on the red arrow for the options.

Finishing touch

You have completed the lessons of this theme.
Time for the Finishing touch.

Work with a classmate.

Good luck.


Project A - Listening

In the middle of the night

You are going to listen to a song by Madness.
Before you start listening, read the questions. 
After you have answered the questions, listen to the song again and check your answers.

  1. Wat is het beroep van George?
  2. Hoe oud is George?
  3. Wat doet George 's nachts?
  4. Waarom is de kiosk dicht?
  5. Wat staat er in de krant?

Watch the video:

The trial

You're going to watch and listen to The trial of the album The wall by Pink Floyd.
First read the questions, after that watch the video and answer the questions.

  1. Waarvoor wordt de gevangene veroordeeld?
  2. Wat zegt de leraar?
  3. Waar beschuldigt zijn moeder hem van?
  4. Wat is het vonnis?

Watch the video:

Kijk in onderstaande tabel of je bovenstaande punten voor jezelf zou beoordelen als goed, voldoende of onvoldoende.







Je kunt je volledig concentreren.

Je kunt  de hele opdracht aandachtig luisteren.


Je vindt het lastig om je volledig te concentreren.

Maar het grootste deel van de opdracht kun je aandachtig luisteren.

Je kunt je niet goed concentreren.

Je bent tijdens de opdracht snel afgeleid.



Je kunt de tekst goed begrijpen. Vrijwel alle woorden heb je wel herkend.

Je begrijpt de vragen goed en kunt alle vragen beantwoorden.


Je kunt de tekst vrij goed begrijpen. De meeste woorden heb je ook wel herkend.

Je begrijpt de vragen goed en kunt de meeste vragen beantwoorden.


Doordat je veel woorden niet herkent, kun je de tekst niet goed begrijpen.

Je begrijpt de vragen niet heel goed. Daardoor kun je niet alle vragen goed beantwoorden.

Luisteren naar details.

Je kunt alle details uit de gesproken tekst begrijpen.

Alle specifieke informatie en details kun je in je gebruiken in je antwoorden.

Je kunt de meeste details uit de gesproken tekst begrijpen.  

De meeste specifieke informatie en details kun je in je gebruiken in je antwoorden.

Je begrijpt niet veel details uit de gesproken tekst.

Je kunt  specifieke informatie daardoor niet goed gebruiken in je antwoorden.

Project B - Speaking


Below are questions about the prison.
You're going to discuss these questions with a classmate.

Why do you think we put people in jail?

  1. Is it to reform them?
    Is prison an effective punishment? Why or why not?
    Does it reform them or make them worse?
    Do people come out of jail better people?

  2. Is it to keep dangerous people away from society?
    How can you tell when a person is ‘safe’ to release?
    Does that mean that many people should never be released from jail?

  3. Is it simply a method of obtaining revenge?
    Is it because criminals ‘deserve’ punishment?
    Is revenge a good basis for a social institution?

  4. What's your opinion about the death penalty?
    Do you think that the death penalty would prevent crime in your country? Why (not)?

  • Discuss the questions with a classmate.
  • Start with question 1 and let your classmate give his or her opinion. After that, it is your turn.
  • Listen carefully to each other.
  • Try to respond to what your classmate has said.
  • Do you agree with him or her?
  • Do the same with the other questions.
  • And needless to say, speak English!


Je hebt het goed gedaan als je:

  • de juiste woorden wist;
  • wist hoe je antwoord moest geven;
  • goed hebt geluisterd naar je klasgenoot;
  • duidelijk sprak;
  • iedereen je begrepen heeft;

Kijk in onderstaande tabel of je bovenstaande punten voor jezelf zou beoordelen als goed, voldoende of onvoldoende.






De juiste woorden kennen en gebruiken

Ik kan alle eenvoudige woorden gebruiken om antwoord op de vragen te geven.

Ik kan de meest noodzakelijke woorden gebruiken om me antwoord op de vragen te geven.

Ik kan de meest eenvoudige woorden nog niet gebruiken om antwoord op de vragen te geven.


Grammatica – zinnen maken

Ik kan alle geleerde grammatica gebruiken in eenvoudige zinnetjes.

Ik kan de meeste, maar nog niet alle grammatica gebruiken in eenvoudige zinnetjes.

