Do you ever go out? And what do you like to do in your spare time? Let's see what we can find out about spending your spare time! In this lessonseries we will explore 4 different areas:
You will learn new strategies for reading, practice a lot and revise reading strategies and tips & rules for writing an email. Also, we will cover the basic grammar to make sure your email works.
Besides all this, you will learn new vocabulary according to the themes above, to help you understand texts and help you write the email.
Good luck!
Going Out - Cinema
task 1 Listening
Do you like going to the cinema? Have you ever gone all by yourself? Watch and see why this is actually quite fun!
Task: Single ticket
Watch the following video. Write down as many reasons why you should go to the cinema by yourself. Your teacher will tell you where to hand in your answers.
Task: Going to the cinema
Ready? Watch the video on this website and do the multiple choice assignment:
When finished, go to do at least 1 test. See if you can use your knowledge on signalwords.
Task 8B Reading - Paragraphs
Also, you are going to learn about paragraphs and how to use them to your advantage. Go to the reading lesson and choose 'paragraphs' on the left. Read what you have to do. Now open the text.
- check out the video on how to write an email to freshen up on your knowledge if necessary!
Task 16 Speaking - organising things
Situatie: je bent in Canada op stay abroad. Je gaat picknicken met een een aantal andere vrijwilligers, Christina and Vincent. Vincent wil de organisatie met je bespreken:
Werk in drietallen of viertallen:
verdeel de rollen:
Native is een Vincent, een Engelssprekende stay abroad-collega die samen met jou en Christina wil picknicken. Deze rol leest zijn/haar tekst voor.
You bekijk de opdracht. Gebruik de words to help om de opdracht zo goed mogelijk uit te voeren.
Feedback gebruik de rubric om degene die de opdracht uitvoert (rol 'you') te beoordelen.
Wissel van rol. Zorg ervoor dat iedereen ten minste 1x alle rollen heeft gehad
First, have a good look at the words to help:
ik denk dat het een goed idee is als Christina borden, glazen, vorken, messen en bekers mee zou nemen.
I think it is a good idea if Christina could bring plates, glasses, forks, knives and cups.
Heb jij aan een kleed gedacht?
Did you think of bringing a picnic-rug?
Ik neem stokbrood mee en wat kaas.
I will bring french bread and some cheese.
Neem jij wat fruit mee, zoals appels, sinaasappels en bananen?
Could you bring some fruit, like apples, oranges and bananas?
Als het te koud is, ga ik liever een andere keer.
If it's too cold, I take a raincheck!
Waar spreken we af?
where are we meeting up?
Christina is maandag rond half 5 klaar met haar dienst.
Christina's shift is over around half (past) 4 on Mondays.
Ik heb er zin in!
I look forward to it!
tot morgen, dan.
See you tomorrow then!
Ik heb een goed plan!
I have an excellent plan!
heb jij enig idee wat voor weer het wordt?
Do you have any idea what the weather will be like?
Input native: Hey, have you thought about this picnic with you me and Christina?
You: vertel dat je een goed plan hebt.Vertel wat jij allemaal mee zal nemen: brood en kaas.
Input Native: Oh, good! I am really bad at organising these things. So, what's the plan?
You: vertel dat je denkt dat het een goed idee is als hij borden, vorken, messen en bekers meeneemt.
Input Native: Okay, I can do that! Anything else?
You: vraag of hij aan een picknick-kleed heeft gedacht.
Input Native: Shoot! No, I totally forgot. But don't worry, I know Christina has one. I will ask her to bring it along.
You: vraag of hij enig idee heeft wat voor weer het wordt.
Input Native: I don't think it's very likely to rain, but it may b a bit chilly though.
You: vertel dat als het te koud is, je het liever verzet.
Input Native: Perhaps you are right. But let's decide tomorrow. What time are we going?
You: Vertel dat Christina om 4 uur klaar is. Vraag waar jullie zullen afspreken.
Input Native: Let's meet in front of the main building. See you tomorrow!
You: Zeg dat je er zin in hebt en groet.
Task 17 Words for Oral Exam
Hier vind je de woordenlijsten die je nodig hebt voor je mondeling examen, je Oral Exam.
Teacher's page
This lessonseries is designed for students in class 4KBL, as preparation for their first PTA Reading & Writing Test. The learning objectives are:
- Expansion knowledge of English-speaking culture/society
- Improvement of Listening by
- Listening Practice (using all kinds of different video fragments)
- Vocabulary Training by:
- Class activities (mainly through speaking & creative activities)
- Independent training through WRTS
- Implemented use of Vocab in Writing Assignment
-Improvement of Reading by
- Reading Strategies & theme-based practice ( Signal Words, Reference Words, Paragraphs)
-Reading Training by
-Improvement of Writing by
- Revising Email conventions
- Grammar (Present Simple vs. Present Continuous, Superlatives, Past Simple vs. Present Perfect.)
- Theme-based practice of e-mail writing
Lesson Plan
this lessonseries is built for 2 classes of 80 minutes each week and takes 4 weeks, followed by a bufferweek in which there's a Test for vocabulary and grammar and to finish things and revise. The 6th week is for the PTA tests: Reading & Writing.
Schedule for Period 2: Going Out
valt uit ivm introductiedagen
readtheory, going out listening 1, Quizlet 1, Grammar 1
readtheory, going out reading 1 & writing 1
readtheory, going out listening 2, Quizlet 2, Grammar 2
readtheory, going out reading 2 & writing 2
recap Quizlet & grammar 1+2
Semi-test quizlet & grammar 1&2
readtheory, going out listening 3, Quizlet + Grammar 3
readtheory, going out listening 4, Quizlet + Grammar 4
Het arrangement Going Out 4BBL 2019-2020 is gemaakt met
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Hanneke Slomp
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2019-09-12 11:58:28
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