Ik kan de geleerde zinnen niet formuleren, maar gebruik losse woorden zonder zinsverband.


Duidelijk -vloeiend spreken

Ik praat bijna zonder aarzelingen vlot door.

Ik praat redelijk vlot door,  met af en toe een aarzeling.

Ik praat met te veel pauzes en aarzelingen en zonder intonatie.



De uitspraak van wat ik geleerd heb klinkt met wat moeite verstaanbaar voor mijn klasgenoot.

De uitspraak van wat ik geleerd heb klinkt redelijk verstaanbaar voor mijn klasgenoot.

De uitspraak van wat ik geleerd heb klinkt niet verstaanbaar genoeg voor mijn klasgenoot.


Overbrengen van de boodschap

Ik kan anderen zonder veel moeite duidelijk maken wat ik bedoel en wat ik wil.
Ik kan ook goed reageren op wat mijn klasgenoot heeft verteld.

Ik kan anderen met wat moeite duidelijk maken wat ik bedoel.
Ik vind het lastig om te reageren op wat mijn klasgenoot heeft verteld.

Ik kan anderen niet duidelijk maken wat ik bedoel.
Reageren op wat mijn klasgenoot heeft verteld kan ik niet goed.


Bespreek jouw beoordeling van jezelf met je klasgenoot.
Is hij/zij het eens met de beoordeling die jij jezelf hebt gegeven?
Bespreek nu de beoordeling van je klasgenoot.

Project C - Writing

The journalist

In this writing assignment you're going to give your opinion on the new anti-crime program:
Report on the new anti-crime programme.

  • First read the text below.
  • Do the writing assignment: a report.
  • You can read what the assignment is below.
  • Choose one of the two themes.

You are a journalist writing a report on the new American anti-crime programme.
You can choose one of the following themes.

  1. You start your report with an introduction about the new anti-crime programme. What is it about? What is the aim? Who was it conveyed for? You can make use of the following words: innovative, anti-crime, discourage, persistent, petty, aim, responsibility, respect, scare, straight, mind-jolting, brutal, Georgia State's Boot Camp, ordeal, humiliation, correctional officer, pour forth, torrent, abuse, threat, insult.
  2. From a fellow reporter you receive information on the case of Cynthia McLendon. You have to include her case in your report too. Write some lines with the help of the following keywords: housewife, fondness, marijuana, forced, post-mortem, decomposing, corpse, blankets, reveal, victim, crack, addict, stab to death, pathologist, faint, carry out, fresh air.


MICHAEL HILL’S face is tense with fear as he lowers himself into the electric chair. The only sound is the xhirring of the generator which sends a 2,000-volt shock through the bodies of those whose time on Death Row runs out. In front of him are two witnesses, brown paper sick-bags within easy reach on the church-pew seating. A single shaft of light filters through the death house at Georgia State Prison - the last ray of God’s sunshine that ever falls on the condemned.

For the first time in his life, Michael’s cocky, streetwise facade has vanished. He is no murderer. His only crime was to quench his thirst with a few cold beers on a hot Georgia night - at 18, he is too young to drink in America. No one is going to throw the switch to send him to his death. He is there in the chair as part of an innovative anti-crime programme now being used to discourage persistent petty offenders in the United States.

The aim is to scare them straight. The message is simple: This is what awaits you unless you are willing to change.
One hundred miles away, 42-year-old housewife Cynthia McLendon is paying for her fondness for smoking marijuana.
She is being forced to witness the post-mortem of a murdered prostitute. The decomposing corpse has been lying for four days wrapping in blankets in a car. Close examination reveals the victim was a crack addict, stabbed to death by a customer whose dollars she needed to fuel her addiction.
Cynthia gets as far as seeing the pathologist saw open the dead woman’s skull. There she faints and has to be carried out into the fresh air.

Both Cynthia and Michael Hill are one step away from state prison. The Conditional discharge Programme (CDP) in their home town of Columbus is giving them this bizarre last chance.


  • Write your report now.
    You will find more information on how to make a report in the 'Gereedschapskist activerende werkvormen' below.
  • Let a classmate read what you have written and comment on each other's work.
  • Correct your report and help each other.
  • Rate yourself on the basis of the table at the bottom of this assignment.
  • Hand in your final result to your teacher. 

Verslag schrijven

Een verslag is een goede manier om een onderzoek te beschrijven dat je hebt uitgevoerd.        


Beoordeling van de taak
Je hebt het goed gedaan als je in de volgende tabel de onderdelen met goed of voldoende kunt beantwoorden.






De informatie die ik heb gebruikt is relevant. Ik heb veel van de genoemde woorden in de opdrachten gebruikt.

Ik kan de tekst die ik heb geschreven goed organiseren in het verslag.

De informatie die ik heb gebruikt is meestal relevant. Ik heb een paar van de genoemde woorden in de opdrachten gebruikt.

Ik kan de tekst die ik heb geschreven redelijk organiseren in het verslag.

Ik vind het lastig om te bepalen wat relevante informatie is om te gebruiken in het verslag.

De genoemde woorden in de opdrachten vind ik lastig om te gebruiken.

Ik kan de tekst die ik heb geschreven niet goed organiseren in het verslag.


Ik heb de woorden correct gebruikt.


Ik kan de meeste woorden goed gebruiken.

Ik kan de woorden niet goed gebruiken.


Ik kan de volgende onderdelen goed gebruiken/toepassen:

  • basis zinnen

  • woordvolgorde

  • voornaamwoorden en voorzetsels

Ik maak weinig tot geen schrijffouten.

Ik kan de volgende onderdelen redelijk goed gebruiken/toepassen:

  • basis zinnen

  • woordvolgorde

  • voornaamwoorden en voorzetsels

Ik maak nog wel een paar schrijffouten.

Ik kan de volgende onderdelen niet goed gebruiken/toepassen:

  • basis zinnen

  • woordvolgorde

  • voornaamwoorden en voorzetsels

Ik maak nog best veel schrijffouten.

Oefenprogramma Engels

Teenage hackers
Als je school deelneemt aan VO-content kun je oefenen met het oefenprogramma Engels.
Hieronder een onderdeel uit dit programma. Dit onderdeel sluit mooi aan op dit thema 'Crime and justice'.
Log in met je School Entree-account!

Teenage hackers

Op kun je natuurlijk ook verder oefenen
met andere lees-, luister- of kijkopdrachten!


Test je kennis. Maak de diagnostische toets.

What did you learn?

You started this theme you with a test in the section Need to know.

  • Do this test again.
  • Are your results better than the first time?

At the end of each double period you answered evaluation questions. Use these answers to answer the following questions:

  • What new things did you learn?
  • Which assignment was the best one to learn from?
  • Are you able to do what you have to do?
  • How did you get on doing the assignments?

In the introduction of each double period there is an indication of the amount of time you need to do the activity.

  • What do you think of this timing?

Group work

  • What do you think of working in a group?
  • Did every group member do the same amount of work?


  • What did you think of the project?
  • Het arrangement Thema Crime and justice - hv3 is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

    Laatst gewijzigd
    2024-05-27 10:56:37

    Dit lesmateriaal is gepubliceerd onder de Creative Commons Naamsvermelding-GelijkDelen 4.0 Internationale licentie. Dit houdt in dat je onder de voorwaarde van naamsvermelding en publicatie onder dezelfde licentie vrij bent om:

    • het werk te delen - te kopiëren, te verspreiden en door te geven via elk medium of bestandsformaat
    • het werk te bewerken - te remixen, te veranderen en afgeleide werken te maken
    • voor alle doeleinden, inclusief commerciële doeleinden.

    Meer informatie over de CC Naamsvermelding-GelijkDelen 4.0 Internationale licentie.

    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Dit thema valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollecties voor Engels voor vmbo kgt, leerjaar 3 en 4. Dit is thema 3 'Crime and justice'. Het thema omvat de volgende onderwerpen: Young criminals, Violence, Punishment en Victims. In de grammaticaopdrachten wordt er geoefend met 'the passive' (lijdende vorm).
    HAVO 3; VWO 3;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    9 uur en 30 minuten
    arrangeerbaar, crime and justice, engels, hv3, passive voice, punishment, stercollectie, victims, violence, young criminals

    Gebruikte Wikiwijs Arrangementen

    VO-content - Toetsen. (z.d.).

    Engels Eindtoetsen vmbo-kgt34

    VO-content Engels. (2019).

    Thema Crime and justice- kgt34

    VO-content Engels. (z.d.).

    Thema TEMPLATE - hv123